Fly with Me (39 page)

Read Fly with Me Online

Authors: Angela Verdenius

Tags: #love, #friends, #cats, #laughter, #loyalty, #fire fighter, #small town romance, #bbw romance, #australian romance, #sexual intimacy

BOOK: Fly with Me
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He toed off
his boots and socks, kicked the pants and briefs free, and then,
sweet Jesus, his shaft was between them, hot, hard, throbbing with

He started to
push her back towards the bed but she resisted, and for one second
he had a sudden flash of fear that she didn’t want this, that she’d
only allowed it to happen to comfort him, but when he broke the
kiss, lifting his head to see her expression, she caught him off
guard by dropping to her knees.

shocked him.

And aroused

God yes. How
could he not be aroused by the sight of Elissa kneeling before him,
her eyes so hot as she looked up at him, that slow, wicked lick of
her lips as she reached out and -

A groan fell
from his lips, head dropping back, teeth sinking into his lower lip
as her fingers closed around him, palm around his shaft, fingers
encircling, squeezing gently but firmly, and then she started to
pump him. Long and slow.

The muscles in
his thighs hardened, clenched, tension curling through him as hot,
languid heat gathered in the apex of his thighs and trembled out in
fiery trails to spread hedonistically down deep in his sac,
prickling up the insides of his thighs, spiralling low in his

“Lis…” He
gasped, hips jerking when her tongue suddenly rasped right across
the swollen head of his shaft.

He couldn’t
help it, tipping his head forward, fists clenching as he watched
her administer to him.

Drive him
insane with every flat-tongued lick scraping across the
highly-sensitised head of his shaft, the tip of her tongue playing
in the small slit, then as he groaned again, his hard shaft
twitching, heat unfurling along the hard rod, his muscles braced
for an eruption that never happened.

She stopped
licking, leaving him with his mind churning, his shaft so angry in
her hand. Unbelievably, she released him, leaving his shaft to jut
urgently up against his belly, turning her attention instead to
trace lightly along his groin with the tip of her tongue, eliciting
new sensations, a shiver of carnal desire snaking out along the
fiery path her tongue made against his skin.

She was
driving him insane. His hips jerked again in need, seeking,
searching, and automatically he reached for her, fingers twining in
all that wealth of hair, tugging her head back gently but firmly
when his instincts screamed to yank her head back, take her mouth.
The carnal side could be ruthless, but his heart tempered it.


It totally
undid him when she looked up at him, her eyes all soft and warm, a
light of emotion in the light brown depths that shook him, but he
didn’t have time to think about it, to wonder, not when his blood
was so hot, so thick, his nerves stretched so erotically,
tantalisingly taut, heat drumming along the fragile threads.

Her nails
raked lightly up the back of his thighs, the slight sharpness an
alluring threat as she raked her nails around the inside of his
thighs as she moved higher, her knuckles gliding against the heavy
sac between his legs. The rake of her nails on his skin, the gentle
glide of her knuckles against his sac, was a contradiction that
drove his libido higher, fired up anticipation.


His name so
huskily spoken had him refocusing on her, seeing her face, watching
as she locked her gaze with his and moved her head forward.

Close, so very
close, her palms trailing up the backs of his thighs to spread over
his buttocks, one palm on each cheek, nails pricking lightly as she
held him, using him to brace against as she rose up on her

Her breath was
hot against his shaft, those thick eyelashes lowering, hiding her
eyes from his as she tilted her head down a little, breathing on
the hot skin of his shaft.

“Lis…” His
voice was a harsh rasp in the room, his nerves so taut, heart
hammering, the anticipation killing him, the need, the pure heat
and the - “Oh

She sucked him
in deep. One second her hands were on his buttocks, the next the
dexterous fingers of one hand were around his shaft, holding him
for her wicked mouth as she took the length of him in a sure slide
to the back of her throat.

His knees
almost gave out, forcing him to lock them, his hands still bunched
in her hair gripping convulsively. His head tipped back as pure,
unbridled lust surged through him, his blood so thick and hot,
pumping through him in a searing wave.

