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Authors: Theresa L. Henry

For Love and Vengeance (22 page)

BOOK: For Love and Vengeance
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Chapter 26

was just stepping out of the bath when Jason entered their room. Deciding not
to call out, he moved closer to the bathroom door which she had left ajar. He
watched her pull a towel from the rack and begin to run it over her body to
soak up the rivulets of water that glistened against her skin.

Jason felt his heart start to pound. He had watched Aviva doing exactly this on
any number of occasions. She even knew that one of his greatest pleasures was
lifting her from her bath, drying her himself and rubbing every inch of her body
with the lotion she insisted her skin needed every time she left her bath.

this was the first time he had watched her without her knowledge and it turned
him on more than he thought it would. Never having voyeuristic tendencies in
the past, he was a little surprised at how he was feeling watching his woman
when she was unaware of his presence.

with the towel, Aviva dropped it to the floor. Then she reached for her lotion
and squeezed a generous amount into her palm and rubbed her hands together.
Starting with her arms, she massaged the lotion into her skin, her hands moved
up and down rhythmically until her skin absorbed all the moisture. Then she
repeated it on the other side.

came her chest, a part of her body that could hold his attention for hours.
More lotion went into her palm and was rubbed together before she began making
circular motions across her chest, her hands moving downwards in slow
increments towards her full breasts. Jason could see that her nipples stood
erect, puckered, as though begging for attention from his hands. In his mind’s
eye he would cup her magnificent breasts, knead them, his palm gently rotating
her nipples, his hand again cupping her so that her nipple rested between his
thumb and forefinger. Then when he had his full of looking, he would bend his
head and take her into his mouth. Sucking, pulling until she cried out.

from his reverie, Jason drew in a silent breath as Aviva’s hand made contact
with her plump breasts, her hands running around and over them, brushing
against her distended nipples again and again, until he started to pant, only
just able to remain quiet and not give himself away. It had been over a week
since he had touched his angel in the way that she was now doing and at the
sight of her hands, he could recall the feel of her, the taste of her, the
sounds she made when he touched her as she was now touching herself.

Jason thought, this was sheer hell. What had been going through his mind that
he could ever imagine that this was a good idea? There was that bottle again.
This time she was rubbing her stomach each pass bringing her hand lower and
lower towards the one place he would give anything to be buried in right at
that moment. Silently, he willed her to touch herself. As though reading his
mind, her hands disappeared between her legs only to hesitate for a heartbeat
before reemerging, much too quickly for Jason’s liking. Then she did it again,
this time her fingers moved up and down, as though ensuring his attention was
directed to the right spot. Then her hand was gone.

raised a leg and placed it on the edge of the bathtub, giving Jason a view of
what belonged to him, what would belong only to him until his dying day. He
couldn’t pull his eyes away if his life depended on it. What had only been a
dull ache in his shaft at the start of this covert watch was suddenly turning
into something that throbbed heavy and hot. Something over which he was losing
control, each pulse bringing him closer to the edge. Lowering her leg, Aviva
turned and just like that his view of his personal ecstasy was blocked from

before having been so grateful for a second bathroom, Jason pulled himself away
from the sight Aviva presented and rushed towards the opposite side of the
room. Closing the door as quietly as he could in his haste, he ripped off his
clothes, his erection springing out with so much force it pained him. Switching
the shower to cold, he stood under its force. But even the blistering feel of
the ice cold water against his heated skin wasn’t enough to stop him from
coming and coming until he had to brace his palms against the wall to support

Jason hurried away, Aviva tipped her head to the side and smiled. “Bet you’re
going remember that for a while, Mr. King,” Aviva spoke to the empty room,
having heard him the moment he had come through the door.


dressing and twiddling her thumbs, MacKenzie decided to head downstairs. She
was hungry so these rich people had better be putting out a spread.

the room she and Aviva had escaped earlier in the day, she nearly turned around
and left. She figured that the sole occupant of the large room was the twin who
had picked her up earlier as she didn't see Aviva.

up, she reached out her hand to try to find the door handle. If he stayed
exactly as he was, she could get out before he realized she was there.

your earlier displays of bravado, the last thing I expected was for you to try
to sneak out on me.”

still had his back to her as he spoke and MacKenzie wondered how he had known
she was there. She was certain her reflection wasn't visible from the window he
looked through.

did you know it was me?”

turned to look at MacKenzie and again he didn't quite know what to make of her.
He couldn't remember ever having seen a black woman who looked the way she did.

you going to answer my question or just stand there, staring at me?”

his head to one side, Jake realized he had annoyed her, again. And he hadn't
even been trying to. “Neither. Please come in and take a seat. The others
should be joining us soon so you won’t have to spend much time with me as your
only companion.”

God for that!” MacKenzie mumbled under her breath.

was extremely rude.” Jake called her out, expecting some show of regret.

can I say? You bring out the
in me,” She threw back without any

already apologized for my error on the drive over. I won’t apologize again.”

me if I'm wrong, but did I ask you to?”

madam, you did not. Yet your frost leads me to believe that is exactly what you

you don't have anything I want.”

to change the subject, Jake walked over to the bar. “May I get you a glass of

thank you,” MacKenzie replied, not even bothering to look in his direction.

