For the First Time: Twenty-One Brand New Stories of First Love (53 page)

BOOK: For the First Time: Twenty-One Brand New Stories of First Love
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Sweet Jesus, she felt good, her tongue rubbing against mine, her hips rocking and grinding. I wanted her. Bloody hell, I’d never needed someone so badly. My cock ached to be freed, throbbing like a second heartbeat, but it wasn’t just that. I wanted to meld with her, to burrow under her skin the way she’d sneaked under mine. She was the center of my existence. This wasn’t just surrender. It was devotion. Willingly, gratefully, I gave myself to her, and she gave right back.

I wanted to hear her gasp, so I gripped her firm butt and pulled her against me in a needy grind over my rigid shaft.

She didn’t just gasp, she breathed hot and husky into my mouth. “Don’t stop.”

A wave of relief surged through me. She’d moved past questioning the status of my vow and had put her desire in my hands. It only made me want her more.

Lips locked in urgency, we shuffled toward the bed and tumbled onto the mattress, laughing into our kiss, neither of us willing to separate our mouths.

With shaking fingers, I tore at the elastic of her pants. Cotton stretched as I shoved it down her legs. I couldn’t be gentle. I was thirty-two pent-up years past gentle. I couldn’t focus on anything but spreading her thighs and rutting between them, to find refuge in a place I’d never been. But I knew I would love it there. I knew I’d never want to leave.

The bunker filled with the rip and rustle of shed clothes as we stripped each other with desperate, jerking movements. Finally naked, our hands explored. Hers on my chest, tracing the lines of my muscles to my back and dipping into the cleft of my arse. My hands closed around her breasts, the heavy flesh overfilling my palms. Perfectly shaped, with hard pink nipples pointing upward, begging for my tongue. Greedily, I latched on, sucking and nipping while rubbing my cock against her inner thigh.

She moaned, rocking with me, her back bowing off the mattress and her fingers tangling in my dreadlocks. I reached down between her legs, desperate to feel the part of her I’d fantasized about for so long. My fingers found her wet heat, slipping through the delicate folds, and my hunger detonated with unrestrained urgency.

I attacked her mouth, licking and biting, wanting more, more, until…Ahhh God, my finger sank inside her, drenched and gripped by tight muscles. I thrust my hand, miming sex, making sure she knew my intent.

I raised my body, panting, as I watched my fingers move between her legs. In and out. Round and round.

“So soft. Slick.” My eyes flicked to hers, my voice thick with need. “Sacred.”

Just touching her like this escalated my hunger. I grunted against her mouth, humped and rubbed against her thigh, as I fucked her with my hand. I needed in her, and I needed it now.

Something shifted in her eyes. Hesitancy? Uncertainty? Was she thinking about my vow? I wasn’t, but it would serve me right if she stopped this now after all the sexual frustration I’d put her through.

She grabbed my face, cold hands on my heated cheeks. “This can’t come between us. Understand?”

I twisted my lips in a lopsided grin and lined up my hips, replacing my fingers with my aching cock. Christ, I was shaking from head to toe, straining against the impulse to thrust. But I paced myself, drawing out every movement, committing each stimulation to memory. I slipped my wet fingers into her mouth and watched, mesmerized, as she tasted her arousal.

When her suckling lips became intolerable, I shoved my hand in her hair, knotting and pulling, and held on tightly.

“This…” I pressed the head of my cock against her opening and tried to remember to breathe. “This
come between us.”

Then I thrust.

Every thought, every sensation, every pulse point in my body narrowed on where we were joined. It was unlike anything I’d ever imagined. Indescribable. Overwhelming. Fucking hell, I wanted to come instantly.

The moment I started moving, I couldn’t stop. The pressure inside me heated and swelled, threatening to explode.

My head dropped, cheek stroking cheek, the tendons in my neck straining from the onslaught of pleasure. “Uhh…unngh.”

Thrust after thrust, I drove my hips like an animal. My muscles felt supercharged, surging with life and heated with exertion. I was so fucking hard I felt like I was stabbing her with a sword. But the look on her face was one of pure bliss. Bright eyes. Flushed cheeks. Parted lips. I put that look there, and fuck did that turn me on.

Our tongues collided, tangled, and I was gone. Lost in the thrumming of heartbeats, panting breaths, and rolling hips. So fecking gone, my thighs shook with the need to spend.

