Forbidden Fruit (9 page)

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Authors: Nika Michelle

BOOK: Forbidden Fruit
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"She ain't here Ablo!"
"Yanna! Yanna, please don't do this shit baby," he pleaded. "Baby, I love you. Only you!"

"Look Yanna. You know he ain't goin' leave 'till you talk to him. Now, you need to do that before I end up homeless," she whispered.

Diablo pounded on the door even harder. "Yanna! Yanna! Open the door!"
I got up and opened the door. "What?" I asked with an attitude.
"Baby," Ablo said attempting to kiss me. I turned away. 'Sweat me mufucka', I thought to myself.
"I thought Carmen was your baby," I said.
"Let me come in and talk to you."

"Hell no. You must be deaf Ablo. I told you that it's over nigga, and don't be comin' over here actin' all stupid. This my sister's crib, not mine, so respect her space."

Maya looked at me. "'Good night Yanna, and please keep it down." She looked at Ablo. "Goodnight Ablo."
"Goodnight," I said. "See you in the mornin'."
"Goodnight Maya, and I apologize for bangin' on your door and yellin' and shit," Diablo said.
She nodded. "It's cool," she said and walked out.
"Yanna. Let me in baby," Diablo pleaded with his eyes.
"A'ight, but I ain't leavin' wit' you, so don't even ask. I'm stayin' right here."
I let him in and closed the door.
"You comin' wit' me Yanna. You my woman and you belong wit me."

"I ain't your fuckin' woman. Shit, you made that perfectly clear tonight." I crossed my arms across my chest defiantly.

He let out a frustrated sigh. "What you want me to do Yanna? Huh?"
"Leave me the fuck alone," I snapped. "Since you couldn't keep your dick in your pants."
"You don't want me to leave you alone. You love me, and you know I love you," he said nonchalantly.

"Fuck love Ablo. What the fuck is love anyway? You use the word freely. Like it ain't shit. You probably told that bitch that you love her. You said that the shit you said to her was bullshit. How the hell do I know if this shit you talkin' ain't bullshit too? Shit, as far as I know you been runnin' bullshit on me since day one nigga."


"You know Yanna. We been together for almost seven fuckin' years. Why would I stay wit' you that long if I don't love you? Tell me how much fuckin' sense that make?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I'll answer that question when you tell me why you cheated on me...again."
"Cause I'm a stupid, triflin', sorry ass, no good nigga," he said. "I'm sorry."
"Yep, you sho' is. Sorry as hell."
"I deserve that shit baby, but I do love the hell outta your ass. That ain't no bullshit."

"Stop sayin' that shit Ablo. "Cause if you love me like you claim you'd try to be faithful. What's wrong wit' you? Don't you know that I catch your ass every time? Ain't you figured that shit out yet? There's nothin' that you can do wit' out me findin' out about it. I got tabs on you nigga. Just like you got tabs on me. Ain't you the one who told me the streets be watchin'? Well, the streets be talkin' too. And all you can say to me is you sorry, and you fuckin' love me," I mocked him. "Ablo, you can have that love shit, if it's goin' always be like this. Instead of sayin' it you need to show it. Givin' me some good dick and some money ain't showin' me love. Knowin' that you can hurt me by cheatin' on me and then doin' it anyway ain't showin' me you love me Ablo. So, it's hard to fuckin' believe it when you declare your love for me," I said.


Diablo grabbed my hand and attempted to kiss it. I jerked it away. "Yanna, baby, that's why I love you. You so much more than these streets baby. You take me away from the craziness every time I look into your eyes. At first I was just hustlin' 'cause it was all I knew. Now I do that shit for you, for us. To keep my promise. I watched you grow from a wild teenage girl to a beautiful, strong woman. I know you bay, and my love for you is real. I'm sorry 'bout that shit that happened earlier. It was meant for you to catch me shawty. To open my eyes up to what the fuck I already got. I don't know what the fuck I was looking elsewhere for, when I got it all right here."


That nigga thought he had game. I felt the shit he was saying, but I couldn't let it go that easily.


I stared at him for a few seconds without saying a word. Then I started clapping. "Oh, now that was good Ablo. You should get a Oscar for that," I chastised him.


"How you goin' play me like that Yanna. Here I am pourin' my fuckin' heart out to your ass, and you jokin'," he said angrily.


"Ain't that what you been doin'? Playin' me? Takin’ this relationship for a joke? You still ain't answered my question. Why'd you cheat on me again?" I asked. My eyes were fixed on his.


"I ain't play you bay, and I ain't got no reason for cheatin'," he said.


"I would feel better if you at least had a reason for doin’ it. Well, why should I believe that you ain't goin' cheat again? I mean you did tell me that the last time I caught your ass. You lied then why the fuck should I believe you now?" I asked.

"Cause, I don't wanna be wit' out you. I know that them other broads ain't worth losin' you."
I shook my head. "What if the tables were turned and I was cheatin', huh? What then?"
Diablo frowned up his handsome face. "I don't fuckin know Yanna. I would flip the fuck out and blast that nigga."
"Would you stay wit' me?" I asked.
He didn't say anything, but he shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh, so you don't know? Okay, well you had your chance to talk and I listened. The thing is that you ain't told me shit that'll change my mind. Bye Ablo. I'll be there tomorrow to get my shit," I said walking him to the door.


Diablo laughed. "Uh huh, so you callin' the fuckin' shots now. Okay. If you think it's that easy Yanna, try it. I bet your ass after one week you'll be back wit' me. As a matter of fact I'll give it 'bout two or three days."

