Forest & Kingdom Balance (2 page)

Read Forest & Kingdom Balance Online

Authors: Robert Reed Paul Thomas

Tags: #adventure, #fantasy, #kingdom, #princess, #castle, #immortal being

BOOK: Forest & Kingdom Balance
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A slight blush came to her face. “I was a child and
you were a talking frog. What did you expect? Besides, I let you
out. Eventually.”

He wasn’t about to let her get away with that. “My
Lady’s memory may be a bit hazy today, allow me to refresh it. It
took two weeks and every bit of charm I possessed to win my
release. Even then, you made me promise to return often with tales
of the Enchanted Forest.”

“Actually,” she said in a reminiscent tone, “it was
the story of your wife and the three hundred tadpoles going hungry
that got you out. Not that I believed any it of course, you were
too much of a flirt, a rogue and a scoundrel to be husband
material. I could see that even then, but if you went that far you
were getting desperate.”

Knowing discretion to be the better part of valor,
Froggy conceded the point. “Then as now my Princess, you are a kind
and perceptive young woman.”

A mischievous look crossed Dionara’s face,
“Although, I do seem to recall an impression that you quite enjoyed
being held captive in the bedroom of a beautiful young

“Dionara!” He responded in playful indignation.

“Don’t try to deny it my little green flirt.”

Her laughter came often as their ride progressed and
by mid-morning Foil walked slowly through the final turn that
revealed Angel Falls. They were greeted by the sound of falling
water and the serenity of a tree lined lawn that sloped gently to a
crystal clear pool filled with ripples in constant expansion as
water cascaded from a cliff of ancient stone.

“I know this place well,” whispered the Princess,
“and each time I enter, I feel reborn.”

“You feel the power of Angel Falls.” Froggy’s voice
seemed distant and changed, “Many can admire her beauty, but few
can feel her spirit. You my Lady, have depths you have not yet

Dionara dismounted and led Foil to the water’s edge.
“End of the road, Froggy.” She exclaimed as she removed her guest
unceremoniously from the leather sling. “Time for a swim,” and
gently tossed an indignant Froggy into the water.

“Wait!” Was all he could utter before the

Dutiful as always, Dionara attended to all her
guests. She admonished Foil to stay close by, and then removed his
bridle, saddle and bags so that he too could enjoy the comforts of
the glade. Looking back to the water she spied Froggy, once again
composed, settled on a convenient lily pad. “Well, that’s everyone
but me.” She said, satisfied that her chores were done. “Now for my

Comfortably atop his perch, Froggy contemplated the
Princess he saw before him. A statuesque beauty of perfect
proportion wrapped in skin tight, darkly tanned riding leathers,
which she then hastily removed to reveal a darkly and fully tanned
Princess. “I hope my Lady has been a bit more appropriate in her
sunning habits of late.” He commented from a safe distance.

“I know my friend, decorum, always decorum. You
sound more like my councilors every day, but I do so enjoy the sun
and sometimes clothes are just a hindrance.” She gave Froggy a
smile as she tied her hair back. “Besides, I’ve always felt that it
was only fair that my guards know exactly what the were guarding.”
Her last word punctuated by the smallest of ripples as her nude
streamlined form slipped beneath the surface.

“And she calls me a flirt.” Froggy commented to

He watched the Princess turn toward him as she
glided beneath the water.
he mused, resigned to the impending loss of such
a comfy lily pad. Much to his surprise and relief, her head
surfaced just in front of him. Although her impish smile told him
he wasn’t out of the woods yet.

“Froggy you scoundrel, you should have just told me
we were coming to Angel Falls, I would have brought a picnic lunch.
Now we’ll have to go hungry until we’re back at the castle. Unless,
let’s see, I’ve got some flint in my saddlebag. I hear that frog
legs make an excellent appetizer.” Her sinister laugh was
accompanied by an enormous splash as Froggy, his lily pad and
Dionara all sank beneath the water.

On shore once more, Froggy decided to allow the
Princess a few uninterrupted moments to enjoy her swim. A great
deal still awaited her and his thoughts turned to the trials she
was about to face.
“Would she realize her
potential in time to save her Kingdom? Time, time,

Shortly Froggy’s impatience resurfaced, “Princess,
if you stay in the water much longer that delightful body of yours
will start to resemble yours truly.”

