Forbidden Legacy (19 page)

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Authors: Diana Cosby

BOOK: Forbidden Legacy
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Orange rays melded with purple streaks overhead like a tangle of power, a potent play as night slowly claimed the sky. In the growing darkness, he placed the basket on a flat rock, determined to do whatever was necessary to win her heart.
* * *
With the shimmers of fading light surrounding them, curious as to what was inside the wooden container, Katherine waited as her husband lifted the cloth.
Nestled inside were bread, wine, two goblets, and several wedges of cheese.
Confused, she glanced up. “Why are these here?”
“After the day's hard work, I thought you would enjoy watching the sun set while we ate.”
The unsureness of his gaze left her charmed, his thoughtfulness more so. He lived his life wielding a blade, a warrior whose life was on serving those in need of protection, nae such a mundane task. Nor had she missed how he'd grown more attentive toward her.
Since they'd seized the castle, at night he took care to ensure that all was secure, check on his men, confirm the people living within were taken care of, and had established a new routine. After finishing their evening meal, he now escorted Katherine to the wall walk, where they discussed a myriad of issues from the mundane to the universal.
In addition, instead of departing at first light to join his men, Stephan now had food sent to their bedchamber. Earlier this day he'd broken his fast with her; then a short while later, he'd surprised her with dried wildflowers.
Caution smothered Katherine's secret wish for him to love her. He was being thoughtful, nay more. “I would, I thank you.”
His gaze lifted to hers.
Prepared for their time together to be one of friendship, the need in his eyes stole her breath away. A tremor whispered through her body, then another. Like magic, the soft ebb and flow of the incoming tide filled her with a steadiness, with strength. Wrapped in this moment, far from prying eyes, she pushed aside her worries.
With each shaky breath, her love for this valiant warrior intensified. That he'd taken time to make her feel special bolstered Katherine's belief that one day he could love her. If their time together this night ended with a kiss, 'twas an intimacy she could accept.
With efficiency, he spread out the fare, and then filled her goblet.
Katherine took a sip, savoring the warm tang on her tongue. “I had thought the English destroyed all of the wine during the attack.”
“When they knew they were to be defeated, before we seized Avalon, they gutted every barrel. This had been stored in one of our ships' holds. 'Twas made in France, as was the cheese. The bread,” he said with a smile, “came from the kitchen.”
“You mean from Godit.” A rueful smile touched his lips, and she gave a soft laugh. “I have seen how the cook eyes you.”
“And how is that?” he asked, relaxing beside her on the smooth stone.
“Like you were a ripened apple, one she would like to eat.”
He chuckled; emboldened, she met his gaze. “Why is that?”
Though whispered, the potency of his voice tingled upon her skin like a caress. She lowered her gaze to his mouth and her awareness grew. Struggling against another shot of anxiety, she forced herself to reply. “Because you are fair to look upon.”
Hazel eyes darkened like emeralds glistening in the fading light. “As are you.” His touch tender, he lifted her face. “I would be liking a kiss,” he said, his every word quiet, rough with yearning.
Tingles brushed her flesh, but she didna withdraw, the stakes too high for cowardice. “As would I.”
His nostrils flared, but he didna move.
She waited a moment longer.
He remained still.
Heat warmed her cheeks and she started to shift back.
“Lass, tis your kiss to give,” he said with infinite tenderness. “I willna be taking what you dinna freely offer.”
Hers? Elation filled her, and then her heart plunged in shame. Horrified, she jerked free and scrambled to her feet. Only one reason existed for his compassionate offer. “You know of the assault!”
With slow, controlled movements, Stephan stood. “Katherine—”
“St-stay back!”
“The sin wasna yours,” he said, his words quiet, “nor will what happened change who you are in my eyes.”
“How can it nae?” she demanded, outraged that he knew, furious that from this moment he would look at her as if she were scarred, stained, unfit to touch.
“I would be a fool to label you for the atrocity of another.”
On a sharp breath, she looked away, aching inside. 'Twas naught but words. If only he could. Her breath hitched and she took another step back.
“Katherine, stay. Please.”
Her entire body trembled and she wished she could curl up and die. She faced him. “I canna.”
“You can. This moment the choice is yours.” Solemn eyes held hers. “With me you are safe. Always. Forever. Trust me.”
