Forbidden Love (Forbidden Trilogy) (22 page)

Read Forbidden Love (Forbidden Trilogy) Online

Authors: S.R. Watson

Tags: #Book 2

BOOK: Forbidden Love (Forbidden Trilogy)
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“Fine. I’ll talk to you later. Have a good meeting.” I try to break free and he actually growls.

“Insecurity does not look good on you love,” he chastises.

“Fuck you!” I shout. I know part of my frustration is over the whole ordeal with my visit with the dean.

“Gladly sweetheart,” he says before slamming his mouth against mine. I didn’t see that coming. I push against his chest, but he doesn’t budge. His rock hard pecs are firm against my hand. He bites my bottom lip and when I gasp, he pushes his tongue inside. His hand slides down and palms my ass. My traitorous body melts into him. I don’t know how he does it, but he brings me into the realm of right now so that the other bullshit temporarily fades into the background.

He deepens the kiss and I can’t help the moan that escapes my lips.

“Get a room,” Vanessa says in disgust as she pushes the button to call for the elevator.

“Great idea,” he says breaking our kiss. He hoists me up so that I’ll wrap my legs around his waist. He walks us back toward his office and you can bounce a quarter off Vanessa’s face.
Smirk at that bitch.

“Grayson, what do you think you’re doing?”

“You need my attitude adjuster right now babe. It can’t wait.” Oh dear God. The secretary looks away as we pass by. I’m quite sure she knows what is about to go down. He slaps my ass and I yelp. I know my face is flaming red. “Gloria, you may leave for the day. I’ll see you Monday morning to discuss my schedule for the week.”

“Certainly sir. You enjoy the rest of your afternoon.” I think her face is redder than mine. Of course Grayson is oblivious as he walks us into his office and closes the door.

“You do realize you just embarrassed the hell out of your secretary? She knows that you’re planning on having sex in your office.”

“I imagine she does know I’m getting ready to ‘fuck’ my girlfriend in here.” His office is two times the size of my bedroom. Contemporary furnishings and state of the art technology adorn the space well. The view overlooking the city is breath taking. I bet it’s even more beautiful at night. He sets me down on the leather sofa next to the window before kneeling down to remove my boots.

The adjuster is working and he hasn’t even pulled it out yet. I lift my hips so that he can pull my jeans off. “What if someone comes in here?” I ask suddenly thinking about the possibility of someone hearing us.

“It’s Friday afternoon love. All of the other executives on this floor are gone for the day. Gloria was the last to leave. Although, nobody would dare enter without permission anyway,” he smiles as he continues to undress me. “We need to work on your trust baby. I don’t know what other way to say I just want you.” Once he has me completely naked, he lays me back against the sofa and spreads my legs. My feet rest against the coffee table while he enjoys the view. The ceiling to floor windows cast the afternoon light across my body, but I refuse to cover myself. This gorgeous man loves my body and I’m starting to embrace my nudity with him. He begins to undress and I want to lick every sinew of muscle. He strokes himself as he approaches me and the visual has me horny as hell.

“Stand up,” he commands. I don’t miss the subtle voice change. I love his dominant side. I do as he instructs and he turns me to face the city below. He places my hand on the glass and slightly spreads my feet apart.
Holy hell
. He wants the whole city to watch him fuck me. I don’t have long to fret. He enters me from behind and it feels so damn good. “Brace yourself good baby,” he warns.

He wraps one hand around my neck and fists my hair with the other. He alternates his grip around my neck while slightly pulling my hair and plunging into me. The varying degrees of roughness have my head spinning and stars dancing behind my eyes. I back my ass into him, loving how deep he’s going. “Shit Grayson,” I scream out. He picks up the pace and his own guttural groans escape him. He tightens his grip around my neck briefly before releasing and the euphoria that follows is something I’ve never encountered before. My legs begin to give out from under me as I come the hardest I’ve ever come in my life. Grayson grabs me by the waist while screaming his own release.

“Fuck, that was epic,” Grayson shouts. I’m boneless. What the fuck was that? Epic is an understatement. He carries me over to the sofa and lays us both down with me on his chest. “Just breathe and relax baby. You’re feeling the effects of the temporary asphyxiation. He strokes my back and I allow myself to totally relax. I imagine that orgasm I just experienced is what being high feels like. The feeling is indescribable. Grayson is a triple threat. He’s gorgeous, smart, rich, dominant, fucks like a stallion, and has sex tricks up his sleeve to completely make you addicted. Okay so maybe he is a sextuple threat. I giggle at my own assessment.

“What’s so funny baby?” he asks from underneath me.

“You’re a sextuple threat,” I chuckle. I look down at him and he just smiles.

“I’m glad you think so baby. And I’m all yours,” he says thrusting his hips upward. His erection pokes me and I know my relax time is over. I straddle my knees across his lap and he doesn’t need an invitation. He positions himself at my entrance and slides into the hilt. I rock slowly, enjoying how he stretches me. He grabs my ass with both hands and pushes his cock deeper. I watch his face contort in the sexy way it does as I grind against the base of him. He slaps my ass cheek and the sting causes instant wetness. He smiles knowingly. He bounces me harder on his shaft and I begin to whimper his name intelligibly. “That’s it. Let go baby. Come for me.” He angles his hips in his signature move and I’m falling over the edge. He wraps both of his arms around my waist and his hips piston as he drives into me.

“Fuck!” he comes loudly. I really am spent now. We lay motionless for a few minutes before Grayson gets up gathering his clothes. “I have that dinner in an hour baby. You’re welcome to join me,” he offers as he pulls open a closet and pull out another suit.

