For Keeps (5 page)

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Authors: Karen Booth

BOOK: For Keeps
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“Yeah, I just got off the phone with Laura. I need to do the same thing. She’s not happy about being home alone with two kids on a long weekend.”

Cooper watched as his brother stretched his neck. The guilt over keeping him at work and away from his wife and kids weighed on him. “Why don’t we take a break? Chris looks like a zombie and he smells worse.” He shut down his laptop. “Reconvene this afternoon?”

“Um, yeah. I think that sounds good,” Brian said with plain hesitation.

“You know what? Chris and I can take it from here. You get some sleep and hang out with the kids. Tell them their Uncle Coop says hi.” He slid his laptop into a black leather bag.

“Are you sure? Some of this is my fault.”

“If we’d programmed it correctly in the first place, we wouldn’t be having this problem. Don’t worry about it.”


Allie tapped on the hard shell of her cellphone as the cab hurtled through the city, little traffic on a Sunday morning. Skies were gray, rain misted. She wondered what Cooper was doing, knowing the likely answer was that he was still in bed. Twisting her lips, she slid the phone back into her bag.
I’ll call him later.

Andrea had taken a sleeping pill last night, leaving Allie alone and wide awake in the guestroom. After hours of discussing Bill and his wandering dick, Allie had hoped the sheer mental exhaustion would put her out like a light. Instead, her mind wandered to Cooper and everything that had happened Friday night. Being so tired made it easy to worry less about what he might be thinking. She only wondered now if it would happen again and how she might feel about it if it did.

“Lady,” the cab driver barked. “This the right address?”

Allie shook her head and looked up to see Cooper keying his way into their building. “Shit. Yes.” She scrambled to dig her wallet out of her purse, tossing the driver a twenty. “Keep the change.”

Cooper was out of sight once she entered the building, but she could hear footfalls coming from the steps. She rushed to the stairwell, but slowed as soon as he might see her. Three treads up, she heard his voice.

“Allie, hey.” He leaned over the railing and smiled. He was a bit haggard, eyes tired and stubble along his jaw. “How’s your sister?”

“She’s doing better. Now she’s just pissed.” She hurried up the stairs as he waited. “Big night out?” Her pulse picked up as she put two and two together.
He’s been out partying. Probably with women.

He smiled and shook his head. “I’ve been working all night.”

Her shoulders relaxed. “Oh. Everything okay?”

“Not really, but it’s boring. You don’t want to hear about it. I’m just home to take a nap and a shower, grab some real food.”

They continued up to Allie’s floor, the point of no return. She wanted him to come in, wanted to spend time with him again. She also wanted to know what exactly they were doing.
Either you put yourself out there or you don’t.
“I could feed you,” she blurted. Her heartbeat sped up again as she waited for the answer.

Cooper reached for her elbow. “Are you sure? I don’t want you to think that all I want you for is food.”

It took everything Allie had to keep from exclaiming something about not caring what he wanted her for
“I don’t think that.”

“Good. I’m starving.”

She dropped her bag on the entry table and went to the kitchen, her brain sifting through no less than a dozen different scenarios in a matter of seconds.
I feed him and he leaves and I’m miserable. I feed him and we have sex again and I’m confused. I feed him, we have sex, and he tells me what he’s thinking. Like that’s going to happen.
It felt as if she were a mixed-up teenager again. “Eggs and bacon?” she asked, trying to focus on something with a logical conclusion. “I usually make mine over medium.”

“Perfect. I’m going to use your bathroom.”

She slapped bacon into the cast-iron skillet and cracked eggs onto a griddle pan as soon as it was hot. Slices of multi-grain bread went into the toaster. Cooper returned and stood a few feet from her, crossing his arms over his chest.

She’d hoped he would do his trick of standing behind her while she cooked, but his body language was unmistakable. Her heart plummeted into the depths of her stomach.
He doesn’t need to tell me anything.

“There’s juice,” she sniped. The bacon crackled as she turned it in the pan.
Stop it. This is better. Staying friends is the most important part now.

“Good idea. Want some?” He went to the cabinet and got out a pair of glasses.

“Um, sure.” Allie buttered the toast before she blotted the bacon with a paper towel and slid the eggs from the pan. She handed him his plate and took her own to the center island, sitting on a barstool.

“Thank you for breakfast.”

“Uh huh.” She exhaled much more loudly than she’d intended to. It hurt to know he’d only hooked up with her, but she’d been a willing participant, they’d established zero ground rules. Everything they’d left unsaid ate at her now.

Why am I being such a wimp? He doesn’t have to be the one to clarify everything.
“I want you to know that I’m fine with what happened the other night. You don’t need to worry about getting the whole clingy routine from me.”

Cooper’s eyes nearly doubled in size and he coughed with his napkin held to his lips.