She exhaled, clung to his declarations as if they were a lifeline, fought to bury the horrific images from her youth.
“Never would I hurt you.”
“I know.”
“Please, come and eat.” Stephan walked to where the food was spread out on the stone.
“Wh-what if I wanted your kiss?”
He stilled. A moment passed, and then another, as if he gathered himself. He turned, his gaze hot but tempered with controlled calm. “As I said, 'tis yours to give. Before you ask, I would be liking it, but I willna push you. When we kiss, 'twill be your decision. When we make love, 'twill be your choice as well. Nor am I a man experienced,” he admitted, his voice quiet, “but for you I will offer what I can, give you any tenderness I have.”
As a Templar, he would be untried, but so caught up in her own terrible memories, she'd nae considered his own experience with women, or lack of. But he'd empowered her to choose, even at the risk of his pride.
Humbled by his offering, to prostrate himself before her to help her heal, she stepped forward, her decision made.
She wanted this kiss. Before her worries built, swayed her decision, Katherine rose on her tiptoes and pressed her mouth against his.
Stephan remained still as she moved against his lips, but desire burned in his eyes as they held hers.
Becoming braver, she deepened her sensual foray. His mouth brushed across hers, slow, savoring, heat igniting, luring her to take the kiss deeper.
His taste filled her, hazed her doubts until she was lost in the moment. She plunged headlong, savoring the rightness of it, how they each fit against the other.
Stephan's hand skimmed the back of her neck, drew her forward until his muscled chest pressed firm against her softness.
A fissure of panic swept her; she stilled.
“ 'Tis only me,” he whispered as he pressed delicate kisses on her mouth, along the curve of her cheek. “Look at me.”
Trembling, Katherine met his gaze, the warmth, and tenderness there eroding her nervousness.
“Kiss me, lass,” he whispered. “Trust me to be gentle, to make love to you as you should have been from the first.”
“I-I dinna know if I can.”
He brushed a windswept lock of hair from her cheek. “You are a strong woman, one who wields a sword without hesitation, one who dares to face her aggressors boldly. I canna believe you willna follow your heart.”
“My heart?” she whispered.
The first twinkle of stars shimmered in the sky as hazel eyes held hers. “Do you care for me?”
He skimmed his lips against hers, drew her to him slowly, his fingers doing magical things against her skin until she was kissing him back. When the slide of heat ignited, he drew away, his own breathing unsteady. “I believe you feel more.”
“Stephan . . .”
Eyes dark with conviction held hers, the stars dotting the sky like a promise. “Trust me with the truth.”
Her entire body stilled as the words trembled on her tongue. “I am afraid.”
“As I am. Caring about someone, wanting you, is nae a charge I take lightly.”
“You care for me?” she asked, hope filling her words.
Tenderness creased his expression. “Indeed. I love you, Katherine.”
“You love me?” Happiness filled her until she thought she would burst.
“Aye, I love you, and will tomorrow, and forever.”
“I love you as well,” she rushed out, “I had hoped—”
“'Tis naught to hope for. What we have is real, what few ever feel.”
Elation stormed her, swept away the blackness shrouding her soul. The doubts, the fears that had haunted her over the years began to fade. She nodded, unsure what to do, what to say.
Stephan swept her into his arms, carried her to the blanket he'd spread upon the sand. As she stood before him, he pressed a kiss upon her mouth, teased her with light flicks of his tongue until she moved into the kiss, tasting, taking, her whole mind focused on this moment.
On him.
While his fingers glided over her arms, released the first tie of her gown, she kept her mind on the pleasure of this moment, on the joy he brought to her life.
His every touch seduced her, lured her to forget, to only feel. Her soft sighs melded with his moans as his hands gently skimmed over exposed flesh with teasing strokes. When she thought she couldna feel more, with her nakedness covered by the shimmer of starlight, he proved her wrong.
“Stephan,” she gasped while his fingers toyed, teased until deep inside she began to tremble, to ache with the need of something more. “I want you,” she said on a moan.
He pressed kisses up her thigh, brushed his fingers across her sensitive flesh until she arched beneath him. “You must be sure.”
“Never have I been so sure of anything in my life.”
Under the moonlight, Stephan moved his body over hers. “I love you, Katherine.” He sank deep.
