Authors: Frankie Robertson

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He made his tone more conciliatory.

I wanted to talk to you.

Celia continued down the hall until she stood next to him.

I want to talk to you, too.

She gestured at her door.

May I go in?

Dahleven unlatched the door and strode into the room ahead of her, then checked his momentum suddenly. Something, a shadow seen from the corner of his eye, had dashed across the room, disappearing under the bed. He felt Celia’s hand brace on his back as he stopped short, blocking her entrance.


Are you keeping a cat?


Celia’s tone changed from irritated to cautious curiosity.

Why? Did you see something?

Instead of answering, Dahleven stepped forward and bent to peer under the bed.

Did you see it, too?

She followed him, shaking her head slowly.

No. Not this time. But I’ve seen it before. At least I think I’ve seen it. Or almost seen it. What is it?

Dahleven rose and shut the door.

I don’t know. I didn’t see it either.

Celia just looked at him as a smile crept over her face, curling her lips. Then a giggle escaped.

Dahleven grinned, then laughed outright.

When their laughter bubbled off, he pulled her to him and kissed her lightly on the lips.

I’ve missed you.

Celia’s arms encircled his waist.

I’ve missed you, too.

Then she pulled back.

But what was that? Where did it go?

The wonderful feeling of her body pressed against his distracted him.

I don’t know. It’s probably just a cat. Nothing to worry about.

Irritation flashed in her eyes again, turning them gold as she pushed him away.

Don’t patronize me! Have you seen things like this before?

Dahleven nodded.
I should have known she wouldn’t let this go
. He shrugged in resignation. Her courage and determination were two of the many reasons he loved her, after all.

In the last few weeks it’s happened several times. This is the first time I thought it was a cat, though. Usually I catch myself looking up, thinking a bird has just flitted by or landed on a branch behind me.

Does this have something to do with what the Elves did to us?

Again, he nodded.

That would be my guess. I think their minions are watching us.


The Fey are more than one race. Some are greater, some are lesser.

Celia cast a distressed glance around the room.

Why would they be watching us? What do they want?

Dahleven stepped closer and put his hands on her shoulders.

Who knows? The Elves keep their own counsel. But I don’t doubt they have long had spies in every keep in the land, just as we do. We can just see them now, where before we could not.

Almost. See them, that is.

Half a smile twisted her lips.

And there lies the trouble. We must guard against our inclination to startle at what we don’t quite see, and what others cannot see at all. If we’re not careful, we’ll be whispered about. Rumors of that sort are seldom kind and always reach unfriendly ears.

Celia turned worried eyes up to his.

Fine, I can do that. But what about these
? I don’t like the idea of them spying on me, even if the Elves did help us before.

Nor do I.

Dahleven decided not to remind Celia that the Elvish servants spying on them could be of the Dark variety. He gritted his teeth, biting down on his frustration. He had no practical solution, no way of shielding her.

Do you want to move into my rooms?

Unexpectedly, Celia grinned up at him.

Are you sure you didn’t plan this?

Then she sobered.

No. Whatever they are, they’re probably in your rooms, too.

She moved closer and Dahleven automatically put his arms around her.

But I wouldn’t mind if you stayed here tonight.




Ragni’s emotions, tightly controlled in Wirmund’s presence, churned as he left the rooms. He walked unseeing down the long corridor, blinded by a blizzard of thoughts. Servants stepped quickly out of his way as he strode away from the Overprest’s private apartments, his boot heels striking sharp reports on the stone floor.
How could Saeun have been so careless
So misguided
What drove her to to be so foolish

Why didn’t she tell me
? He could have protected her. He would have put a stop to her foolishness before this disaster struck.

Why hadn’t she trusted him? That cut deepest of all.

Who had led her astray? The Daughters of Freya, no doubt. Oh, a few of them were all right, Thora for one, but some of those malcontents would allow, even encourage, any depth of apostasy to further their aims.

Where is she
? He wanted to confront Saeun, to get some answers. He wanted to warn her, but she was surely watched, just as he probably was. And Kaidlin must be told, and the Kon.

