FOOTBALL ROMANCE: SECRET BABY ROMANCE: Going Pro (Bad Boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Sports Romance) (6 page)

BOOK: FOOTBALL ROMANCE: SECRET BABY ROMANCE: Going Pro (Bad Boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Sports Romance)
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“I don’t want you to be the flavor of the month, Carly, you have no idea how many times I’d tried to accept that you didn’t want me. I couldn’t find you so I guessed that was it, that I’d never find you. I had heard that you’d moved to Australia mid-way through college.”

“No,” I said as his hands slid between the material of my dress, bra and my warmed skin to find the nipple. “My mom got cancer, I left midway through to help her get through the treatments but it was too aggressive.” I said, shivering a little.

“I’m sorry…” Jason said as he pulled away from me, embarrassed, or ashamed.

“Don’t.” I said. “Don’t pull away from me when I need you.” I said, my eyes pleading for his touch, my body aflame with a need to have him. He shifted so that he was facing me on the bench. His jacket still surrounding my shoulders. He gently pushed against my shoulders with his large hands, his lips meeting mine as he lay me down on the bleachers.

I felt his warm body crowding me a little, but I was surrounded by him, his scent, his heat, his body, his mouth against mine, his hands caressing the heated flesh that trembled under his touch. I moaned as his slid a hand up my thighs and caressed my lace-panty-covered mound. Typical of Jason, always going for exactly what he wanted.

I let my legs fall open for his explorations, it was not like the awkward fumbling we had during Prom in the basement of his best friend’s parent’s house. His were the movements of a man used to pleasuring a woman. Long slow strokes of tongue and fingers brought my body trembling as he played it like a fine instrument.

My moans soft and muffled by his caressing lips seemed to spur him on. I cried out wordlessly into his mouth as his fingers slid aside my panties and delved between my folds, teasing, touching and tormenting my body with such desires that I burned within to have him slide his magnificent cock inside me and claim me again.

I heard the zipper unfasten from his pants, descending with a decidedly metal sound that all zippers seem to possess. I reached down and slipped my hands into the gaping hole to find his cock straining to be released from his silky boxers.

He shivered as I handled his cock out from its confines and stroked him from tip to balls, smearing the large drop of pre-cum over the head.

“I need you, Carly, needed you of so long…” he ground out as I guided him to my center, where his fingers were thrusting in and out of my pussy, my arousal coating his digits as I felt my body tremble with each stroke that glanced off my G-spot. I felt him remove his fingers, their wet, slippery coating sliding over my hand as I gripped his cock. His hand covered mine as he guided himself to his goal.

I felt him press harder, the tip of his dick pushing against my entrance until it slid in, and the rest of his cock followed quickly. We both moaned at the entry, my legs wrapping around his as he began to slowly thrust inside me. I could feel him holding back, and I realized how hot for me he really was.

“This is going to be hard and fast, baby….” He growled. “I’ll make it up to you later.” I moaned my assent as he began to pound hard into me. The steel of the bleacher’s framework squeaked and groaned slightly as he began the hard thrusts and grunts of his own, his body hard and rigid over me as his hips thrust piston-like against me.

My cocktail dress was hiked up over my ass, his hands gripping the cheeks as he lifted me up against his thrusting pelvis. My body trembled as wave after wave of pleasure hammered into my body, just as his cock did.

I felt my orgasm rising, damn it had been such a long time since I’d be fucked like this, far too long. I honestly think the bats were evacuating out of there as we fucked. The smell of my arousal permeated the chill, crisp air as his grunts became more strained, at his reaching his peak. I felt the heat of his seed flood my pussy, my cry of passion breaking free from my lips as I fell over the precipice of my orgasm, falling with stars sparkling before my closed eyes to lay back upon the bleachers. His suit jacket had fallen to my elbows, as he helped me to lay down and extricated himself from my body. His lips were hot and hard against mine, as his panting breaths covered my face.

“Left pocket, check it when you get home.” He said, panting as he zipped himself up and left me laying in a semi-coma from the orgasm that blew my mind.

“What…?” I said as I heard his shoes hitting the weathered wood of the bleacher’s stairs. He had left me again. Atop the bleachers, he had left me.


