Flight to Coorah Creek (9 page)

Read Flight to Coorah Creek Online

Authors: Janet Gover

Tags: #romance, #fiction, #contemporary, #Australia, #air ambulance

BOOK: Flight to Coorah Creek
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‘But in all the movies—'

‘You shouldn't believe everything you see in the movies, you know.' Outside the open window, the roar of an engine told them a car was entering the parking lot at a higher speed than was strictly necessary – or safe.

‘Ah. That would be them.' Adam left to meet his patients.

Jess stood in the centre of the room looking at the tray of cold steel surgical instruments. They were quite terrifying. In her wildest dreams, she would never have imagined herself here. Doing what it seemed likely she was about to do. She glanced across at the open door, and any thought of running away vanished.

The girl looked young – like a teenager. She was tiny and she was terrified. Her mousy brown hair was dark with sweat and her brown eyes were wide with pain. She was holding tightly to the hand of a man – a boy really – who looked just as young and scared as she did, as Adam ushered them into the room.

‘Nikki, this is Jess,' he said, by way of introduction. ‘She's going to be helping me today.' He conveniently forgot to mention she was a pilot, not a nurse.

The pregnant girl looked up at her with pleading eyes. ‘I'm so glad there's a woman here,' she said.

‘It's going to be fine,' Jess said, as she helped the girl onto the bed.

‘Now, Steve.' Adam looked at the nervous young man. ‘I need you to sit next to Nikki. Hold her hand and help her breathe. Can you do that?'

Steve looked as if he was about to faint, but he moved to the side of the bed. He took the girl's hand and squeezed it tightly.

‘That's good,' Adam said. ‘Now, Nikki, just relax. This is going to take a while. I'm just going to check how you're doing. Okay?'


‘First babies are unpredictable,' Adam said, as he donned a pair of surgical gloves. ‘Some of them come into this world in a rush. Others take their time. But you're here now, Nikki. You're safe with me and with Jess.'

Nikki nodded, and then she caught her breath as a contraction took her. She reached for Jess's hand. Jess saw the approval in Adam's eyes as she took the girl's hand in hers. Suddenly she was not quite so scared.

Adam finished his examination and looked at the three faces turned his way. ‘Everything is fine. We've been preparing for this for a while. Remember everything we talked about. The baby is on its way, but won't be showing for a little while yet.'

If Jess wondered what Adam meant by ‘a little while', she soon found out. Nikki and Steve's baby was in no hurry to meet the world. For the next few hours, she alternated between comforting the girl, and comforting the father-to-be. The harder and more frequent Nikki's contractions, the paler Steve's face became. He left the room several times to fetch more water for Nikki or to visit the bathroom. It was as if he were looking for reasons to escape.

Jess barely left Nikki's side. When Steve wasn't there, it was Jessica's hand she gripped when the contractions started. At times Jess felt as if her fingers were being crushed. Adam seemed the least concerned of them all. He spent most of the afternoon in the hospital room, leaving from time to time to answer a phone call or attend to some other piece of hospital business.

He was out of the room when a particularly strong contraction made Nikki scream for the first time. Steve's face turned a ghostly white and he leaped to his feet, letting go of Nikki's hand.

‘I'll get the doctor,' he said, and fled the room.

‘Just breathe, Nikki,' Jess said, taking the girl's other hand. ‘Breathe.'

The contraction eased, and Nikki collapsed back onto the pile of pillows. Jess offered her a glass of water, and wiped the sweat from her face with a cool cloth.

There was no sign of either Steve or Adam.

‘Where did Steve go?' Nikki's voice trembled.

‘He won't be far away,' Jess said. ‘I'm sure they'll both be right back.'

Another few minutes dragged by, punctuated only by Nikki's laboured breathing. When the tears started forming in the girl's eyes, Jess decided she had to do something.

‘Will you be all right alone just for a few moments?' she said. ‘I'll go and look for Steve.' And Adam.

‘Yes. Please get him!'

Jess left the room at a rapid walk. She didn't want to leave Nikki alone for long, but she had to find Steve. And when she did, she was going to say a few strong words!

She spotted him immediately. He was standing on the veranda overlooking the car park. Jess felt a rush of anger. He really was leaving! And at the moment Nikki needed him most of all. Well, not if she had any say in the matter. She took two strides towards the unfortunate teenager, but was stopped by a quiet but firm voice.

