Forbidden Hunger (Lee County Wolves Book 1) (4 page)

Read Forbidden Hunger (Lee County Wolves Book 1) Online

Authors: Teresa Gabelman

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Fiction, #Werewolf, #Wolves, #Adult, #Erotic, #Fate, #Children, #Packless, #Pack, #Alpha, #Forbidden, #Decision, #The Reaping, #Ancient Hunt, #Lost Father, #Suspense

BOOK: Forbidden Hunger (Lee County Wolves Book 1)
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The pinching of her arms wasn’t doing it. She was about to go bat-shit crazy on the dumbass who was her father and too damn blind to see it. “My mother never found anyone to take your place, asshole.”

“Well obviously, she did!” he yelled back at her, his temper matching hers. “Because there you stand.”

“Yes, here I stand.” This time it was her leaning toward him in anger. “Staring at the man who was too much of a coward to walk up to the woman he claims was his mate, whatever in the fuck that means.”

“Watch your mouth,” Jonah growled at her. “I know Virginia raised you better than that.”

“You lost your rights to tell me anything when you walked away all those years ago,” Janna growled back. Seeing something flash behind his eyes warned her that he was putting two and two together, so she decided to help him along because she was sick and tired of the game. “Yeah, all I grew up hearing was how great you were. How you were coming back for us. How you would make everything right.”

When he started to say something, Janna held up her hand stopping him.

“Save it, Jonah McCall. I came to fulfill a promise to my dying mother.” Janna shook her head. This time it was her chin quivering, tears threatening to slip from her eyes, but she held them back. “To find my father and let him know about me and that my mother loved you.”

Janna turned quickly to walk out and Garrett actually stepped out of her way, but Hunter didn’t move. Looking up slowly, she felt a tear slip, but didn’t raise her hand to wipe it away. “If you say one word to me, I will throat punch you.”

A small, but evident quirk of Hunter’s lips slipped before it disappeared as he stepped out of her way. All four men watched her walk out of the kitchen and out of the house.



“Holy shit.” Marcus shook his head, still staring at the direction Janna had disappeared. Then turned to Jonah.

Ignoring Marcus, Garrett also watched Janna walk out of the kitchen. Opening his phone, he put it to his ear. “Hey, you have the car fixed?” Garrett asked into the phone, but kept his eyes on Jonah who was struggling to understand what just happened. “Okay, but don’t let her leave. She’s headed that way.”

“She’s my daughter?” Jonah finally came out of his stupid state, his eyes widening as the truth continued to slam into him. “I have a daughter.”

Hunter actually grabbed a bottle of whiskey and poured a shot, setting it in front of Jonah. “Damn man, you deserve a hit.”

Jonah actually grabbed the glass, but didn’t drink, just stared at the golden liquid. After what seemed like hours, Jonah poured the liquid in the sink before walking in the opposite direction Janna had gone, disappearing deeper into the house.

Garrett rubbed his hand down his face in frustration. Shit was about to get real and his pack was going to be right smack in the middle of it.

“You think they are coming for her?” Marcus was the first to break the silence.

Garrett didn’t think; he knew. He felt the trouble heading their way, had felt it since the first moment he laid eyes on the woman and kids. “Yeah. They’re coming.” Garrett nodded, his eyes shifting out the window. “And we’re going to be ready for them.”

“Fuck yeah, we are.” Hunter, who at twenty was broad and muscular beyond his years, was also a true smartass, but Garrett never doubted his youngest brother’s loyalty.

Looking toward Marcus, who had a smile spreading across his face, Garrett laughed. “I guess I don’t have to ask what your feelings are in this.”

“It’s been a long time since I beat someone’s ass, other than you two assholes.” Marcus slammed a fist into his palm.

“You wish.” Hunter laughed, punching him in the stomach, but Marcus didn’t even flinch. Instead, he grabbed Hunter into a headlock.

Watching his younger brothers, Garrett grinned. They drove him absolutely crazy most of the time, but there was no one he would rather have at his side then these two. “Cut the shit.” Garrett wiped the grin off his face, stepping into their leader in the blink of an eye. “We have work to do. You guys go talk to Jonah and find out more about Jasper Simone and the Reaping.”

“Oh, and I guess you get to go talk to the pretty Janna?” Marcus grinned like he had a big secret. “Ah, to be an alpha leader.”

