Flame of the Phoenix: Hades' Carnival, Book 6 (2 page)

Read Flame of the Phoenix: Hades' Carnival, Book 6 Online

Authors: N.J. Walters

Tags: #Shapeshifters;paranormal;curses;vengeful god;death threats;hot romance

BOOK: Flame of the Phoenix: Hades' Carnival, Book 6
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Chapter Two

Tilly tossed several tank tops into the open bag on the bed. She hoped she wasn’t forgetting anything. Who knew how long she’d be gone. Thankfully, her business would still be here when she got back. Once she’d claimed a family emergency, Marcia and the rest of her staff had gladly accepted extra shifts. It had taken Tilly several hours to figure schedules and do the payroll, which was due in two days. Then she’d written checks for any outstanding bills and called her suppliers to let them know they’d be dealing with Marcia for the foreseeable future.

Phoenix had hovered nearby, clearly impatient. But Tilly had to do this. If she survived this latest fiasco, she at least wanted to have something to come back to.

If she lived, she’d have to give her staff a bonus.

Luckily, all her home bills were paid directly from her bank account and she had enough money in there to cover several months if necessary. She rubbed her arms against the sudden chill and glanced around her bedroom, wondering when she’d be able to sleep in her own bed again. Her bedroom was small, but she loved it. The walls were a vibrant orange and the hardwood floors gleamed. The furniture was all family pieces her granny had given her or thrift-store finds lovingly restored. Each piece unique and to her taste.

This home, this sanctuary belonged to her. Yes, the house was tiny, but that didn’t matter. She didn’t need a lot of room. No, what she needed was something far more elusive—peace and safety. Those things had been missing from her childhood and she’d sought them both when she became an adult.

“Everything okay?” Phoenix filled the doorway, ducking beneath the jamb so he didn’t hit his head. He really was a big man. He seemed to gobble up all the remaining space in the room.

“As good as it gets,” she muttered. Why couldn’t Hades leave her the hell alone? She almost laughed at her unintentional pun, but there was nothing funny about the situation.

“We need to get going. We have no idea how long it will be before Hades turns his eyes your way.”

“Why you?” Tilly asked. She zipped the leather tote bag and turned to face Phoenix. “Why are you the one to guard me?” She wanted to know if he’d volunteered for this or if he’d been conscripted. Call it pride, but she didn’t want a man around if she was nothing more than a chore or a job.

He frowned. “I don’t understand.”

Tilly tried not to notice how sexy Phoenix looked standing there with his hands on his hips, glaring at her. Honestly, the way the man filled out a pair of jeans should be illegal. All the warriors were hot, but Phoenix shot the needle right off the scale. His hair was his most distinctive feature. It was reddish in color with gold tips. Women would kill for hair that color. But it was his eyes that drew her. They glowed like emeralds glistening in the sunlight.

Of course, his broad shoulders, muscular arms, wide chest and rock-hard abs didn’t hurt any either. She’d known plenty of good-looking men in her lifetime. Okay, none as hot as the immortal warriors she’d come to know, but none of them had made her body come alive the way Phoenix did whenever he entered a room.

For a woman who prided herself on her independence, on not needing any man, it was disconcerting. And it made her lash out.

“I mean, why not Arand or Stavros. Why you?”

His dark brows lowered and frown lines dented his forehead. “You would prefer Stavros?” He shook his head. “You do not need the jaguar. I will protect you.”

“But why? Am I an obligation? After all, you don’t owe me anything.”

The walls of the room actually vibrated when he growled. The deep, powerful rumble was unlike anything she’d ever heard in her life. The air surrounding him crackled with electricity. The silky strands of his hair began to rise, blown back from his face by some unseen wind. His eyes began to shimmer as though fire danced behind them.

He stepped toward her and put his hands on her shoulders. She was surprised his touch didn’t burn. She swallowed hard but faced him. She had to look up at him, which was rare for her as she was a tall woman.

Phoenix towered over her.

Maybe it would have been smarter to placate him or run. But Tilly didn’t placate any man, and she sure as hell didn’t run. She’d watched her mama do that with her daddy when she was a child. The results had never been pretty.

“I will protect you.” He leaned down until their noses were almost touching. Heat rolled off his big body in waves and surrounded them.

Tilly felt the loose strands of hair around her face rise as though they were filled with static electricity. “Why does it matter so much to you?” She had to know. She wanted to be more than an obligation to this man.

