Flying High (2 page)

Read Flying High Online

Authors: Liz Gavin

Tags: #steamy romance, #erotic short stories, #threesome mmf, #bbw short stories, #menage a trois mfm, #flight attendant books, #mile high club

BOOK: Flying High
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he checked her reflection on her bedroom mirror one last time before she had to leave for the airport. Her grey pencil skirt showed off her round thighs while the loose-fit, flowery silk top disguised the extra pounds around her waist. She smiled when she caught a glimpse of her brand-new burgundy lacy bra through the low neckline of her blouse. It pushed her large breasts up, making her stomach look flatter and her body shapely. The discreet make-up she wore highlighted the red lipstick she favored and gave her a reassuring sense of power. Kay winked at herself, grabbed the suitcase handle and left the room dragging the luggage behind her.

* * * *

t the airport lounge, her phone rang softly inside her jacket pocket, the ringtone indicating she had received a new text. She ignored it, held the suitcase handle tighter, and walked faster towards the boarding gate. She couldn’t risk missing her flight. Her company’s annual sales conference was going to start in London on the following day. That was the last flight leaving Chicago and arriving in London with plenty of time for her to be at the event.

That year had been a disaster for Kay’s career. Her sales had dropped drastically. The worst yearly performance she had had in ten years with the company, although that didn’t mean she was a bad sales rep. On the contrary, she still managed to stay among the top three sales representatives in the company’s ranking. However, that third position had smeared a spotless record – she had held the first place for six years in a row, and second place in the four years before those six. Until that year.

She was furious with that third place in the ranking, which she considered a personal failure. After all, professional success had come at a very high cost. She hadn’t been able to keep a stable relationship since she had gotten that job. Granted, money was great, but her past bad experiences with men combined with her chaotic working schedule didn’t give her much of a chance on romance. Lately, with her trying to change her old habits and her new outlook on her love life, Kay had been yearning for a warm body in her bed during the cold winter nights that were to come soon.

After showing her passport and boarding pass to the smiling British Airways flight attendant standing at the airplane door, Kay finally settled down on her first class seat. The flight would take eight long hours. She was going to need all the onboard entertainment features she could get to help her pass the time.

However, she ignored the sophisticated console in front of her, got her phone out of her pocket to read the message she had received before boarding. It was probably from Sean Green wishing her a safe trip or reminding her of some last minute thing she would need to do before her presentation at the conference.

As she unlocked the screen and read it, she felt a rush of adrenaline, her blood singing in her ears as it flowed downwards and concentrated in her lower body. Her innermost parts throbbed and ached at the same time. She knew she should be shocked and offended by the text message displayed on her cell phone screen. Instead, she asked herself how Sean got to have such a powerful effect over her body with a mere naughty text.

Granted, his descriptions were rather graphic and his wording was downright erotic, but he seemed to have found the key to unlocking deep sensations in her eager, hungry body like no man had been able to do recently.

Judging by his words, Kay had been right about Sean considering their hot drunk exchange as the first of many other encounters to come. She figured that, being the shy guy he was, he found it easier to send her an explicit text, describing in detail what he expected to do next time they went out, when he realized they wouldn’t meet again for at least two weeks due to the conference she was going to attend abroad.

Her mouth went dry as she read the message again, so she ran her tongue over her lips to wet them. It didn’t help because her own blood seemed to boil inside her veins. Some of the things he described, Kay didn’t think were physically possible but they sounded definitely hot.

Against her better judgment, her body reacted to the images Sean depicted so vividly and she felt uncomfortable. She needed to alleviate the pressure somehow. There wasn’t anybody on the seat next to hers and nobody would come because they were already airborne. She stole a glance around and, realizing she was practically alone in that part of the airplane, Kay pulled the seat down until it became a bed, turned her back to the corridor, stretching herself out under the soft blanket.

Anyone passing by her seat would think she was taking a nap, which suited her fine because she didn’t want the crew, or any other passenger, snooping around as she rolled her skirt up and reached down to cup her own body. Her silk underwear was drenched. All because of Sean’s arousing message.

