
Read Foreplay Online

Authors: Marteeka Karland

Tags: #Romance, #btp, #marteeka karland, #menage a trois, #threesome, #Erotica

BOOK: Foreplay
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2nd edition

Copyright © 2010 by Marteeka Karland

All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or

shared in any form, including but not limited to: printing,

photocopying, faxing, recording, electronic transmission, or by

any information storage or retrieval system without prior

written permission from the authors or holders of the


This book is a work of fiction. References may be made to

locations and historical events; however, names, characters,

places and incidents are the products of the author‟s

imagination and/or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to

actual persons (living or dead), businesses, events or locales is

either used fictitiously or coincidental. All trademarks, service

marks, registered trademarks, and registered service marks are

the property of their respective owners and are used herein for

identification purposes only.

Published by

Beautiful Trouble Publishing, LLC

PO Box 61

Colfax, NC 27235

Cover Art: Les Byerley

Editor: Novellette Whyte

Proofreader: Lisa English

Formatter: Savannah J. Friers

E-book Conversion: Jim & Zetta

ISBN: (eBook) 978-1-61788-081-0; (print) 978-1-61788-076-6

Rarely ever do I put a dedication in a book. It‟s not

that there aren‟t people I‟m grateful to, it‟s just that I

normally work alone. Cause I‟m a bit of a control

freak. I don‟t generally play well with others.


I have no choice but to dedicate to Jeanie and Jayha

and Shara. These women let me by with NOTHING.

They‟re the pickiest, most infuriating, frustrating, and

most completely wonderful women I‟ve ever met and I

love all of them. Because of all three of these ladies,

I‟ve grown, not only in my art, but my writing as well. I

hope they know how much I appreciate everything

they‟ve done for me over the last several months. You

guys will always have a special place in my heart.

Here‟s to more of those wonderfully „roided up hunks!!

—Marteeka Karland


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This work of erotica contains adult language

and sexually explicit scenes, which are smoking

hot. This book is intended only for adults, as it

is defined by the laws of the country in which

the purchase is made. Keep this book out of the

hands of under-aged readers.


Nothing irritated Lilly more than when people

fucked with her charts. It was already hard enough to

read the handwriting of doctors who thought they

were the shit. Having to search through a ton of

papers (that she‟d painstakingly organized not even

thirty minutes before) was just completely

unacceptable. Not to mention disrespectful.

She had her degree as a medical office assistant,

which took the same two years most nurses trained.

The physicians had several more years on her, but

most of those didn‟t have near the experience in their

field that she did in hers. After fifteen years in almost

every area of health care, she could run any office, or

any department nurses‟ station in any hospital, with

tight efficiency—unless someone fucked with her


Annoyed that she couldn‟t cuss out loud, she had

to settle for swearing in her head. Everything had a

fucking place. If everything stayed in its fucking place,

nothing would get fucking lost.

It had to be one of the Drs. Jackson. Twin

brothers, Caleb and Connor, to be precise. They were

always doing something like this. It wasn‟t as if they



it annoyed her. They were simply trying

to get under her skin—and it was definitely working.

Biting her tongue, she looked around for the

culprit. Spying him, she gave him a look that

should‟ve put the man six feet under. Unfortunately,

Dr. Caleb Jackson wasn‟t the least bit scared or

intimidated. And why would he be? He was six feet

nine inches of brawny, heavily muscled, hot man.

Instead of being afraid, he just winked and blew her a

kiss. Lord, his mouth was sexy when he did that! The

things she imagined him doing to her with that


“The evil eye doesn‟t impress me, Miss Lilly, and

I know what you‟re going to say, so don‟t bother.

Besides, I didn‟t mess with all those papers in that

chart.” He jerked a thumb at the man sitting next to

him, who just happened to be his identical twin. “It

was Connor. I swear.”

Connor gave him an irritated glance before

looking past him to the chart she had on her desk,

then back to the chart on his own desk. “Not my

patient, Caleb. Try again.”

“I‟m truly convinced you do it on purpose, Dr.

Jackson.” Lilly sighed and began rearranging all the

papers. Again.

“Which one?” Both men asked the question in




Lilly clenched her fist, crumpling the page she

had in her hand. She
hang on to her temper.

They could
shake her. She was a rock. A rock that

would like to pound
their heads.

“Which is
my point. If you have to ask,

then you‟re guilty. You just love to fuss when

something isn‟t where you can find it, yet you move

stuff around all over the place. Either stop it, or quit

complaining. It‟s that simple.” She knew she was

dressing him down like a general might a junior

officer, but she couldn‟t help it. Sometimes, it just had

to happen.

“You know, Connor, I think she might be serious

this time.”

“Get a life, Caleb, and quit messing with her.

Lilly has more important things to do than clean up

your messes.”

“You‟re as bad as me—you just won‟t admit it.”

“You‟re both horrible!” Lilly placed the chart in

the master rack. No further action was needed at

present, and the nurse could find the chart when she

was ready. “It‟s seven o‟clock, which means that I don‟t

have to take any more of your nonsense this week. I‟m

going home.”

Caleb opened his mouth to say something, no

doubt some kind of smart-assed remark, but Lilly

interrupted him.



“Not a word, or no nookie for you tonight. I‟ll

put out the word you‟re on restriction and no woman

will come within a mile of you.”

That usually shut him up. She always turned the

suggestive banter up when she wanted Caleb to shut

up. Sometimes, she even managed to make him blush.

Unfortunately, he did the same with her and managed

to do more than make her blush. Sometimes, the

images that popped in her head were positively panty-


For good measure, she slapped the back of his

head as she passed by him. No one else could‟ve gotten

away with it, but she wasn‟t just some random

employee, bowing to the wishes of the brothers

Jackson. She was Queen Lilly, ruler of all she

surveyed! Well, ruler of this particular nurse‟s station,

at any rate.

“I‟ll spank you for that later, Lilly.” Caleb‟s eyes

twinkled, and Lilly wished to God Almighty she hadn‟t

looked back at him. The man was too damned sexy for

own good. So was his brother. Both men were

exceedingly tall, but they carried more than enough

muscle to balance their height. Add midnight hair

streaked here and there with a silver strand or two,

along with piercing blue eyes, and they created a

package no woman could resist. Both men had been

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