Foolish Notions (27 page)

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Authors: Aris Whittier

BOOK: Foolish Notions
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Samantha nuzzled closer to him,
enjoying the fact every time he clenched her bottom it pressed her
closer against him. “As I recall, you weren’t there when
I woke up.” She pushed her lower lip out in a sexy pout. “All
I remember is being rather lonely.”


She nodded. “However, I do recall
a little something. It’s vague but I do remember bits and
pieces. It was quite early.” Her voice was sexy and teasing.
“How about you give me a little reminder?” She puckered
her lips and ran her tongue along them slowly, purely for his
benefit. “Something to jog my memory.”

James didn’t need any more of an
invite than that. He slid his hand to the front of her panties and
buried it in the soft curls. He worked the area gently, caressing
until it became almost painfully sensitive. He deliberately took his
time. He knew what she wanted and how she liked it. “Are you
remembering anything now?”

“It’s all coming back to
me.” Her voice was nothing more than a whimper.

“Glad to see you haven’t

“Yes, it would be a shame if your
efforts were wasted.”

He nibbled on her ear. “What goes
around comes around.”

Samantha pulled herself away and boldly
ran her hand down the front of his jeans. Her eyes were heavy with
want. “And just what do you think is coming to you?” When
James tried to reach for her she darted around him and dove into the

James was naked in seconds and
following just feet behind her. When he caught up with her he grabbed
her around the waist and pulled her to him. “Going somewhere?”

She laughed as waves crashed over them,
sending them tumbling under the water. When she surfaced, James’s
lips were hot against hers. He unhooked her bra, freeing her breasts.
His gaze roamed over the soft mounds and then moved to her eyes. They
glistened like the moonlight bouncing off the water. His heart
tightened when he realized they weren’t sad eyes any more. He
closed his eyes momentarily as their bodies bobbed with each swell.
She was happy again. Somehow that was all that mattered to him.

Samantha felt James quiver as he
threaded his hand through her wet hair possessively. “What?”

He just shook his head and pulled her
closer to him.

She smiled sweetly. “You drive me
insane.” She pressed her body as close as she possibly could.

“That’s likewise, Angel.”

“Tell me,” she whispered in
his ear. She wished that the moon would was fuller so she could see
his expression. “Tell me. I want to know everything you’re
thinking. Everything you’re feeling.”

Overcome with emotion he nearly choked
the words out.

“There are no words. Remember?”

Samantha’s appetite was just as
insatiable for him as it had been the previous night. Her voice was a
dark whisper on the waves. “Make love to me, James.”

He couldn’t talk. He could only
show. He ran his hands over her body, exploring each delicate curve
that the water seemed to enhance. The exploration created a helpless
sensation deep within him. For an instant everything stopped. His
breath, his heart, and time.

Chapter Twenty-One

“We have a problem,”
Raymond said as everyone rushed to take their seats. He had called
the meeting forty minutes ago and was anxious to begin.

James sat at the head of the table
looking at his board members, who quickly arranged themselves. His
gaze fell onto Raymond as the man spoke in a hurried tone. Of course
there was a problem, he thought. It was very rare that a meeting was
called on such short notice. “What kind of problem?”

Raymond took a seat and turned the
floor over to George. “George will get us all up to speed.”

George stood, and there was anxiety on
his face and in his voice. “The Opposition Commission wasn’t
notified of the merger.”

The cup in James’s hand stopped
in midair. His insides turned as still as the air in the room.
“What?” This wasn’t just a problem, this was a
major crisis. His eyes darted to Raymond. Raymond merely raised his
hands in the air, indicating that he was just as baffled as anyone

“The Opposition—”
George began to repeat.

“I heard what the hell you said.”
James leaned forward suddenly. “The Commission must be notified
of the merger before the actual implementation of the proposed
merger.” He slammed his hand on the table causing everyone to
jump. “That is the first goddamn step of any merger this size.”
The words seeped from his mouth and spread through the room like

No one spoke. They all knew the gravity
of the situation.

