Flying the Storm (22 page)

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Authors: C. S. Arnot

BOOK: Flying the Storm
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“I would like you to check her over after
they have finished, engineer.”

Hammit nodded. “Yes sir.” Now it was making sense. Petrus trusted
Hammit to check for sabotage. 

When the crew had finished, Hammit started checking the aircraft. He knew
the manual inside out, so he checked all of the places
would have sabotaged, if he’d had the mind to: the ‘nol tanks and lines, the control surfaces, intakes, landing gear.

He took a long time to finish. Hours, it could have been. He found that when he was concentrating on the job, he
stopped thinking about Morley. His shocked face, the little squeak he made as he died.

Hammit did a thorough job.
Everything seemed to be fine. The craft was as spick as if it was brand new. Hammit told Commander Petrus so, wiping his hands on a rag.

“Good,” said Petrus. “Here.” He tossed Hammit a folded bundle. “We shall leave soon
, then.”

Hammit looked at the bundle. It was a flight suit,
thick for warmth. “We, sir?”

“Yes, you are coming with us.”

Hammit couldn’t believe his ears. “In…in the aircraft, sir?”

“Yes, in the aircraft,” replied Petrus tersely.
He was already walking towards the door.

Hammit stood, dumbfounded. He was going in an
. He would get to see the outside. Suddenly he forgot all about Morley.

By the time Petrus returned, Hammit had put on his flight suit and was standing proudly by the aircraft.
Petrus had three men with him: a lieutenant and two armoured marines. Hammit eyed the big marines warily. He remembered the brutal fights that sometimes broke out on the common deck, over a whore or a spilled drink. Engineers did not come out of those fights in one piece.

Hammit clipped himself into his seat: just behind Commander Petrus’s. One of the marines sat next to him, behind the lieutenant. The other marine was str
apped into the tail gun turret. Hammit could hardly control his excitement. He was going to

The craft rolled forward, led automatically along a floor track to an aircraft elevator. There was a
thump as the wheels were locked to the elevator. Then, with a shudder, the aircraft began to rise towards the ceiling. Hammit stared upwards through the big cockpit canopy. The craft’s engines started with a whine.

Then the huge iris door in the ceiling began to open. It started as a little hole of dark blue in the black metal, which got bigger and bigger until it filled Hammit’s vision, now scattered with little white points of light.
. The word was old to Hammit, from another time. How he knew it, he couldn’t remember.

But it didn’t matter. He was looking at the sky.

The elevator reached the flight deck. It stopped. Hammit could see Commander Petrus flicking switches. The sky was everywhere now. Far away, Hammit could see it touched the dark ground. More little yellow lights flickered in patches in the black.

The elevator started moving again, this time spinning slightly to
point the craft into the wind. Through the headset, Hammit could hear Petrus talking to someone on the radio. The engines started to roar at Hammit’s sides. The wheels let go of the elevator with a thump, and the craft rose into the air above the deck.

Then Hammit felt the weight in his back as the craft pulled him forwards, leaving the lights of the deck behind
as it sped off into the night.

was looking at everything he could. The sky, the lights on the ground, the soft glow of the displays.

“I suppose you’d like to know where we are going, engineer?” said Commander Pe
trus’s voice over the intercom.

“Yes sir,” s
aid Hammit, watching the stars.

“We are going far to the north
to look for something very important to my superiors, something that they are very scared of, for God knows how long.”

“Yes sir.”

“Your job, engineer, is to keep this craft working, no matter what happens to it. Understood?”

“Yes sir,” said Hammit. He’d have done anything Commander Petrus asked him to
, right then. He grinned like a madman in the dark. He was

Echo Three, say again.

Command, I am staying with the infantry.

Echo Three, this is not advised. Your position is about to be overrun. Beaucoup hostiles converging on the ridge, east and north-east.  Proceed to evac point immediately.

Negative, command. Won’t leave them to die.

Three, get your ass down here now!

Can’t do that, One. You know I can’t. They’ll all die here.

Jesus Christ, Martins! It’s what the infantry are for!

Echo Three, all high-value assets are leaving the area. Dust-off in sixty seconds. Proceed to evac.

Command, requesting permission to join Echo Three on the ridge.

Negative, Echo One, we cannot risk the assets.

My hands are tied, Martins. You’re on your own.

I know, sir.

Volatile is on, Martins. It’s all or nothing now, friend.

Thanks, sir.

Give them hell.

Roger that, sir. 


Aiden drove north along the remains of a wide road. His mind was numb, just like his wounded arm. The wind was cool on his face, though the big front tyr
es kicked up dust now and again so he drove with eyes squinted and his mouth shut.

Get as far away as possible;
find Fredrick and the
. That was all he wanted. He knew he was probably in some sort of shock after the fight at Ashtarak, but he didn’t care. He drove automatically, not thinking about anything: only the road ahead. It kept coming, smashed and dusty and snaking off into the distant mountains. As long as there was road, he would keep going.

was like that for some time, until he started coming across little towns. Almost all of them were demolished; only a few had signs of life. Empty shells of houses, blackened and holed, stood amongst the rubble. Here and there grass and trees had sprouted amongst the stones and bricks, growing in the middle of streets and lining the old pavements. Bullet-holed road signs passed every so often, their writing almost entirely obliterated.