She stiffened beneath the pressure.
“Trust me.” He claimed her mouth, teased her until all she could think of was him.
When she began to relax, began to kiss him back, he moved within her, and the fire that had burned before scorched. Her needs spun to desperation until she arched against him, met his every stroke.
Then her world exploded into a myriad of colors and she was floating, suspended in a magical place where naught existed but bliss.
Stephan called out her name as he filled her. His breaths coming fast, he drew her against him.
Infused with a sense of completeness, she rested her cheek against his heart, the rapid beat slowing.
“You are amazing,” he whispered.
She shied away.
Her husband caught her chin. “Never be ashamed of what we do, how we love.”
“I . . .” Katherine shook her head. “You must think me absurd.”
His hand cupped her face as he brushed his lips over hers. “I think you are beautiful, intelligent, and incredible.”
A sigh fell from her lips.
“You like that?” he asked as he nibbled along the curve of her neck.
“Aye, how your mouth moves over me feels wondrous.”
“On that I agree.” He inched lower, his tongue working miracles across her flesh.
Tingles of scandalous pleasure rolled through her, and she arched against the deftness of his touch. “What are you doing?”
“I”—Stephan drew her nipple into his mouth, and then inched lower—“am going to again make love to my wife.”
Chapter Nineteen
tephan shifted in the bed, his body bumping against skin. Reflex had him reaching for his dagger, then he stilled, opened his eyes. A smile curved his mouth as his gaze fell upon Katherine's nakedness. Bolts of need shot through him as he took in her soft, full curves until he ached to touch her, to make love to her again.
Yesterday, while he'd carried the basket of food to the secret cove, his intention had been to strengthen their bond in the sharing of a meal. He'd hoped for a slow kiss, mayhap two. Only in his wildest dreams had he believed they would make love and, upon their return to their chamber, that their intimacy would continue through the night.
But as she'd stood before him, outlined in the fading sun's glow, Katherine's shyness, her fear of a man's touch, had driven him to help her move past the nightmares that haunted her still. Through the first crucial moments, he'd held misgivings she would dare to allow him close.
Then she'd moved her mouth over his.
Her softness, her taste had done away with his uncertainties. And when she'd returned his kiss 'twas like a dam breaking free. Her every response to his touch, his kiss, had emboldened him to dare more. Until, wrapped in each other's arms and embraced by shimmers of moonlight, her cries of release had driven him to find his own.
Through the window, the first light of dawn sifted through the skies. Content, Stephan drew her closer. With her in his arms, her hair streaming over his chest, 'twas as if he held the world.
They were man and wife in every way. A fact that before he'd sailed to Scotland would have left him terrified. Now, with love for Katherine filling his heart, he couldna think of life without her. From this day forward, he would do whatever was necessary to keep the smile on her face, and love for him in her heart.
None would harm her.
Unbidden, memories of witnessing his family's death rumbled to the fore. Angry at the thought, he smothered the gruesome images against the life he'd found. Her father's murderous deed was in the past, an incident she would never discover.
Since his youth he'd carried hatred for the man, had sworn revenge. Now his animosity paled against the happiness Katherine had brought him. Peace lay within his life, within his heart. Nevermore would black memories of his past mar his future.
Steadier, Stephan skimmed his hand along her shoulder, across the soft swell of her breast.
On a lazy sigh, she shifted, her fingers reaching to lace with his.
Humbled by this amazing woman, he drew her against him, whispered that he loved her in Gaelic.
Caught within the shimmer of candlelight, her lids lifted. Blue eyes met his. Cloudiness cleared to warmth. A slow and wondrous smile curved her mouth. “I thought 'twas a dream.”
“What was?” he asked, pressing kisses along the curve of her jaw.
“My loving you. Your loving me in return.” Desire burning in her gaze, she moved over him, brushed her mouth against his, then with slow, heart-stopping pleasure, deepened the kiss until his body hardened and screamed its demand. Mischief danced in her eyes as she shifted, scraping her teeth against the muscled flat of his stomach, then edged lower.
“What are you doing?” he groaned.
“This.” And destroyed his every last thought.
* * *
Katherine winced against the sun's rays and tugged the covers over her head. Memories of last night sifted through her, drawing an appreciative sigh, more so at how a short while ago she'd devastated Stephan by initiating intimacy, her daring surprising them both.