Being naughty in public was another first for Kay and it added to the thrill. She pulled the thin material of her panties to one side and pressed her fingers against her own hot flesh in an attempt to relax. She hoped she wouldn’t need to go much further than that but apparently the risk of being caught was adding fuel to her inner fire. She had lost control of her own reactions. Her body didn’t obey her mind. Her subconscious seemed to be running the show. The fact was she needed to go all the way to the glorious end because the pent-up tension had become unbearable.

Glancing around again and still not seeing anybody, Kay found a more comfortable position as she moved her fingers closer to her entrance. Not having much time to waste, she closed her eyes to better envision the scenes Sean had described, as she moved her fingers in and out, increasing their speed as the scenes in her head got hotter.

Crooking one digit and going deeper, she found that sweet spot and pressed down on it. She panted a little as her walls trembled and squeezed her fingers. Kay pictured Sean’s tongue flicking her hard nub while her own fingers pinched it. Her thighs trembled when she imagined his thick member sliding in and out of her, from behind as he had said he preferred, creating a delicious friction, building her ecstasy, like her three fingers were doing at that moment.

It didn’t take long for Kay to quiver under the covers as she climaxed. She squeezed her thighs together to keep the gentle waves of pleasure washing over her body for as long as she could. Her hands moved up her chest, to her large breasts, and fondled them. She whimpered softly as the sweet sensations died out.

Opening her eyes, she sat straight and stole another glance around the cabin. The only other two passengers in first class occupied distant seats. Distance enough to prevent them from hearing any noises coming from her seat. At that realization, she let a soft sigh of relief escape her lungs seconds before her blood froze up when her gaze met an attractive flight attendant’s dark eyes.

The man looked familiar but she couldn’t quite place him. She frowned in an effort to remember if, and where, she had seen him. Nothing came to her mind. He was gorgeous, though, and his expression was clearly amused. She wondered if he had recognized her and found it funny that she hadn’t. Or was it possible he had watched Kay while she was playing with herself?

Don’t be silly! That’s your guilty conscience talking!

She shook her head, started up the entertainment unit, and was scrolling down the menu, searching for a light comedy to watch, when a deep male voice sounded above her.

“Can I get you anything to drink, miss?”

She looked up with a polite smile to turn down the attendant’s offer and a shiver ran down her spine when she met those mesmerizing dark eyes again.

“Thank you but I’d rather wait for dinner.”

She was surprised she didn’t stutter. Or plainly gawked at him. He was even more attractive up close. Her heart threatened to fly out of her mouth when he slowly stooped down.

Lowering his voice so that only Kay would hear him, he replied, “Are you sure, Kay? A little while ago, it seemed to me you could’ve used a drink,” he ran his index finger from her shoulder to her wrist leaving her breathless.

Kay’s heart skipped so many beats she thought she would faint. Her jaw dropped. Not only did the attractive flight attendant know her name but he also had been watching her in her private moment with herself. She was mortified and she felt the heat spreading over her neck and face. Certainly, her fair skin was glowing a deep shade of red.

Noticing her embarrassment and realizing she wouldn’t say a word, he continued, “It was a shame to see a beautiful woman having fun on her own. I’d be more than happy to give you a hand with that if you let me. In fact, I wanted to do something like that all through our freshman year in college but you wouldn’t give me the time of day.”

Kay gasped at his bold words and his mischievous smile didn’t help matters either. She was so dumbfounded she couldn’t find the words to reply. Instead, she stared back at him for what felt like ages. The tag in his uniform read ‘David’ and yet it meant nothing to her. She didn’t remember him. Then again, she had moved from Boston to Chicago during the first quarter of her sophomore year and over the years she had lost touch with most of her friends form Boston.

She struggled to find her voice to tell him to take a hike, to call the bastard’s supervisor and tell on him, to say something because anything was better than that silence. It made her look stupid.