“I don’t want to make you late. I would need to go home to shower and change.”

“You can shower here with me,” he says pointing toward what I’m guessing is the bathroom. “I can have Stanley make a run to one of the department stores not far from here and—”

“Grayson, it’s okay. Seriously. Sorry about the melt down earlier. Go to your dinner and come see me after.”

“Are you sure?” he asks.

“Absolutely,” I reassure.

“Okay, but tonight we need to discuss how your meeting with Dr. Greer went.” The change in my demeanor gives me away. “Shit that bad, huh? Damn.” I can see him getting worked up.

“He said they still have to investigate. He didn’t have any answers for me yet. You just focus on your meeting. We’ll talk later.” I stand up and push him toward the bathroom.

“Okay. I’ll try to make it quick as possible so I can get back to you baby, but for right now, come shower with me.” Needless to say we have sex or ‘fuck’ as he would say, again in the shower causing him to rush around like a mad man afterwards. The drive home allowed me some time to reflect on the day’s events and how things may change in the near future. My senior year has been a hell of a year. I’ve had enough excitement to last a lifetime. If Vanessa is the corporate behind exposing us, what does that mean for us now that she witnessed that we are still together? He might as well have told her he was taking me to his office to bang me for God’s sake. What if Jordan’s right? What if our continued involvement is part of the investigation? What if Vanessa is feeding them the intel?

Jordan is snuggled up with Trevor when I enter the condo. “Look who surprised me with a visit.” Her face is going to split open if she grins any harder. We exchange pleasantries and I head to my room. Jordan follows me into my room. “I didn’t know he was coming. I’m here if you need me. Do you need to talk?” I don’t want to keep her from Trevor. I know how much she misses him and I don’t how long he’s staying before he has to leave again.

“Jordan, I’m fine. I already told you all that I know so far. Go enjoy your man. We’ll talk later.”

“Okay. I think he wants to take me to dinner.” I can see that she is torn because she thinks she is abandoning me in a time of need.

“Well hurry up and get out then. Grayson is coming over later and we both can’t be screaming the walls down. We’ll get evicted. How would you explain that to your parents?” I joke. She burst into laughter and I push her out the door. Once the condo is quiet and I’m sure they’ve left, I head into the kitchen to look through our take out drawer. I decide to keep it simple and order a cheese pizza. While waiting for the delivery I gather the work Jordan brought back from the classes I missed this week. The doorbell rings, but it’s too soon for the pizza. Maybe Grayson cut his meeting super short. I’m giddy at the prospect.

I swing the door open wide, ready to greet my man. I freeze at the surprise standing in my doorway. Seems like today is the day for surprise visitors. “Well, are you going to let me in?” Liam asks. I step aside still stunned. I’m not sure how to process the fact that he’s here. My paranoia goes in to overdrive. What if he’s the one that ratted us out and is here to try to see if I’m still involved with Grayson? It kind of suspicious that after a month of avoiding me he just drops by, without calling might I add.

“What do you want Liam?” My guard is up and I’m sure he can tell.

“I’ve been worried about you. You dropped that bomb on me the other day and then when I went by a couple of your classes the next day, you weren’t there. I was scared that maybe you got expelled.” His eyebrows are scrunched in concern, but he is a master at deception.

“No, I haven’t been expelled. Not yet anyway. Why didn’t you pick up the phone? What if I had company?” Grayson is supposed to come over later and he can’t be here.

“What do you mean not yet? Do you think they are going to expel you? Your mom will be so pissed. Have you told her about any of this?”

“No I haven’t. I don’t know what’s going to happen yet so I don’t want to worry her unnecessarily.

Liam shakes his head to express his disapproval. “I just hope this doesn’t end badly for you.” That pisses me off. What about Grayson? Is he implying that he wants it to end badly for him? I roll my eyes at his insensitivity.

“You didn’t answer my question? Why didn’t you call? I could’ve had company.” It’s his turn to roll his eyes.

“By company, you mean Professor Michaels?” His disdain for Grayson is apparent.

“Grayson,” I correct. “And that is exactly who I mean.” The doorbell rings and this time it is the pizza. Liam offers to pay and I shoot him a dirty look. The delivery guy grins at me with a crooked smile.

“How is your night going ma’am?” His attempt at small talk is creepy for some reason.

“Great. Thanks for the quick delivery,” I answer lamely. Liam takes the pizza to the kitchen. I hand the guy a twenty-dollar bill and his hand brushes mine a second too long as he takes the money from me. The scorpion tattoo on the back of his hand mocks me. A shiver passes through and rocks me to the core. This guy is either openly flirty or working for a tip. I was going to tip him anyway. I tell him to keep the change and walk toward the door so he can get the hint. After I get rid of the pizza guy, I see that Liam has already grabbed a couple of slices. Some help he is.

“What?” he asks innocently. “You don’t mind if I have some pizza do you?”

“Fine time to ask, if I did,” I answer with dripping sarcasm. He can be so obtuse.

“Look, I don’t want to piss you off. I don’t like that you’re dating Professor…Grayson,” he corrects himself. “I guess what I’m trying to say is that I don’t want to lose you as a friend. I didn’t call partly because I was scared you wouldn’t answer and partly because I knew I needed to tell you this in person. The things I said last time I was here was vile and uncalled for. I wasn’t honest with myself on how much I still loved you and when I saw another man, him of all people, walk out of your bathroom, reality came crashing down on me. It broke me. I realized that I had truly lost you and that I only had myself to blame. I stayed away from you this past month as an attempt to heal. For the first time, I experienced just how hurt you must have felt when I cheated.” His introspection touches me.

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