Read For Their Happiness Online

Authors: Jayton Young

For Their Happiness (13 page)

BOOK: For Their Happiness
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You said that you have been living in a kind of haze, please explain what you mean.”  He said stoically, and if it weren’t for the slight grinding of his teeth, you’d think he hadn’t been affected at all.

Zeke ran his hands through his hair and mussed it before leaning on the table.  “It was like I was watching and hearing everything from far away.  I was there, but someone else had control, and nothing I did could change it.  At least until Crystie.”  He leaned back in his seat, kind of sprawled out, looking frustrated.  “At first it wasn’t like that, but the more he would order me to do things…it was like I was losing myself a little at a time.  I tried to fight back once, and I don’t know what he did, but after that is when I no longer had control of myself.  I was basically his puppet.”

“Do you remember things you did, things they told you, or things you heard?”
  Nikki asked.

“I only heard them if they had called me into a conversation and forgot to release me.”  He closed his eyes and I saw his jaw muscles flex.  “I remember everything I was ordered to do.”

“I was ordered to make her suffer, but not to injure her beyond
what she could
repair.  I was to make sure she could remain conscious for more questioning.
  We were to do it whether she cooperated or not.
”  He said sounding tired and defeated.

I looked at Trent and begged him silently to end this questioning.  He just stared back at me and didn’t say a word.  I could tell he really needed some time away from all of this.  I knew he would have to get used to it, but he wasn’t Alpha yet, so maybe I could give him this.  We still had a couple of hours in the air, so I turned to Zeke and Nikki, including her which I had a hunch would make her happy.

“Zeke, can you please try and recall everything you have heard Will and Bethany speak of
and relay it to Nikki
.  You two can go out there and get a drink and a snack while you talk.  We’ll get
back together when we land and g
et to
the pack house and
Alpha Parker.”  He nodded and just peaked over to Nikki with a small smile on his face.

“I’ll take care of it.”  Nikki said.  “You two get some rest.  Bolton, there is more comfortable seating out there you can try and relax in; maybe
catch a nap before we get to South

Ryan and Jerry both nodded in our direction and headed out, closing the door behind themselves.

“Are you alright?”  I asked Trent, bringing my hand up to his cheek.  He closed his eyes and leaned into my touch.

“How many times?”  He asked.  His voice cracked on the last word, but I had no idea what he meant.  He must have realized that because he opened his eyes and looked back into my eyes.  “How many times will someone try and take you from me?
”  I saw tears well in his eyes, and my heart broke for him.  I had put him through so much.

I leaned up, moving my lips to his.  Realizing what I was doing, he met me half way.
  The same explosion of sensation I had experienced earlier came back.  I had never felt anything close to it before him, and I wish I had.  Then I wouldn’t have wasted two years of our lives by being stupid.  My whole body moved toward him as if he was my world now and held the gravitational pull the Earth used to possess. 

Trent wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled be over onto his lap so we could reach each other better.  His hands roamed over my body as mine explored his tight, muscular chest and arms.
  I ran them down to the hem of his t-shirt and slid it up slowly, feeling his abs and pectorals with nothing filtering the sensation of his skin touching mine.  He had no hair on his chest and it was driving me insane with want.  I knew we were moving too fast and that there were other wolves on the plane, which would mean that they could hear if we did anything, but I couldn’t stop myself
, or even bring myself to care

“I know, baby.  I’m having trouble c
ontrolling myself too.”  He whispered
when he pulled away and touched his forehead to mine.  We were both breathing so heavily, you’d have thought we’d just run a marathon.  After our breath evened out some is when I thought about what he’d said.

“Can you hear my thoughts?”  I asked him
.  “
his is more than earlier,
like you took the t
ought out of my head.”

“I have a constant link to the whole pack and can talk to them when needed, but it’s not like I hear every thought.  You were always hard for me, but I would get snippets here and there.  They never made sense until recently.”  He said as he picked me up and carried me to the couch.  He lay down and had me on top like a blanket.  “But with us being near each other, the link with you is getting stronger.  I can hear most of what’s going through your head now.”

“Why can’t I hear yours?”  I asked.  That didn’t seem fair if he could listen to my thoughts, but I had no idea what he was thinking most of the time.

He laughed as he listened to my petulant thoughts.  “Hey now, think of it this way; I can’t feel what others feel like you can, so you have something I’ll never have.  At least you’ll eventually be able to hear my thoughts
and those of the pack
after we mate.”

That did make me feel better, though I hadn’t really been upset in the first place.  I had never felt like being this playful and open with anyone else before and it was nice.

“That’s because we’re mates.

“Will you get out of my head!?”  I laughed
as I smacked his chest

“But you’re so interesting and entertaining.”  He tickled me and got me giggling before pulling
up his body for another slow and sweet kiss.  If he kept doing that, he wouldn’t have to worry about my thoughts.  I was always so senseless when his lips and hands touched me like that.

He chucked into our kiss before pulling away.  “Let’s take a nap.”  He said.  “
have enough to deal with when we land.”
  I snugged
my faces
into his
neck and took in
his scent, letting it relax me, but the pulsing need I felt for him was still there.

I started kissing and nibbling on his neck and jaw until he slid his fingers into my hair to help guide my head to align our mouths.  My lips parted to allow his to slide in, drawing a moan I hadn’t even known I was capable of, from way down deep.

