For Shift's Sake: Paranormal shapeshifter alpha werebear soldier BBW romance (7 page)

Read For Shift's Sake: Paranormal shapeshifter alpha werebear soldier BBW romance Online

Authors: Mina Carter

Tags: #paranormal shapeshifter alpha werebear soldier BBW romance

BOOK: For Shift's Sake: Paranormal shapeshifter alpha werebear soldier BBW romance
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“You’re okay. Thank god, you’re okay. I was so worried you’d be hurt. Or worse…” She shuddered, fighting back her tears. “But you’re okay—”

She drew back, frowning and looking at him in accusation. “You
okay, aren’t you?”

He chuckled as she tried to struggle from his arms to check him over, holding onto her easily. “Slow down, angel. Yes, I’m okay. I’m not hurt. It would take a lot more than a guy like Conrad Jackson to even hurt my feelings.”

She still wasn’t mollified, hands flitting over his broad chest and shoulders, checking his jacket for wounds of any kind. “Are you sure? Him and Riley…they don’t play fair.”

His grin was a white flash of teeth in the darkness. “Sweetheart, it’s them you should be worried for.
don’t play fair.”

She blinked. “But you were a soldier…”

He shrugged. “Yeah. I was a soldier. I was a good soldier. I didn’t say anything about being a good man.”

He leaned closer to whisper his lips over hers.

“You should be more worried about me than them.”

Heat, never far away when he touched her, hit her, her body alive and attuned to his with a fierce ache she couldn’t explain. She’d never felt this way, with anyone. From the moment she’d seen him, she felt like she knew him…that she belonged to him. Which was ridiculous, she didn’t belong to anyone.

But she wanted to…

“You should run…from me. I’ll take everything, until you have nothing left, just because I can. Then I’ll make you scream for more.”

He kissed her again, deeper this time. His tongue flickered against her lips and she opened with a soft moan. He teased her, slipping his tongue past her lips in hard strokes that fed the fire in her blood. She wriggled, trying to get closer. His words didn’t bother her. She didn’t care he was trying to pretend he was a bad man…she’d seen into his heart. She
him. How, she didn’t know…but she did.

“I don’t care,” she whispered when he broke the kiss. Their breathing was ragged, loud in her ears. He shifted, sliding one hand up her back to tangle in her hair and she realized he carried her in his arms.

She squeaked, wriggling against him. “Put me down, I’m too heavy. You’ll hurt your back.”

His deep laugh rumbled through the darkness as he walked toward the house. “Heavy? Don’t be ridiculous. The day I struggle to carry a little thing like you is the day they put me six feet under.”

She clung to his shoulders, amazed at his strength. He didn’t so much as grunt with effort, carrying her as though she weighed less than a feather. For once in her life, she felt tiny and delicate. Feminine.

“Besides,” he said in a low voice as he shouldered the front door open. It shut behind them, no doubt with a little help from his heel, then he pinned her against the wall. “There are more than a few advantages to carrying you. Would you like me to demonstrate?”

Heaven help her, she couldn’t answer, her mouth opening and closing like a guppy on speed. Thankfully, it seemed to be a rhetorical question. He leaned in, lips barely touching hers. Pressed closer, that hot, hard body pinning hers. Chest to pelvis. Muscles against curves…

He shifted his hips and she gasped as the long hard bar of his cock was where she needed it the most. His smile, felt more than seen, was wicked as he began to rock.

“See… Advantages.”

His lips claimed hers and her moan was lost in his mouth. Every rock pressed his cock against her, trapped her clit and rubbed it. Pleasure spiralled through her and she rode him, dry-humping his clothed body like a bitch in heat.

Their kiss became hotter, wetter as they both fought to give and receive pleasure. He teased her with his tongue, tempting her to follow him with soft flickers and sinful swipes. A willing slave to his desires, she did, he suckled her tongue. The whimper broke free, back arching, pressing her hips fully against his.

She needed this, she couldn’t wait anymore… Needed them to become one and him to assuage the ache in her core.

Breaking free of the kiss, she nipped his lower lip. “Reese… Please, now.”

He pulled back a little, reluctance evident in his expression. “I wanted this to be good, do it properly for the first time in a bed… Not a quick, fast screw against the wall.”

