Force of Nature Series Boxed Set (Books 1 - 4) (9 page)

BOOK: Force of Nature Series Boxed Set (Books 1 - 4)
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A slap couldn’t have sobered her more quickly. She felt the pain of his words rip through her and was suddenly glad he had stopped her. With as much dignity as she could summon, CJ walked to the door and opened it. She could feel the tears fill her eyes and moved away toward her room.

“Lock the door on your way out, please. Have a nice Thanksgiving,” she told him quietly. “And don’t forget your protection when you leave.”



Chapter Eight


Austin stood in the dark kitchen. He didn’t want to leave, and he knew if he left her, he’d never get to come back…she’d make sure of that. He did the only thing he could think of. He put the box of condoms in his jacket pocket and went to her room.

He wasn’t surprised to find the door locked. A simple foot to the lock fixed that issue very nicely. She was standing near the window and turned when he entered. He began unbuttoning his shirt as he spoke.

“You are going to bed now, I take it? I sleep in the nude, but for tonight, just because I’m not going to take advantage of you while you’re inebriated, I will leave on my briefs.” He pulled off his t-shirt after he’d removed his shirt.

“You so are not sleeping in my bed. You just put your shirt back on and get out.” He watched her swallow hard before she continued. “This is not funny, Austin. I mean it, get out.”

“No. After we get a good night’s sleep, you and I are going to my house to have dinner with my family. I think it’s important that you like them, don’t you? I mean, we will be spending the rest of our lives together.”

“I’m not spending any time with you. You are replacing my door too.” She moved toward the bathroom and he pressed her against it when she opened it, slamming it shut again. “Let go of me.”

He rocked his cock against her ass and smiled when she shuddered. “You want me, don’t you, CJ? And don’t lie to me. I can smell your arousal as sweet as perfume.”

“So what? I’m horny. You think you’re the only one who can want to be fucked? I was just on my way out to take care of that when you—”

He jerked her around to face him. “You’ll be careful what you say, CJ. Alphas are an extremely jealous species. And when another male, whether knowing or not, touches what’s his, he will kill them.”

His mouth covered hers. She was hot, her mouth hard beneath his. Shifting her so that the length of her fit against him, Austin felt her respond by degrees. Her body softened and her arms came up around his shoulders. He wanted her, now. Moving her so that he could lift her, he carried her back to the bed. When he glanced to the kitchen, only to see if the door was locked, he spied the bottle of whiskey on the table. Everything in him chilled.

He set her on the floor and pulled her from him. He wouldn’t take her this way…not with the possibility of her not being of sound mind to consent. When she looked up at him, her eyes dark with need, he pushed her further away.

“Austin? What? What is it?” He nearly did take her then. Her voice was so husky he nearly tossed her to the bed and said to hell with morals. But instead, he took another step back.

“No. Not like this…not with half a bottle of whiskey in you. We’ll sleep, then tomorrow, we’ll discuss this.” He turned away from her, away from temptation. 

His cock ached, and he knew she could see how much he wanted her. Moving toward the bathroom, he decided that the best thing he could do was jerk off. Give himself some relief. When he returned, he’d be able to sleep the few hours until they got to his home, and then they’d talk. Yeah, he thought, and monkeys would fly.

He shut the door behind him and leaned on the sink. Turning on the cold water, he rubbed his hand down his cock and thought about what it would feel like buried deep inside of her. The thought of coming deep in her made him groan. Closing his eyes, he released his cock from his shorts. He was just wrapping his fingers tight around himself when the door opened.


CJ nearly turned around and left the tiny bath when she saw what he was doing, but found she couldn’t. She watched as he wrapped his hand around his cock and moved it up and down. She couldn’t help the moan that spilled over her suddenly dry lips.

“You stand there watching me and I’m going to come all over you.” She looked up at his face when he spoke. “Come here, CJ. Help me come.”

She moved toward him even as he took her hand and rubbed it against his shaft. She wrapped her fingers around him as he’d done and squeezed him. He jumped in her hand. When his free hand moved behind her neck and brought her close, she moaned again as she felt his mouth nip at her neck.

