For Life (13 page)

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Authors: Lorie O'Clare

BOOK: For Life
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Distracted by the sensations washing over her, she wasn’t ready when he grabbed her arms and then shoved himself deep into her heat.

“Oh shit!” she screamed, bucking on top of him but unable to move out of his grasp as he quickly took control. “Josie! Oh God!”

He impaled her, his jaw set with determination and his expression glowing with a fiery lust that did her in. The pressure inside her exploded, her orgasm hitting so hard and with so much fury that she swore the room turned sideways.

“There is no shame in loving sex,” he whispered when she collapsed on top of him.

Maura grunted, certain she sounded incredibly crude and vulgar. Josie laughed, his body vibrating underneath her as his arms came around her. He held her close to him.

He didn’t use his strength, but held her affectionately, like a protector caring for his own. It turned the act into something more intimate and less primal. Slowly, he continued gliding in and out of her, soaking both of them with her come.

“I still can’t believe how tight you are.” He ran his hands down her back and then tangled his fingers in her hair.


Lorie O’Clare

Maura wouldn’t think about how he made her feel. It was hard to believe Josie could be this tender. For some reason when he was tough, impossible to read and giving no indication of any thoughts going through his mind, it was easier to view their act as damned good fucking. But now, as he caressed her back, stroked her pussy walls and created so much heat inside her that she was damned close to boiling alive, what they shared moved to a more personal level.

If I think that you care
I just know you

ll stop doing this
. It was stupid talking to him in her mind, especially about the exact topic she didn’t want him sensing in her thoughts.

Josie was too closed off from the world, even from his pack according to Nicolo and Heidi, to appreciate her thinking that their fucking might have shifted to lovemaking.

Not that she was sure any male had ever truly made love to her before. Pete sure as hell hadn’t. If what Josie did to her right now came even close, she could see how love might be truly beautiful between some males and bitches.

Maybe he had the power to turn his magic, or whatever it was, on and off at will.

Either way, Josie didn’t stop moving with slow, deliberate strokes in and out of her.

Pressure built along with the heat. Maura tried shifting, moving so she could manipulate the way he stroked her insides. But he tightened his hold on her, breathing heavily into her neck and holding her just firmly enough to show her he didn’t want her to move. His mouth brushed over her flesh and he took small nips, driving her insane as his teeth scraped the most sensitive part of her neck, right at the nape.

Josie stiffened underneath her. His legs straightened and muscles all over him bulged until she swore he was probably twice the size he was when they first started fucking. Her pussy throbbed. So many tiny muscles inside her twitched and swelled.

Once again the pressure exploded and she cried out, stiffening on top of him.

The simple fact that he was so much stronger than she was enabled him to stay inside her when she convulsed and tried flying off him as she came so hard she was sure she would pass out.

“Josie! That is so…perfect.” Again she burned with heat, her cheeks and neck on fire with her bold confession. Not once in all of the months she was with Pete did she ever admit how good he made her feel. More than likely because Pete never managed to make her feel how Josie did. She never experienced anything like what he gave her right now.

“Absolutely fucking perfect,” he agreed with her as his body turned as hard as a board underneath her.

Then his cock swelled, stretched inside her and grew so quickly that she cried out.

He stroked her hair, whispering nonsense in her ear while his scent changed, grew so musky that the air between them had to be thick enough to cut with a knife. Never had lust smelled so strong, so powerful and intense that she could drink it, taste it on her tongue as she breathed it deep into her lungs.

His cock exploded inside her. Wet heat poured deep into her womb. Her insides ripped apart, and for the briefest of seconds she worried that he had hurt her. Pain 64

For Life

rushed through her, but just for a moment. It passed so quickly she wasn’t positive she had experienced it. Heat rushed over her and it took a moment to understand what he had done.

Josie had swollen inside her, uniting them, locking them together when he came.

Unable to slide off him, Maura worked to catch her breath while her inner thigh muscles burned. She lay spread over him, and he held her in his arms as his heart beat hard and steady underneath her.

“Your mate never swelled inside you before?” he asked after minutes passed by.

“It never felt like this.”