“The bed next time,” she promised and tugged at his jacket.

The fact that he was fully clothed and she in thin nightwear felt wicked. Sinfully sexy. Especially when his big hand slid up her thigh under the short robe to trace the line of her panties. Heat followed his touch, like a promise over her skin.

“Saying that should be illegal,” he groaned and rested his forehead against hers. “I’m trying to hold on to control here, when all I want to do is rip these panties from you and shove my cock deep inside.”

“Do it,” she whispered, for a heart stopping moment she thought he was going to refuse.

Then his expression tightened, something flashing in the back of his eyes and his fingers slid under her panties. A yank, the sound of tearing cloth, and her pussy was exposed. The cooler air washed against her and she bit her lip.

“Don’t do that,” he begged, voice raw. “That makes it worse. I just want to tear the rest of your clothes off and fuck you ‘til neither of us can stand.”

She didn’t get time to answer as his fingers swept between her pussy lips. They both groaned at the slickness he found there.

“Fuck me, you’re wet for me.” His voice dropped deeper, the rough timbre added an extra element to her arousal. Strong fingers found her clit, rubbing and stroking, circling and teasing. All she could do was moan and arch against him. He slid them back, found the entrance to her cunt, and drove two thick fingers deep inside her.

The intrusion made her cry out, her senses scattered by the need he wrought from her body. Fingers pumping in and out, he pushed deeply and twisted to find her G-spot. And pressed.

She groaned loudly for him not to let up, stroking and pressing, bringing his thumb into play to rub against her clit. She panted and writhed, tried to get away from him and the overload of sensation, at the same time she pushed against his hand, needing more.

“God, you’re gorgeous.” His rough whisper teased against her lips at the same time he pulled his hand free just as she was about to reach the edge.

She cried out in frustration but he shoved her thighs wider. The sound of a zipper filled the air and a second later the broad head of his cock pressed against the entrance to her pussy.

Yes. Oh God, yes.
She bit her lip as he pushed forward, then stopped.

“What’s the matter?” She couldn’t help the thread of worry that wormed its way into her voice. Had he decided he just couldn’t do it with a girl her size? Had her thighs put him off? Heat of the not good type started to flare over her cheeks.

“No condom.” His words were little more than a snarl, evidence of his frustration.

She almost laughed, her relief sharp enough that she could taste it.

“Is that it? Well, I’m clean…and on birth control…” Her words trailed off.
Oh, shit, had she really just said that?
He’d think she was the biggest hussy out there.

A second passed, then finally, he nodded. “I’m clean. Mandatory testing in the…my unit.”

“Good.” She cupped his cheek, drawing his lips down to hers. “Then you’d better do something about this situation, soldier.”

“Aye aye, ma’am.” He grinned and pushed forward, only to stop again when her body didn’t give, his cock too big to penetrate.

“Shhh, it’s okay. Just relax,” his deep voice reassured her.

Dipping his hips, he reached between them to grab his cock, and rubbed the wide head along her slick pussy lips. Lubricating himself with her juices. When he pressed against her again, she held her breath, but after a second her body gave. He slid in a couple inches, no more, the pleasure made her eyes roll back in her head.

“Ohhh…” Her moan was lost under his grunt as he pulled his hips back, then slid forward again. A few more inches. Forward and back, forward and back, until his thick, wide cock slid all the way into her silken sheath. Right up to his balls.

He paused, big body tensed under control, as her pussy felt stretched to the limit around his shaft.

“Just breathe… Relax… Feel good in a minute, I promise,” his whisper was ragged; she could tell the control he was exerting to stay still. But she didn’t want him to. With every second that passed, her body urged her to move. The tight burning sensation eased off a bit with a delicious feeling of fullness. She rocked her hips experimentally.

His curse was explosive, and his hands gripped her hips holding them still. “Don’t. Don’t move. Or this’ll be really fucking fast.”

“Don’t care. Fuck me, Reese,” she begged. “Fuck me now.”

And he did, pulling back almost all the way out of her to slam back in. She clung to him as he set up a hard and fast rhythm, one hand braced on the wall by her head. His hips pumped as he drove into her again and again, hard enough she was sure the plaster behind them would crack, but never rough enough that it hurt. She didn’t care. Sex this good…a little soreness was inevitable but felt

Moans and whimpers filled the air around them. Pleasure coursed through her, driven by each wet, slick slide. It built, the flames fanned by his hard body moving against hers. Her pussy tightened, clit aching as she soared toward the peak.