Chapter 4


I drove home with tears streaming down my face. My make-up, so carefully applied had been completely ruined and I appeared as though I were a seriously sad clown, or a psychotic one. His scent was still around me, and I realized that I still had his jacket on. Anger bubbled up inside me as I felt like he had done to me what he had done to the other women he had ‘dated’. It felt like a case of ‘wham bam thank you ma’am’. I sighed as I reached my house. I locked my little Honda up in the driveway and without thinking put my hand in the pocket to find my house keys – which were still in my hand from locking up the Honda.

I felt the card and pulled it out, looking at it in the dim light of the porch’s bare bulb I squinted at the print.

Whittaker Park Hotel, Room 1101.

It was a hotel key card. I had to do the right thing, I had to return his jacket. I turned around and got back into my little Honda and drove clear across town to the Whittaker. It was the upmarket hotel, and I knew that Jason could have quite easily flown back to wherever he came from in his private jet that he was reputed to own.

“Can I help you miss?” The receptionist asked, taking in my disheveled condition.

“Uh, no I’m, I’m okay thanks.” I said as I headed right for the elevator.

“Miss…? Are you currently staying at this hotel?”

“My friend is, he gave me his card…” I said as the elevator stopped and the doors opened.

“Miss, if I could just get you to wait there please.” The Receptionist said, her voice getting tenser, and higher pitched. A security guard started to walk towards me, I panicked and jumped into the elevator, pressing the close-door button and then swiped the card, pressing the button for the eleventh floor.

As the elevator ascended the bowels of the hotel I looked at the floor-guide. The eleventh floor was the penthouse floor. I gulped as I realized that I had come here with no plan, other than to give him his jacket and leave. I took the jacket off and felt the chill air of the small air conditioning unit in the lift bring gooseflesh to my skin.

The elevator dinged as the doors to the eleventh floor opened. There was a very short corridor that led to a single door with a security card slot in the door. A large man, the same one who had been to the reunion with Jason stood outside the door.

I lost my nerve. Why would a man as rich and powerful as Jason McKenzie want a washed out woman like me, he had supermodels hanging off him for heaven’s sake! I handed the goon the jacket. I turned and walked back to the elevator, knowing that I could never really have him, I was just grateful for what we had tonight.

The lift doors closed and I rode it down with sorrow in my broken heart. The doors opened a short time later and I was blocked in by a body.

Strong hands caressed my cheeks, lifting my face up to eager lips.

I responded to his taste, his scent, eagerly kissing him back as he pressed my body against the back wall of the elevator. My heart pounded in joy, but caution forced me to pull away, panting.

I looked into Jason’s eyes and whimpered, he pulled me into his tight embrace and pressed the button for the eleventh floor.

When the lift stopped, he picked me up and carried me into his penthouse room. I was placed gently on the bed, my shoes removed, my dress unzipped and slipped down over my body. He stood there, a tumbler of whiskey in hand and looked over my lingerie-clad body.

“Jason…” I whispered, afraid to speak his name any louder, in case this was a dream.

“Shh…” he said softly. He set aside his tumbler and crawled up over my body, his lips tracing a path from my slightly swollen and still painful ankle, up my inner legs and to the juncture of my thighs. He slipped his thumbs inside the waistband of my panties and slipped them down. His lips meeting the waxed skin of my bare pussy.

I heard him moan as his tongue slid out to taste me, no doubt I still had some of his cum inside me and the smell of sex grew stronger in the room as he exposed me. I flushed thinking that the scent was coming from me, that I was responsible for the mood in the room getting more heated by the second.

I gasped as he went down on me, his lips suckling the puffed lips of my labia into his warm, wet mouth. His tongue slid between the folds of my pussy, tasting our mingling sex and devouring me as his tongue flicked over my sensitive clit. I moaned, his voice rumbled against my sensitive pussy.

“Carly, I want you, I need you…” He said, his lips teasing me with each word.

“Take me, Jason…” I whimpered. I hadn’t realized he had changed out of his clothes and stood there magnificently nude before me. I admired the planes of his body, sculpted finely like an artist had made him out of flesh to perfection.