‘Do you love her?'

‘More than anything,' Steve said.

Jess realised Adam was standing just out of her view. ‘Will you love the baby?'

‘Of course I will. It's just … this wasn't supposed to happen,' Steve said, his voice breaking with emotion. ‘Nikki is only eighteen. We're not married.' The latter statement came out sounding so defensive that Jess wanted to put her arms around the boy.

‘That doesn't matter,' Adam said. ‘What matters now is how you treat her. And how you treat your child.'

‘I know.'

‘Then you treat them right.' Adam's voice was uncharacteristically hard.

Steve took a long steadying breath. He lifted his head and straightened his shoulders. Jess felt she was watching a boy become a man.

‘I will,' Steve said in a much stronger voice.

‘I'll be keeping an eye on you to make sure you do,' Adam said firmly. Then he stepped into Jess's view. She expected him to place his hand on the boy's shoulder, but he didn't.

Steve nodded.

‘Right. Let's go back and see if your baby is about ready to make an entrance.'

Jess turned and darted back down the hallway towards Nikki's room. She didn't want either man to know she had been listening.

Nikki's face lit up when Steve returned. He walked straight to her side and took her hand. ‘Sorry about that Nik,' he said. ‘But don't worry. I'm here now.'

Jess looked at Adam trying to read his face as he watched the young couple. He caught her watching him. For a few seconds their eyes met. Jess wondered just what he was thinking, but then as he always did, he turned back to his patient.

‘Nikki, let me just see how you're doing.' He reached for clean gloves. ‘I think it'll all happen pretty soon.'

He was right. Nikki's contractions quickly became harder and stronger. Jessica's heart went out to the poor girl, and to the young man who never left her side.

Later, she couldn't remember exactly how it all happened.

All she recalled was that as Nikki bore down, Adam asked Jess to hand him a towel. She turned to get one, and when she looked back, Adam was holding a small, squirming bundle of life in his hands. The baby was mottled and red and crying. She was damp with birthing fluids and she was the most beautiful thing Jess had ever seen.

Adam presented the baby to the young parents, both of whom were weeping unashamedly.

‘You have an absolutely perfect daughter,' Adam said.

Nikki and Steve both reached out to gently touch their baby.

‘She's so beautiful,' Nikki said softly.

Steve, too overcome with emotion, just nodded as tears streamed down his young face.

‘I'll just get Jess to take her for a few moments,' Adam said.

He turned to Jess who held out the towel. Gently, Adam placed the baby in Jess's arms. As she carefully wrapped the towel around the newborn, Jess felt tears form in her own eyes. She held the tiny girl safe and looked at Adam. She blinked back the tears and nodded. Adam understood.

‘I told you so,' he said, as he stroked the baby's cheek with one gentle finger.

Chapter Ten

Ellen would have screamed if it wasn't for the kids.

Beth and Harry were sitting at the table in the pub's big kitchen, happily downing home-made biscuits and milk. The biscuits, baked by Trish Warren of course, were a special treat because Ellen was about to leave them for the first night of her new job at The Mineside pub.

Except, she wasn't. She couldn't. Frustration washed over her again. Trish had found her a babysitter for the evening – a teenage girl Trish swore could be trusted. But the babysitter had called in sick just a short time ago and Trish had been unable to come up with a replacement. Ellen knew Trish couldn't watch the kids. Friday was the busiest night at the pub and Trish had work to do. There was no way Ellen would leave the kids alone. All of which meant she was going to have to call Pete, the manager at The Mineside, and tell him she couldn't come in. Ellen had no illusions. That conversation would end with Pete saying she no longer had a job. She couldn't blame him for that. In his place, she'd probably do exactly the same thing.

Ellen sighed loudly, causing Harry to look up.

‘Is something wrong, Mummy?' he asked, his face creasing into a frown.

That frown just tore at Ellen's heart. She knew what had put that old look on such a young face. Whatever happened, she was never going to regret taking her precious children away from their old life.

‘No, Harry,' she said brightly. ‘There's nothing wrong. I'm just going to talk to Mrs Warren. You two finish your snack. I'll be right back.'

