Forbidden Bond (16 page)

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Authors: Jessica Lee

BOOK: Forbidden Bond
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“Yes. It’s true.”

“Oh, my God, man. I’d hoped that was all Tawny, trying to stir up some drama like she’s famous for…
! What are you planning on doing? Is that why you went back there? For her?”

“No!” Eion spun and marched away from the bank, going in no particular direction. “At least I don’t think so. Damn! I was only going to be here a few days. Get the ranch up on the market and head home.”

“But you made sure you ran into her one more time,” his brother said, his tone dark.

“Not intentionally.”

“Right… I hate to go there, man, but have you sealed the deal? Have you mated with her?”

“God, no,” Eion barked. “She has no idea what I am, and I wouldn’t do that to her. Liv doesn’t even know that our kind exist.”

“You can’t tell her about us, Eion. You, of all people, know we’re not to get involved with humans. You can’t let this go any further. Come home and get your life back, Brother.”

“I know, dammit! That’s what I’ve tried to do for the last twelve years!” he shouted. “I never completed our bond. But, holy hell, no matter how much sex, time, and distance I put between us, I can’t get her out of my system.”

“What are you saying?”

Eion couldn’t miss the telltale
sound of the nervous tapping that was so Tristan when he knew they were in trouble. “I don’t know what I’m saying…maybe that I’m screwed. I have to move on. I know that. But I’m not ready to let go. Not yet.” He released a long deep breath. “She needs me, Tristan. I have to help her and her brother get back on their feet. After I make sure she’s happy, I swear I’ll let go.”

“You want me to explain this to our father?” Tristan forced out a short laugh that had way more to do with disbelief than humor.

“You are the peacemaker of the family, little brother.”

“True. But you have to admit this is a lot more serious than who dented our father’s Mercedes.”

“Tristan. Come on, man. Talk to him. Get him to call off his dogs. I got the message. He doesn’t have to worry about his
rising alpha
. I’ll be back to claim my place in succession.”

“Eion…” His brother sighed. “He told me that if you called, to let you know that if you weren’t home in forty-eight hours, that wouldn’t be the last damage done to the Wilsons’ herd.”

“Son of a bitch!” Eion growled. “Doesn’t he realize that Kris and Olivia will call in the Game and Fish Department? He’s putting our people at risk for no fucking reason.”

“He feels the same way about you, Eion. Father said that the longer you put yourself out there with ‘that woman’, the more at risk you are of sinking deeper into your bond, threatening everything you’ve worked toward your entire life.”

“I take it you agree with him,” Eion said.

“I don’t know.” Tristan groaned. “I do know I don’t agree with his methods. He should not have sent anyone to damage their cattle.” The tapping sound increased. “I can see both sides, though. He has a point. Pack law is clear in regards to shifter and human mating. It’s forbidden. And the more time you spend with her, Eion, the harder it’s going to be to leave. But no matter what, you’re my brother, and I’ll always have your back.”

“Thank you.” Eion exhaled. “So you’ll try and talk to him?”

“I’ll do what I can.”

“I appreciate it.” Eion made his way back to his horse and grabbed the reins with one hand. “In the meantime, I’ll attempt to get in touch with him and see if by some miracle he’ll listen to reason.” He hoisted himself up and back into his saddle. “Let me know how it goes on your end.”

“Will do.”

The sound of an approaching horse had him twisting in his saddle, glancing in the direction of the noise. He ended his call and shoved the phone back into its holder. Eion nudged his horse away from the water and toward the oncoming rider. His pulse lurched and his senses went into full alert at the sight of Liv on her mustang.

“We meet again,” Liv called out, trotting up to where they stood. “Looks like I’m going to have to learn to share my favorite quiet place.” She smiled and patted her stallion along his neck.

“Is that going to be a problem, Dr. Wilson?”

“Might.” She cocked her head with a smirk. “I was never very good at sharing, being the baby and all.”

quite spoiled as a young girl.”

“What?” she scoffed. “I was not spoiled. Maybe a little strong-willed.” She dismounted and led her horse over to the stream for a drink.

“Strong-willed…” Eion swung his leg over and joined her on the ground. “Is that what they’re calling it nowadays?” They both chuckled. He slung the lead over a nearby branch, securing his horse, and ambled near Liv. “You’re out here in your scrubs in the middle of the day.” He tugged on one of the large front pockets of her top. “Everything okay?”