In one village, a huge crater halved the road, and the burned-out husk of a tank
lay upside-down in an adjacent house. Aiden tried to picture the violence of the explosion that had caused that. Had there been people in the house? What happened to the tank’s crew?

He noticed he had slowed as he passed. Fearing bandits, he put his foot
to the floor and roared away from the town.

There probably weren’t people in the house, Aiden told himself. As the Union began to lose ground and the war crossed the Caspian, huge swathes of the population had fled west.
The sheer mass of refugees pouring into Western Europe had been unstoppable. The chances were that the occupants of that house had fled long before the tanks rolled in. He hoped.

e road crossed onto a vast plain, dotted with small lakes and villages. Aiden didn’t slow for any of them, he just kept driving. Only once he passed another vehicle: a battered flatbed with chickens in the back, heading south. The twisted remains of war vehicles lay here and there in the fields, and grassy craters mottled the terrain.

The sun beat down on Aiden’s neck. He could feel its burn, even with the cooling wind that blew past him.
His mouth was very dry, and he had no water, but it wasn’t enough to make him stop. He had to put as many dusty kilometres between himself and Ashtarak as possible.

It was some time later
as the road reached hills once more that Aiden started to worry about fuel. There was no gauge on the car that he could see, so short of stopping and checking there was no way for him to know how much was left. Stopping was not something Aiden wanted to do. As well as the obvious dangers, he wasn’t even sure he could get the car started again.

He kept driving, hoping t
hat the fuel would at least get him to the Greater Caucasus. The mountains couldn’t have been much further, surely.

Eventually he reached a fork in the road: the left road led to the north, climbing into a valley. Aiden knew enough Cyrillic to decipher the right-hand sign as
. It looked to him like the beginnings of a large town, shattered and crumbling like all the others he had passed. The left road seemed the best choice. He doubted the
would have set down somewhere like this; it was still too close to Ashtarak.

The mountains to either side of the valley were coated in trees, though their tops were bare grass and rock.
The air was becoming cooler the further into the hills he drove, and his thoughts began to drift to his warm coat, stashed under his bunk on the
. A fairly intact road sign said
next to a shrapnel-hole where the distance used to be. Though he’d never heard of it, it seemed as good a place as any to aim for.

The road kept climbing into the valley, until at its head it reached a wide tunnel, the entrance of which had collapsed. Aiden swore and stopped the car. The tunnel looked as if it
had been ruined for some time.

On the slopes above the tunnel
, though, he could see a track zigzagging its way up the hill. It looked steep, but if he wanted to keep heading north, it was his only choice. He turned the car around and began climbing the hill, one hairpin bend at a time.

Finally, the road crested a rise and before
him was a wide ridge between peaks. Four huge wind turbines still stood atop it, though they were just as wrecked as every other building he’d seen. Blades were bent or missing and the great towers were punched through with shell holes. The white paint that had once coated them was mostly gone; the only evidence that they had ever been painted was the small patches and flakes that still clung to the grey steel.

The track continued along the ridge past the old turbines,
before skirting around the base of one of the peaks and making its winding way off down the northern slope. As he approached the peak, a dark shape caught Aiden’s eye. It was near the summit, and looked an awful lot like the silhouette of a person. Except it was huge.

Curiosity gnawed at Aiden.
A statue? It seemed an odd place to put it. Reluctantly, he stopped the car and trustingly turned off the engine. Pushing his pistol behind his belt, he set off up the hill. He told himself that he could get a better view from the top of where he was heading, but in truth he knew it was plain curiosity.

The slope was steeper than it had appeared, and before long his legs were a
ching. When he stooped to use his hands his injured arm began to twinge, so he tucked it against his chest and relied on his right arm. His stomach growled loudly as he climbed: he hadn’t eaten since the night before. Aiden was beginning to regret having left the car.

Finally the summit appeared. It was covered in rough grass and strewn with a few boulders.
His mouth was drier than ever.

And there it was. A huge suit of armour, kneeling with a hand outstretched in the grass before it.
Even on one knee, it was almost twice Aiden’s height. The gaps in the armour showed a black sub-structure to the suit, which looked melted and fused in place. As he walked around to its front, he saw that the chest was pierced by a hole as wide as his fist: a killing shot. The edges of the armour plates were warped as if by great heat, and the cavity of the chest was black and rippled like tar. Something had burned it from the inside out. In the grass before it lay a gun the size of Aiden. An autocannon, fallen from the suit’s hands.

The head of the suit was not human
oid. Though the rest of the armour was more or less proportionate, the head was too small. It was faced with a series of lenses, and an antenna stuck like a feather from its top. It was looking off down the hill, to the winding road that led down the north side of the ridge.

It was a
myrmidon. It had to be, if the stories Aiden had heard were anything to go by. Veteran’s stories, told over jars of spirits in seedy dives all across the West. Myrmidons were the stuff of infantry legends. Avenging angels, dropped from the sky into the fiercest battles to break and rout the enemy. Small wonder then, that among the poorly educated conscripts on the frontline they became more than just sophisticated war machines. They became gods.

