Fling in Paris (6 page)

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Authors: Mia Loveless

Tags: #Romance, #Interracial, #erotic romance

BOOK: Fling in Paris
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Sherry gripped the edges of the square table and held on for dear life as Roberto worked his cock in her tight, aching pussy. There were no words for how unbearably erotic it was for him to be fucking her out in the open. It was true that they were in the wilderness, but there could be campers. She should have been mortified, but instead the idea that they could be discovered only made it more exciting for her.

He slapped her ass again, sending vibrations through to her clit, and she went off the edge into an orgasm that left her breathless, seeing stars. He didn’t let up though, and continued his erotic spanking as he pumped her full of his cock, and soon she was having another orgasm, and then another. Her cries echoed throughout the forest, and she couldn’t have stopped them if she’d tried—never, in all her years of marriage with Nick, had she experienced multiple orgasms before during sex. She thought she would die from the pleasure.


Finally, after her fourth orgasm, she felt him stiffen, and he groaned while his cock pulsed, spilling his seed inside her. She wondered what it would feel like without a condom—she’d never had unprotected sex with Nick as neither of them were ready to have children.

When he was done he collapsed on top of her and they both lay like that, breathing heavily. “That was incredible,” she sighed, sleep creeping into her voice.

“Yes, it was.” Roberto stood, and she squeaked as he lifted her into his arms and carried her inside the yacht. “And there’s more to come. You pulled a very dirty trick on me in the elevator, and my cock is still hungry for appeasement. And we have all night for you to make up to it.”

He led her into the bedroom, and shut the door. A long time passed before either of them slept.

Chapter 5

When she woke up, light was streaming in through the gauzy white curtains, and Roberto was gone. Sitting up, she looked around the room to see a skimpy black bathrobe hanging on a chair next to the bed, and she drew it on before going out into the living room area.

"Good morning Madame, can I get you anything?" Roberto asked cheerfully. Clearly he had been up and about for awhile, as he was showered and dressed in a blue V-necked sweater and jeans. He sat in a brown leather chair in the living room, perusing the morning paper. How he’d gotten a copy of it when they were on a boat, she wasn’t sure—but she supposed wealthy men could make anything happen.

"Yes, I need coffee please. Is it a morning?" she asked. There hadn’t been a clock in the bedroom.

He nodded and crossed over to the bar, where a carafe sat on a tray next to a trio of cups. "You were sound asleep,” he told her as he poured her a steaming cup, then added cream and sugar, “so I thought it would be best to stay the night... especially after last night’s strenuous activities." He smiled, handing the cup over to her. “I trust you’re feeling well?”

They had tried a number of positions last night, several of which she was unaccustomed to, and so she was sore in some rather interesting places. “I’m fine,” she told him, unwilling to admit that, and sipped at her coffee while ignoring his knowing smile.

With each sip her brain became clearer, and began thinking about work. She wanted to check her schedule, but it was on her cell phone, and she’d left that at the hotel. Oh, fuck. What if Nick had called while she was gone?

"I need to get back to the hotel,” she blurted, setting her cup down.

"Why?" Roberto asked, frowning lightly.

"I have to prepare for work," she lied, hoping that he wouldn’t see the panic racing under her skin.

"Okay.” He shrugged his shoulders, thankfully taking her words at face value. “Get dressed and I will drive you.”

She dressed quickly, and soon they were on the road. She stared out the window, her shoulders tense, praying that she hadn’t missed a call. Oh God, the guilt was eating her alive now. How could she keep doing this?

“Is something wrong?” Roberto asked concern in his green eyes as he looked over at her. “You seem preoccupied.”

“Just thinking about work,” she lied absently, trying her best not to twist her hands in her lap. “I’ve got a lot on my mind.”

He nodded. "Do you need some time to yourself?"


"Yeah,” she said, relieved that he wasn’t pressing her further. “I think I should get some work done for Monday training session and I have to look for a flat to rent, since I am going to be here for a while."

