Force of Knight Magic

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Authors: Kathi S Barton

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Force of Knight Magic
Force of Nature Series [3]
Kathi S Barton
World Castle Publishing (2012)

It is preordained that Holly and Phil are to spend their lives together as mates. He's ready but rogue vampires, his knighthood, her brothers and Holly's job are standing in their way. Not to mention Holly herself is resisting the inevitable. His charm and love for her notwithstanding.

Can they overcome all and come together? Can Phil's special abilities keep her from harm?

About the Author

Hello! My name is Kathi Barton and I’m an author. I have been married to my very best friend Sonny for at times seems several lifetimes – in a good way, honey. And together we have three wonderful children and then the ones we brought into the world - Paul and Dale Barton, Jason and Wendy Barton and Danielle and Ben Conklin. They have given us seven of the greatest treasures on Earth. They don’t live at home seven days a week! No, seriously, seven grandchildren – Gavin, Spring, Ben, Trinity, Sarah, Kelly and Kian. Follow Kathi on her blog:



ight Magic

Force of Nature Series

Book 3


Kathi S. Barton

World Castle Publishing

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locations, organizations, or person, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

World Castle Publishing

Pensacola, Florida

Copyright © Kathi S. Barton 2012


First Edition World Castle Publishing October 1, 2012

Licensing Notes

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews.

Cover: Karen Fuller

Photos: Shutterstock

Editor: Brieanna Robertson

Chapter 1


Phil stood outside the hotel room for several minutes before he could work up the nerve to knock. She was going to be upset
more than that
she was going to be pissed at her brother too.
He moved to the door and raised his hand to knock when it was jerked open and there she stood.

Phil Campbell would never be able to see her without his breath catching. She was beautiful, yes
but it was more than that.
Her body, her scent
called to him.
He needed her, needed her with every bone, every cell, hell, every part of his body.
She was his mate, his other half
and they both knew it.
And standing there fresh from what he assumed was a shower
with her bath robe on
made him think that her brother had the right idea in just claiming her.

Holly Force was a werewolf.
Her family, especially her sister-in-law CJ
had been his friend
long before he’d met the entire family.
Phil had known about Holly
but had never thought to approach her as his mate because she was a wolf and he a vampire.
But a long talk with her brother had made him realize that if he didn’t claim her he’d never be happy.

“What the hell are you doing here?”
Before he could answer her
there was a small ding behind him
signaling the elevator coming to a stop on this floor.
Turning to see who got off, he nearly lost his balance when he was suddenly jerked inside the room and the door was closed behind them.

She had him pressed against the wall and
her hand over his mouth before he could begin to understand that she was hiding him.
Her breath on his neck when she leaned in and whispered in his ear to be quiet nearly had him whimper.
But he did reach out and wrap his hand around her waist
, bringing
her flush against him.

“Don’t,” was all she said before he heard someone coming down the hallway. When the person stopped at the door Phil ran his tongue down Holly’s throat to the pulse that was beating fast and took in as much
her scent as he could.

“Tell them to go away,” Phil told her in a whisper when the person knocked.
“Tell them you’re busy and that you’ll talk to them later.”
He nipped at her earlobe
cupped her ass in his hand
and rocked into her before he scraped his teeth along the vein.

“I can’t.
Christ, don’t do that.”
In a louder voice
she spoke to who he thought was on the other side of the door.
“I’m running just a little behind
darling, just give me—

er moan broke free and he had to smile.

Phil didn’t care what she thought she was going to do, but she wasn’t leaving this room until they at least talked.
But with her body pressed against his and his cock hard as stone he figured it would be hours before they even spoke if he had anything to do with it.
He turned her so that she was backed against the wall and he cupped her breast in his hand.

“I want to taste you, Holly.
I want to make love to you right here and anywhere else that—

“I can’t
damn it.”
She pulled away and he let her
he would never force anyone.
“Don’t move.
I have to try and salvage this or I’ll be…damn it
how the hell did you find me anyway?”

