Flash Point (9 page)

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Authors: Shelli Stevens

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Flash Point
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“They don’t know. We have a few ideas…but, I don’t know. I just can’t see anyone in this town doing these awful things.” Her mouth curled downward and she sighed. “You’ve been so sweet throughout. Thank you, Walt, for always being there to help me through.”

“I care about you, Caitleen,” he said gently, and she was surprised to see his cheeks redden a little. “More than maybe I should.”

The admission only made her uncomfortable. Obviously their feelings were not equal on the emotional scale. But Walt was such a nice guy. It was great to see him moving on after his losing his wife.

She stared at him, saw only kindness and a small hint of desire for her in his gentle blue eyes. He should be everything a girl wanted, so what was wrong with her?

Kate cleared her throat. It wasn’t right. She needed to be straight with him. Explain that her heart belonged to—


Her head jerked up and her mouth rounded into an O as Todd crossed the floor of the dim restaurant. Other patrons turned in their seats to see what the commotion was.

“Todd?” She pulled her hand free of Walt’s and blinked in dismay. “What are you—”

“We need to talk. Now.”

Walt stood up, a frown marring his face now. “Excuse me, Mr. Wyatt, but Caitleen and I—”

“Are done with your dinner,” Todd said flatly.

Kate’s mouth fell open and her cheeks heated, even as her heart slammed around in her chest.

“Todd, this is not the time,” she hissed. “Go away and we’ll talk later.”

“We leave, or I start talking now,” he warned, eyes glittering with intent. “In front of the whole damn town.”

Kate’s mouth tightened and she slid her gaze around the restaurant. Sure enough, everyone from the local pharmacist to the Winters family was staring at them in rapt fascination. Damn it.

She didn’t doubt for one minute he’d make good on his promise. And no way was she going to air her dirty laundry in public. But she
going to kill him. Get outside this restaurant and kill the cocky jerk.

“I’m so sorry, Walt,” she apologized softly, her gaze pleading with him to understand. “I should deal with him. I’ll call you later.”

She set her napkin down on the table and stood, trying to show some dignity as she walked out of the restaurant ahead of Todd.

When the cool night air hit her, she was so damn tempted to turn on him and start swinging. But everyone with a window seat in the restaurant still had a pretty good view.

“Let’s talk in my truck,” he said, gesturing to the passenger door.

“You’re being such an asshole, Todd Wyatt.” She glared at him and almost refused, but then saw another couple walking down the street arm in arm. Tired of the drama, she complied.

When Todd climbed into the truck after her she seethed, “I’m never going to forgive you for what you just did. Walt doesn’t deserve this.”

“I don’t give a rat’s ass what Walt deserves,” he said furiously and slammed his door, before turning to face her. Even in the dimness of the truck she saw the glint of anger in his eyes. “Why don’t we talk about what
deserve? Like maybe being told I was fucking a virgin on Saturday?”

Oh. God. The blood drained from her face and the anger slid away. He’d found out. But…how?

“What was I to you, Kate? The designated cherry popper? A one-night stand to lose your virginity?”

She opened her mouth to deny it, but then guilt twitched in her gut. In a way that’s exactly what he’d been. That and so much more…

“Great. Just fucking great,” he muttered and then started the truck.

“Why does it even matter? So I was a virgin. Does it really matter? And where are you going?”

“Yeah, it sure as fuck matters, Kate. And I’m taking you back to my place.”

She gripped the leather seat, her palms dampening. “I’d rather just go home.”

“Fine, we’ll go to your house.”

“You’re not coming over!”

“My place it is then.”

She ground her teeth together. This was
. Why wouldn’t he listen to her? Why was he so determined to dissect her reasoning for sleeping with him?

Todd drove them through town until he’d pulled his truck into the driveway a few minutes later.

“I don’t really think anything else needs to be said.” Her tone was quiet as she followed him inside.

“And see, doll, there lies the problem.”

Kate shut the door behind them, trying not to think about what had happened the last time they were here. She wrapped her arms around herself and suppressed a shiver of awareness.