“Strip. Take your clothes off and let me taste you. Christ, I want to fuck you with my tongue.” His hands were everywhere. Her clothes were torn from her even as she felt his mouth on her breasts. “Feed me, CJ. Feed me your nipples while I fuck your hand.”

When her breast was free, she lifted it up to his mouth and his teeth sank deep into her nipple, making her cry out. When he turned her around and sat her on the counter, she whimpered when he freed his cock from her hand. But his fingers sliding into her pussy made her forget everything but what he was doing to her.

“I’m going to eat you, suck your pussy until you come in my mouth. Then I’m going to lap every bit of your cum in my mouth, making you come and come again.” 

“Please, Austin. Please.” When he got down onto his knees and pulled her ass forward until her pussy was right on the edge, she watched his head lower to her. “Austin, please, I—”

His tongue entered her. She felt it moved inside, in and out, in and out. When he licked her clit, she threw back her head and lifted up to get him deeper. She wrapped her fingers in his hair and tried to guide him to her clit again, but he wouldn’t.

When he finally took her clit into his mouth and sucked her hard, she screamed out her release. His fingers entered her and again, he touched off another climax, then another. She lay back when he stood, his cock thick and hard before her. 

“Watch me. Watch what I want to do when I come inside of you.” His hand fisted his cock and stroked it once, twice, then a third time before he came. Thick, hot cum jettisoned out from him and onto her belly, breasts, and face. He roared with each release, and when he reached down and pinched her clit, she came again, screaming out his name as he rubbed his cum all over her.

She couldn’t move. She wasn’t even sure she wanted to. CJ opened one eye to look at Austin. He looked like he couldn’t move either. Then he reached into the shower stall and turned on the water. Steam rolled from the curtain as the bathroom heated up. When he stood up from the wall, she didn’t know whether to be frightened or not when he came toward her. But he simply picked her up in his arms and pulled her into the shower with him.

The water was almost too hot at first, but her body soon adjusted to it. When he put her down, CJ leaned against the tile wall and watched as he adjusted the spray toward the wall and not directly on them. When she reached for the bottle of soap, he took it from her and squirted it in the large, poofy sponge he’d taken from around the nozzle. He turned her so that her back was to his chest and began washing her.

“You have such beautiful skin. Soft and smooth, like a silk blanket my mother used to lay on the back of the couch.” Austin rubbed the poof over her breasts and she moaned as he continued. “And your taste. Nothing has ever tasted so delicious to me. As soon as you sell this place and move in with us, I’m going to make it a point to taste you every day.”

It took his words a few seconds to sink in. Sell this place? She wasn’t aware that she’d mentioned wanting to sell. She started to ask him where he’d gotten that idea when he moved on to other things he’d assumed she was going to agree to.

“The rig will have to go. I would hate for it to sit and not let someone get any use of it. I know this guy who can get us a good price for it. I’ll do that after the weekend. The car I like. Did Phil help you with that?” As if she couldn’t make a decision on her own, but before she could tell him she’d purchased that little number herself, he moved on. “We’ll have children right away. That’ll give you something to do when I’m working. I’d hate for you to get bored. My mother had some things she did when we were smaller, but—”

CJ turned in toward him then, having heard enough. She looked up at his smile and wondered what century this man had come from. She took the shampoo from him when it looked like he was going to wash her hair. He tried to take it back, but she shoved him back hard.

“I’m quite capable of washing myself, thanks. And for the record, I picked out the car. Phil wanted the little red one he drives.” She lathered up her hair then rinsed before continuing. “I’m not selling my rig, nor am I having any kids. Not now, maybe not ever. As for—”

“CJ, you can’t be serious. Just let me handle things and you’ll see that I’m right. I’ve been….”

She wondered why he stopped and hoped it had to do with the look she was giving him, because she was giving him the best pissed off look she could manage. Shutting off the water, she stepped out of the tub and grabbed the only towel there. Moving out of the room and into the bedroom, she heard him swear and she smiled, despite how pissed she was. By the time he came out of the bathroom, she was pulling a t-shirt over her head and had her socks and jeans in her hand.