“Oh, love. Oh, Evie. This is—” A shudder went through me. I was going to come. I was right there, holding on by a thread, but I didn’t want this to end. Buried inside her, I leaned up, wrestling with my breaths. “I can’t…”

“No, you don’t. Not now.” She hooked her legs around my back and dug her heels into the backs of my thighs.

She thought I was going to pull away?

I released a shaky laugh and pinned her writhing hips to the mattress, stilling her movements. “Just need a minute, love.”

A relieved smile bowed her lips.

I held still, firmly seated inside her, as we stared at one another, ragged breaths mingling, the intimate connection magnifying the anticipation. It took me a moment to get a grip on my control. I wouldn’t last much longer, but I hoped to last long enough to make her come. I sat up and hauled her to me, chest to chest. With my arms coiled around her back and my mouth on hers, I began to move.

She rocked in my lap, calves sawing against my back. We found a rhythm, and the wicked pleasure of her clenching muscles hurdled me toward the precipice. My body tensed, prepared to unfurl. Our tongues disentangled.

“Come with me,” I mouthed.

She tightened her arms around my neck. She was there, clamping around my cock and nodding her head.

I pushed forward, pressed her back against the mattress, and unleashed the full force of my need, driving my hips, groaning, trembling, ready to fall off the ledge. “Now.”

Her pupils reacted, and her head tilted back as her cry rent the air. Holy Mother of God, I could feel her spasming around my thrusts. It was my undoing.

My orgasm burst from me, tearing a strangled groan from my throat, my hips locked up, my body rigid beneath the unimaginable ecstasy. For an eternal heartbeat, I wondered if I’d died. What a way to go.

I lay there, reluctant to leave the warm clutch of her body, floating in a hinterland between dreams and reality. I’d given her my virginity, my vow, my heart. I didn’t take that lightly but neither did she. At some point in the past couple months, she’d fallen in love with
, a man, a priest, and she would’ve continued to love me with or without my cock inside her.

As the pulse in her chest beat against mine, I knew I hadn’t lost my vow. I gained a new one.

She was my vow.

Mine to protect.

She was my strength.

Mine to love.

She was my heart.

Mine to fight for.

*     *     *


Dead of Eve (Book #1)

Blood of Eve (Book #2)

Connect with Pam Godwin


Steal My Breath

Nina Levine


I let him steal my breath and I want to give him my heart, too. But, it’s complicated.


Chapter One

’m not getting
any sex tonight.

I know my three-month sex drought is going to continue the minute the guy sitting across from me says, “I love that shade of pink you’re wearing. I have a tie that would match it well.”

No man should wear a pink tie.

In the history of ever.

I pick up my glass of wine and drain it before standing. “I don’t think we’re compatible, Rick. And while it’s been fun learning about all the puzzles you put together and the pink tie you own, I’ve been on so many dates lately that I just don’t have it in me to sit through another hour or more knowing we’re not going to see each other again.”

A pang of guilt hits me when his mouth drops open, but the sex-starved woman inside me screams, “Don’t do it! He’s not the one who will make your vagina happier than you can.” So I stand my ground and offer a quick apology – “I’m sorry I’m being so rude, but you’ll thank me when you do finally meet the one for you” – before making a hasty exit.

Fifteen minutes later, I enter Elixir, the bar that’s like my home away from home, and exhale a long sigh of relief.

“You look like you’ve just dodged a bullet,” Avery, one of the bartenders, and my best friend, says as she reaches for the vodka she knows I’m going to ask for.

Slumping onto the barstool, I nod and rest my elbows on the counter. “Yep, I just had another date that was a complete waste of time. How many men do you think I’m going to have to go through to find the right one? Hell, at this point, I’d just settle for a guy I thought could offer me some hot sex for the night.” I take the vodka and Coke she passes me, and drink nearly half the glass in one gulp.

Raising her brows, she says, “Tonight’s dude didn’t fit the bill for hot sex?”

“God no. Not unless you’re into nerds who love to do puzzles and count Sunday lunch with their mother as a good time.” Seriously, the guy had almost put me to sleep.

“Shit, where do you find these men, Callie?”