“Have I hurt you?”

Maura laughed. She was anything but hurt, in spite of the moments of pain she experienced. “No. No, you haven’t hurt me.”

“Good.” He didn’t say anything else, just held her and breathed with a slow, steady pattern until her heart managed to match and pulse at the same rate as his.

Traditions existed concerning a male swelling inside a female. But then if she were a strong traditionalist, having sex with a male would mate them. Of course, that couldn’t happen since she was already mated. If she weren’t, the fact that he had come inside her, bonded them together by swelling so they couldn’t separate until he resumed his normal size, would make her think he wanted more than just a good fuck from her.

If she weren’t mated, it would be the first sign of him showing any kind of emotion toward her. He twitched inside her and she lifted her head, surprised at how sore every muscle inside her was. She didn’t get this worn out after a hard run.

“You use different muscles,” Josie said, his gaze fixed on her the moment she looked up at him.

“Have you been listening to my thoughts this whole time?”

“It’s kind of hard not to. We’re the only ones here.” Once again his facial muscles relaxed, making him impossible to read.

She frowned, not sure what to do about being an open book for him. His cock

shifted again, slowly resuming its usual size. Still stretched out on top of him with his arms wrapped protectively around her like he was in no hurry for them to part, there was only one way to know his mind.

“Then explain to me what just happened here.”

Josie glanced down between them. “We just had some kick-ass sex.”

“Yes. We did.” Her heart started pounding so hard he had to feel it. She wasn’t used to being so bold. “Why did you swell inside me?”

He lifted his gaze slowly, his lashes draping over his dark eyes as they slowly began smoldering while he took his time staring at her. “Because I wanted to,” he finally said.


Lorie O’Clare

She moved slightly and he slid out of her. A wash of moisture rushed over her skin and she attempted moving her legs. Josie rose, holding on to her, and situated them so that she rolled to his side. Still holding her, he lowered her onto the bed, adjusting himself so that he looked down at her. For a moment she wanted to run, the urge hitting her faster than her muscles could carry her at the moment.

“And to answer the second question that you are scared to voice,” he began, then licked his lips. It was almost as if he too hesitated—as if he were about to speak about something taboo. “You are no longer mated to Pete.”

It took a moment for his words to hit her. Maura’s mouth went dry and she realized it was because her jaw had fallen open and she was breathing heavily through her mouth. Josie brushed her hair from her face with his fingers, a gentle touch, once again belying the werewolf who seemed so closed off with his feelings.

“What did you say?” It didn’t register.

For too long she wished for her freedom. With just a few words, Josie implied it was true.

“Pete is dead. You’re a widow.” He searched her face, like he needed to see her first reaction to his words.

She waited for her reaction as well. She should feel something. Her mate was dead.

That made her a widow. Just the other day, although for some reason it seemed a lot longer, she had asked Bob to be released from her mating. He had refused her request.

But Josie had fulfilled it.

“How?” She pushed away from him and then fought her leg muscles for a moment when they quivered too much for her to stand.

Strong hands took hold of her waist and Josie’s powerful body pressed against her backside as he pushed her to her feet, then stood behind her, not letting go.

“It was quick, painless. Quite possibly no one knows he is dead yet.” His voice rumbled behind her, sharing the facts with her without offering any details. “You might also like to know that your pack doesn’t know you are missing. At this moment, you are free to return and enjoy your widow status.”

“Oh.” When she walked away from him, he didn’t hold on to her.

Josie had given her what she wanted—freedom. That didn’t explain why he had

swollen inside her, marking her. If she returned to her pack right now, his scent would be all over her.

Did you think that one through when you came inside me
wolf man

She didn’t turn around and he didn’t answer. Maura let out a sigh, deciding her question was on the table. He heard her thoughts. There wasn’t any reason to voice the question. Her legs wobbled underneath her when she walked to the bathroom. Josie didn’t follow her and she shut the door, then collapsed against it, staring at the small room without focusing on her surroundings.

What kind of werewolf was Josie?