"You'll see where doubtin' me get your ass. It don't matter nigga, but I want to know one thing."
"What?" He asked as I opened the door.
"Did you fuck her because I don't satisfy you sexually?" I asked.

"Hell nol. Believe me baby, a man can have the best pussy in the world at home and still cheat. You got some good shit, and I can't complain because you do satisfy me. You got the best pussy I ever had," he smiled admiring my body as he walked out.


"Too bad then. 'Cause you'll never even smell this pussy again," I smiled back at him and slammed the door in his face.






Chapter 5


It had been almost two weeks since I'd broken up with Diablo. I had every intention of taking him back, but I was enjoying the grace period. Every single day he came over to Maya's with a gift for me. Flowers, money, jewelry, and clothes just to name a few. He was begging like Keith Sweat at a strip club and I loved it.

On this one particular day Diablo showed up at the door with an agenda that even I wasn't prepared for.
"What do you want Ablo?" I asked pretending that he was bothering me. The truth was I missed him so much.
"Can I come in?" He asked politely.
I stepped aside and he walked in.
"Yanna baby, you done proved your point, so come home wit' me," he said.

"Ain't we just a little bit cocky? We not together no more Ablo. I ain't tryin' to prove shit. Deal wit' it. Shit, you did it. You broke us up when you fucked Carmen."


Diablo grabbed me and pulled me toward him. "A'ight now Yanna I been lettin' you get the last word in long enough. Now you fuckin' listen to me. I love you and that's one thing I know. In six years this is the longest time we been apart. You know what? I don't like it. You belong wit' me. I'm sorry about that shit that went down wit' Carmen and every bitch before her. I know you heard this shit outta my mouth before, but this time it's for real. Yanna, I can't stop thinkin' 'bout you. You here," he pointed to his head. "And here," he pointed to his heart. "I can't fuckin' escape you baby. You every fuckin' where. I can't sleep. I can't eat. Baby, I can't breathe, 'cause I'm drownin' in you." With that said he reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a small, velvet box. "Marry me Yanna," he said opening the box and revealing a five carat uncut diamond in a platinum setting. "I got it from Tiffany. I know how much you love their jewelry and shit." He smiled at me like he had just won the lottery.


I was standing there with my mouth wide open, and tears streaming down my face. "I don't know what to say. Are you doin' this just to get me back Ablo? Or do you really wanna be wit' me forever without them other bitches?" I asked.


"Say yes baby, and the rest will speak for itself," he said pulling me into him for a tight embrace.


"Yes," I whispered in his ear. When I pulled away I continued. "But you gonna have to show me that you serious Ablo. If you cheat on me again the engagement is off, no questions asked and no chasing me down tryin' to get me back. Don't nobody need to know we engaged right now."


"Well give me the ring back then," he laughed. "What's the point if can't nobody know. I want every fuckin' body to know that you goin' be my wife."


"Hell no! I'm wearin' this fuckin' ring. You just gotta prove to me that you worthy of bein' my husband. I'm gonna stay here until I decide that I'm ready to move back in wit' you."


Diablo didn't like that comment because his reason for proposing was so I would leave with him.


"Yanna damn. What the fuck a nigga gotta do?" He asked looking confused.


"You gotta show and prove instead of just sayin' it. I mean c'mon Ablo. I can't count how many times you cheated on me, and I ain't even kissed another nigga. See, ya'll niggas don't know what to do when you got a real bitch. Shit, men ain't never satisfied," I complained.


He sighed and looked at me. "Don't compare me to no other niggas, and when the fuck you get all independent?"


"It ain't even 'bout that Ablo. You just don't seem to get the shit. I deserve respect from you. You s'posed to be my man, and you claimed that you was gonna protect me. So protect my heart too Ablo. I love you to death, and I wanna be your wife, but you gotta change. No more cheatin Ablo and I mean it. If I ever catch you cheatin' on me again you goin' fuckin' choke on this ring."


Diablo laughed, but when he saw that I was serious he stopped. "Yanna, I already apologized for hurtin' you. What else do you want from me?"


"How many times do I have to say it. All I want is for you to be faithful, or at least honest Ablo. I can't marry you if I can't trust your ass. What's the point of that? It'll never work."


"Okay, a'ight. I hear what you sayin'," he said.


"But are you listenin' to me Ablo or am I just talkin' at you. I mean, is the shit really gettin' through your thick, hard ass skull?" I joked.

He nodded yes, but remained silent. I hated when he did that.
"What's on your mind baby?" I asked.
"Yanna, baby, I need you home. Be for real now, don't you miss me?" He asked looking all sad.
"Of course I miss your ass, but that's beside the point. You still my nigga, but we gotta live apart for now."
Diablo sighed in frustration. "Damn, you make me wanna choke you."

I laughed and punched him playfully in the arm. "I love you papi, and I been wantin' to fuck the shit outta you for the past week and a half. I gotta stand my ground. I gotta demand my respect, and I demand that you be faithful to me too. If I keep on takin' the shit you dish out you gonna keep doin' it. Do you understand what I'm sayin'?"


"A'ight Yanna. I'll wait as long as it take for you to come to the crib. I gotta make sure some shit is taken care of at the spot so I'll call you in a lil' bit. I wanna see you tonight okay," he said and kissed me softly on my lips. "I do feel you baby. I been a selfish mufucka and I'm sorry for hurtin' you. I know you love me, and I been takin' your love for granted. I know that you want me to get up in that thang tonight too,” he winked at me and gave me one of those sexy looks.

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