“I’m fine.” She stepped back, making sure he lost his grip on her shirt. “This is where I like to come sometimes to think.” She lowered herself onto the grassy bank. “I like the sound of the water. It’s calming.”

Unable to resist, Eion sat beside her, both facing the stream. “That it is.” He sighed. Seconds passed between them in silence, the sound of the water breaking over the rocks the only melody in the air. “So,” he drawled, “what are you thinking about that requires a half-hour ride to listen to the water?”

A laugh bubbled up from her. “Nosey much?”

“Guilty.” Eion pulled off his hat and draped it over one knee. “Talk to me.” The wind caught his hair, blowing it into his eyes. He shoved it back behind his ear.

She clamped her mouth shut, studying him. But with an exasperated sigh, she said, “I just have a lot on my mind. Money problems with the ranch, the wolves taking out our herd, not to mention my practice has only been open for a year, and now my business partner is intent on marrying me. I have a
of things to think about.” She dropped her gaze to her laced fingers.

Eion’s gut tightened, but he needed to be happy for her, help her move on.

“Then Josie came by this morning and announced that she’s throwing Taylor and me a party celebrating our clinic’s anniversary at
The Dry Well
tomorrow night.” She sighed.

“That’s not a good thing? Something to look forward to?”

“It should be, shouldn’t it?” She looked over at him, her nose crinkled, and nodded. “Becoming a vet and then opening the clinic here in Little Crow has been like a dream come true for me.” Liv glanced back down at her hands. “Kris and I have had so much to deal with at the ranch though that celebrating our clinic’s milestone almost feels like Taylor and I are about to jinx ourselves. What if something goes wrong and I end up losing both my practice and the ranch as well?”

Rubbing the stubble on his chin with one hand, he added, “First off, you’re not losing your home. I refuse to allow that to happen. Second, is some of this anxiety because of what happened between us last night?”

“Let’s not go there.” Liv lunged to her feet, dusting off the back of her pants. “God, I shouldn’t even be here with you like this.” Eion stood up next to her. She spun on her heels to leave, but in her rush, didn’t notice the hole in the ground. Her foot sank, tossing her sideways, right into Eion’s arms.

He caught her before she fell, pulling her in close. The sudden heat of her presence was like kindling to the ever present fire that simmered beneath the surface of his skin. Her breathing ragged, Liv glanced up from under her lashes, her fingertips digging into his biceps.

Eion leaned down, brushed his lips over her forehead. She closed her eyes, and he kissed her there, then her cheek.

“This is so wrong,” she whispered then bit her lip.

“Very wrong.” He groaned next to her lips, his pulse galloping flat out, a thoroughbred on a straightaway.
Once more
. Then they would move on.

He had to.

With the tip of his tongue, Eion tasted the seam of her mouth. Her breath hitched, and her eyes opened, yet she didn’t let go. Their gazes locked and like the goddess of a green sea, Liv pulled him under. But at that moment, he’d be damned if he cared whether or not he drew another breath or drowned in her ocean. Whatever she needed, it was hers.

Her lips parted, and he breathed her in right before sealing his mouth over hers. His ability to think obliterated by the woman in his arms. Inside his head, his wolf howled. His blood surged through his veins and slammed home into his cock.

Eion spun Liv around and moved her in reverse until he had her exactly where he needed her to be—wedged between his hips and the nearest tree.

Breaking away from the seal of their lips, Liv gasped. “Eion…” Her nails bit into his shoulder blades, but the sting only served to heighten his need. Eion followed the curve of her neck to her shoulder. Damn, like an aphrodisiac, her scent went straight to his dick. He wedged his thigh between hers and rocked into her lower abdomen. “Oh, God…” she groaned. “You make me want…”

“What do you want, Liv?” His voice was barely above a rumble. His control on the verge of imploding.
If she asked him to take her right here—right now—he doubted he would have the strength to walk away. “Anything.” He flicked his tongue over the shell of her ear. “Say it.” He slid the back of his knuckles down her sides and over the swell of her breasts.

She shivered and a whimper escaped her lips. “Touch me,” she whispered.