For Life

Maybe he never opened up to any bitch. Possibly asking him to speak his mind was simply asking more than he could do. Maura reached for the faucet and turned on the water in the tub. A shower wouldn’t wash away his scent. There were some bitches who walked around with the smell of their mate never leaving them. Maura always envied that sure indication that they had kick-ass sex on a very regular basis.

But Josie wasn’t her mate. Hell, he was damned near a perfect stranger. Yet he had just given her the one thing she wanted—freedom from the shackles of her terrible mate. And then he swelled inside her. Traditions ran strong and were clear as crystal on this matter. No matter what breed they were, when a male swelled inside a female it meant they were mated—for life.

Dear Lord.

It was all too much at the moment. Adjusting the water, Maura turned on the

shower and then stood under it, soaking. She doubted there was enough hot water to cleanse away all of the doubt and confusion swarming around in her brain. No matter how hard she scrubbed, it wouldn’t remove his scent from her. What scared her even more was not knowing if she wanted his scent to leave her.


Lorie O’Clare

Chapter Eight

Josie hung up the phone with Dimitri just as Maura came out of the shower. Steam filled the air around her, accentuating the smell of him on her. He decided not to comment on that small fact. The smell of soap and shampoo did little to hide the dominating scent.

Josie breathed in deeply, looking away so she wouldn’t notice. It was the first time he smelled his mark on a bitch. Maybe at some point he would tell Maura that she was the first bitch he ever swelled in. Right now, it wouldn’t help the turmoil already swimming around in her thoughts. But damn, she smelled good.

“I should have caught breakfast for us while I was out last night.”

“Maybe you were a bit preoccupied.” She was going to push him, pry his thoughts out of him.

If she did, she would be the first bitch who succeeded. Josie doubted he could put his thoughts into words. Too many years of not allowing his emotions to open, of mastering not feeling, would take a hell of a lot of work to reverse. Not to mention, it was better this way. He didn’t feel pain if he didn’t feel. Made things easier.

“How about if we go into Valle for breakfast.” Dimitri wanted him to check their pack’s post office box that was in Valle. The small town at the edge of their territory, a community made up predominantly of American werewolves, housed the closest post office. All official pack business was mailed there.

“Into Valle?”

“You ever been there?” He didn’t question why he craved knowing everything

about her. He should. Just like he should question the simple fact chewing at him that he couldn’t let her go.

“American werewolves don’t take too nicely to
I’ve never been there but I know Heidi went there once.”

“I promise you will be treated with respect.” Especially with his mark on her.

Anyone who sniffed her out would see her as his bitch. Which, in fact, she was. He swelled in her. Traditions were clear and simply stated. His emotions and reactions to what he had done were about as clear as mud, which fucking sucked.

“Because I would be with you?”

“Possibly.” He took in the jeans and sweater she wore—clothes Heidi had given her. They were snug, although her large breasts pressing against the knitted sweater made her look sexier than any bitch he ever sniffed out in the past. “We’ll do some shopping too, get you anything you need.”


For Life

“Okay.” She gave him an odd look. Maura still ached to know his motives.
Do you
want me to stay with you
Or return to my pack

“Do what makes you happy.” He almost enjoyed her shocked expression when he

answered her thoughts. She had begged him to do so earlier. He didn’t have answers for all of her questions though.

When she opened her mouth, ready to press further, pry into his mind as far as he would let her go, Josie grabbed his coat and opened his front door. “I’ll warm up the car. Go sit by the fire and let your hair dry some before we leave.”

He closed the door on her before she could say anything else.

Valle was a busy town, and one of fairly good size. Run by American werewolves, with a few humans who were too stubborn or too stupid to leave, it offered enough modern conveniences to make it the place to go when anyone in their pack needed supplies. Malta werewolves were accepted there. Since his pack settled in the mountain, the American pack leader emphasized that their presence kept the
from expanding their territory. Ollie Grayson, the American pack leader, didn’t want the
gaining more control and power. His pack had been here first. Arranging for the Malta werewolves to settle between the Americans and
kept balance in the area. Needless to say, the
were pissed as hell when the Malta werewolves settled on land they had their eyes on. The bloodlust between the two breeds seemed only to grow the longer Malta werewolves lived here.

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