For the First Time: Twenty-One Brand New Stories of First Love (6 page)

BOOK: For the First Time: Twenty-One Brand New Stories of First Love
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“But you are—it’s in your eyes, the way you look at me like I’m the only one that exists in your world.”

He just kept gazing down at me with those eyes.

I writhed under him, impatient, wanting so much to feel him inside me. I’d craved human contact before, but never had I felt a primal need for a man to fuck me like I did now.

Hovering over me, he said, “Lindsay, I don’t know if you’re an angel or a devil, but I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want you.”

My nails scraped down his back.

“Fuck,” he hissed.

With a grin, I said, “I’m neither, I’m just someone who really wants you too.”

In a flash, he reached for his wallet, retrieved a condom, tore it open, and rolled it on.

Just watching him had me biting down on my bottom lip so hard I almost drew blood.

Moments later, one palm landed on the mattress near my shoulder while he took his cock in the other hand to guide himself inside me. I closed my eyes as he eased in. The gasp that left me echoed throughout the room. As I stretched to accommodate him he teased me, pulling back out and reentering.

“Fuck, you feel so good,” he groaned.

Each time he entered me caused me to gasp in pleasure. As he pushed farther into me, I inhaled a breath as more pangs of pleasure rippled through my body.

He filled me completely with his next movement. Overwhelmed with sensation after sensation, I let myself go and just allowed my body the indulgence of feeling whatever this was between us.

His mouth found mine and as he pushed into me over and over, I pushed my hips upward. His cock throbbed and my clit pulsed—again it was that same rhythm we seemed to create together. His movements became faster and my desire amped up. A euphoric feeling of pure sensation had my body shaking.

“Fuck, I’m going to come. You just feel too good. I can’t control myself,” he growled around our kiss.

Our lips crashed together at the same pace as our fucking—hard and fast. He grabbed my waist with one hand and my ass with the other and just like that, he was so deep inside me that pings of pleasure engulfed me and I screamed out his name over and over. Pleasure radiated in waves that rolled from one to the next.

James groaned my name as he came with me and together we rode out our pleasure.

When both our breathing started to slow, he rolled over next to me and pulled me to his chest. I’m not sure how much time passed before either of us was able to move—maybe fifteen minutes. But when he sat up he said, “I’ve never felt anything like that before.”

“Me either.” I sat up next to him.

He stroked his hand down my back. “What does it mean?”

Now I was never the kind of girl to get stars in her eyes, but I swear my eyes had to be twinkling when I looked at him. “I don’t have any idea.”

He flopped back down and with a laugh said, “It must at least mean we need to do it again.”

I looked at him and ran a hand down the smooth skin of his chest. “At least one more time,” I said with a wink.

His lips fought not to smile and his arms wrapped around my waist. “You are definitely the devil,” he said seductively.

I looked out the window into the dark of the night. “No, I think I’m the angel and you’re the devil,” I said.

“I’ll be whatever you want me to be, baby,” he said as if reciting a line from a bad movie.

At that we both laughed until our mouths fused in such a way that we couldn’t laugh anymore.

We spent another hour rolling around, exploring every part of each other’s body.

“Folks, we just began our descent into McCarran International Airport. The local time is twelve forty-nine a.m., light winds out of the south, and we’re looking at an easy landing. Buckle up. We should be on the ground in just a few minutes,” the pilot’s voice boomed overhead.

I was lying on top of James and pressed my hands on either side of his head. “City of Sin, here we come.”

He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back down. “We’re going to have an amazing time,” he cooed in my ear.

I didn’t doubt it.

Chapter Three

Welcome to the Club

James Ashton

here was a
pounding on the door.

I covered my head with my pillow.

Knock. Knock.

Knock. Knock.

“Go away,” I finally muttered.

Ignoring me, whoever it was continued the pounding.

“What?” I yelled.

“Wake up, sunshine. If you’re coming back to New York with us we leave in an hour.”

It was Avery’s shrieking voice and her tone made my eardrums hurt.

Opening only one eye, I tried to focus. “Yeah, alright,” I answered.