He didn’t know
what she did, how she did it, didn’t really care. Pure sensation
burst through him, ardour clawing at his sac as she drew on him,
her tongue rubbing against the underside of his shaft before she
sucked hard then gentle, alternating the pressure, driving him

She readjusted
suddenly, fingers leaving him, and then he felt her hands gripping
his hips, thumbs pressing into the tender area of his groin on each
side, sending flares out as the sensitive areas were pressed.

Liquid heat
flowed through him, the primal urge to claim, to thrust, and he
couldn’t stop it, couldn’t help it, could only hold onto all that
thick, lush hair as he started pumping into her mouth, hips
snapping faster, harder.

Ardour bit
deep, knotted rigidly inside him, a fist of erotic hunger that
clenched tighter, harder, every thrust of his shaft between those
hot, plump lips into the depths of that tight, hot, wet mouth
dragging his libido to screaming pitch.

Then she deep
throated him, his shaft buried up to the base in her mouth, and she
swallowed hard, once, twice, three times, forcing that fist to
release with shocking suddenness, hot seed boiling forth from his
sac, erupting in a hot flood as he pumped hard, strained, the
sensation of her throat closing around him making his head tip
back, a throaty growl ripping from his throat with guttural

She took
everything he had, sucked him dry, ripping euphoria from him,
flinging him out into a shattering cloud of erotic crystal.

It took him a
long time to come back, a hell of a long time. When he finally
roused it was to find himself on his knees with her, clutching her
close, his face buried in the sweet curve of her shoulder and neck
as he gasped and panted, her heady scent filling him with every
deep, shuddering inhalation.

Her arms were
around him, fingers stroking through his hair soothingly, cradling
him, those soft breasts pressed to his chest as she supported

Hell, it was
lucky he didn’t crush her, but obviously some part of his
lust-scrambled brains kept him on his knees, kept him upright even
though she was bearing part of his weight.

shakily, he pulled his face from her soft, silky skin, lifting back
enough that he could look her in the eyes.

“Jesus,” was
all he could manage.

Those apple
cheeks blushed, her eyes half shy, half laughing. “Okay?”

“You mean me,
or you?”

“Maybe a bit
of both.”

“I’m freakin’
fantastic.” He sucked in a deep breath. “You’re freakin’

Smiling, she
smoothed a thick hank of his hair back off his forehead. “You’re

He could have
stayed like that forever if it weren’t for the chill he became
aware of around his ankles. Plus he had that familiar desire to
cuddle. Bed was the ideal place.

Pushing to his
feet, he drew her up with him, leaning past her to yank the covers
down. “In, sweetheart. You’re cold.”

She didn’t
need to be told twice, slipping in quickly and shifting over enough
to give him room to get in beside her. Before he could lie back she
slipped behind him, one hand urging him down so that he reclined
back against her, the inside of her thighs cradling him securely on
each side.

He should have
protested, he was too heavy, but damn, when his head leaned back
against her shoulder, that soft, warm body cushioned him so
sweetly, her fingers slipping through his hair to gently knead his
scalp, he could feel his eyes almost roll back in their

He did manage
to mumble, “My weight will tip you backwards.”

“No, you
won’t.” She kissed his cheek. “I’ve got the pillows and bed head
behind me.”

“Okay.” It was
all he could muster, his mind slipping away as she continued to
knead his scalp.

The soft
pressure, the soothing caresses, the comfortable silence, the
sexual release of tension, all combined to have him drifting on a
sea of satiated contentment. His mind was pleasantly blank, his
troubles vanished, his emotions at peace.

He actually
dozed, for how long he didn’t know, but when he finally came to
Elissa was lightly but firmly soothing circles on his temples.

“Oh boy.” His
sigh was pure bliss. “I could lie here forever.”

“Arthur will
be even more put out than he is now.” Amusement filled Elissa’s

Tipping his
head back, Simon looked up at her. She was looking towards the end
of the bed with a smile. Following her gaze, he saw Arthur sitting
up on the end of the bed, front paws firmly together, an annoyed
look on his face, his one eye narrowed as he contemplated

“Oops.” Simon
studied him. “He hasn’t had dinner.”