Shit. That didn’t sound right.
“I mean,” she continued, “I know that’s what guys your age do. And believe me, I’m flattered. I just want you to know that I don’t expect anything.”

Chapter Five


Cooper struggled to swallow his last bite of toast. “Uh, I’m not totally sure what to say to that. I don’t think you’re clingy. I like hanging out with you. And I really enjoyed the other night a lot.”
Dumbass. Of course you enjoyed it.

Allie scrunched up her face as if she couldn’t stand to hear what he was saying. “Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything.” She pushed her food around on her plate and set down her napkin. “I’m not hungry. Do you want my bacon?”

“I’m good.” He took another bite of his eggs and toast and the silence washed over him. The mix of no sleep and Allie’s words had him off balance at best. Tired, he decided that it couldn’t get any more awkward than it already was. “Allie, I didn’t just hook up with you on a whim if that’s what you’re getting at. I’m very attracted to you and I have been for a long time. I guess I just thought I should finally do something about it. I don’t want it to make things weird between us. Can we spend time together and see what happens?”

Allie let out a quiet sigh. “I don’t want to end up ruining our friendship.”

He felt the skin between his eyebrows pinch together. “I don’t either. I just think there might be a way for us to have more.”

“But I’m twelve years older than you. Would we really be doing anything more than having fun together?”

“First off, I told you I don’t care about the age thing. Secondly, what’s wrong with having fun? We both have insanely stressful jobs. We have so little free time. You and I get along great, we like a lot of the same things.” He reached for her hand. “I think that you and me having fun is a great idea.”

“I don’t know.” Allie looked down as his thumb caressed the side of her pinky. “Maybe.” A smile played at the corner of her lips and he sensed she might give in. “We need to be careful. No sacrificing the friendship. And please, no drama.”

He felt a wave of relief, especially with that last comment. The last three women he’d dated seemed to live and breathe drama. Things with Allie would be such a welcome change from that. “Sounds perfect.” His heart thumped as she lifted her head to look at him.

Her eyes sparkled in the muted light of the stormy day. “You need to get a nap and a shower, don’t you? So you can get back to work?” Now her fingers were twining with his, sending cues straight to his groin. The gentle pout of her lower lip was a punch to the gut.

“I do.” He glanced at his watch as their foreheads drew closer. “It’s almost ten thirty. I need to be back by three.” His body warmed as Allie tilted her head to the side in invitation, the gentle dips of her collarbone so enticing.

“You don’t have much time,” she muttered. Her silky hair grazed his nose as his lips found the smooth skin of her neck.

“Right. Time,” he answered. His spine prickled when she ran her fingertips up his forearms. Someone could have told him he had to leave that instant for the most important meeting of his life and it would have made no difference. Allie was the most pressing matter at hand.

He inhaled her sweet scent and could wait no longer, digging his fingers into the downy hair at her nape. He rose to his feet and took her along with him, her slender frame arching into his. Allie tugged at his t-shirt, pushing it up his back. He pulled his arm into the sleeve, allowing their kiss to break for only an instant as he gathered the shirt over his head.

Allie let out the most intoxicating sigh as she spread her hands across his chest. The look in her eyes and languid bat of her lashes spoke of her appreciation for his body, causing his cock to strain against the confines of his pants. He made a marked effort to go slowly as he unbuttoned her black cardigan sweater. Each step closer to having her undressed was a milestone to be celebrated.

“We could multitask,” she said, grinning impishly before she went for the button on his jeans.

“Go on,” he croaked as she unzipped him.

“I haven’t taken a shower yet either.” She pushed his pants to the floor.

He reached down and grabbed her ass, lifting her with little effort until she wrapped her legs around his waist. He wasted no time getting them to the bathroom although he had to make a concerted effort to sidestep her furniture, as she wouldn’t stop tearing into him with her lips.

He gently set her on the bathroom counter and stepped back to open the glass shower door and turn on the water. Her bra and other clothes needed to go, but he froze for an instant when he truly saw her beauty in the soft light filtering in through the window.

“You’re gorgeous,” he said, brushing her cheek with the back of his hand. “I want to see you from every angle,” he said, tugging on her hips.

He turned her to face the mirror and swept her hair aside. Kissing the gentle slope of her neck, he unhooked her bra and the lacy black cups tipped forward, baring her creamy, full breasts. She bit her lower lip. His cock, now wedged between them, twitched in anticipation.

Her small, dark nipples beaded tightly as he grazed them with his fingers. She raised her arms and clasped her hands behind his neck as he explored her breasts. Her eyes caught his in their reflection and she didn’t shy away, her eyelids merely fluttered.

