For the Love of Tia: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 4.1 (3 page)

Read For the Love of Tia: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 4.1 Online

Authors: S. E. Smith

Tags: #romance, #science fiction romance, #alien romance, #dragon romance paranormal, #scifiction romance

BOOK: For the Love of Tia: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 4.1
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Chapter 4


Santil shook his head when he saw Jett
emerge out of the darkness with a slender green female. “You are
going to start a war, you know,” Santil said with a

Jett laughed, looking down in
amusement at Tia. “Meet Santil. He is always thinking the worse is
going to happen.”

That is because it
usually does,” Santil snorted, scowling. “Jett is forever getting
us in trouble.”

Jett,” Tia said softly
with a smile. “I like that name,” she said shyly, staring up at the
huge male that took her breath away.

Santil stopped at the opening of the
tunnel and looked at his large friend in disbelief. “You kidnapped
her and didn’t even bother to tell her your name? That is low even
for you, my friend” he joked before turning back to make sure the
coast was clear of any predators.

Ignore him,” Jett teased
back, jumping down behind his friend and opening his arms for her.
“I try to.” Tia couldn’t help but giggle at the way the two unusual
men picked on each other.

It was so different from
Tamblin and the elders. Only the children seemed to have a sense of
humor anymore,
she thought

Tia shielded her eyes from
the brightness that she had only heard about. She had never seen
the top side of their world. Tamblin had refused her many requests
saying it was too dangerous. She blinked rapidly until her eyes
adjusted enough so that she
see without her eyes tearing.

It was big and beautiful.
For as far as she could see there were rolling waves of glittering,
windswept sand. She tried to imagine what it would have looked like
before when the large mushroom forests covered it
but couldn’t.

Come,” Jett said with a
soft smile of encouragement. “We need to make haste if we are to
return to our home before the darkness falls.”

Santil shuddered. “I agree. I don’t
want to have to deal with the night creatures on top of everything

What else is there?” Tia
asked curiously as she put her hands on Jett’s broad shoulder to
steady herself as he lowered her down to the ground.

A warm shiver swept down her spine and
she couldn’t resist looking up at him to see if he felt her
reaction. The heated look in his eyes showed he was not immune to
her touch either. A rosy blush rose up her cheeks as unfamiliar
feelings coursed through her.

Sand worms,” Jett and
Santil said at the same time, answering the question she had
already forgotten she had asked.

But, you needn’t worry,”
Jett said, guiding her to a small machine with a long seat and odd
shaped wings. He helped her on before sliding behind her so he
could keep one arm wrapped protectively around her. “I’ll keep you
safe,” he murmured in her ear enjoying how the tiny
twitched and a
light dusky rose color flushed her cheeks.


Tia loved the journey to the Kingdom
of the Sand. It had taken them until dusk to reach it. Her first
view had been of the huge clear, glittering dome set upon a high
rocky surface. As they skimmed across the sands, more details began
to emerge. She could see the shape of a huge castle built into the
center of the rock face. It was surrounded by large turrets on each

Tia pressed a hand to her chest as her
heart stuttered and stopped. She tried to draw in a deep breath but
couldn’t. The hand gripping Jett’s arm tightened in panic as she
feared her time had come to an end just when she was getting a
chance to experience her first true adventure. Jett’s arm squeezed
her and she felt his warm breath against her neck just as her heart
restarted sluggishly at first before picking up its uneven rhythm

Welcome to Sandora,” Jett
whispered in her ear.

Tia nodded, unable to
speak for the lump in her throat. Instead, she squeezed his arm to
let him know she heard him.
The light
skimmers sped down a long tunnel that opened up at their approach.
Tia looked over her shoulder trying to see but couldn’t because of
Jett’s larger frame.

The tunnel collapses
behind us so nothing else can come in behind us,” he explained with
an understanding smile. “Hang on,” he said.

He tightened his hold on her before
pushing down his feet on the accelerator, sending the skimmer
speeding through the tunnel until it burst through high above the
walls of the city below them. He shouted with joy as he flew in and
out of the narrow tubes that formed walkways between buildings. He
didn’t slow down until he reached the outer corridor leading into
the palace.

They swept through a long,
dark tunnel before coming out into a wide area filled with men,
women, and skimmers. Santil floated down beside them a moment later
with a huge grin on his face. Jett jumped off the skimmer,
Tia up into his

Tia squealed in alarm before wrapping
her arms tightly around his neck. “I can walk,” she said
breathlessly even as she snuggled closer to his warm

Jett smiled tenderly down at her and
shook his head, sending his long braids dancing around him in
waves. “I know but I like carrying you,” he teased. “I don’t ever
want to put you down.”

Tia rolled her big brown eyes at him.
“You would just tire yourself out,” she snorted but couldn’t quite
hide her amused smile.

I’d like to see that!”
Santil said coming up beside
and slapping Jett on the back of his head before
dancing away out of Jett’s reach. “His mother, father, sister, and
brothers have been trying to do that since the day he was

Like you are any better!”
Jett retorted with a playful snap of his teeth.

Jett!” A loud, deep voice
called out harshly.

Santil grimaced before raising his
hand and saluting Jett and Tia. “That is my signal to disappear. It
has been a pleasure to meet the one who could capture this
mongrel’s attention, my lady,” he said before disappearing between
two outer buildings.

Tia watched wide-eyed as a figure as
imposing as Jett’s walked down a set of steps towards them. The man
was dressed in a pair of dark brown pants with a black vest that
left much of his chest exposed. Around his waist he carried two
swords that swayed as he strode toward them. His hair was as long
as Jett’s and braided in long dark brown ropes that flowed
gracefully behind him as he walked.