But when he stepped toward her, his gaze blazing with a heat that was becoming all too familiar, her body trembled. She flicked her tongue out over her now-dry lips and tried not to look intimidated. But she was. Oh God how she was.

Todd was so close his body almost brushed hers. He lifted a hand and placed it above her on the door. Opening his body to her gaze in a way that displayed his ripped upper body and broad shoulders.

She remembered how it had felt to hold onto those shoulders while he moved deep inside her. It sent moisture between her legs and softened the anger she was trying to hold onto.

The sound of the icemaker in the fridge crunching broke the silence in the house.

“It was a bad idea,” she finally said huskily. “I never should’ve picked you.”

Todd’s gaze narrowed and his thumb swept across the lips she’d just licked. “Then why did you, Kate?”

Her mind scurried for an answer. Another lie.

“The truth,” he continued. “I want the truth.”

Kate bit back a groan and slid her gaze from his. And then she found herself confessing, “Because I trust you. And I knew you would be amazing in bed. And I wanted to learn what it was like and experience things.”

And because I’ve always been half in love with you.
She kept that little tidbit to herself. After all, a girl had to have at least a tiny bit of pride leftover.

“You should have told me,” he said softly. “I would have gone slower. I would have taken the time to—”

“You wouldn’t have touched me, Todd. We both know it.”

He was quiet for a moment, then his chin dropped and he looked at his feet, shaking his head.

“No. Damn it, I wouldn’t have, Kate. But I shouldn’t have touched you whether you were virgin or experienced as a Nevada whore,” his voice rose. “Jesus, you’re twenty-five. How the hell are you a virgin?”

Heat flared through her cheeks, humiliation making her ears burn.

“Because for the most part I think men are dogs,” she ground out. “I haven’t wanted to go near a man, let alone have sex with one, since I was seventeen.”

The wheels were moving in his head, somewhat, she could see the thought process in his eyes.

“That’s right. You dated Andrew back in high school. You guys were pretty serious. And yet…you never slept with him?” Todd shook his head, skepticism in his gaze now.

“No. I sure as hell didn’t.” Since humiliation seemed to be the emotion du jour, why not lay it all out on the table? “Because that would’ve meant he won his bet.”

Todd went dangerously still, but his nostrils flared. “What bet?”

“You mean you don’t know?” Her brows drew together. She’d thought everyone had heard the rumors, but then Todd had been a few years older than her and off at college by then.

Impatience flickered in his dark eyes. “No, I sure as hell don’t know, Kate. So why don’t you tell me.”

She gave a light shrug, even though the bitterness that had eaten at her those first few years was flaring up again.

Her words dripped with sarcasm and bitterness when she finally said, “Andrew had a bet with the captain of the football team.” Her smile hardened. “The bet being that he could fuck the fat chick.”

Chapter Eleven

Todd stared down at Kate, shock and disgust running through him. He eyes widened with dismay. Part of him denied it could be true. Andrew had seemed like a good kid, and had grown into the man who ran the auto shop down on Second Avenue.

But the redness of Kate’s cheeks and mortification in her eyes was proof enough of what she’d endured. His gut tightened with rage and the muscles in his neck strained.

“Jesus, Kate—”

“Please. There’s no need to say anything. There’s not much you
say except to commiserate with me on what an asshole he is. And no one’s going to dispute that.” She gave a harsh laugh and wrapped her arms around her lush breasts, her gaze not meeting his. “But maybe now you’ll understand why I stayed away from men—from sex—for so long.” Her lips twisted into a bitter smile. “And why I have my car taken to the next town over if it needs any repairs.”

Todd swallowed hard, his throat thick with anger and an utter helplessness to protect her from something that had hurt her seven or eight years ago. He could almost relate to the pain and humiliation she must’ve felt with the experience he’d had years ago. The experience that had shaped him into the man he was today, just as Kate’s experience had done to her.

“I’m sorry,” he muttered savagely. “He is an asshole. How did you find out about that bet?”

“Jenny Erickson, a cheerleader, called me up the night of the prom. Her boyfriend was laughing about the bet. She felt bad enough to warn me.”