Gods, Father
! Ragni didn’t look forward to that conversation.

Was this what Dahl wanted to tell me
How could he have known and done nothing
How could he have given me no warning

Ragni’s hands clenched. It was late. Little time remained before the family would gather to feast with the Tewakwe, but there was time enough. He would
time. Before he talked with Kaidlin and Father, Dahl would explain himself.

He didn’t even bother going to his brother’s rooms. He knew Dahl would be with Celia.




A loud, rapping on the door made Celia jump despite the comfort of nestling against Dahleven’s chest. She felt his arms tighten around her at the urgent sound.
Now what

Dahleven pitched his words to carry through the door.

Go away.

I will not!

Ragni’s voice sounded more commanding than Celia had ever heard it.

Open this door!

Dahleven stiffened.

He’s not used to that tone, not from Ragni. Not from anyone

Ragni sounds upset,

she said.

Dahleven stepped away from her, striding toward the door.


Celia commanded.

Dahleven jerked to a stop as though he’d come to the end of a tether. His lips were tight and his brows lowered over the anger storming in his twilight eyes. She almost thought she saw flashes of lightening in the glowing gray. She didn’t quail; she’d faced his anger before.

Celia stepped forward and put a hand on his arm.

These are
will greet my caller.

She put on her best smile and opened the door.

Ragni! Please come in.

Ragni nodded a stiff bow to her, then strode into the room, every movement rigid with anger. He stopped in front of his brother. A shade shorter, and not quite as broad in the shoulders as Dahleven, Ragni was still a powerful man, impressive in his all-gray priest’s garb. His words were controlled and clenched, like the fists he held rigidly at his sides.

You had best explain yourself. All of it.

Who in Niflheim do you think you are, barging into Celia’s rooms?

Celia quickly shut the heavy door, keeping the brothers’ voices from echoing down the hall.


Ragni demanded.

Dahleven bit out his words.

This is not the place or time.

What is this about?

Celia asked sharply. Neither man looked at her. She gripped Dahleven’s arm tightly.

What are you hiding from me?

This doesn’t concern you,

he said tightly.


Celia raised her eyebrows, her own anger sparking. If he thought he’d get away with that kind of high-handed dismissal, he had a surprise coming.

Ragni laughed shortly. Celia didn’t like the sound of it.

This will soon concern the whole family, big brother. How long did you think you could keep this secret?

Dahleven suddenly looked more surprised than angry.

You know?

Wirmund told me.


The color drained from Dahleven’s face.

Baldur’s Balls! How did he find out?

He shook his head.

Never mind. Stupid question.

Why didn’t you tell me?

Ragni demanded.

That should be obvious! You’re sworn to Baldur! I didn’t know what field you were plowing. The girl did me a service. I could hardly in honor betray her, and myself as well.


Ragni’s brows drew together.

Betray who?

Celia asked.

Sorry, brother.

Dahleven laughed sourly.

The Jarldom will be yours now, whether you want it or not,

he continued, as though she hadn’t spoken.

Utta’s getting better than her father bargained for.

What are you talking about?

Ragni almost shouted.

Dahleven, nonplused, just stared at Ragni.

had better start explaining,

Celia said.

Ragni’s eyes widened in comprehension.

You asked Saeun to use unsanctioned magic?

Ragni rubbed a hand over his mouth and close cropped beard.

Why? What could possibly have driven you—

He glanced at Celia. Understanding dawned, softening his expression.

Ah. Of course. That’s how you found her. I knew you were keeping something more than the Elves’ involvement from Father, but unsanctioned magic? You don’t even trust the rune-stones.

I’m glad

Celia glared up at Ragni, hands on hips.

Would you like to let me in on the joke?

You said Wirmund told you all of this,

Dahleven complained.

No, no. He only found Saeun’s ritual tools. He warned me so that Kaidlin and the family could distance ourselves from her before her arrest. He doesn’t know about your involvement with her.

Are you sure?

You’re still the heir, Dahl, and likely to stay so if we can keep Wirmund from finding Saeun.

He drew a hand over his eyes.

What am I saying? She used unsanctioned magic!

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