When Kay at last recovered her speaking ability, she whispered, “Are you insane? How can we pull that off?”

So much for showing indignation and taking the moral high ground, huh, Kay? You’re actually considering his offer!? Have you lost your mind?
her inner voice shouted at her.

The pesky little voice, sensible as it was, lost any power of persuasion when David offered her a knowing smile as he straightened up and towered over her.

“No worries, gorgeous. There’s a resting area for the cabin crew at the rear end of the plane above the coach cabin. I’ll tell you how to find it.”

He winked and walked away. Her insides melted. The sensation was so good Kay decided to ignore the alarm bells ringing in her head. She was going to join the mile high club. She was very excited with the prospect because had never done it on a plane.

* * * *

hortly after dinner was served and the cabin lights were dimmed, David handed her a piece of paper and disappeared behind the screen separating first class from the rest of the plane without a word or another glance at her.

Kay unfolded the paper to discover it contained detailed instructions for her to find the staircase leading to the berths reserved for the crew members to sleep during long haul flights. She found her way easily enough and climbed the steps quickly. Once upstairs, she came face to face with David, standing in the middle of the narrow corridor, waiting for her.

His dark, hot eyes traveled from her feet to her head, studying every inch of her body, caressing her with their heat. She returned the scrutiny and delighted herself with the view. He had taken his uniform jacket off and undone half of his shirt’s buttons. She felt her knees go weak at the sight of his smooth, tanned, and sinewy torso.

Much as she enjoyed what she saw, David didn’t give her time to savor it, as he grabbed her by the hair, pulling her against his hot body and into a passionate embrace, kissing her senseless. He kept her head firmly in place with one hand as he splayed the other one on her back and moved it downwards until he found her round derriere. He cupped and squeezed it so hard she moaned at the sudden rush of heat that spread through her body but his lips devouring hers muffled the sound.

Kay lost track of her surroundings while David’s tongue invaded her mouth and his teeth played with her full lower lip. She returned his kiss with equal passion, grabbing his shoulders then moving her hands up and through his soft hair. His hands moved towards her breasts at the same time, leaving a fiery path in their wake.

Kay was breathless and so distracted by the delicious sensations he roused in her that she didn’t notice David moving towards one of the berths. She laughed when he lifted her without any effort and placed her on the small bed.

In seconds, he joined her and they resumed kissing with the same abandon and passion as before the brief interruption. Her hands worked the rest of the buttons free and slid the shirt off his body while his hands yanked her top off in record time.

“You are more gorgeous than I remembered,” he whispered in her ear as his tongue tickled her there and his hands squeezed her breasts over her silk bra.

She forgot any concern she had had about her extra pounds when she heard those words and felt the evidence of his desire against her lower body. She arched her back to give him better access to her large breasts and bit her lips to control her own moans.

It was useless. She felt more alive than she had in ages as he inserted his thumbs inside her bra and circled her nipples until they were hard against his soft digits. She saw stars behind her closed lids and when she opened her mouth to beg for mercy, he seized her lips again.

Kay lost what little ability she still possessed to think coherently. She couldn’t wait to feel him inside her. Grabbing the waistband of his pants, she opened them and slid them down his legs as he ran his tongue slowly over her lower lip before nibbling at it. He gasped when she found his member and caressed him gently.

“You are gorgeous, too, David. We don’t have much time, though. Let’s get to the point, okay?”

“We have plenty of time,” he chuckled as he lowered his head and closed his mouth over her large breast, swallowing a nipple.

He suckled, licked and laved it through the silken material of her bra until the cloth was moist and clung to her skin. That was hot and she moaned as she dug her fingernails in his upper arms to avoid screaming out her joy.

When her nipple was harder than a pebble, he moved to the other one, repeated his actions while his hands caressed her whole body. He pulled up her skirt and found her underwear, smiling against her skin when he felt the moist evidence of her state of mind. His wicked index finger tapped her little nub. She couldn’t control a shiver running down her spine and her body jerked on the bed. She gasped and moaned.

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