For Better or For Worse (2 page)

Read For Better or For Worse Online

Authors: Desirae Williams

Tags: #love, #pain, #suspense, #drama

BOOK: For Better or For Worse
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You almost done in there
woman?” His loud voice roared from outside. “What the hell do you
think?” I mumbled looking at all the remaining boxes we had to
unpack. Grant brought in another box from off the moving van and
set it in the kitchen. He was sweating profusely, so much that it
was damping that white t shirt of his and his muscular body was
bulking through the sheer material. I snuck in a devilish smile
finding him utterly delicious. We had been married for four months
now after years of dating. From the first time I laid eyes on that
6’4 figure and smooth deep brown cocoa skin I’ve been hypnotized.
Clearly the spell hasn’t broken yet and I doubt it ever will. I
went back to unpacking all of our newly purchased china we received
as a wedding gift when I felt those familiar hands of his grasp my
shoulders. “Baby what you are doing in here huh?” Grant leaned over
me and kissed my neck. “I’m in a panic. There is so much to do
Grant and were not even halfway done.” I sighed. He shook his head
and grinned. “Oh hush that fuss, it’s not like we are going nowhere
anytime soon… As much as I paid for this place we may die in

I looked around at all the
work that still needed to be done and wanted to raise the white
flag and surrender. “From how many boxes we got in this house we
may not be going anywhere ever.” Grant threw his hands up in
defeat. “Whatever you say princess.” I rolled my eyes at his
comment; Princess was what he referred to me as whenever he thought
I was acting spoiled…forget him. I knew damn well he wasn’t going
to help me unpack shit, but was sure as hell going to sit on the
couch and yell at the TV when the game came on. Grant took off his
shirt and wiped the sweat off his face. I couldn’t help but stare
at him admiring that perfect chiseled body; he was a work of art,
like my very own Michael Angelo’s David.
Damn, I couldn’t have gotten a finer man if I prayed for
I thought to myself. Getting side
tracked from the job at hand I glanced over to the Tempur -pedic
mattress in the other room and then back at him. “Hmmm…Is that the
new mattress we just ordered?” I asked with a sly grin. He caught
my heavy drift and gave me some off that LL cool J lip action. “Why
yes it is.” He said tossing his t-shirt to the side.

I popped up off the floor
like a toaster oven ready to go. “Well then, I say we forget these
boxes and go test that bad boy out.” I figured what the hell; sex
was the only way I knew I could get out of all this unpacking
without Grant complaining… what a perfect plan. And, judging from
the way his eyes lit up let me know it worked. It was always funny
when that dopey look would get on his face when he was excited; it
kind of reminded me of the cartoon character Scooby doo. “Well you
don’t have to tell me twice.” He rushed over to me like football
player ready to tackle, and scooped me over his shoulder. “Whoa…” I
managed to get out before we landed on the mattress in the other
room. I couldn’t stop laughing at his eagerness. “Boy what am I
going to do with you. Huh?” Grant looked down at his

Well the game doesn’t
come on till nine, so we got about five hours to do whatever you
can think of.” I pretended to look hurt and offended. “So the game
is more important to you than me?” Grant softened his face as he
kissed my cheek. “Of course not babe…not with all the commercial
breaks and half time.” I burst into laughter at his silliness. Who
would really pass up sex just to watch a damn basketball game, that
type of shit was just unheard of? “You bastard.” I said roughly.
“If you love Dwayne Wade that much you need to be having sex with
him.” Grant looked at me playfully. “Now baby…you know Dwayne
doesn’t look as good as you do naked.” He started pulling at my
clothes and I smacked his hand away pretending I no longer desired
him. “I’m not in the mood anymore.” I said rolling over appearing
to be uninterested. Grant leaned over me and softly kissed my cheek
brushing his tongue over my skin… And damn if it didn’t feel good.
He placed another kiss near my ear causing the same reaction. “You
still not in the mood?” He asked seductively. “No.” I lied wanting
him to kiss me some more. Grant leaned down and started nibbling
his juicy lips on my neck sliding his tongue across its surface. I
let out a slight moan that let him know he had me. He made his way
back to my ear and whispered. “You still not in the mood?” I turned
to face him and tackled him to the other side of the mattress, and
trampled down on his luscious mouth. I had my own full court game
going and there would be no commercial breaks or half