Aches rippled through her body, but the discomfort was well worth the hours they'd made love. After his passionate response to her boldness, to lure him to remain abed a while longer shouldna be difficult. Her body humming in anticipation, she turned.
Rumpled sheets sat piled atop the place where Stephan had lain.
She glanced toward a smaller chamber that adjoined theirs. “Stephan?”
With a frown, she slipped from the bed, crossed to the opening. Except for several chests that held her clothes and his, one filled with herbs, and another for valuables, the chamber stood empty.
He'd left without saying goodbye?
Why? He'd enjoyed their lovemaking, had he nae? Or had she failed him in some way? Worry built as she tugged on her garb. By the time she reached the turret, she was half-running to the great room.
The scent of baking bread and stew bubbling in a large caldron over the fire in the hearth filled the large chamber. Several men sat at the tables breaking their fast, but Stephan was nowhere in sight.
“Good morning, my lady.”
At Aiden's cheerful voice, she looked over.
Green eyes held hers with respect as the knight walked toward her. “I see you are awake.”
Heat touched her cheeks. “Have you seen my husband?” she asked, refusing to dwell on her tardiness to her morning duties. Last night had held magic, a beginning for them both and, for her, a start to moving past her fears.
“I have,” the knight said. “He is in the tunnel below the chapel.”
Unease trickled through her. “Why would he be there?”
Surprise flickered in his eyes. “I thought you knew.”
She forced herself to smile. “Nay doubt he told me. I was half asleep when he left.” With the way her mind was still a blur of fatigue, 'twas more than likely the truth. Still, what had been so urgent that he would work with the men in the tunnels with little rest? “Are you heading there now?”
Aiden glanced toward the tables. “Aye. Would you like to break your fast before you go?”
She shook her head.
“Fine, then. You are welcome to join me if you wish.”
“I thank you.” Sunlight blinded her as they stepped into the bailey and she shielded her eyes.
“Nae a cloud in the sky,” the knight said with appreciation, “but there is a bite of winter in the air.”
Soon the snow-filled wind would keep them inside, the hearth ablaze to ward off the chill.
Before she'd dreaded returning to her chamber alone, the flickering flames leaving blackened nooks that would lure her to darker memories. With Stephan sharing her bed, the wondrous things they could do throughout the night, and the special moments that would fill her heart, hope filled her mind.
Distant voices melded around them: children playing, women near the well, knights carrying broadswords headed toward the lists.
The familiar sounds brought comfort, and her earlier worries at Stephan's having left before she'd awoken eased. She glanced at the Knight Templar. “How do you find life in the Highlands?”
“As I grew up nae far from here, 'tis a life I am familiar with.”
“You were raised nearby?” she asked. With his brogue, she'd nae considered the possibility.
Pain flickered in his gaze. “ 'Twas many years ago. Since, I have remained away.”
“Do you nae miss being near your family?”
Aiden reached for the door, tugging the entry open. “We are here.”
She noticed that he'd ignored her question. Neither did she have the right to pry. Still, during the journey to Avalon, he'd become her friend. “If ever you have a need to speak about your past, I am known for having a good ear.”
A wry smile touched his lips. “I thank you for the offer, but my past and my life then are but distant memories.”
Sadness touched her that he would view his youth so, nor with the sadness haunting his eyes did she believe his assertion. The hurt, regardless if he admitted it, bothered him still. She frowned.
Neither had Stephan mentioned his past. With their relationship growing stronger, 'twas a matter of time before he did.
She followed Aiden into the chapel, the scent of frankincense and myrrh lingering inside. The familiar items within, a crucifix behind the lectern, ewers, a basin, and several gilded vessels, brought a touch of peace.
Katherine skimmed her hand over a pew as they walked past, the time-worn surface honed by the hands of the many parishioners who'd entered over the years to pray. “I thought most everything had been destroyed during the battle.”
“ 'Twas a fair amount of destruction,” Aiden replied, “but several of the knights are skilled in woodworking. Whatever they couldna repair, they rebuilt.”
She paused. Upon closer inspection, several of the benches didna have an aged look. “Their craftsmanship is incredible.” Impressed by the workmanship, she ran her hand over one of the newly built items; polished wood slid beneath her palm. “They have even stained the new pews to match the old. If you hadna told me, I wouldna have noticed.”
