For the Rush (Playing for Keeps #3) (17 page)

BOOK: For the Rush (Playing for Keeps #3)
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Chloe sat in the water, her head resting against the side of the spa. Her eyes were shrouded by her sunglasses, but I could tell by her unmoving posture and parted lips that they were closed. Bubbles foamed around her, but I saw the outline of her black bikini and it caused my pulse to quicken. Kids squealed in the distance where they played near the pool, but other than that it was quiet. And I was grateful it was just she and I in the spa. I climbed down the steps and gently lowered myself on the bench next to her.

She flinched when my hand rested on her thigh. Her head bobbed up and then a smile leapt to her face.

“You’re here,” she said.

My heart skipped a beat at how happy she was to see me. I’d never get used to the effect I had on her. And I’d never tire of it. “Yeah. Sawyer and I finished early.”

“How’d it go?” Her hand found mine under the water, and she wove our fingers together.

Sawyer and I had been meeting every day since I got my cast off last week to toss around the football. “Really well. He says my arm is just as good as before.”

“That’s great. I’m proud of you,” she said.

Leaning over, I kissed her cheek, her fruity scent enveloping me. “Thanks.”

“So I have some news.” Excitement was written all over her face. I imagined her eyes sparkling underneath her large glasses.

My heart leapt, almost positive what her news would be. “Really?”

“I got another college acceptance letter.”

She’d already gotten several. “Please tell me this was from Oceanside.”

Biting her lip, she nodded.

“That’s amazing.” I’d already secured my spot at Oceanside and received a partial scholarship. Once I’d realized all that my mom and James did to help that along, I was bowled over. Since then, James and I had gotten pretty tight. I wasn’t sure I was ready to completely embrace him as my new dad, but he was the closest thing to a father figure I’d ever experienced. And for that I was grateful. “So, are you going to accept?”

Chloe appeared conflicted, and my chest tightened. “I want to, but first I want to make sure you’re okay with it.”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“You’re sure I won’t be cramping your style?”

Her question confused me. “Why would you say that?”

“I thought college was a time for guys to play the field, sow their wild oats and all that jazz.”

“I have no desire to play the field, and I don’t even know what sowing wild oats means.” Chloe chuckled at that. Reaching up, I ran my knuckles over her cheek. “Don’t you know how I feel about you by now?” My fingers slipped beneath her wet hair. “I love you, Chloe.”

She froze. It was the first time I’d said the words. Sure, I’d known it for a long time. I was just waiting for the right moment to say it.

“I love you too,” she said breathlessly.

Keeping one hand tucked beneath her hair, I curved my other hand around her waist and scooted closer. “God, I missed this.”

“Being in the spa?” She cocked an eyebrow.

“No. Holding you with both arms.”

She smiled. “I missed it too.”

I feathered my lips over hers, softly, like the sweep of a paintbrush. I savored the feel of her lips on mine, gently rubbing back and forth, creating friction. Then I pressed down a little more firmly, her lips pliable as our mouths fused together. A small moan sounded at the back of her throat, as I teased her lips open with my tongue. When my tongue slid between her perfect lips, I took my time. Softly sliding my tongue over hers and swirling it inside her mouth. Her hands found my chest, her fingers tickling my muscles as they skated over my flesh.

“Say it again,” she spoke against my mouth.

“I love you, Chloe,” I said, loving the way the words tasted on my tongue. My mouth covered hers again, kissing her intensely. When we drew back, I stared into her eyes. “I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. I love you so much, and I don’t plan to ever stop.”




FOR THE SAVE (Playing for Keeps #4) Coming Summer 2015!

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Here is a sneak peek at the cover of
FOR THE SAVE (Playing for Keeps #4)





Addison West is broken.

Last year tragedy struck her family, destroying everything she loved. Now she’s trying desperately to pick up the pieces after her brother’s suicide, hiding her wounds behind piercings and a tough, aloof exterior. But she knows she’s fighting a losing battle.

Sawyer Ridley is lost.

After witnessing his teammate’s murder, he’s plagued by nightmares and panic attacks. With the nickname Riddles, Sawyer was always one for a joke, but he can’t find anything to laugh about anymore. He’s devastated, and not even football offers him comfort or solace.

On the outside, Addison and Sawyer have nothing in common. But when they meet in group counseling, their shared grief immediately bonds them. As their relationship grows, the walls they’ve built around themselves begin to come down.

But just as old wounds begin to heal, new, more painful ones emerge.

Can Addison and Sawyer save each other from the grief that threatens to destroy them both?


Author’s Note and Acknowledgments


FOR THE RUSH is a story I’ve been dying to write for awhile. My son is in the marching band and there is a girl in the band with him who is funny, outgoing and pretty. I love her bubbly personality and her confidence. And ever since I met her, I’ve wanted to write about a girl like that. In my other books where the “nerdy” girl gets the “popular” boy, the girl is shy and quiet, insecure. I wanted to do something different with this one. Mostly because I don’t think we are always what people perceive us to be. In high school I was never the popular girl, but the truth is that I did like myself. I liked the way I looked, liked my personality. Just because other people didn’t think I was something special, didn’t mean I wasn’t. In high school kids can be cruel. And oftentimes they don’t think about the effect their cruelty really has on other people.

This book started out as a straight romance, but like all of my books, it took on a life of its own at some point. This time it happened when Preston came into the picture. And I’m happy with where it went. I hope you are too.

As always I have a ton of people to thank:

Lisa Richardson, my super star editor. Also the person who came up with Akron Avengers.

Kris at C & K Creations for my fabulous cover. I love it so much. It’s perfect.

Cambria Hebert and Susan Griscom for being awesome beta readers and catching all the crazy plot holes and mistakes.

To Leanne Coulson’s husband who helped me understand how a football practice is run! I appreciate it!!

To my kids for being so understanding when Chloe and Holden took over my life.

For my husband who is always super supportive and loves me so well.

To my extended family – there are too many to name, but I love you all!

To all my readers, bloggers and fans, you make this all worth it! I can’t thank you enough.

And, most of all, to God, who makes all this possible. Everything I do is for you.



About the Author





Amber Garza is the author of the
Delaney’s Gift Series
, the
Prowl Trilogy
, suspense novel
, and many contemporary romance titles, including
Star Struck
Tripping Me Up
. She has had a passion for the written word since she was a child making books out of notebook paper and staples. Her hobbies include reading and singing. Tea and wine are her drinks of choice (not necessarily in that order). She writes while blaring music, and talks about her characters like they’re real people. She currently lives in California with her amazing husband, and two hilarious children who provide her with enough material to keep her writing for years.

BOOK: For the Rush (Playing for Keeps #3)
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