Chapter 2

upper hand


Mr. and Mrs. Grant Smith.
That title still brought a smile to my face every time I thought
about the day the love of my life and I became one. I could still
remember the day we first met, the day that changed my life
forever. Ever since that day I couldn’t get this woman out of my
head and it wasn’t long before she crept into my heart. It had been
years since then and so much had changed, I had taken up classes to
become a welder before landing this job in NYC, Lucy had been
attending college before traveling up to the big apple with me. If
someone would have told me that kid who used to sling rocks on the
coroner would be where I am now, I probably would have laughed in
their face. And yet here I am, with a great job, beautiful home,
and beautiful wife…I couldn’t have been happier.

Lucy and I enjoyed our
honeymoon phase for the next eight months. I’m talking breakfast in
bed… including sex. Candle light dinners…including freaky sex. And
just enjoying the pleasure of being with one another...And did I
mention good sex. After a while things seemed to fall into an old
routine. We both settled back at work and I started to feel a
little empty, like we were missing something. During my lunch break
I headed into Wal-Mart to get a quick snack, a little boy staring
at a big wheel caught my attention. He was reaching his small hands
up to grab the toy when his old man came around and got it for him.
“Daddy I want to learn to drive that.” He said enthusiastically.
The man smiled down at his son. “Well lil man if you continue to be
good your daddy is gonna buy that for you.” “Yaaaaay!”The boy
jumped up and down. I don’t know why but it really warmed my heart
to see that…the love between father and son. I headed back to work
thirty minutes later and I was in a more somber mood than

I was getting sick of the
day to day schedule, I felt like my life was missing something, I
needed a change, some excitement… and I knew just what would do the
trick. I wasn’t sure if Lucy was ready for what I had in mind
though, so I came up with a little sexy plan that would coerce her
decision. As I heard her stilettoes coming up the stairs I already
had the bath water running and filling with bubbles to soften her
up for our little discussion.

She walked in the bathroom
to candles lit, roses in the tub and me waiting to see the look on
her face. “Oh…trying to surprise me huh?” she said in awe. Lucy
came towards me as I was sitting on the tub and planted a big kiss
on my lips, when she tried to break away I held her in place a
little longer. “Well I thought my woman deserved something nice
after a long day.” She wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me
another kiss. “Boy you thought right
Oh yeah I got her,
I thought. I intended
to work this night to the best of my ability, I mean pulling out
all the stops to get her nice and relaxed…this way she would least
expect my plan of attack. Lucy leaned on to the sink and removed
her shoes. “Can I help you with that?” I said giving her the eye.
She smiled at my whole Billy Dee Williams impression.

Please do…” She motioned
for me to come over. I helped remove all of her clothes, piece by
piece and placed her in the tub, taking initiative to plant small
kisses on her naked skin. “Oh baby today was such a long day, from
meetings, to desk work, and everything else…” She took a deep
breath to soothe out the frustrations of the day. “I know I
expected a lot when I got promoted to assistant editor, but not
this much.” Lucy laid back into the warm water; I squatted near the
tub and gazed at her at her shapely body, picturing all the things
I wanted to do to it. “Well no need to worry about that right now
baby. You just sit back and chill and I’ll take care of everything
else.” I slipped my hand into the water where her thighs met,
hoping to give her a feel of what was yet to come. “Ooh…stop it.”
Lucy splashed water at me giggling.

I’m supposed to be taking
it easy.” She shook her head and eased back down into the tub. I
grinned and used my shirt to wipe my face. “I know and I was about
to help you.” “Oh, Grant.” She groaned.
Grant you are rushing it,
Just take your time and work your
way in.
After getting her out of the tub,
I helped Lucy slip on her dark midnight blue nightgown. I watched
as she groomed herself in the mirror while I sat on the sink. As
she fussed with her curly jet black hair as it hung around her
shoulders it brought me back to when we first met. It’s not often
you see a nice Mercedes ride through Lake City, especially not down
Washington street. So when Lucy unavoidably ran over glass from
some busted liquor bottles, I felt obliged to help. Even in the
street light I could tell she was fine.

