Flown By The Billionaire (4 page)

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Authors: Clara James

Tags: #erotica, #short story, #sex stories, #billionaire, #romance short story, #hot sex, #adult sex

BOOK: Flown By The Billionaire
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Hesitantly, I pushed down slightly,
breathing deeply as I felt my body stretching. “Argh,” I gasped.
Releasing his shaft, I grasped his shoulders and, with tears
forming in my eyes, I looked down at him. I wasn’t aware of a
desire to cry, it came upon me without warning. Sudden, powerful
emotions, coupled with the way his body widened me in its quest for
entrance, made me feel as though I was losing my virginity all over
again. Only this time, it was exactly as I had always imagined it
would be. This was the kind of sex that made women crave it.

“You all right?” Alex softly asked, shifting
his head back so he could really look at me.

Silently a tear spilled onto my cheek.
“Yeah,” I smiled nodding. “It’s just…” I said, a lump in my throat
strangling the words. “It’s been a while,” I acknowledged
apologetically. “And…umm,” I added. “You’re…err…”

“It’s okay,” he smoothly said, halting my
pitiful attempts to speak. “We can take it slow,” he offered
simply. “You’re in control.”

Giving him a grateful smile, I leaned into
him. “Touch me,” I whispered.

Using both hands, Alex gently cupped my
breasts, rubbing his thumbs over the softening nipples and stirring
them once again into hot, hard points. Experiencing the warmth
between my legs as well as at my chest, I ventured to impale myself
further, swallowing up half of him with an ecstatic moan.

The fingers of Alex’s right hand fell away
from my bosom and slid down to my pubic bone, he pressed his palm
against it and rubbed in a circle, before placing his soft finger
against my clitoris and stroking in up and down motions.

“Oh, God,” I whimpered, my thighs beginning
to burn with the effort of keeping myself above him.

“You’re so sexy,” he mumbled, leaning
forward and tracing my left areola with the tip of his tongue.

“Ugh,” I groaned, plunging down a little
further and experiencing the delicious, powerful sensation of my
body lengthening and swelling under the pressure of his large,
steely length.

“Mmm,” he moaned, his teeth gently gripping
the nipple.

Caressing the nape of his neck, I dropped
forward and pressed my cheek to the top of his head. “Alex,” I
mewled, letting go and pushing my hips until they met his,
consuming the final two inches of his shaft. My pubic bone was then
pressed against his, he was entirely sheathed within me and, as my
fingers dug into the thick muscles at his shoulders, I felt the
tension slowly release. I felt flutters and throbs as my passage
made the final adjustments and then, finally, I relaxed into

“Mel,” he panted, his breath coming hard
against the curve of my breast. “You feel so warm; so soft.”

Chapter Four

For several moments, we remained that way,
simply enjoying the fact that we were one. My body quickly grew
restless, though, and I rocked uneasily against him. I wanted to
feel him moving within me; plunging in and out in that age-old
rhythm. However, my legs were trembling and weak; I knew I didn’t
have the strength left to thrust myself above him. “Alex,” I
mumbled, running my hands through the short, soft hair at the top
of his neck. “I can’t…” I murmured, still rocking.

Apparently, he didn’t need a more eloquent
version and understood my gauche efforts to tell him what I needed.
Grasping my hips, he suddenly flipped me to the right, twisting as
he moved, so that when my back hit the couch, he was still securely
inside me.

“Is this what you want?” he asked, his voice
deeper than I’d ever heard it before.

“Yes,” I replied, wide-eyed from the shock
of our motion, but nodding eagerly.

He claimed my mouth as his hips pulled back
slowly. I felt every tiny ridge of veins and twitch of his motion,
and moaned into his open lips. He didn’t pull completely free, nor
did he pause. Instead, he smoothly thrust forward.

“Ugh, ugh, ugh…yes,” I whimpered, relishing
the power with which he entered me. Still with my shoes in place, I
crossed my feet somewhere at the base of his spine before edging
them higher and moaning once more as it caused him to sink deeper

Again, Alex slowly drew back and this time
plunged forward quicker than before.

The head of his shaft struck me sharply and
I bucked against him with a squealed mixture of discomfort and

“Too much?” he asked, lifting his head in

“No,” I breathlessly replied. “Don’t stop,
don’t stop!”

Lifting his upper body, he placed his hands
flat on the couch either side of me. Bracing most of his weight, he
began to pump his hips faster and with more strength. Each drive
forward was coupled with a groan of satisfaction from him and a
breathy moan of pleasure from me.