“Who the hell was responsible for
the notice?” James’s voice held authority.

Brian spoke up. “That would be
me.” He wasted no time explaining himself. “I was under
the assumption that the combined assets weren’t over four
hundred million. If they’re not over four hundred million, then
no notification is required.” He swallowed visibly. “I
caught the error this morning.”

“When you work for me there are
no goddamn assumptions. Got that?”


“Don’t ever assume again.”
He ran his hand over his face as he thought about how he was going to
fix the situation. They would have to act fast. “Have you
already obtained a merger form?”

Brian nodded and he raised from his
chair to hand James the thick document. “It’s been
completed. It’s ready to send.”

James shook his head as he snapped the
papers out of the other man’s hand. “We don’t have
time to go through the proper channels. This merger is supposed to be
closed in a few weeks. It will take the Commission that long to
process the goddamn paperwork.” This merger would create a
powerful bridge between the two companies and there was no way James
was going to lose it because of an oversight.

Raymond spoke up. “What do you

James took a breath. All eyes were on
him. Like anything tossed at him, this, too, could be dealt with.
Business boils down not to what you know, but whom you know. Knowing
the right people was critical for success. James prayed they knew the
right people. “Who do we know that works over at the

All the board members dropped their
heads as they thought. This was not a good position to be in. Rumors
had been flying that this was one of the biggest mergers of the year.
A lot was at stake, and if the deal fell through it could be

“Rodger Cates is on the board
over there.” Raymond said abruptly.

“Call him. If he’s not
available, then we find someone else.” He looked at each
individual member. “No one is leaving this room until we find
someone who can sign this off.” He tossed the merger form onto
the center of the large table.

* * * * *

James flung open the door to his office
and then slammed it shut. His hands found his hips and he began to
pace. They had gotten through to Rodger and with any luck they would
be free and clear by morning. He had cashed in every favor he had,
but it was worth it. Nothing could go wrong with this merger.

He was fuming inside and desperately
trying to hang onto the restraint he had shown in the boardroom.

He needed her. Right now more than
anything he needed her.

He picked up the phone in his office
that connected directly to his secretary. “Shelly, if Rodger
Cates calls please ring him through to my cell phone.” He
glanced at his watch. “I’ll be leaving in a few minutes.”

“Yes, Mr. Taylor.”

“I’ll be at lunch for about
an hour.”


She didn’t have to sound so
shocked. “Yes, it’s the meal that comes mid-afternoon.
The one after breakfast and before dinner.”

“I know when it is.” There
was a hint of attitude in Shelly’s voice. “I just didn’t
think you did. I haven’t seen you take one in a very long

He signed his signature to several
pages. “I haven’t had a reason to take one.”

“Care to share it with me?”

It was so unlike Shelly to ask personal
questions. He put the pen down and gathered the loose pages into a
neat pile. “Maybe later. I just finished those signature pages
you requested.”

“I’ll get them before I
leave. Enjoy your lunch, Mr. Taylor.” She paused. “Enjoy
who you’re having it with even more.”

“I plan to.” James hung up
his phone and immediately called home.

When Samantha answered the phone and
heard James’s voice on the other end she said, “I was
just thinking about you.”

The only time she hadn’t been in
his mind was when business pushed her from it. “Meet me for

“What’s the matter?”
Samantha held the phone tighter and tucked her hair behind her ear.

“I need to see you.”

“Are you all right?”

“I will be when I see you.”

“Come home and I’ll fix

“No, I don’t trust myself
with you at home.”

She pressed her lips together. “That’s
why I want you to come home.” She was shameless. She couldn’t
get enough of him and she wasn’t about to hide it.

James groaned into the phone. “Angel,
you don’t know what you’re doing to me. Meet me at
Simian’s Bistro in twenty minutes.”