“As for the rest of your assumptions, you, my fine sir, can fuck the hell off,” she told him as she left him to scramble around picking up his clothes. 

The ringing phone had her detour from the living room to the kitchen. She snatched up the phone on the third ring. Without looking at the caller ID, she answered with a snarled, “Hello.”

“Oh dear, he’s gone and done something incredibly stupid, hasn’t he? I’m so sorry, dear. I did try to raise him right.” CJ wasn’t sure who the person was on the other end, but if she was talking about Austin, she couldn’t agree more. “May I speak to Austin, please? It’s his mother.”

Closing her eyes, CJ felt both embarrassment and mortification. Before she could apologize, the bane of her existence right now walked into the room. Austin looked as mad as she felt, but she was sure hers was more justified. Before he could say a word—which, if his look was any indication, was going to be a doozy—she held the phone out to him.

“It’s your mother, or so she claims. Which surprises me on so many levels, because I would have sworn you were shit on a rock in hell and the heat hatched you.” He growled at her before taking the receiver. “Be nice or I think she’ll hurt you.”

CJ left the room as she heard him snarl. She laughed out loud when she heard him change his tone and tune when he listened for a second or two. Grabbing up her coat and keys, she went down through the bar and out of the building toward her car, pulling on the rest of her clothes as she went. 

But she went to her rig instead. It took her only a few minutes to remember how much she’d missed the thing, and she started it up. She was pulling out of the lot when he came tearing out the door from the apartment upstairs. As she drove past him and out of the lot, she blew him a kiss and saluted him with her middle finger.

CJ drove around for an hour before she realized she was crying. It wasn’t long until she found a trucker’s gas stop and pulled in. She was filling up her tank when her phone vibrated in her pocket. She finished pumping then went in to pay before she pulled it out to check. CJ was surprised to see that she’d missed a lot of calls and messages. 

Phil had called eleven times and left messages each time. There were also seventeen text messages from him, and a call from an unknown. She read three of the texts before she paid for her gas and a bottle of pop. She went out and parked in the sleeper area before she read the rest.

The messages were all the same, basically. Each one got a tad terser, but she decided to wait until she’d rested before calling him. She had no doubt that he’d talked to Austin, and had his own opinion about what she should do. CJ tossed her phone on the shelf above her head and settled back to think.

Men sucked. CJ knew that was a bit immature, but she wasn’t feeling very adult right now. The nerve of him telling her to sell her bar and get rid of her rig. She’d made a lot of money off of the latter, and was going to off the bar when she got it up and running. CJ reached for her phone when it vibrated. Unknown again. It was tempting to let it go to voicemail, but she thought it was full. Answering it, she was fully prepared to hang up on Phil or Austin if it was them.

“Miss Webber? It’s Wayne Solomon of Solomon Trucking. I got your name from Preston Xpress. Brice Preston said you were looking to carry a few loads over the holiday season for him, and I was wondering if you could help us out with his deliveries?”

CJ sat up on her bed and moved to her passenger seat up front. “Yes, yes, I can. You want help with the Preston company moving freight? But you should know I have my own rig. I won’t drive someone else’s. If that’s a problem, the—”

“No, no, that’s not a problem. It’s a blessing, as a matter of fact. We have two out now, rigs and men. They took to the Upper Canada and haven’t been able to return yet…snow, don’t you know. I have a load that needs to be in California…well, it should be there by Friday. I know it’s short, but the receiver is willing to give you ‘til Monday if you can, don’t you know.”

Friday. This was Thursday, and she was getting only an extra three days, maybe. She could do it, she supposed, but….  “Can you squeeze me until Wednesday late? I can do it then depending on where I pick up.”

“Sure, and I’ll be asking. You just give me a shake and a wiggle here and I’ll ask.” CJ had no clue what a “shake and wiggle” timeframe was, but waited all the same. Apparently, it wasn’t long because Wayne was right back. “He said he can do that. Needs it, don’t you know. The load is there, in your town at the railway. You get yourself to a faxamachine and I’ll send it right over.”

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