Feeling sicker than a dog, I forced my other eye open and blinked a million times over.

My surroundings were familiar. This was one of the rooms Avery kept on reserve at the Mandarin on the floor beneath her penthouse. I’d been in rooms like this many times before. But never had I woken up feeling like this.

My body was one big ache.

My eyes burned.

My head was pounding.

What the fuck happened to me?

I turned my head and a halo of red was all I could see. I pulled back a little. It was then I realized that I was wrapped around a body. Lindsay’s gorgeous, sexy body, to be exact.

I licked my lips. They were numb and tasted like salt and lime.


Lots of tequila.

That fucking tequila.

How much had I had to drink?

In the limo on the way to the Lakes’s penthouse conveniently located at the top of the Mandarin Oriental, in the bar at the Mandarin, in the casino, at various stops we made while walking down the strip. At Caesar’s Palace. In Olympic Garden.
Olympic Garden? I took Lindsay to a strip club with male dancers?

What. The. Fuck?

My brain hurt thinking about last night.

Enough was enough.

I turned it all off—for now.

Grabbing the corner of the sheet, I tossed it aside and then stood. When I did, my eyes landed on the naked beauty and I sucked in a breath.

She was still sleeping and seeing her made my eyes go all starry.

Shaking off the lovesick puppy feeling, I began to feel even sicker. The quick motion made my stomach twist in a violent way, and I hurried to the bathroom.

With a deep breath, I stood just inside the doorway.



I gulped in air and let it out over and over until the wheezy feeling passed. Then, closing my eyes, I took the longest piss of my life and opened them only to flush the toilet. It was then, with my left hand on the lever, that I saw the glint of metal around my finger. Not just any finger, my ring finger.

In a rush, it all came back.

The crowd of us walking down the Strip in the wee hours of the morning, passing guys handing out fliers for strippers and escorts, a man levitating on the sidewalk, and people in all kinds of rentable costumes shouting at us. We’d stopped to see the water dance in front of the Bellagio hotel. Someone in the crowd pointed to a sign that read “Wedding Chapel.” Someone else was saying, “I’ve never been in a Vegas chapel.” Another said, “Me either.” Avery suggesting, “Lets go inside and check it out.”

The crowd had lessened to about twelve of us, and none of us questioned her. We all just went inside. I was expecting a flying Elvis or two but that wasn’t what I got. Instead I got heaven. The chapel was swathed in a bluish glow that sparkled off the silver chairs. The carpet was white. There were lights everywhere. And there were even clouds on the ceiling.

I was in heaven, or so I thought.

Like a vision, I looked at Lindsay and saw my angel. She was sent to put me on the right path, and with that knowledge, I knew what I had to do. Out of nowhere, I dropped to my knee and told Lindsay I wanted her to be mine forever. I remember her just looking at me. When I couldn’t stand it anymore, I asked again. “Marry me?”

She giggled, “You’re drunk.”

I shrugged. “It doesn’t matter what I am, I know what I want, and it’s you.”

She stared at me, stunned.

What happened next was a little hazy. I could see pieces of it.

Me begging her to say yes.

Me begging.

Begging her for more.


Her shaking.

Her taking my face in her hands. “Are you sure?”

Me nodding. “I’ve never been more sure in my life.”

Her crying.

Everyone around us crying.

Signing papers.

Picking rings.

Deciding on witnesses.

And…and then finally us walking down the aisle to a crescendo of inspiring guitars and being pronounced husband and w—

Snapping out it, I yelled, “Lindsay!” as I rushed from the bathroom, grabbing a towel to wipe my hands. I had to see if this was real.

She sat up, grabbing for the sheet and looking disheveled, but still more beautiful than ever. “What is it?” she asked, alarmed.

“Let me see your fingers.”

She let the sheet go and outstretched her hands.

And there, on her left ring finger, was a matching piece of metal. “We got married.” I didn’t so much ask the question as made a statement.

She nodded, and I think she gulped. “We did.”

I swallowed.

I. Got. Married.

Her eyes went a little teary. “You regret it, don’t you?”