“Maybe you
should feed him?” Soft, rounded arms slid around the front of his
shoulders as Elissa leaned over him, her cheek brushing his as she
watched the tattered old tom.

The last thing
Simon wanted to do was get up from this warm embrace. It was so
cosy, so intimate, so damned right. He leaned his cheek against
hers. “You think?”

“I do.”

“I’m so

“Then you stay
here and I’ll feed him.”

Simon stuck
his hand out from under the warm Doona and winced. “Chilly.” With a
sigh, he looked at Arthur. “Really?”

whiskers twitched, his tattered ears flicked forward, his one eye
remained fastened on Simon.

“You snuggle
down.” Elissa started to slide back from him. “I’ll feed him.”

“No.” Pulling
himself upright, Simon slid from the bed, turning to bend down and
catch her chin, pressing a kiss to her mouth. “I’ll make this

Damn, but
running around bare-arsed was chilly business. He hurried into the
kitchen, grabbed a tin of some fancy-arsed cat food out of the
pantry, ripped the lid off and plopped some kind of fish in sauce
into Arthur’s bowl. Didn’t smell half bad, either.

Arthur looked
with disdain from the bowl to Simon and back again.

“Sorry, was
that a bit too cavalier for you?” Grinning, Simon ran his hand down
Arthur’s back, grinning even wider when Arthur arched his back in
pleasure before apparently remembering himself and giving Simon a
haughty look before lowering his standards enough to eat the slop
that was in his bowl.

Tin in bin,
hands washed and Simon was diving back into bed within minutes.

against the pillows with the Doona tucked under her arms, Elissa
watched him.

Leaning back
against the pillows close beside her, her shoulder against his
upper arm, Simon looked down at her. Yep, her cheeks were pink, her
eyes a little shy as they met his, but she didn’t make excuses,
didn’t try to initiate conversation, just waited.

God, she was

So warm and
content he could have melted, Simon slid an arm around her
shoulders, drawing her around and against him so that she was half
on top of him, her head tucked under his chin, those generous
globes nestled against his chest - oh shit yes, he could feel those
hard little nipples needling his skin so deliciously.

With a sigh of
satisfaction she slid her arm over his chest, her palm sliding up
along his shoulder to rest against his neck, fingers toying with
his hair.

Idly, he
circled his fingers in the small of her back, tiny circles on silky
skin. He was rewarded by her stretching deliciously before she
settled back again, resuming her toying with his hair.

Relaxed, he
said quietly, “Thank you for being here.”

“It’s okay.”
She hesitated. “I wasn’t sure at first that I was doing the right

“Oh, you did.”
He spread his hand out over the small of her back, fingertips
grazing the lush rise of her bottom. “I’m used to coming home to an
empty house, so finding you waiting was a surprise. But a welcome


Feeling her
sink into him, he realised that she’d been uncertain still and
sought to reassure her. “You’re always welcome here, no matter my

“That’s sweet
of you. Is it because of the blow job?”

The reply was
so unexpected that he gaped down at the shiny fair hair below his
chin. “What?”

He might not
be able to see her face, but he could feel her cheek shift with a
smile, hear the laughter in her voice. “Is it because of the blow

“Oh geez. Oh
sweetheart, you can blow me anywhere, anytime.”

Her laugh was
low, a warm puff of air on his skin.

Grinning, he
smacked her lightly.

“Hey!” But she
didn’t shift.

Spreading his
hand out over the generous globe of her bottom, he rubbed
soothingly. “Better?”


He trailed his
fingers back up to play in the small of her back, knowing he’d
never tire of all that warm, satiny skin.

silence filled the room, broken only by Arthur jumping onto the bed
minutes later with fish breath which he breathed over Simon before
plonking himself on the other side of the bed with his back turned
firmly towards them both.

Simon grumbled. “You had to give me fish breath first?”

“Better than a
claw,” Elissa murmured.

Hearing the
sleepiness in her voice, Simon looked down at her, trailing his
hand up her back to twine a long lock of silky hair around his
finger. “Lis?”

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