Dionara returned to the shore refreshed from her
swim and stretched out on her back to relax. She enjoyed the
feeling of freedom as her skin glistened in the warmth of the sun.
Rapt in the sensations of sun and breeze, her eyelids bowed to the
weight of a perfect day.

“Not now.” She whispered as she felt Froggy land on
her stomach, “We have all day and I want to enjoy the sun for
awhile.” She raised her head briefly to see him stare at her from
between her breasts.

“This is not our destination my Lady, we should be
on our way soon.” He said firmly.

“Ah yes,” she sighed. “The Enchanted Forest, I had
almost forgotten. I’ve been looking forward to hearing you explain
your way out of this one.”

“No excuses my Lady, just adventures. So when you’ve
rested enough we’ll be on our way.”

Dionara raised her head once more and glared at her
long time companion. “I don’t know what kind of game you’re up to,
but there’s no place better than this and I am not moving.”

His eyes shifted from the Princess’ determined gaze
to glance slightly right, then left, as he studied the smooth curve
of her breasts. Once again his eyes met hers. “I must admit my
Lady, that upon closer inspection, I am still at a loss to see what
the young men in your kingdom are making such a fuss about.” He
leapt from her stomach, his wide grin in full view.

“Oh, is that the way it is?” Dionara sprang to her
feet. “Hop quick my tasty little friend, because I do believe that
lunch will be served after all!”

The chase was short but energetic and punctuated by
the occasional random burst of feminine laughter, but in the end
youth triumphed. Dionara took a deep breath while she held Froggy
firmly. “Captured!” She exclaimed. “Any last words, lunch?”

“Well,” he said, calm and collected as always,
“several things actually. First, I apologize for such a rude
comment my Lady, though it did get you up. Second, have I forgotten
to mention that I’ve arranged a luncheon meal for us?”

Dionara chose the far more pressing subject to
continue the verbal joust. “Food? Why didn’t you say so!”

“Indeed, I just did my lady, a sumptuous feast
awaits.” Freed from her loosened grip, Froggy hopped toward Foil’s

“Excellent, then all is forgiven. Let’s eat.”

“If my Lady would be so kind as to gather up Foil
and place her various possessions upon him, we’ll get started.”

She shot him a questioning look. “How far must we
go? I’m so hungry now that I could eat a horse.”

“Please my Lady, the sooner we start, the sooner
we’ll eat and neither you nor Foil need fear, I have no intention
of holding you to your promise.”

She stopped mid-step, “What promise?”

“Our banquet awaits on the other side of the falls
my Lady, at the Forest gate”

Skeptical, but having decided to play along, Dionara
re-saddled Foil and began to dress.

“There will be no need of those my Lady,” he
instructed her. “We will be walking under the falls and your
leathers would fair better in your saddlebags.” Dionara folded and
stowed her clothes as Froggy’s impatience reasserted itself, “Are
we ready my Lady?”

She cinched the saddlebag then bowed in regal
satire. “We are as you requested dear Froggy, I am naked and the
horse is dressed. Anything else?”

Immune to her jibe, he set off toward the falls.
“That will do for now. If you would, please follow me. I suspect
you know the way, it’s a short walk to the ledge that runs behind
the falls.”

The sound of falling water drowned out any answer
Dionara may have had. She followed him to the shallows at the near
side of the pool and on through the falls to the ledge. The shear
rock wall angled back as it reached the pool to create a hidden
walkway unseen from the glade. Memories rich with secrecy and
intrigue filled her, triggered by the cascade of cool spring

“Six, I think.”
She thought
to herself,
“Yes that was it, I was six when I
first found my secret hiding place. It was late morning and I stood
under the falls while everyone’s attention was focused elsewhere. I
kept going deeper and deeper into the falls and then, nothing. I
was looking out. No one knew where I was.”

“Your mother knew.”
Froggy’s gentle voice whispered in her mind.