No longer was he the lanky young boy whom I had given my first kiss, my virginity and my heart to, but a man stood there. Resplendent in his masculinity. His cock stood proud and hard, bobbing as he moved to rise above me. I licked my lips in anticipation as he gently pushed my thighs apart and aligned his cock with my dripping entrance.

I moaned as he slid home, feeling my body accept him, welcome him, it felt like he belonged there, inside me. I put my arms around him, breathing in his scent. His lips touched mine and I could taste our combined cocktail of juices on his lips. It made me tremble in sharp, hard arousal. A need to have him moving inside me, I moved my hips a little, letting him know I wanted him to move.

“Now Carly, let me just tell you something,” he said as he slowly, torturously began to thrust his hips with each sentence. “I’m not just some flavor of the month for you to use and leave on the bedroom floor like last night’s tissue…” he ground out, his face contorting as he found a sweet spot as he thrust. “I want you, and only you.” He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine.





The Neighbors


Writers block, the bane of her existence,
Riley thought as she sat on the toilet staring down at the floor.
Was that a spaceship, or an alligator eyeing out its prey above the water surface,
she wondered blankly as she tilted her head looking down at the patterns on the floor tiles before her. Her deadline was a week away and she had practically run out of ideas for her next column, and Grace, her editor at Action Ink Magazine was hearing none of it. All she cared for was filling her magazine with enticing saucy content and half naked pictures of inked models. At first when she started at the magazine, she was thrilled to have her content out there, every article she wrote had a life and identity of its own, but two years down the line it was nothing but a monotonous accretion of useless information – He saw her. He liked her. He fucked her – there was nothing else to it, and no matter what angle she tried, whether it was a saucy secret affair with the post man, or a one night stand with wicked pleasures, it was all the same.

“Riles, you in here?” Carmen called.

Now there was Carmen, her best friend, the gifted photographer who had everything going for her, she was a perfect size four, had the perfect life and not to mention the perfect boyfriend. And then there was her, shy bashful Riley, 5'2 height, with disheveled hair that was in desperate need of a makeover, and tawny brown eyes that had a pleading expression that showed the desire for something wanted very much. She was nothing but average.

“Yeah, I’m here.” Riley said as she flushed the toilet.

“Grace is looking for you, she wants to get an update on your column.” she said as she dabbed her lips with some gloss.

“Oh for the love of Pete, I have nothing, nada, it’s like my brain has gone numb and refuses to do a single thing.” she said, frustrated.

“Come on, it can’t be that bad, it will come to you, it always does.” Carmen said smiling, “but I do think you need some inspiration.”

Riley squirted some soap into her hands and vigorously washed them, “You think?”

“I mean Riles; face it, when was the last time you went on a date? You’re like the best columnist out there and you know absolutely everything about sex, seriously, I’ve even used your tips in my own relationship,” she said and sighed, “You just need to live a little.”

Riley looked up at the reflection staring back at her. Maybe Carmen had a point, but if she had to be honest with herself, she was not all that. Whenever she walked down the street no-one ever gave her a second glance, she sure as hell never turned heads when she entered a room full of hot blooded males, or females for that matter.

“I think I’m just mentally exhausted.” she admitted and dried her hands. “Maybe I need to take a few days leave and see if I can come up with something.”

“What a fabulous idea!” Carmen exclaimed, “There’s nothing like a holiday to get your creative juices flowing, right?”

“Yeah sure, I will just have to wait and see if it works.”

How did she do it,
Riley thought as she looked at Carmen, she can’t recall ever seeing this woman looking down in the dumps or remotely depressed. She’s always fucking smiling and cheering everyone on like she’s the goddess Laetitia herself.

Riley tugged the bathroom door open and stalked out with Carmen following close behind. She was going to simply tell Grace that she needed some time off, and take it from there.

“Riley, I’ve been looking all over for you!” Grace was right behind her as she exited the bathroom.

“Can’t even go to the ladies without the dragon hunting me down.” she mumbled under her breath to Carmen. “I’m sure she’s got her period again.”

Carmen choked back a laugh and hurried to her desk, and Riley obediently followed Grace to her office.

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