“Shut the fuck up and get going. We don’t have much time and I want to know everything there is to know about Jasper and his pack.” Garrett growled, but shoulder checked Marcus as he passed. “And you should have stepped up if you wanted to be alpha.”

“If I knew I’d be questioning pretty human women, I would have,” Marcus continued to tease.

Garrett stopped suddenly, spinning around. “Human?”

Hunter’s head snapped up, the grin on his brother’s teasing slipping from his face. “No fucking way,” Hunter cursed, his eyes widening at the truth in Garrett’s face. “No fucking way! That’s right. If she is Jonah’s daughter…she’s…holy shit!”

“How in the hell didn’t you know?” Garrett turned completely around. “Her wolf has been calling to me before I even saw her.”

Marcus and Hunter glanced at each other with knowing looks.

“And obviously Jasper and his son don’t know either or they wouldn’t have branded her for a Reaping.” Garrett leaned against the doorframe then looked at Marcus who was grinning like an idiot again. “What the hell are you grinning at?”

“You hear her wolf?” Marcus laughed. “And we don’t.”

“Damn, man,” Hunter piped in, shaking his head sadly. “Females are going to be weeping in sorrow.”

Garrett frowned with a growl. “What in the hell are you talking about?”

“Oh, you know, brother.” Hunter sighed dramatically. “The great and powerful alpha leader Garrett Foster is no longer available. Masses of females will literally throw themselves from the cliffs of the Gorge.”

“You are so not right in the head.” Garrett glared at Hunter.

“It’s true.” Marcus stared as if he was deep in thought. “The most eligible bachelor of Lee County is officially off the market.”

“Epic shit right there,” Hunter agreed, trying not to look at Garrett who was turning red in the face.

Garrett grabbed Hunter and Marcus by the back of their necks at the same time, banging their heads together. “We have more important things going on than this bullshit, so get your heads on straight.”

“Easy for him to say when we’re the ones suffering from lack of female attention.” Marcus laughed, not even hurting from the head bang.

“Actually, you can speak for yourself on that,” Hunter aimed at Marcus. “I’ve got two women right now who can’t get enough of me. Now with big brother out of the picture, I’m sure that number will grow.”

Marcus punched Hunter in the shoulder before walking toward the direction Jonah disappeared. “Come on, lover boy. Let’s go do what big brother wants us to do so he can go to his lady love.”

“How old are you?” Garrett rolled his eyes before pushing away from the wall.

“Old enough to know what it means when a female wolf calls to only one male.” Marcus laughed loudly as he pushed Hunter in Garrett’s path when Garrett went to go after him.

Hunter pushed off Garrett with a large grin. “He got you on that one.”

Garrett didn’t say a word, but pointed for Hunter to get the hell out of the room. Shaking his head at his brothers, Garrett turned following where Janna had left. Stepping out on the porch, his eyes found her instantly and his gut tightened. She leaned over her car looking at something Dell, who was an amazing mechanic, was pointing at. His eyes snapped to her ass and his body grew rigid, his wolf taking full attention. Yeah, he was in deep shit.


Janna straightened up after looking at what Dell was pointing at. She still had no clue what the hell was wrong with her car, but she tried her best to look like she did. “So because I’ve driven the car when it was overheating, I cracked its casket and what I’ve been smelling is that green anti-stuff?”

Dell looked at her confused for a moment before a large smile spread across his handsome face. “Close.” He laughed. “You cracked the gasket. The green fluid is antifreeze and yes, that is what you’ve been smelling.”

“And that’s bad?” Janna looked from the car to him, hoping he would say no; it wasn’t bad at all.

“Well, let’s put it this way, pretty lady.” Dell smiled down at her, making her blush. “There are a few places you never want to see antifreeze. Falling from the sky, in your cereal, or coming out of your tailpipe.”

Janna looked up at the sky and frowned. “I bet if it was coming from the sky and not my tailpipe, it would be cheaper for me.”

“That’s very true.” Dell grabbed a rag off the car, wiping his large hands.

“So how much is this going to cost me to get fixed?” Janna frowned, trying not to notice how handsome Dell was. With his stained tight jeans, black torn t-shirt, and with smudges of oil on his muscled arms and across his dark cheek, he was gorgeous. All the men around here were handsome to the point of total distraction. Hearing someone walking toward them, she spotted Garrett Foster who was the most distracting of the bunch.