Who is that?” She asked
in a hushed whisper, watching the huge male approach with a fierce
scowl upon his face.

My father,” Jett grinned.
“He only looks scary but he really isn’t.”

Tia ducked her head to hide her giggle
before she raised it to look at the man as he came to a stop in
front of them. “Who is this?” Roan asked looking at Tia with a
puzzled expression on his face. “Why is she green?”

Tia looked at the man with a stubborn
tilt to her chin. “Why aren’t you?” She asked back with a raised

Roan stared at the female
for a moment before he burst out laughing. “I have no idea. I will
have to ask my mother,” he responded in amusement. “Roan, King of
the Sand Kingdom at your service,” he added with a

Tia giggled. “I am called Tia. Keeper
of the Stories for the Kingdom of Glitter,” she responded with a
shy smile. “It is indeed a pleasure to meet you, your

Jett?” Roan asked,
staring into Tia’s unusual but beautiful face.

I’ve claimed her,” Jett
responded to the unspoken question. “She is my bride.”

Roan started in surprise before a
large grin lit his face up. “At last,” he murmured before he turned
and bellowed out in a voice that ricocheted around the high walls
of the palace. “Jett has taken a bride!” He proclaimed to all
standing within hearing distance.

Loud cheers followed his
announcement, stunning Tia who stared in awe as men and women
gathered around them cheering. “What is going on?” She whispered,
trying to sink down into Jett’s arms. “What did he mean, you have
taken a bride? I heard you say that before but I am not familiar
with the word,” she said
looking nervously up at him.

Jett leaned over and whispered in her
ear so she could hear him above the roar of the crowds. Tia paled
as the meaning sank in. She looked up at him, tears filling her
eyes as the realization of what was happening overwhelmed her. She
had to tell him it was impossible. There was no way she could be
his bride as much as she wished she could be. She did not
understand how it worked for his people but for hers the loss of a
mate could have devastating consequences. Her heart beat
frantically, stuttering and stopping before repeating the erratic
rhythm over and over until she was trembling and had turned a
deathly pale green. Her eyes drooped at the effort to keep them
open. Her breath came in tiny gasps as her weak heart worked
frantically in her chest.

My lords! Strangers
approach!” One of the guards yelled down.

Tia felt her vision
blurring and tried to calm the panic. Her heart slowed but
continued to skip, leaving her weak. She turned to stare up at the
top of the clear dome, recognizing the flying beast from home and
the colors of her brother’s armor. Turning her head,
let it fall weakly back against
Jett’s broad chest seeking comfort from his strength.

Roan turned to look up at the clear
dome as well. Even in the dim light, he could see the flying
creatures with warriors guiding them as they hovered around the top
of the Kingdom. He ordered his men to their skimmers and to prepare
for battle.

Wait!” Jett’s voice rose
over the mayhem. “What did you say, Tia?” He asked, concerned by
her sudden pale complexion.

It is Tamblin,” she said
weakly. “I must…. see him…. one…. last…. time,” she murmured in a
voice barely loud enough to be heard.

Tia, what is it, my love?
What do you mean one last time? What is wrong?” Jett asked
fearfully, pulling her closer to his chest as he gazed down as her
pale complexion.

Tia forced her eyes open so she could
look into Jett’s handsome features. “I’m dying,” she forced out.
“I…” tears filled her eyes and overflowed down her pale cheeks.
“I…. cannot be…. your bride.”



No,” Jett cried out
hoarsely, looking to his father who heard the quiet words. “No, she
cannot die. I love her,” he croaked out to his father in

Roan looked at his son’s ashen face
before gazing at the slender figure cradled protectively against
his youngest son’s body. “There is a way to save her. Take her to
the healing chamber,” he said, his face set in determination. He
turned to his head guard. “Open the tunnel,” he ordered as he
climbed onto his skimmer.

Jett watched his father rise up to fly
over the walls of the palace. He pulled Tia closer to his body and
strode for the entrance. He looked up at the door as he climbed the
steps. His mother stood looking down at him with tears of
compassion glimmering in her eyes. He felt her hand brush over his
arm gently as he passed her.

She will live if that is
your decision,” his mother said quietly.

It is,” Jett said
striding down the long corridor toward the entrance to the healing
chambers buried deep under the palace.


Tia drifted in and out of
consciousness as her tiny heart struggled. Jett’s tender touch
soothed her fears and a sense of peace settled over her. She would
not be alone
she died. That had been one of her greatest fears. She heard
voices in the background. At times they rose in anger before a
gentle voice spoke.

You understand what this
means,” Roan said heavily as he looked at his son.

Jett?” His mother reached
out and touched his arm in fear and worry.

Jett turned his head to look at his
mother and shook his head. “You do not understand. I knew the
moment I saw her she was for me.”

Tamblin stepped
helpless rage
twisted his features as he stared at the pale face of his beloved
sister. “What do you mean she was for you? You did not even know
her until today!” He bit out angrily. “Why did you take her? The
excitement of being taken from her home is too much for her. Return
her to me and let me take her home. At least she will
among her

No,” Jett said rising
angrily and pulling his sword. “She is mine and will remain by my

What can you do?”
yelled as he
took a step closer to Jett. “What can you do that we haven’t? There
is nothing we can do to save her,” he said, anger and grief choking
him as he stared at the tall male who stood protectively over

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