The huge carcass of the
myrmidon clearly had an occupant, at one point. Why else would there be so much empty space in the ruined torso? That meant it had a pilot. A human pilot, not a god. But the stories only ever talked of the huge machines, as tall as three men, carrying the weaponry of a tank but moving as fluidly as a dancer, fighting as ferociously as they were precise. Nobody ever mentioned the pilots. Could be the infantry never saw them.

Could be the brass wanted it that way.

Then Aiden noticed something on the flattish boulder by the fallen autocannon. There was writing there, carved crudely into the rock.

The Angel of Pushkin Pass

Always remembered

The 43

At the foot of the boulder were a few drie
d-up pieces of fruit, some blue copper coins and a grimy bottle of what looked like alcohol. Offerings to the angel. Veterans had made the pilgrimage.

sat down in the grass by the armour and looked to the wide plain to the north. A large town sat there, probably Stepanavan, before the green mountains started again, marching northwards. Squinting into the far distance, he thought he could see white tops, though it could just have been a trick of the haze. There was still a long way to go before the Caucasus Mountains really started.

It was
disheartening, seeing them so far off when he had already driven for so long. It looked like he was going to have to stop in Stepanavan, whether he wanted to or not, just to find fuel. If it was anything like Ashtarak, that wasn’t going to be easy. He didn’t even have any money.

Aiden patted the
myrmidon’s armoured knee on his way past, and clambered back down the slope to the car. To his relief, it started first time, and with a belch of grit and fumes it launched off down the hill, along the road to Stepanavan.

The road passed through dense green forest as it descended to the plain
, past the northern mouth of the tunnel Aiden had bypassed. The air on this side of the ridge was noticeably cooler than to the south, and the loamy smell of vegetation was a welcome change to the dust and dry heat. Before long, the forest opened up to fields and scrub, but the air stayed cool. The ruins of a small town rushed past, uninhabited like all the others.

The road rounded a gentle bend,
and then ran almost perfectly straight all the way to Stepanavan ahead. As Aiden got closer he could make out a barrier across the road: a checkpoint, manned by a few figures around a small shed.

Aiden slowed right down.
It was probably just local militia, but they’d without doubt be armed. He didn’t want to give them any reason to shoot him. He took the pistol from his belt and tucked it in the footwell, out of sight. There was a barricade of rubble and sandbags on one side of the road, in front of the little guard shed. A flaking red and white bar blocked the road: not substantial enough to stop a determined driver, but Aiden reckoned the machine gun on the sandbags probably was. Aiden brought the car to a halt a few metres from the barrier.

There were three guards. Two came forward to the car: one with his rifle slung and the other with it menacingly in his hands. The third sat behind the sandbags, smoking a cigarette and
drinking coffee from a tin mug.

The man with the slung weapon stood by Aiden.
He was tall and strong-looking, with a large bushy moustache. He asked Aiden something in Armenian. Aiden looked at the man blankly. The other guard, a wiry man, was slowly making his way round the car, kicking the tyres and glancing underneath it.

“I’m sorry, I don’t speak Armenian,” said Aiden, u
nnerved by the circling guard.

moustached guard sighed. “What business here?” he said haltingly.

I’m… I’m looking for an aircraft,” Aiden answered. He said it slowly, spreading his arms to imitate wings.

“Why in Stepanavan?”

“My friends came this way, I think,” Aiden said, taking his time.

“First you say
, now you say friends. What business here?” demanded the guard.

Aiden felt a flutter of panic.
They weren’t going to let him past. He glanced at the man behind the sandbags. He was grinning: he set his mug down and grasped the machinegun.

This was what these bastards lived for, Aiden realised.
Bored out of their minds sitting at a checkpoint all day, waiting for a chance to shoot someone. Better yet, a foreigner who doesn’t know the language. They’d probably get a medal, dragging in the corpse of a westerner.

“Bloody hell!
Look, I’m just passing through, I don’t want any trouble! No trouble! Please!”

The moustached guard unslung his rifle.
He pointed the muzzle at Aiden’s face and started shouting. Aiden recoiled in his seat, shouting back at the man, hands held out before him.

Then the muzzle dropped
, and behind it was a sly grin. The guard at the sandbags was laughing so hard he dropped his cigarette and clutched at his ribs. Aiden looked around at the wiry guard, who was also hooting. The moustached guard’s smile opened into a barking laugh, loud and hearty.

“You bastards,” muttered Aiden, wiping spit from his cheek.
“You bastards.”

“My friend,” said the moustached man
as he gasped for breath, “welcome to Stepanavan.”

The machine
gunner, still chuckling, stood up and walked to the barrier. “It is too rare that we find someone new around here,” he said, winding the crank that slowly raised the barrier.

“Yes, the south checkpoint doesn’t get much action really,” said the moustached guard. He was
fluent in English all of a sudden. “It is a different story to the north, though! You’d better watch out for those Georgians!” He clapped Aiden on the shoulder and waved him through.

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