“Well, that depends on if I have any used parts I can use and if you have dinner with me.” Dell’s voice was smooth, indicating he had a way with women, which probably worked every single time.

“Why don’t you go see what parts you have, Dell?” Garrett’s deep, hard voice was a demand, not a suggestion.

Dell growled at the interruption, but quickly toned it down when he spotted Garrett. “Just trying to help the lady out, boss.”

“Then go find some parts and leave feeding her to me.” Garrett narrowed his eyes in warning.

“So, that’s how it is?” Dell nodded, a small smile curving his lips.

“It is,” Garrett replied without further explanation.

“Actually, I just need my car fixed,” Janna added, not liking the angry tension coming from Garrett. “I’m not even hungry.”

Both men snapped their attention toward her. Dell leaned his head back laughing, Garrett didn’t. “She’s going to be a handful, Garrett.” Dell shook his head as he walked toward his small garage. “I’ll let you know when it’s fixed, boss.”

“How much is it going to be though? Don’t do anything until I know that…do you hear me?” she called out after him, and then cursed when Dell kept walking, totally ignoring her. “What an ass.”

“He has orders from me to fix your car,” Garrett said, startling her as she glared at Dell’s retreating back.

“But I’m a customer. He should listen to me.” Janna frowned, her eyes narrowing.

“No, he should listen to his alpha, as should you.” Garrett grabbed her arm, but she jerked away.

“No, I don’t think so.” Janna crossed her arms, doing her best to look intimidating, but knew with her 5’3 stature next to his over 6’ massive frame, it was a losing battle.

“Don’t think so, what?” Garrett actually gave a crooked smile at her brave stance against him.

“You’re not my alpha,” Janna replied, not liking the fact that she was attracted to his smile way more than she should be.

His smile slid slowly off his face. “Do you belong to a pack?”

“You know I don’t,” Janna countered, wondering why she felt the need to push this man. Her beast was happily urging her on, and that surprised her. Her beast was usually just fighting to break free, but so far, she had won that war. So why now was she listening to her beasts’ desire to fight with this man.

“Are you in my town?” Garrett took a dominant step toward her as he asked that question.

“In the flesh.” Janna spread her arms out as she gave her smart-ass response.

Garrett’s eyes flared as they ran up and down her body. The intensity of his gaze when they met hers was electrifying. “As long as you are in my town and under my protection, I
your alpha.” His last step brought him so close to her that, she could feel his heat. Her beast growled a soft purr and she felt herself sway toward him. With all the purring her beast was doing, her mother may have been mistaken and her father was a damn cat rather than a wolf.

“They’re coming after me, aren’t they?” Janna asked, taking a step back, his closeness doing something to her body she wasn’t used to.

“Yes,” Garrett replied, the one word spoken deep and truthfully.

Janna’s stomach dropped and then rose quickly to her throat. She was terrified, but knew she couldn’t stay here and put these people at risk. There were too many children. “I need my car fixed so I can get out of here.” When he didn’t say anything but shook his head, Janna frowned. “I’m not putting anyone in danger. I have to leave.” She started to walk toward the way Dell disappeared.

“You’re not going anywhere, Janna.” Garrett stopped her by grabbing her arm and leading her in the opposite direction. “We are going to let Jonah calm down and process that he has a daughter. Then we are going to figure out what is going on. One thing I can promise you is that you are safe here.”

Janna looked up at Garrett as she let him lead her. “But you don’t even know me.”

“Doesn’t matter.” He looked down at her, his gaze penetrating. “I know Jonah, and that’s good enough.”

As much as Janna wanted to protest, a part of her felt safe for the first time since her mother had been killed, and it was such a relief. The other part feared for the young children she had seen earlier as well as the two she brought here. “But what about your people…your pack? If they are coming here for me, I don’t want anyone to be hurt.”

As they continued through the small town, he led her up to a small white house. Before opening the door, he stopped and looked down at her. “It’s my job to keep my pack safe and it’s a job I do very well. You are under my protection and I will make sure no harm comes to you.”

He turned, opening the door for her, but she didn’t move for a second, surprised at the sincerity in his dark golden eyes. Not sure what to say to that, she just kept it simple as she walked past him into the house, trusting him fully. “Thank you.” She stepped past him

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