“Oh…Lord…Reese, I’m…I’m…”

“Come. I want to feel you coming all over my cock. Come now,” he ordered and drove deep within her, rolling his hips at the end of the stroke to trap her clit between them.

She shattered with a scream, coming in wave after wave of hot, intense pleasure. Her pussy gripped his shaft, milking him as she rode the crest of her release.

He barked out a snarl, his thrusts speeding up. Harder, more feral. The solid slam of his body into hers over and over broke the last control she had and she gave herself to sheer sensation. Slamming into her a last time, he threw his head back and bellowed as he came. His cock jerked and pulsed, bathing the walls of her pussy with his hot seed.

Closing her eyes, she rested her head against the wall to catch her breath only to open them again when his lips brushed the side of her neck.

“I hope I haven’t worn you out,” his voice was full of wicked promise. “Because I’m not nearly done with you yet.”


Chapter Six


As was usual in Bobbi’s world, the next day dawned bright and early. For a moment, she lay there and tried to will herself back to sleep before the alarm had a chance to go off. Even though she wasn’t a morning person, somehow she always woke just before the shrill cacophony of sound that announced her day had to begin. It still took coffee, a brisk shower, and a couple of hours before she was fully mentally alert.

The joys of running a motel and diner. It wasn’t even her choice of career. It had been her parents’ dream, one they poured heart and soul into before their lives had been cut short by a set of faulty brakes on a vehicle that wasn’t even theirs. She only kept the place going because it was her last link to those she loved so much. The parents who’d found a little orphan girl in need of a home and taken her into their hearts as well.

The early morning light reached through the cracks in the blinds at her window, making her scrunch her eyes closed. With a sigh she reached out to grab a pillow. Just five more minutes, and she’d be good to go.

Her hand collided with a warm body and her eyes snapped open. Shit… She turned her head to find Reese stretched out full-length beside her, his large, male body taking up most of the space on the queen-sized bed. It was a good thing she slept scrunched in a little ball or there wouldn’t have been any room for her.

Heat warmed her cheeks as she remembered the night before. To say Reese had been insatiable was an understatement, and combined with the stamina he had to have gained from active service… She was sore in some very pleasurable places. He’d... oh, hell…and she’d. Then he’d had her…

Her cheeks properly burned at the thought of the kinky things they’d done to and with each other. She wasn’t inexperienced by any stretch of the imagination, but last night with Reese had broadened her horizons in a way no amount of reading erotica could ever rival.

She turned on her side to study him. In sleep, he seemed peaceful, and even more handsome. A recumbent angel with the face and body hot enough to lead any woman into sin. He lay on his stomach with his arm stretched above his head and she could just read a bit of the tattoo on his side.


Reese J.




She frowned, wondering what the
stood for, and traced her finger over the word at the bottom. It seemed familiar, but she wasn’t sure what it meant. No surprise there, her mental faculties were never at their sharpest this early in the morning.

Her cell buzzing caught her attention. She rolled to pick it up as she slid out of bed, padding from the room before she answered so as not to wake Reese. Her smile was automatic as she read her brother’s name on the screen, and she swore.

“Oh shit! Sorry, Danny,” she apologized as she answered the call. “I meant to call you back last night, but kinda got sidetracked…”

She let that sentence trail off. Her brother didn’t need to know the reason she hadn’t called back was that was she was too busy jumping the bones of one of the motel’s hot guests.

“Hey, kitten. No problem,” he drawled, his pet name for her making her smile. When she was little, he’d once made her mad and she’d spat like a mad kitten at him. Since then, he’d always called her that.

“Everything okay? You don’t normally call me that late at night.”

“Uh-huh. All good.”

She made it to the kitchen on autopilot, and flicked the kettle on. The rattle it gave told her it was empty. Crap. Wrinkling her nose, she grabbed it and started to fill it from the faucet. She could not do without coffee in the morning. Not unless she wanted to snap the heads off half her customers before noon, and since the diner was the only thing keeping them afloat at the moment she could do without pissing off loyal customers.

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