“I apologize for invading your
privacy my Lady, though it is necessary if you are to join
Startled to say the least, she waited for instructions.
“Princess, take Foil by the bridle and walk along
the ledge, then close your eyes and turn right. It’s that

“I don’t wish to doubt you, but
that is solid rock.”
She thought.

“Trust your instincts my Lady,
they will not fail you.”
Froggy paused,
“Unless of course, I’ve brought the wrong Princess. In which
case your dilemma would be the least of my problems. I would have
to start all over and find the right Princess.”
He added
with a bit of a chuckle.

Infuriated, she closed her eyes, took three long
strides, turned right, and fell flat on her face. The fact that it
was onto the softest lawn she had ever felt didn’t stop her from
feeling foolish. She lain there a moment, and when she opened her
eyes there was Froggy inches from her nose.

“Where are we?” Dionara’s voice sounded weak, even
to her.

Froggy’s small green chin raised while his entire
presence seemed to take on an air of formality. “Princess Dionara,
I welcome you to the Forest, my home. It is my sincere hope that
one day you may come to think of this place and the people here as
your own.”

“The Forest does exist!”
Her mind spun as her senses began to comprehend the many wonders
that surrounded her. Her gaze returned to Froggy as her thoughts
settled and she recognized the formal greeting she had been given.
Assuming her royal persona, she raised herself to a sitting
position, leaned forward and placed a hand on the ground, palm

Froggy marched onto her palm with all the pomp and
formality a frog could muster. She raised him to eye level and
spoke gently with deep respect. “Our dearest Froggy, we thank you
for your generous offer. Since you are not of our realm we cannot
consider you our subject, but we know beyond the shadow of a doubt
that you are our true friend in whom we grant our deepest

“Thank you my Lady” Froggy answered with great
dignity. He then hopped to the ground as the Princess stood up and
brushed grass off her wet skin.

“Now that the formalities are concluded, would you
mind if I one, get dressed and two, get fed? You did promise me

“It is nice to see that some things never change, no
matter what.” Froggy mused, quietly.

Looking around for the first time, Dionara began to
realize just where she was. Awestruck by the sight, her senses were
filled with the colors, textures and fragrances of a world that was
both brilliant and subtle. She and Foil seemed somehow incomplete,
faded within this vibrant world pulsating with life. Her gaze
followed rolling meadows that lead to magnificent forests. In the
distance, white-capped mountains bordered an azure sky. She took a
deep breath as her heart raced and she felt her very soul take
flight, even Froggy had taken on a surrealistic quality.

“Enjoy the moment Princess,” she heard his voice, as
if from a distance. “It is a memory you will always cherish.”

“Froggy, it’s so beautiful.” She whispered.

“If I may my Lady, now that I have your attention
could I interest you in those minor conveniences of food and
clothing that seemed to so concern you a moment ago.” He turned in
the direction of a nearby hedgerow. “Catherine, would you join us

Dionara looked in the direction of Froggy’s call to
see a woman appear from an archway in the hedge. Her chestnut hair,
interwoven with pastel flowers, fell softly to her shoulders to
accent her delicate features. She wore a white, low waisted dress,
embroidered with intricate patterns.

“May I introduce Catherine, my Lady.”

Catherine lowered to one knee and bowed her head,
“Welcome to our home my Princess.”

“What an enchanting voice,”
Dionara thought. Her observation did not impede the rebellious
frustration that began to surface at Catherine’s reminder of her
station. “Please, do not kneel.” She said. Then turned to Froggy,
“I have neither court nor responsibilities here, why are you doing
this?” Her attention returned to Catherine, “Are you ever going to
get up?”

“Yes my Princess.” Catherine responded immediately
to the irritation in the Princess’ voice and rose to her feet.

Dionara quickly gathered her wits and regretted the
outburst. In a tone more suited for a friend than a servant, she
tried to make amends. “Catherine, would you happen to know where a
nude, disheveled Princess might find a place to freshen up?”

“Why yes my Lady.” Catherine seemed to define
confident serenity, “Right this way. I have everything ready for

As the Princess turned to follow, she noticed two
white marble pillars about fifteen feet apart. They looked
familiar, though the mist that stretched between them was a bit
unusual. “Froggy, are those from the castle?” Pointing to the
pillars, “and what is that mist?”

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