Ellen left the kitchen. She glanced at the clock. It was after five o'clock. She was supposed to be at work by five-thirty and stay there until eleven o'clock. She had run out of options. She had to call Pete. She was heading for the phone when she saw Jess Pearson walk in, with the strangest look on her face.

‘Hi Jess,' Ellen said.

‘Oh. Hi.'

‘Is everything all right? You look a bit …' Ellen searched for the right word and couldn't find it.

Jess laughed. ‘Everything is fine. I've just had the most … I don't know. I suppose it was an amazing experience.'

‘What happened?' Ellen was glad of something to take her mind off her problems.

‘I delivered a baby.'

‘You what?'

‘Well, all right. I didn't actually deliver the baby myself. Adam did. But with Sister Luke away, I had to help him.'


‘It was … amazing.' Jess looked at Ellen. ‘But I guess you know that, being a mother.'

‘Yes, I do.'

‘And Adam was just … Well. He cares so much. Not just about the baby. The parents, too. They were so young and scared. He helped them so much.'

‘He's quite something, that doctor, isn't he?'

‘He sure is.'

Ellen couldn't help herself. She started to chuckle and was rewarded when Jess started to blush.

‘Stop it,' Jess said. ‘There's nothing like that.'

‘There could be,' Ellen suggested.

‘No. No there couldn't.' Jess sounded a little saddened by that thought.

Ellen had seen the way Jess looked when she talked about the doctor. She'd also met Adam now. He was a handsome man. Compelling and driven in his work. He wasn't her type, but she had no doubt that some women would find him very attractive. ‘Are you sure?'

‘Very sure.' The tone of Jess's voice made it clear the topic was closed. ‘Anyway, what are you still doing here? I thought you were working tonight.'

Ellen explained her situation.

‘But that's easy,' Jess said when Ellen finished. ‘I'll look after the kids.'

Ellen felt a surge of gratitude, but her natural reticence made her shake her head. The kids liked Jess. And they would be safe with her. But Ellen wasn't one to impose. ‘I couldn't ask you to do that.'

‘You don't have to. I offered. That's if you trust me to take care of them?'

‘Of course I do. After all, how many babysitters have delivered a baby?' They both laughed and Ellen felt a huge weight lift off her shoulders. She was more than happy to leave Jess in charge of her two. They didn't know each other well, but they were quickly becoming friends. They'd talked a little at the house, which Ellen was helping to turn into Jess's new home. Jess was better with the kids than she knew. The kids' well-being was the most important thing in Ellen's world. The second most important thing was to have a job so she could look after them.

After seeing the kids settled, Ellen set out on foot for The Mineside pub. She could have borrowed the car that Jess habitually used, but she didn't want to. She owed Jess enough for one night. And it was quite a pleasant evening for a walk. The sun had not yet disappeared from the sky, and a few clouds to the west were tinged with pink. The air had cooled a little and smelled fresh. Of course, she had to walk along the gravel edge of the east-bound highway. But there wasn't exactly a lot of traffic.

She didn't see another soul as she walked. Not even as she passed the houses where the married mine workers lived. She saw lights flick on in a couple of those homes and wondered about the women who lived there. Had they ever suffered as she had? Were there women behind those doors who needed to break away, too? Unconsciously she rubbed her arm where the bruise had now faded. She would never go back. Ahead of her, the pub beckoned. This was the start of her new life.

Her new life didn't look all that bright as she got closer. She could see the faded paint and the weathered boards on the veranda. The pile of empty kegs at the back of the pub had grown larger since her last visit. And a second drum now overflowed with empty bottles. A handful of cars had been parked haphazardly around the pub. They were, for the most part, old and battered and dirty. For a few seconds, Ellen felt the urge to turn around, collect her kids and head back east where at least she knew a few people. She rubbed her arm again. No. That wasn't an option. She took a deep breath, mustered all her courage and walked into the pub.

Five men were seated at the bar – and every one of them turned to look at Ellen as she walked in. One whistled. Ellen wondered why. She was no blousy barmaid. She had dressed carefully for the evening – in a pair of jeans, a button-up white shirt and flat shoes for comfort during the long evening. She wasn't wearing make-up. In fact, she didn't even own so much as a lip gloss now. There was no reason for anyone to whistle at her.