His hands roamed my body as mine roamed and explored his.  Even I could smell my wetness getting me ready for his introduction into my body.

Growling, he somehow flipped our positions on the couch
.  His mouth only leaving mine long enough to undress us both, Trent took me and my body places I never thought I would be able to go.  He said he had saved himsel
f for me
and with the frantic need and awkwardness we were both exhibiting, I believed him.

Finally calling out our simultaneous release, we both bit down on the others

neck, marking our possession
of each other
for the world to see.

As I lay on top of him, coming back down to Earth from the explosion that changed my world for the better, I laughed at the thought that wouldn’t leave my head.

Catching my thoughts, Trent’s laughter joined mine.

“Really?  All you can think of in this moment is the mile high club?”




After getting off the plane and arriving back at the pack house, we had gone in
the office
with Alpha Parker and briefed him on everything that had happened and all that been discovered.  He knew most of it, but he wanted everyone’s perspectives on the situation.

I had an idea, but I knew Trent wouldn’t like it.  I don’t know how he hadn’t picked it up in my thoughts, but he hadn’t said anything and he wasn’t fussing at me, so I knew he still didn’t know.  Obviously, though, Alpha Parker had.

“I need to speak to Crystie alone.”  He announced to the room.  Everyone filed out except for my dad, mom, and Trent.

“I did say alone.”  He said to the remaining three.

“I’m not leaving my mate.”  Trent said.  I could tell by his tone of voice that he wouldn’t budge.

“Do you really think I would harm your mate?  An Omega at that?”  Alpha asked in a threatening tone that had both me and my father working to soothe

Trent’s shoulders dropped in defeat.  He knew his dad would never hurt me, that wasn’t the issue.  He just didn’t want to leave my side.  He looked over to me, kissed my forehead and headed out with my parents.

When the door had shut behind them, he turned to me.  “I’m not so sure about this idea, Crystie.”

“Do you have a better one?”  I asked him.  “One that doesn’t involve our wolves getting hurt?”

“You know that Trent will not give in lightly.”  He said, flopping down in his seat and leaning on his desk.

We are planning on spending the day alone together.
  I’ll tell him tonight.  It’s the only way for you to be able to find the rogues and do what you have to do without a huge battle.”

“If you can convince my son to go along with this, then we will do it.”

I nodded.  I knew how improbable that task was.  There was no way Trent would
let me get taken by the rogues; willingly or not.



Chapter 19



Though Trent wasn’t happy about not knowing what Jeffery, as he had asked me to call him, and I had talked about; we were able to assure him all was fine and that I would tell him later.  So he dropped it and just spent the day with me, relaxing in his room, well our room.  We talked about everything.  I don’t think anything had been left out of our conversation.

One thing he was adamant about, though, was that I learn how to defend myself.  I tried to convince him that I couldn’t hurt anyone or anything, not even with the help of my wolf, but he was very hard-headed on the subject.

“I’m not hard headed.  I just think that any wolf would defend herself in an attack.”  He said, obviously hearing my not so nice thoughts.   “You are just getting your wolf back and I think we should try it tomorrow after I’m sure you are completely healed.”

“I told you I am fine, Trent.  I have healed the damage done
, and you can ask Daddy and Alpha Parker; they tried to train me before my wolf was gone.  It didn’t go over very well, and I got hurt.  It caused a lot of problems.”  I tried to tell him again.  Everything I was saying had already been said, but he just wouldn’t listen.

“When was the last time they tried?”  He asked.  Finally picking up some of what I was saying to him. 

“Right after I quit school to take the test for my diploma, so about two and a half years ago.”

“I’m sorry, baby.”  He let out a big breath and flopped back on the bed.  “I just…I feel like something is still going to happen, and though I’ll give my life to make sure they don’t get you again, I want to know that you can defend yourself if I’m not there
or if something happens to me
.  I don’t know how to describe it.  It’s just a gut feeling.”

“Why are you feeling guilty?”  He asked, and I realized I hadn’t been shielding from him.  I had gotten so caught up with being with him, I had forgotten.

“I seem to be making all of this harder on everyone.”  It was the truth; I did feel guilty for that, but I couldn’t tell him everything yet. 
All too soon he’d know.  I just wasn’t ready to spoil our day together.  It was taking everything I had to shield it from him.

turned to face me
, running his fingers down the side of my face
so gently I barely felt them, but they left a tingling trail in their wake.  “None of this is your fault, Crystie.”  I could see all of the love he felt for me reflected in those blue depths.  “Now, enough of all of this talk.  Tonight is about us finally being us.”

I giggled at that and he joined me after a moment.  That had been
one of
the sweetest, yet lamest things I had ever heard.

“I’ll give you lame.”

Oooo!  I couldn’t wait until I could hear his thoughts and use them against him like he did me.

“Oh really.”  He said, rolling over to cover me so I couldn’t move before he started tickling me.  “I have nothing to hide.”  He kept it up until I was crying and cramping.  When he saw this he stopped and bent down to my middle to rub and kiss my side to make it better, which only got me hotter.

I pull
ed on his shoulders to bring his face back level with mine.  “I love you, Trent Parker.”  I said before pulling his mouth down to mine.  Never had I thought I’d be so brazen with anyone, but Trent made me feel things I had never even dreamed of.  I guess that was what a mate was for. To love you a
s no other and to bring the best out in

BOOK: For Their Happiness
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