So hot.
He unbuttoned her jeans and pushed them past her hips, revealing a pair of sheer black panties. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the mirror as she stretched her torso and neck to kiss him. He poked a finger beneath the waistband of her panties and traveled lower. He knew he hit the magic spot when she gasped and hopped up on to her tiptoes. Her breast swelled with heat beneath his other hand.

Allie ground her ass against his crotch, creating hot friction. The temperature in the bathroom quickly climbed and he took her hand. She turned and leaned against the counter, gesturing with a single nod. He took the hint and slipped her panties past her hips. She did the same for him and his cock bobbed with approval.

They stepped into the spray together, sultry moisture heightening every sense. Cooper wished he had another set of hands to experience every inch of Allie at once. Their lips worked together as if neither could get enough, jaws slack, tongues no longer timid, lips unrestrained. Her lithe fingers gripped his cock with such artistry that he broke the seal of their kiss. Cooper’s head dropped back and he got a face full of spray as her pumping pace felt impossibly good.

She peppered his chest with kisses and he dug his fingers into her dripping hair. His legs quaked when she began to twist with every stroke, palming the head with her other hand in perfectly synchronous circles. At that moment, she could have asked him for anything at all and he would have clawed for the pen to sign on the dotted line, no questions asked.

His breaths grew shorter as she worked her magic with slender, gifted fingers, the top of her head now pressed into the center of his chest. Although her mouth or pussy would both be unbelievable alternatives, her hand felt so damn good that he didn’t dare suggest a change. It was as if she understood every cue his body was giving, changing her pace when he wanted it most. He was right there, teetering on the brink and choking back a lion’s roar.

Allie delivered an innocent string of words with a purr. “Do you like it when I stroke you like that?”

He clutched at her shoulders and wrestled with the pleasure bubbling beneath his skin. He groaned, startled that he was missing his chance to say something dirty in response. Words were useless. His balls hugged his body and energy swelled in his cock before it rocketed out of him in long, steady pulses.

His breathing slowed and Allie reached up and wrapped her hands around his neck. She kissed him deeply, pressing her hips into his. “How was that?” she asked, skimming her lips to his jaw.

“Incredible.” He swayed, still getting his bearings, eager to return the favor.


Cooper maneuvered Allie to the teak bench at the end of the shower and encouraged her to sit with a gentle tug on her arms. As he adjusted the showerhead to spray her chest and lower, she admired the perfect curve of his muscular ass before he turned back. He knelt before her with a sweet and seductive look on his face that made her pulse quicken.

Curving his hands around her waist, he worked his lips softly against hers as the warm water pattered them both. He raked his fingertips down her left hip and then her thigh before hitching her calf over his shoulder. Her breath caught in her throat as he lower his head between her legs.

The sensations he created with his mouth were almost too much to take He employed a soft touch, kissing her tender folds before he spread them farther with his hands and zeroed in on her clit. He sucked carefully, flicking and swirling with his tongue. Allie made no pretense of quieting her appreciation, moaning and gasping as he took her higher. She raked her fingers into the twists of his wet hair, massaging his scalp as encouragement.

Her thoughts became a kaleidoscope. All she could feel was pleasure swirling, painted in brilliant color. From the tips of her toes to the top of her head, every nerve ending was ignited and bristling for release. He drove two fingers inside her, spiraling thrusts, sending her sailing for the finish line. With a few more intent licks, he pushed her over the edge into a lovely, lazy drift back down to earth.

Cooper kissed her inner thigh and she realized that she’d kept an iron grip on his head. She cupped her hands behind his ears, bringing his face to hers, kissing him passionately as he remained on his knees. She wrapped her legs around his waist, wanting him as close as possible.

“You’re unreal. I don’t know how any woman ever let you out of her sight after getting that treatment.”

He smiled and rubbed his thumb along her cheek. “Not every woman gets the Cooper Hale special.”

“Is that what you call it?” she asked, half laughing.

“I have no idea. I just thought it sounded snappy.”

She kissed him on the forehead before she stood and grabbed the soap, turning it in her hands. “Whatever you call it, it’s spectacular. It’s been a while.” She twisted her lips as she realized she’d said more than she wanted to.

“Let me guess.” Cooper took the bar of soap from her and she spread handfuls of citrus-scented lather across his chest. “The Grim Reaper wasn’t a fan of the oral exam?”

She worked the suds over his strong shoulders, committing every contour to memory. “Let’s say he was fine with receiving, but not giving.” She smiled as Cooper gripped her rib cage with one hand and painted her breasts in soapy, creamy white with the other. Her body responded to his touch, tingling and tightening.

“His loss.” He wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her neck and the sensitive spot right below her ear. Their torsos skated over each other, slick with lustrous bubbles. “I might have to make up for his shortcomings.”

Her body warmed, even when it was tropical in the shower steam. “You already have, but that still sounds promising.”

“It’ll just have to be later. I need a nap. You have completely worn me out.”

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