“For God’s
sake, accepting a glass of wine is not going to make you forever beholden to
me,” Jake responded, already exasperated with her.

declined wine because I'm pregnant and pregnant women should not drink

pregnant!” Jake said with such incredulity, MacKenzie was offended.

I'm pregnant. Just because you view me as an oddity doesn't make it so!”

would never be so crass as to describe you, or any woman, as an oddity,” Jake
threw back, equally annoyed that she was accusing him of something he hadn’t
voiced or thought.

twiney.” MacKenzie waved her fingers in his general direction by way of a

woman has got to be joking, she did not just called him, twiney
, Jake thought. Pulling himself up to his full
height, ready to put her in her place, Kingdom style.

the door opened and the rest of his family filed into the room and his moment
was lost. Looking over at MacKenzie, he recognized her smug satisfaction, but
he was determined to have the last word. Smiling at the new arrivals, he calmly
approached MacKenzie and whispered in her ear.

think to dismiss me. I will have my say, and I look forward to it.”

wanted to kick the arrogant bastard. Who the hell did he think he was? She'd
dismiss his ass whenever the feeling took her, and she looked forward to it!

away from her, Jake kissed Aviva on the cheek and went back behind the bar,
ready to play barman for the pre-dinner drinks. Taking orders, he busied
himself mixing drinks, all the while feeling the daggers MacKenzie threw in his
direction. So she was pregnant was she? Well, where the hell was her husband?

over to her friend, Aviva could see that MacKenzie was giving Jake a look that
said she would like nothing better than to pop him in the mouth.

happened?” she asked, looking at her friend as she eyeballed Jake with

scowled in Jake's direction as she answered through clenched teeth. “That
arrogant bastard is going down.”


was turning out to be a lively affair despite the tension that poured off
MacKenzie and Jake. They simply ignored each other. All three of the other men
had, at some point, risen an eyebrow at her as though she should tell them what
was going on. Her shrug had been the only answer she had to offer.

amusing as she found the situation between Jake and MacKenzie, there was an
undertone of something else floating around the room. Every now and then, she
was sure she caught a conspiratorial look passing between the men. They were up
to something. She knew better than to ask outright, so she joined in their
dinner time banter and waited.

I was thinking, seeing as how the lovely MacKenzie is here with the equally
delectable, Aviva, I think it’s past time for a bit of brotherly bonding.” Josh
smiled at his brother.

a good idea!” Jake piped in, way too enthusiastically for someone who had been
so surly only moments before.

I am glad you think so, Jake,” Josh said, his speech stilted.

I do think it is a very good idea. What do you think, Jason?” Jake replied,
keeping up the unnatural sounding conversation.

bowed his head in shame. They had to be shitting him. Couldn't they hear themselves?
They sounded as though they were reciting lines from a Z-rated movie.

had similar thoughts but at the same time, she was also very interested in how
Jason would respond.

yes, Jacob and Joshua, that indeed sounds like a very good idea. Umm…something
I would be very interested in doing with you both.” Jason closed his eyes as
the words left his mouth. He knew he sounded lame. His words hadn't sounded so
wooden in his head.

and MacKenzie grabbed onto each other’s hand under the table and squeezed –
hard. That was the only way they could withhold laughter.

her head, Aviva whispered to MacKenzie. “Don’t put your sons on the stage, Mr.
Kingdom, they suck!”

was embarrassed for them all, unable to understand how such bright men could
make such a complete hash of something so simple. It was time for him to
intervene before the women succumbed to hysterical laughter.

dear, Aviva, what my inept sons are trying to say is that they have decided to
go out together for the evening. We all thought this would be the perfect
opportunity as MacKenzie would be here to keep your company. You don't mind, do
you, my dear?”

Oh my
God, Aviva thought, he's in on it too. “Of course, it’s okay. MacKenzie and I
have loads of catching up to do.” Aviva gave her friend’s hand a squeeze and
MacKenzie went into action.

sorry but I don't feel so good. If you'll all please excuse me, I think I'll go
and lay down for a while.”

are you okay?” Aviva asked, her eyes big with feigned concern.

fine, please, don't worry. I told you how it is with me and this pregnancy.”

ill?” Jake asked, concern alive in his eyes.

aback by his words and look, MacKenzie faltered. Then she remembered he was an
ass and shook off her momentary hesitation. Ignoring him, she addressed Aviva.

just need to lay down for a little while, that's all.”

come with you.”

no need, please finish your meal,” MacKenzie said, rising from her chair.

be silly. Of course, I'm coming with you.” Placing her hands around MacKenzie's
waist, Aviva excused them both as they left the dining room.

the heck are we going to find out what there’re up to?” MacKenzie asked as soon
as they were out of range of the dining room.

remained quiet for a few moments, thinking of how they could eavesdrop on the

with me!” Pulling her friend behind, she rushed toward the entrance the staff
used to enter the dining room when serving meals. The last course had already
been delivered so, with luck, they wouldn't be caught listening at the door.
Luck was with them. They heard everything, and Aviva still had time to be found
relaxing on their room when Jason came in.

BOOK: For Love and Vengeance
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