All I could do was stare. I had never wanted to get married and just like that, I’d begged for it.

In a rush, she ran to the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

I knocked. “Lindsay?”

I heard water running.

When she didn’t answer, I opened the door. “Are you okay?”

She nodded and turned, her hands gripping the counter. “We shouldn’t have done that.”

Was she regretting it?

Was I?

Oddly enough, I wanted this girl to be mine.

But marriage?

“What do you want to do?” she whispered.

I ran my palm over my head and just stared at her, trying to find the right words.


The sound of her voice saying my name, the fact that no woman had ever made me feel the way she did, gave me the realization that yes I wanted this, that even though I may have been drunk when I proposed, the feelings behind the proposal were real. Still, I couldn’t speak. I didn’t know what to do. I felt paralyzed.

Lindsay walked past me and went back into the bedroom. “I have to lie down.”

I followed her and found my words. “What are you thinking?” I asked.

“That we should stay in Vegas until we decide what to do?”

“What are we deciding on?”

“Us. Our future.” She sounded flustered.

“How exactly do you feel about us?” I asked.

Back in bed, she pulled the sheet over her beautiful naked tits. Tits I wanted to feel over and over. A body I wanted to worship. A pussy I wanted to own. “Honestly?”

“Fuck, yeah.”

“You might not like it.”

“That’s okay.”

“That I’m nervous but not scared. That you’re a lot of man and I hope I can handle it. That I like the way you are with me. And about a million other things that might take me all day to list. What about you? What are you thinking?”

Slowly, I walked toward her and when I got closer, I lunged on the bed and pinned her beneath me. “I’m thinking that you were made for me. That I have no idea what it means to have a wife. That I might suck at being married, but I want to try too.”

Her breathing picked up.

I kissed her neck. “That I want to spend the day discussing your list.”

Her body shivered beneath me. “What else?”

I raised my brows. “That we’d better hurry up and fuck because we can’t miss that plane. Today is the Ashton family annual Christmas photo and I want you in it.”

She laughed. “I’m serious.”

I licked her neck this time. “So am I.”

“Are you sure?” she asked, a little breathless.

This time I sucked the spot her pulse beat. “About the fucking? Hell yes.”

She broke free of my hold and shoved my chest. “No, about us.”

I took both her wrists and stared down at her. “Yes. No. I don’t know,” I answered honestly.

“Me either,” she sighed, “but I’m willing to give it a shot if you are.”

“Oh, I am,” I growled and found her lips.

She laughed and then kissed me with a passion I’d never known before her, and a hunger I’d never felt before erupted. I wanted to own her. I wanted her to be mine. I wanted her in every way. And here she was—mine for the taking.

I pulled back. “I want you in the shower. Is that something a husband would tell his wife?”

She giggled. “I think it’s something you would tell your wife. And I think your wife would tell you that you can have her wherever and however you want her. She’s yours.”

With a grin, I stood and took her hand. “Fuck, I’ve never been someone’s husband. Does this mean you have to do whatever I tell you to?”

She laughed. “No, but it means I can decide if I want to do whatever you tell me.”

I nodded. I could live with that. “I have a need to control. Can you live with that?”

“James, your alpha male tendencies were more than apparent within the first thirty seconds of my setting eyes on you. I wouldn’t be with you if I couldn’t handle it. If it didn’t turn me on. If I didn’t want a man like you. If I didn’t want all of you.”

“All of me,” I breathed, getting harder and harder with each passing second.

“Every. Single. Piece.”

We were standing just before the threshold of the bathroom when I scooped her in my arms.

“James, what are you doing?” she giggled.

I fucking loved that sound. “I’m not sure if I did this last night, but just in case I didn’t, I’m doing it now.”

“You’re crazy.”

I set her on the counter and spread her legs wide. “Crazy for you,” I said as I bent to taste her sweet pussy.

“Oh, James,” she breathed.

That was a sound I wanted to hear from this day forward.

And for the first time, I didn’t think marriage was so bad.

BOOK: For the First Time: Twenty-One Brand New Stories of First Love
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