Her voice was low, low enough that unless the person on the other side was a supernatural, he’d not hear a word.
Phil was just about to tell her that he was here because he needed her when the person on the other side spoke for the first time.

“Come on
Heather. I know you’re still a mi
pissed at me about last night
but you said that you’d g
me another go.
I’ll not touch you like that again. You have my word on it as a gentleman.”
Phil looked from her to the door.
With a raised brow
he started to the door when he was pressed back against the wall with a knife to his throat.

“Don’t move or so help me
I’ll end you.”
He didn’t move.
Not because he was afraid she’d do it
but because he didn’t want to hurt her.
She was strong
All weres were
but he was stronger and much bigger than her.
She might hurt him
but in the end
he knew that he could take her if need be.
And he was counting on the fact that
as his mate
she really couldn’t do much more than push him around.

Moving the blade from his throat without taking his eyes from hers, he glanced at the door then back at her again.
“Finish this with him then we talk.
I’m your mate and you won’t be going anywhere with him.”

“I will go where I want
when I want and if you think that will ever change because you think you’re my mate then you’re stupider than the guy at the door.”
She moved away and toward the door without another word.
The door opened
but the chain still in place kept him from seeing the stupid person on the other side.
But his voice, his scent
wasn’t anything Phil would ever forget.

“There you are,” the man said
relief in his voice.
“I thought we had a date tonight.
I got reservations at the hotel dining room.
Come on out and let’s eat a hardy dinner.
I have plans tonight.”

Phil walked up beside Holly
not revealing himself to the man at the door.
He could touch her all he wanted and he did so.
Cupping her breast that was hidden from view, Phil leaned down and nuzzled it with his mouth.
Her fingers lacing in his hair was all the warning he got before she yanked his head up hard.

baby, you have to let me get a few things figured out.
You’re a mite early.”
She looked over at Phil and he could see the hatred in her eyes.
Whether for him or the man on the other side
he wasn’t sure
but it didn’t stop him from taking advantage of her distraction.

The kiss was brief and left him wanting more.
He was about to take another nibble of her lower lip when she brought her heel down on his foot.
Staggering back
he decided that if she wanted to play, then he would play too.

Taking her wrist into his hand
he pulled it to his mouth.
He licked the rapid beating pulse before he scraped his fangs over the sensitive area and drew blood.
He knew that this was wrong
but he wanted her in the worst way and tasting her would give him an advantage.
But before he could taste the warmth that trickled from her tiny wound, she jerked free and punched him in the nose.

Are you all right? What’s going on?”
Phil had his hand over his nose and mouth, trying to stop the flow of blood
when he realized that the man was calling her Heather and not Holly.
He pulled her as close as he could and put his mouth to her ear.

“Who is this and what the hell does he want with you?
He isn’t here to see you as a were or he’d know who you were.
What the fuck is going on?”
She lifted his chin up as he finished speaking. She looked pissed
but this time he could tell that it was with the man on the other side of the door.

“I can’t come out tonight.
I have to pack up.
I told you that this morning. But if you want to get a drink at the bar…just give me ten minutes
and I’ll be right down.”
The man on the other side cursed.
“It’s the best I can do.
You had an opportunity last evening
but you went and screwed that up all on you—

“Come on
I need to see you.
I’ve got something to tell you, something that I just gotta tell somebody or I’m gonna bust.”
The man leaned against the door and had Phil ready to attack
but Holly stopped him with a squeeze of her hand on his shoulder and a small shake of her head.
Just one more chance?”

“All right.
Dinner and nothing more.
I do have to catch a plane in the morning and I have to get my beauty rest.”
She smiled at the man at the door before starting to close it.
“I’ll meet you in the bar in ten minutes.”

“You don’t need any more beauty sleep
but I’ll behave.
I promise.
I’ll be waiting for you.
You might wanna change your mind about leaving me after you hear what I have to tell you.”
His voice seemed to move away from the door and Phil knew it when he heard the ding again.
“See you in ten then.”

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