* * * * *

James studied her as she moved through
the small room toward their table. It was sweet torment watching her.
He had chosen a table in the back purely for this purpose. His body
tightened as he took her in. Her hair trailed behind her as it caught
the breeze her stride created. The deep red shirt stretched perfectly
over her breasts and gathered around her slender waist. Her smile was
gentle and polite as she passed other patrons. Her eyes found his.
The only way to describe her was sinuous.

Everything in him began to calm.

He stood when she reached the table.
“Hi.” He took her hands in his and pulled her close so he
could kiss her.

When they broke away Samantha cupped
the side of his face in her hand, her finger touched the crease
between his brows. “You look worried.”

“Some things came up at work.
Nothing that I can’t take care of, though.”

“You’re sure?”

He nodded.

“You feel safe here?” she
asked, as James pulled out her chair. She waited for him to move
around the table and take his seat. Sliding her foot out of her shoe
she found his leg.

He felt the tip of her toe glide over
his calf muscle. “Nowhere is safe when it comes to you.”

Her laugh was profound and meant only
for him. “This is nice.” She looked around the room.

“It’s good and quick. The
guys come down here all the time.” He took a sip of the water
the waitress had brought when he arrived. “How’s Mom?”

“She was resting when I left.”

“Was her night out too much for

Samantha shook her head. “She’s
hasn’t stopped talking about it. Apparently, she was successful
at canasta last night. She informed me that not only had she and her
partner won, they had, and I’m quoting this, ‘kicked
butt.’ ”

James just shook his head and laughed.

She smiled her thanks as the waitress
handed her a menu and placed a glass of water before her. “We
have one last visit today at three.”

“What’s that for?”

“So, the doctor can release her.”
She gave him a heartfelt smile. “She’s done.”

Her sincerity touched him deeply. Yes,
she was done. She had made it. All three of them made it. He couldn’t
think of a better time to give her the gift, so he handed her a
wrapped box that was sitting on the floor next to his feet. He had
been out getting the present when he had received word that an
emergency meeting had been called.

“What’s this?” She
tucked her hair behind her ears.

“Something I owe you.”

“Well, you’ve definitely
sparked my interest.” She slid the lace bow off the package.
Lifting the lid she folded back the tissue paper. She caught sight of
the beautiful lavender lace bra and panties and her eyes shot to

“I figured the least I could do
was replace what floated out to sea.” James enjoyed the way her
eyes turned heavy with hunger, with the heated need that swept
through her, which she didn’t try to hide. It was satisfying to
see her look at him that way. It was also deeply satisfying to know
that he was the only one who could produce such a reaction. She was
his. No one could take her away ever again. He wouldn’t allow

She leaned forward. “Thank you.”
The kissed she placed against his lips conveyed what was to come. She
pulled back and stared at him. “Perhaps tonight I’ll see
if it fits.”

“It’ll fit.” He
smiled as the waitress approached the table to take their order.
“Trust me, it’ll fit.”

* * * * *

James held Samantha close to him and
smiled with great contentment. He was getting used to waking up next
to her, seeing her as his eyes first opened, and reaching for her
soft body in the middle of the night. He would get used to it but
never take it for granted. He knew what it was like to have it all
taken away and he would never risk it again.

He kissed the top of her head and
opened his eyes. It was early; the sun hadn’t risen yet, but
the sky held an amazing glow that seemed to fit his mood. He
tightened his arm, pulling her closer. “Are you awake?”

“A little,” she mumbled,
her lips brushing his skin.

“I heard you murmuring in your
sleep.” His hand found her hair. “What were you dreaming

Samantha nuzzled against him. “I’ll
never tell.”

“Is that so?” He pressed
his lips against her forehead. “I’m sure I can think of
way to pry it out of you.”

“I’m sure you could.”

He was quiet for a long time and then
he spoke. “I want you to stay here with me. Now that Mom’s
treatment is over, I want you here permanently. What do you think?”

Samantha stiffened momentarily and then
relaxed when she tilted her head and kissed him deeply.

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