Eion couldn’t hold back the growl that rolled from his throat if his life depended on it. Through the thin fabric of her top, he brushed his thumb over the hard pebble of her nipple. Liv jerked, and he captured her cry of passion with his kiss. She moaned over his tongue, and the effect sizzled down his spine.

His shaft throbbed with every beat of his heart. Ached for a release that only the woman in his arms could give him. But this moment wasn’t about him. Something inside told Eion that Liv needed this way more. She broke free from his kiss, and the warmth of her breath skated over his flesh in small, shaky puffs.

“Stop…” Liv tensed.

Eion froze.

She twisted from his arms. “I can’t do this.” Eyes wide, she covered the lower half of her face with her hand as if the act could somehow hide the evidence of their passion. “I-I’m sorry. I just can’t. I need to get out of here,” she mumbled behind her palm, her voice scratchy.

“Wait.” Eion reached out. She whirled before he could catch her, and made a dash toward her mustang. “Liv!” He started after her, but ground to a halt.
What was he doing? Her reaction—the pain in her expression, sent a dagger on a slice and dice spin through his heart. He was only making things worse. Hurting her had never been part of the plan. Quite the opposite. Her happiness meant everything.


Chapter Thirteen


Olivia had to get her head back on straight.

“Watch where you step,” she said, shining her flashlight along the path, a blanket in her other hand. This was exactly what she needed—a night alone with Taylor under the stars to help erase the memory of the “almost” mistake she’d allowed to happen with Eion.

“Yeah. Don’t worry. I’m right behind you. ‘Cause nothing says a romantic evening like stepping in a cow pile.”

Despite the turbulence of her thoughts, Olivia managed to laugh. She slowed and glanced over her shoulder. Taylor hustled to catch up, their picnic basket rocking back and forth by the handles, the light from his own flashlight dancing over the grass. He was being such a good sport. Once there, Taylor leaned in and planted a kiss on her cheek.

“You know you’re having a good time.” She smacked his shoulder with her palm. “Admit it.”

“Anywhere with you is a good time even if it is ten o’clock at night and we’re dodging crap out in the middle of a cow pasture.” He kissed her once more. This time on the lips, slowing things down and letting her know that for him, tonight was more than a scouting for wolves mission.

She pulled away and pasted on a smile. “You know all the right things to say to a girl, Taylor McDaniel.” So why couldn’t her heart race for him like it does for Eion? Her mind wandered once more to earlier in the day. She still couldn’t believe the strength of her and Eion’s chemistry. One touch, and unlike with any other man in her present or past, she was on fire—a blaze that seemed only he held the power to quench. But then she’d come up for air and a dose of reality had burst through her passion-filled haze…she was about to hurt Taylor. And that was unacceptable. She couldn’t allow that to happen.

He grinned. “Good to hear I may have earned some points.”

“Points, huh?” She punched him in the shoulder, her swing more show than fight. “Glad I’m learning now just how sincere my boyfriend is.”

Taylor cocked one brow. “I sincerely would love to find a spot and eat whatever is in here.” He lifted the basket in emphasis. “And,” he closed the distance between them, lowered his head, placing his lips at her ear, “sincerely glad to have you all to myself tonight.”

Her stomach tightened and she stepped back on impulse. “Me, too,” she quickly muttered, doing her best to cover her sudden retreat. She tucked her loose tresses behind one ear, and rotated away. “Let’s find a good spot for a lookout.”

“Okay, okay.” The rattle of their goodies for tonight as he made his way said he was close behind. “Never seen a woman so eager to go on a wolf safari,” he added on a laugh.

“Well, to tell you the truth, I do think they’re beautiful animals. Graceful, intelligent, haunting eyes… If they weren’t dining on my cattle, I’d be thrilled about spotting a few.”

“Very true,” Taylor said, a chuckle following.

After a few minutes, Olivia settled on a small hill that overlooked the area where the last attack had occurred. “How about this?”

“Yeah. This should be a good spot.” Taylor lowered the basket and propped his hands on his hips, his gaze turned up to the night sky. “It’s so damn beautiful.” He glanced over his shoulder. “I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of living out here.”

She smiled. “Good thing, since you have a business to run in this town, and a partner who will kick your butt if you ever decide to leave.” Olivia laughed and spread a blanket out over the grassy slope. Taylor sank onto the wool surface and lay on his side. She reached over for their supplies. “Hungry?”

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