"You don't have to worry about finding a flat; the company will find you one. I’ll drop you off at your hotel and I will go home so I won’t be tempted to interrupt you.” He smiled and winked at her, leaving Sherry no doubt as what the ‘interrupting’ would be. “Once I have the flat for you I'll give you a call."

“Thanks. I appreciate it.”

They arrived at the hotel in short order, and Sherry allowed Roberto to walk her to her hotel room. As she reached for the doorknob he turned her around, pressed her against the wall, and gave her a long, deep kiss that had her toes curling and her heart racing once again. Dammit, she had fucked him all night. Why did she still feel this way?

“See you later, bellisima,” he whispered, then walked away, leaving Sherry with her turbulent thought. She opened the door and locked herself inside her hotel room, wanting some peace and quiet so that she could sort out her feelings and figure out what to do with them.

Apparently that wasn’t going to happen, because her cell phone started ringing. Rushing over to the bed, she picked it up and answered immediately when she saw it was Nick.

"Hi, Sherry, where have you been?" he asked.

"Hi, Nick, sorry I missed your calls last night. I was out late with some friends from the office,” she lied—she seemed to be doing that a lot lately. “I was going to call you, but I got caught up working on some material for Monday’s training session."

"Do you love me, Sherry?" Nick asked abruptly.

"Nick you know I love you," Sherry answered, a hint of exasperation in her voice. Now she felt like shit, which was just stupid. He was the one who cheated on her, not the other way around.

"I know you love me, but are you in love with me?"

"After all that’s happened, how can you even ask me that?" Sherry asked, a little angry now. “I should be the one asking you that!”

"Come on, baby tell me something," Nick pleaded. "I feel like you’ve been avoiding me. Do you want this marriage to work or not?" His tone turned demanding.

"I don’t know," she whispered, not sure whether or not she meant for him to hear it. In a louder voice, she continued, "Honey, I’m just so busy with work, I can’t think about this right now."

"That’s cool baby. You know, I’m not going to call anymore. I think we should go to counseling when you come home, so just take this time and figure out what the hell you want. I’ll be waiting here."

"Nick, I love you and I think you’re right,” Sherry said, her voice steady despite the tears running down her cheeks. “We do need time to ourselves. I’ll see you in three or four months, when I’m done with the training."

"Fine. Get your shit together, Sherry. I’ll see you later,” Nick snapped, then hung up.

What a cheating bitch I am, Sherry thought as she put down the phone. She wasn’t sure how it happened, but the tables had been turned—now Nick was the husband scorned and she was the one fucking around behind his back. How the hell had things turned out like this?


She went out to a café for wine, wanting to get some space and clear her head. Nursing a glass of white zinfandel, she watched a couple kissing and cuddling at a nearby table and sighed. They were so in love that it hurt to watch, but for some reason she couldn’t tear her eyes away.

What am I going to do? I love Nick, but our marriage has been dead for over a year. She took another sip of her wine as she considered. Would I be thinking of letting go if Roberto wasn’t in the picture? He does things to me that no one has done before, but is it just sexual attraction? How do I tell him I am married? She had so many thoughts going through her head, and she couldn’t make up her mind about any of it. In the end, she finished her wine and went back to the hotel to go to sleep. Maybe she’d be able to come to a decision once she had a clear head.

Her cellphone woke her several hour later, and she rolled over to answer, thinking that this was becoming some kind of ritual. She wouldn’t even need an alarm anymore—someone was always calling her while she was trying to sleep.

“Ciao, bellisima,” Robert greeted her cheerfully. “Are you sleeping?”

"Yeah.” Sherry yawned. “What time is it?"

"It’s five o’clock, sleeping beauty, but don’t worry about it. I'm just calling to let you know I have a real estate agent willing to show you some properties tomorrow. Unless you have plans?" He asked, crossing his fingers that she would say no. It had only been a few hours, but he missed her already and wanted to use the opportunity to see her again.