I looked up at him and studied his face,
frozen in concentration and biting down on his bottom lip. My
hands, which had been at his back, slid down to his buttocks,
grasping the large muscles and enjoying the sensation as they
clenched each time his hips met mine.

I began to arch, meeting his thrusts, as I
felt a pressure building in my pelvis. “Ugh, God,” I panted.

“Argh,” he groaned, stepping up the speed of
his motion.

Each time he filled me, his pubic bone
struck my clitoris and, with the increased speed and friction, I
experienced the mounting orgasm. Sucking in a breath, I held it as
I rolled my hips in a tiny circle.

“Oh, Mel,” he breathed. “I’m close.”

“Alex,” I screamed, feeling that I was about
to explode. “Yes, yes, yes!” I mumbled, my eyes clamping shut and
fingers contracting tightly at his buttocks. I trembled and my hips
jerked and bucked; my internal muscles spasming quickly in an
arrhythmic pattern.

“Ugh,” he grunted, thrusting once more and
remaining deep inside me, his own pelvis jolting as if charged with

Then the warmth of his seed filled me in
three strong bursts, and it suddenly occurred to me that neither
one of us had stopped to think about protection.

“Oh, shit,” he gasped, breathless and
perspiring. Closing his eyes, his face dropped to mine and he
kissed me tenderly. “I’m sorry,” he panted against my mouth. “I
totally forgot.”

“It’s okay,” I responded calmly, as my
fingers, which were struck with pins and needles, gradually
released their hold of his behind. “I didn’t think, either.
I’m…err…okay, though. I mean, it’s been a long time since I last
had sex and that was protected, so I don’t have anything.”

With lazy eyes, he peered down at me. “I
wasn’t worried about that,” he smiled. “And, just in case you were,
I’m safe, too.”

“I’m not worried,” I replied. At that time,
it was the truth, the next day it may have occurred to me to begin
worrying, but right then and there, those concerns were far from my
mind. I was too fixated on the way he felt within me, how right it
seemed to have him fill me completely. He was softening, but still
his body was exquisitely secure within mine.

“And, what about…?” he asked.

“Oh, I’m on the pill,” I replied, assuring
him that the chances of me being impregnated by the encounter were
remote. Of course, taking the contraceptive pill was blasphemy as
far as my parents were concerned. But it had been advised by my
doctor to help regulate my cycle and, more importantly, they didn’t
know about it.

We lay there, content for several minutes. I
didn’t mind his bulk pushing me into the couch. Somehow it felt
comforting. Occasionally, we’d share a sleepy kiss or one of us
would release a satisfied sigh that caused the other to chuckle.
However, as we gradually began to feel the chill in the air and our
bodies and brains returned to the reality of our situation, I
wondered where we’d go from here.

Alex began to get up, saying, “I guess we
ought to get dressed, we’ll be landing in a few minutes.”

I stopped him, curling my arms around him. I
needed to know something before we parted, before real life butted
its way back into the perfect moments we’d shared. “So, umm…I guess
I’ll have to look for another job?” I suggested, a hopefully little
smile on my lips.

“Why?” he asked, his dark brows

My heart sank and the smile faded. “Oh,” I
sighed, releasing him as if his skin burnt me. “I just thought,” I
muttered. “Never mind,” I insisted, shaking my head and pushing at
his chest in an effort to slip out from underneath him.

“You thought what?” he asked, refusing to
budge. “What’s wrong?”

“I just thought that this meant something,”
I gabbled. “I’m sorry.”

mean something,” he responded
quickly. “But I don’t-” he stopped himself, a dawning realization
lifting the heaviness of his confused eyebrows. Smiling, he placed
a hand on my cheek, rubbing his curved forefinger over my jaw.
“I’ve always made it a rule not to get involved with people I work
with,” he sighed, grinning broadly. “But I think I’m prepared to
make an exception for you.”

Noting the sparkle in his sincere eyes, I
knew he wasn’t simply telling me what I wanted to hear. “Are you
sure?” I asked, suddenly concerned that I was causing him to
backtrack on his personal ethics.

“I’m sure,” he replied. “I don’t want to fly
with anyone else,” he assured me softly. His lips slowly descending
and, seeming to seal the deal, he molded his mouth to mine.

While trying to kiss him back, I found
myself unable to prevent the silly grin that contorted my lips.
Something told me that work was about to get a lot more

To be continued…

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Flown By The Billionaire Series

“Flown By The Billionaire (3 Book Box

“Flown By The Billionaire I”

“Flown By The Billionaire II”

Flown By The Billionaire

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