‘Hey, Pete. She's here.'

Pete emerged from the cold room, looking just as thin and pale and tired as the last time she'd seen him.

‘Hi, Boss,' she said, as she approached the bar.

‘Glad you're here,' Pete said. ‘The main crowd should be coming in about seven. Give you time to get things set up.'

‘I'll be ready,' Ellen said.

‘About bloody time.' The slurred comment came from the far end of the bar, where a large man was hunched on a stool, nursing a beer. The dust on his sweat stained shirt suggested he'd come to the pub straight from work. The way he swayed suggested he'd had more than just the one drink. ‘I've been here all afternoon and I want some grub. Now!'

Ellen felt herself wince at the belligerent, drunken tone. She'd heard it too many times before, and knew where it led. Her instinct was to duck away and do whatever the man asked. That's how she'd survived in the past.

‘I'll get right on it,' she said quickly, and darted through the door to the kitchen.

Once the swinging door had closed behind her and she was alone, Ellen leaned back against the big wooden table. She took a deep slow breath, gripping the table edge firmly to stop her hands from shaking with both fear and anger. She was afraid of the big man, and angry with herself for that fear. But there was nothing she could do about it. That was how the world was and more than anything else, all Ellen wanted to do was get out of the pub and find somewhere safe.

Before she could act on the thought Pete appeared.

‘Don't worry about Mac,' he said in an offhand manner. ‘He gets a bit drunk on Friday nights. He's harmless enough.'

‘Oh, I wasn't worried,' Ellen said, forcing herself to move away from the table. ‘I can handle him.'

‘I hope so,' Pete said. He looked a little embarrassed. ‘Look, you seem like a real nice person. You gotta know this pub is a bit rough. Are you sure you want to do this?'

‘Oh, yes,' Ellen said with a bravado that was entirely false. ‘I'm sure. Now why don't you take care of the bar and leave me to get things sorted out here.'

Pete hesitated for no more than a second, then left.

Ellen watched the door swing shut behind him. Could she handle the bully at the bar? Could she even handle this job? And if she couldn't do this, what was she ever going to be able to do?

Ellen glanced around at the unfamiliar kitchen. She knew how to cook, but this was different from anything she'd done before. Still, it couldn't be too hard. Pete had said his customers liked their steak. Steak wasn't hard – burn it or serve it still bleeding. That she could do. She headed for the cold room and looked inside. Yes, there it was. Steak. A lot of steak. And sausages, bacon and eggs. Next she checked the pantry. Potatoes. Onions. Carrots, many bottles of tomato sauce. And more potatoes.

‘Well,' she said to herself, ‘I guess I don't have to worry too much about the menu.'

As she was carrying bags of potatoes to the table, she noticed some cans and bottles at the back of one of the pantry shelves. Curious she pulled them forward for a closer look. Cans of mushrooms. A jar of crushed garlic. A bottle of virgin olive oil. A few cans of French beans. At some point someone had actually cooked in this kitchen. Ellen decided not to check the use by dates on the bottles and jars. Whatever happened, she wasn't about to throw away those little bits of inspiration. This was a pub – and even a pub like this must have a bottle or a cask of red wine somewhere. If so, she could …

Forty minutes later, Ellen, wearing a hand towel tied around her waist as an apron, was back in the bar. A blackboard on the wall informed the patrons that they could have steak with eggs or mash or both. There was the option of bacon and sausage – also with the mash and eggs options. And a mixed grill, which Ellen assumed was all of the above. The board looked like it hadn't changed in years, but there was a piece of chalk on the wooden frame.

Ellen cleaned away the old menu, aware that every man in the bar was watching her. She was proud to see that her hand wasn't shaking as she started writing.

‘What's that? Beef bog-ig-none. I ain't eating any foreign muck!'

Ellen took a deep breath, fixed a firm but friendly look on her face and turned to face both Mac, and her own cowardice.

‘It's steak with red wine and if you tried it, I think you'd like it.'

‘It's foreign muck, and I ain't having it.' His face turned a slighter darker shade of red. Ellen's heart plunged, and then another voice spoke.

‘I think it sounds good. I'll have some. Please.'

Ellen felt a surge of relief. She turned to face the newcomer, and looked straight into Jack North's smiling eyes.

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