"Let me check my date book,” she said jokingly, touched and amazed that he had already found something for her so quickly. She was obviously very close to the forefront of his thoughts. “Nope, doesn’t look like I have any plans. What time should I meet the real estate agent? "

"We can meet Sophie around noon if that's a good time for you," he answered, trying not to sound too ecstatic.

"We?" Sherry frowned.

"I want to make sure you get a good place and I'll know where to find you," Roberto explained quickly.

"So you have ulterior motives… that’s fine.” She chuckled; he was unbearably sweet. “I'll meet you in the lobby at 11:30; now leave me alone so I can go to sleep."

Roberto laughed. "Goodnight bellisima; sweet dreams."

“Night,” Sherry said, then hung up and promptly fell asleep again.

"Bonjour, Roberto, Hello, Sherry," Sophie greeted them as she stood and walked around her desk. Roberto had picked her up at 11:30 on the dot and drove to downtown Paris, where Sophie’s realty office was located. The receptionist had waved them in as soon as she caught sight of Roberto—apparently he was well-known here.

"Hello, Sophie, it's nice to meet you," Sherry told her, and the exchanged air kisses on each cheek, the traditional French greeting. Sophie did the same for Roberto, although Sherry gleaned from the look in the woman’s eye that she wished it was more than just an air kiss. While she couldn’t blame her—Roberto was a handsome man, after all—it didn’t stop the completely uncalled-for pang of jealousy from rising up.

"Today I will be showing you some flats in the second and seventh district," Sophie beamed at both of them after the pleasantries were out of the way. “We will start in the second district, since that is where you work. Let's get going, because we have seven flats to see today!


The first flat they saw was a beautiful ground floor flat, a one bedroom that was one-hundred square meters, located on Rue Greneta. It was a charming space, and at thirty-five hundred Euros per month the price wasn’t bad, but the bathroom was too small for her liking. The next one was on Rue Montmartre, another one-bedroom. Though it was located on the fifth floor, was completely renovated, and came with a charming little terrace, it was only eight square meters and cost more than the first flat. They went through several more flats in this vein, some nicer than others, none for quite the right price and value that she was looking for.

The last one was a delightful seventy square meters, a one-bedroom on the seventh floor of an apartment complex located on Rapp. It was quite a bit pricier than the others at forty-four hundred Euros, but it more than made up for it as they walked out onto the terrace and got a good look at the view. The expanse of the city spread out before her, and spearing above it all was the Eiffel Tower, resplendent against the clear, blue sky.

"Oh, I really like this one, Roberto" Sherry sighed as she admired the view.

Roberto nodded. “It’s a very nice flat,” he agreed. “Why don’t we go and have drinks and discuss our options?” They all agreed, and settled down at the nearest café. Sophie checked her watch and was surprised to see that it was nearly five o’clock—the time had flown today!

"Do you think you'll make an offer on one the flats you saw today or do you want to see more?" asked Sophie after they’d finished going over the pros and cons of the flats they’d seen today.

"There are two that I really liked, but I'm not sure," Sherry admitted.

"Don't take too long to decide because flats go quickly here. Take my card and call me when you've made a decision.” She slid a laminated business card across the table. “It's been nice meeting you Sherry, and wonderful seeing you again Roberto, but unfortunately I have another client to see." She set her wine glass down on the table and stood up to leave.

Roberto and Sherry stood as well. "It's always a pleasure seeing you Sophie," he told her warmly, kissing her on the cheek.

"Thanks you for showing me flats today; I'll call you soon." Sherry promised, exchanging kisses with Sophie once again, who then left.

"Should we stay and have something to eat or do you want me to take you back to your hotel?" Roberto asked as he poured another glass of wine

"You don’t need to ask me that," Sherry told him.

"Why not?” He frowned, puzzled. “Aren't you hungry?"

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