No taller than 5’4, pretty
dark brown skin, and that curly midnight hair that I just loved. I
approached her correctly knowing how easily intimidated these high
city girls could get, but when we both locked eyes there was an
instant attraction that wasn’t letting up, not even now. Looking in
the mirror she caught me staring and smiled. “What are you looking
at?” She asked playfully. Her eyes where sharp like almonds, she
had a cute nose, and full plump lips. She reminded me of cat;
black, small and slinky. I figured now it was time to lay my cards
out on the table and possible lay her down on the table… Depends on
what we were into tonight. I smiled at her. “Come on in here baby,
I want to talk to you.” I walked into our bedroom climbed on in bed
and Lucy followed after. “What’s on your mind baby?” She asked
lying on my chest; I eased back on the bed post and played with a
curl of her hair while slowing moving into the

Well I’ve been thinking,
since your new job is getting a little tough on you why don’t you
take some time off?” She looked up at me like I was plum crazy and
laughed. “And why would I do that? I just got this position... It’s
not like your job where you can go wherever you please.” I couldn’t
argue with that, working at Good and Weldness Corporation I could
be gone weeks at a time but the pay was good and I worked when I
was ready, but still something’s are more important than success. I
placed a gentle kiss on her lips trying to sway her opinion. “I’m
serious though babe, you might want to consider taking some time
off.” She looked at me confused and could tell something was on my
mind causing her to sit up in bed. “For what Grant?” I moved closer
to her and softly kissed her cheek. “Because I’ve been thinking.
Maybe we could work on starting a family. You know, have a baby.”
Lucy gulped and eased back, I could tell she was trying to
formulate words but her silence was answer enough for

And you don’t want to?” I
said lying back, knowing that my almighty plan had failed. “It’s
not that.” She protested. “ Baby we just got married and I just got
this promotion, which we both know his going to demand a lot from
me we should just…” I cut her off not wanting to hear the reasons
or excuses as to why she didn’t want to have my baby, they were all
bullshit anyway. “You are saying anything and everything but
whether or not you want to do this.” I could clearly tell by the
resistant look in her eyes that her mind was made up and there was
no point in talking.
I thought.
I got myself
so excited hoping we could have a little bundle to bring home. I
even caught myself staring at one of those big wheel motorcycles at
Wal-Mart, thinking I could one day buy one for my little boy and to
get shot down like this just…just hurts.
got out of bed hoping to catch the highlights of the game from
downstairs not wanting to think about this anymore, but before I
could make it to the door she stopped me.

“Grant I just don’t think
this is the right time for kids.”

“You mean this isn’t the
right time for you.”

For both of us…” Lucy
sighed. “We need to get more settled.”

I threw my hands up in
frustration. “We’ve settled, we have been married for over a year,
were more than financially stable, what is the problem?” Lucy
placed her hands on her small hips like she was through with the
conversation and was now going to set me
who does she think this

Look I don’t want to talk
about this anymore. I’m not taking any time off from work and I’m
not having a damn baby, period.” I stared at her coldly and she
immediately eased back. “We’ll let me help you prevent that from
happening.” I grabbed a pillow from off of the bed and headed for
the door. “I’m sleeping on the couch.” “Grant don’t do this!” I
heard her calling for me but she got no reply. As I reached the
bottom of the stairs I hesitated and thought about going back
upstairs to apologize, maybe even get some make up sex but shook it
off. I made it down to the couch and got as comfortable as
possible. I rolled my eyes when I thought about the situation I had
just put myself in. To give up a nice soft bed for a horrible
feeling couch, what the hell was I thinking…nevertheless I stayed
were I was. We both ended up sulking off to bed refusing to give
the other the upper hand.

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