“What a worthless son of a bitch.” Todd cupped her face gently and she looked up at him, allowing him to see the combination of vulnerability and confidence in her that overall embodied who Kate was. “But you, Kate. You are a lush, sexy woman that any man with half a brain can appreciate.”

She gave a faint smile and looked down again, but not before he saw the flicker of pleasure in her eyes and her cheeks tinged pink.

“I don’t mind being the curvy girl who runs a bakery, Todd,” she admitted softly. “I’m comfortable with who I am. Now. It took awhile. But I’m there now.”

Todd placed his finger beneath her chin and tilted her head up again, and because he needed her to know how damn sexy she was, he brushed his mouth over hers in a light kiss.

But once their lips touched, it wasn’t enough. Especially when she sighed and leaned into him, her tongue flickering out to tease into his mouth this time.

His body was tight with need when he lifted his head a moment later. “I want more than the one night we had, Kate.”

She swallowed hard. “How many do you want? Because you don’t do relationships either.”

He didn’t even hesitate. “No. I don’t. But you said you wanted to learn and experience things. If you trusted me enough to be your first, trust me enough to teach you more,” he urged huskily and kissed her forehead. “Let me teach you pleasure and passion. Let me have at least a couple of weeks.”

“You want a couple weeks?”

She sounded stunned, and he couldn’t blame her, he was a little taken aback at his request too. When was the last time a woman had tempted him beyond a night or two? Very rarely. But he knew—damn it, he just
—one or two nights with Kate wasn’t nearly enough.

“You know I do. And you do too, doll,” he murmured and nuzzled the soft scented skin of her neck.

She made a soft moan of pleasure and her hands slid to his shoulders, though still he could sense her hesitation. But why?

He wanted to help the budding sensuality in Kate bloom. God, what it would be like to lead her on that journey. And the thought of some other schmuck being the one to do it had something dark and volatile sliding through his blood.

Actually ever since he’d slept with Kate—and especially after learning she’d been so innocent—he’d been surprised at the possessiveness he held for her. The claim, so instinctive and primal, he wanted to make on her. It was a bit overwhelming. And at times embarrassing, like the way he’d stormed into that restaurant like a man unhinged tonight.

He kissed his way down her neck to the lush cleavage exposed above her silky top, only wanting her assent.

“Todd,” she said breathlessly. “I’m just not sure it’s such a good idea.”

“I’m pretty sure it is,” he murmured and licked between the dark and soft swells of her breasts, while cradling the curves of her hips in his hands.

In fact, seducing away any of her inhibitions about letting him into her bed again sounded like a
good idea. Kate’s soft whimper and the way she pressed herself against him showed he’d succeeded.

With a triumphant growl, he tugged her top free from her body and unfastened the clasp of her lacy bra. He tossed the turquoise-and-black fabric to the side and immediately cupped her full breasts.

Todd thumbed her pink nipples, watching the way they hardened immediately to his touch. His mouth watered with the urge to suck them. Swooping his head, he took one tip into his mouth.

Kate gasped, her hips pressing hard into his as her fingers slid into his hair.

Damn she tasted of sweet innocence and sensuality. Or maybe that was just him knowing how innocent she was. Todd lifted his head long enough to back her up, until they hit the sofa in his living room.

He sat down first and then pulled her down so she straddled his lap, her skirt pushed up around her waist. And it left her lush breasts at eye level so he could continue to enjoy them.

Knowing this time around how experienced she was, he made sure to slow things down. To let her feel and savor every moment, to give himself that luxury too.

The sound of her moans as he suckled and massaged her breasts had his dick rock hard. He rocked against her, lifting his hips to press himself against the apex of her thighs, still covered by the pink cotton panties he’d spotted earlier. They weren’t sexy and lacy, but something about them made his blood heat and fucked with his mind a bit.

Jesus, he wanted her. Had to remind himself to keep going slow. He slid a hand between her thighs, to rub her gently through the cotton, and the warm dampness of her arousal greeted his fingers.

He tugged the cotton to the side so he could graze his knuckles over her slit.

“You like that? You’re so wet for me.”

Kate made a mew of pleasure and her head fell back, revealing the creamy length of her neck and lifting her breasts higher.

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