The knight nodded. “Stephan wanted to surprise you before he informed you that the work was complete.”
Tenderness filled her. This was the reason her husband had kept her away from the chapel. Moved by his thoughtfulness, any lingering concerns faded. “Then 'tis time I thanked him.”
Aiden led her down the ladder, the coolness of the tunnel after the warmth from above making her shiver.
Faint voices echoed in the distance.
At their approach, Stephan looked up. Surprise, then warmth filled his eyes. He met her halfway, took her hand. “I thought you would still be abed.”
Heat touched her cheeks as the knight strode past. Alone, Katherine moved into Stephan's arms. “I woke up to find you gone.”
He brushed his mouth against hers. “I told you I was leaving, but you didna move. You looked so peaceful, I couldna wake you.”
All of her worry for naught. As he held her against him, awareness slid through her. “I am awake now.”
His gaze darkened. “If I could leave right now, I would.”
Curious, she glanced toward his men. Several held torches, while others ran their hands along the walls. “What are they looking for?”
“Cracks in the wall that may be the outline of hidden doorways to the catacombs, ones we desperately need to hide the goods still onboard the ships. None but the Templars must know what we transported.”
She recalled the whispers of treasures held by the Templars: gold beyond what any man could envision, the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail, and even more. Were the rumors true? Could the crates contain these coveted artifacts? However much she wished to know, these warriors were willing to give their lives in order to keep the secrets safe. She refused to dishonor their sacrifice.
“Mayhap there is documentation of the hidden chambers in one of my father's ledgers?”
Frustration darkened his gaze. “I thought the same, but I searched through them all.” Stephan paused. “Onboard ship, you mentioned the catacombs. Can you recall anything about how your father entered them?”
Memories of following her father through several rarely used tunnels into large caverns came to mind. A child, she'd paid scant attention to the way they'd arrived there, a fact she now regretted. She shook her head.
“We have to find them. Everything must be safely hidden before I depart.”
Her throat went dry. “Depart?”
Regret touched his gaze. “However much I wish to remain, my agreement with King Robert includes training his knights, along with supporting his efforts to unite Scotland, a missive requesting our support could arrive at any time.”
Panic flared. “What about Avalon?”
What about me?
Katherine silently added.
“A contingent of trusted knights will remain to guard the castle.” On a frustrated sigh, he gathered her close. “When we wed, I couldna wait for the day I sailed away. Now I curse what I canna avoid.”
Shame swept her. 'Twas nae only she who struggled with his leaving. “Come back to me, Stephan.”
His eyes rough with emotion, her husband cupped her face. “I swear it.”
“And I will keep you—” Memories stormed her mind. She pulled away. “Mary have mercy!”
* * *
Concerned by his wife's pallor, Stephan frowned. “What is wrong?”
“I . . .” Katherine's lips curved into a smile. “I canna believe I didna think of the hidden room before.”
Hope ignited. “Hidden room?”
“Aye. Follow me.”
“Wait a moment. I need to tell Thomas where I am going.”
She nodded.
A short while later, his anticipation growing, Stephan followed his wife into the chamber his parents had used, a room nay doubt hers had slept in as well, one since his return he'd ignored. His wife believed he'd left the quarters untouched as her pain of loss was so fresh. Never would he share that this room held sad memories for him as well.
Against the back wall stood a large bed, the woven cover atop emblazoned with a Celtic design. A wool rug lay angled on the floor, and several chests stood stacked to the right.
As she neared the bed, Katherine slowed. A tremor ran though her.
Stephan stepped to her side, far from surprised at the sadness clouding her gaze. “'Tis difficult.”
“Aye. When I was a child,” she whispered, “I would crawl beneath the thick covers with my da, and he would tell me stories of the fey and, every so often, King Arthur.”
He grimaced, nae wanting the tender vision, to think of her father as a man who cared. Stephan drew her against him. “You will always have their love.” Too well he knew that the thoughts of a lost loved one did not ease the pain or allow them to live on. Time and sheer determination did that. With the blur of years one could look back with tenderness.
“You are right, but I am blessed because now I have you.”
Guilt collided with pleasure. That he could be there for her left him humbled, but he damned the secret of his past, which could destroy everything.

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