“Online dating sites mostly.” I watch the judgemental look flit across her face and mutter, “Don’t you judge me, Miss I-Never-Struggle-To-Get-Laid, we can’t all be as lucky as you.”

Her lips curl up into a smile and when she laughs and draws the attention of every man in the bar, I want to slap the sexy out of her. But I love her like a sister and never begrudge her anything, especially because she’s has had a hard life and as far as I’m concerned she deserves every good thing that comes her way.

She holds her hands up in a defensive gesture as a grin settles on her face. “No judging, promise.” Nodding her head at my glass, she says, “Finish that and I’ll make you one on me.”

A low whistle comes from behind and I turn to find Tyler smiling at us. “I’m not sure I’ve ever heard Avery offer to buy someone a drink. Did Luke give the staff a discount today or something?”

Avery scoffs. “I’ve worked for your brother for a year now and I’ve never known him to give out a staff discount once.”

“True,” Tyler agrees as his gaze zeros in on the new tattoo covering Avery’s wrist. He jerks his chin at it and asks, “What does your tattoo say?”

I narrow my eyes at him and take in the way he’s looking at Avery. These two should just be done with it and get a room because they’ve been tiptoeing around each other for almost a year now. It’s clear even to the cat that wanders into the bar every now and then that they both want something to happen, and I’m not sure why Tyler doesn’t take charge and make her, his. I’ve seen him in bossy mode with his women before, and as far as I’m concerned, it’s time for him to boss Avery.


I jump at the sound of Luke’s voice.

That voice
…it causes my tummy to flutter with desire, and I quickly gulp the rest of my drink in an effort to settle that desire because let’s face it, my voice doesn’t cause a similar reaction in Luke’s body. I need to put all thoughts of him out of my mind – nothing is ever going to happen between us.

Avery’s head whips around so she can eye her boss. “Yes?” I secretly cheer her – as moody as Luke can be, she never lets him rattle her.

He stalks towards us, his brows furrowed. “Those guys down the back giving you any trouble?”

His green eyes meet mine and linger for a moment before shifting to Avery. While he’s discussing the guys with her, I run my gaze over his body. No one wears jeans quite the way Luke Hardy does. Perhaps that’s because no man has quite the ass he does. And the way his pecs and abs ripple under that grey t-shirt he’s wearing…I’ve had dreams about those muscles. Not to mention the dreams I’ve had where I thread my fingers through his dark hair and hold on while he f –

“Callie…Are you plotting again?”

I snap my attention back to Avery who is staring at me with a smug look. She knows I’m not plotting my next book; she knows full well that I’m thinking dirty thoughts about Luke.

Pasting a fake smile on my face, I nod. “Yes, plotting that book I’m writing about unrequited lust and a girl who desperately needs sex.” My eyes drift to Luke and I find him watching me in a way I’ve never seen him watch me. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but there’s something different in his eyes. If it were any other guy, I’d say it was desire, but it’s Luke and he’s never shown any interest in me.

Tyler chuckles. “I’ve told you, Callie, you want a guy to end that drought you’ve got going on, just say the word – I know a fuckload of guys who would love to help you out with that.”

Luke directs a scowl at Tyler before turning back to Avery. “I’ve gotta head out for fifteen minutes or so, but I’m concerned those assholes down the back will give you hell.”

She waves his concern away. “I’ll be fine, and besides, I have Callie here – she got her black belt in karate when she was younger so I’m sure she can take them on if need be.” The wink she throws me confirms the sarcasm I sense in her words, and I play along.

“Absolutely,” I agree, crouching slightly and raising my arms in an X in front of me. Luke is so damn serious all the time and he simply stares at me rather than cracking a smile or a laugh.

“Don’t go anywhere near those guys. Either of you.” Looking at Tyler, he asks, “Can you stick around while I’m gone?”

I shift off the stool and mutter, “Oh, for God’s sake, Luke, chill…we’re grown women and can take care of ourselves.” Without waiting for his response, I grab the new drink Avery has made me and begin heading to one of the tables away from the bar. As much as I’m attracted to the man, his overbearing and overprotective streak drives me insane sometimes.

As I’m settling into my seat, warm breath and a deep voice by my ear cause my tummy to flutter again. “Why do you always have to argue with everything I say?”

BOOK: For the First Time: Twenty-One Brand New Stories of First Love
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