They’d become friends over the past weeks, talking and sharing the occasional meal. They’d even gone out to a movie one evening when Phoenix had mentioned his desire to visit a theatre. He was smart with a dry sense of humor. Best of all, he seemed to like her just the way she was. Without even trying, he’d reached inside her and touched her heart. An organ she’d guarded all her adult life.

He framed her face between his large, powerful hands. “Because you are mine.” After making that proclamation, he kissed her.

His lips were warm and firm, and the moment they touched hers, her mouth began to tingle. Tiny bolts of pleasure shot from her lips, down to her breasts and then lower.

Holy smoke.
She fought the urge to fan herself. She knew he was attracted to her—she was an intelligent woman after all—but not once in all their time together had he ever made a move. She’d convinced herself he never would and, because of that, it had been safe for her to fantasize about him.

He deepened the caress and slid his tongue into her mouth. He found her tongue and rubbed against it. Tilly moaned and creamed her panties. Oh yeah, Phoenix was dangerous to her well-being, but she didn’t care. She wanted more, wanted to drown herself in the sensual pleasure of his kiss.

If he affected her this much with such a simple caress, how would her body react if he did more? Sweat broke out on her forehead. She was playing with fire and she didn’t care.

Phoenix knew he should stop. This wasn’t the time or the place to give in to his physical longings. Tilly was in danger from Hades and it was his job to protect her. But hearing her talk about the other warriors, especially the unattached Stavros, had made him see red. Jealousy had surged through his veins and it had taken all his strength not to burst into flames. It was either risk setting her house on fire or kiss her. He figured this was the best choice.

Besides, he’d wanted to know what Tilly’s lips tasted like since the moment he’d first set eyes on her. Unlike the other warriors, he’d never really met the woman who’d freed him from the curse. It had been reflex for him to grab her and go up in flames. He’d been reborn, but it had taken him decades to rejuvenate because he’d been so weak. As for the woman who’d freed him, she’d survived unharmed. He’d put all his energy into assuring that. He’d never told the others, but the woman had walked free exactly a day after he’d been released.

While he was grateful to the woman, he’d never felt anything more for her than gratitude. Tilly, however, brought out protective instincts in him he’d never experienced. She made him yearn for things he’d never wanted before.

She made a little sound in the back of her throat and he pulled her close. Her breasts pressed against his chest and her curvy ass filled his hands. Paradise. He was in paradise. Her lips tasted sweet, but he could also taste the iced coffee she’d had earlier. It added some spice to the kiss.

Her tongue stroked his and then boldly drove into his mouth. She was confident. He liked that about her. He lifted her so he didn’t have to bend down. Her feet dangled off the floor, but not for long. She wrapped her long legs around his hips, pressing her hot core against his erection.

He took the one step necessary to bring him next to the bed and then knelt on the mattress. He lowered Tilly down, never breaking their kiss. She stroked his shoulders, his biceps and down his chest, her hands leaving ribbons of heat in their wake. Her legs were still wrapped around him, and he rubbed his cock against her mound. They were both clothed, but that didn’t seem to matter. Every touch, every kiss was more intense than the last. He wanted to toss up her skirt, shove aside her panties and fuck her.

He fought the urge, knowing they shouldn’t be doing this here or now. It was too dangerous, but Tilly was far too seductive for him to resist.

He had to get her naked.

Phoenix shoved a hand under her top. Her stomach was soft and smooth, such a contrast to his calloused hands. He slowly moved his hand up until he touched the band of her bra. He traced along the lacy edge, savoring the moment before he went any farther.

Tilly plowed her fingers into his hair and yanked him back. He didn’t want to break their kiss and did so with great reluctance. Tilly was panting hard, her expressive eyes as tempting as thick, rich chocolate. He’d recently discovered a weakness for dark chocolate.

“We should stop.” She spoke the words he didn’t want to hear.

He nuzzled her neck and nipped at the lobe of her ear. She was wearing a pretty gold hoop in it, so he tugged on the delicate piece of jewelry. Tilly moaned and arched her lower body, rubbing her mound against his swollen cock. “We should,” he agreed. Then he kissed her again.

Tilly opened for him, inviting him to taste her sweet mouth. He nibbled her lips, enjoying their texture and taste before delving inside. His entire body quivered and the phoenix inside him roared to life. The creature stretched its wings and shrieked a warning. This was his woman and he’d destroy any who tried to take her from him.

Yes, Tilly belonged to him. He shoved her top and bra up, exposing her breasts. He broke away from the kiss and looked at his prize. Her skin was light brown and creamy. Her breasts were firm and full, her nipples a dusky rose.

He wrapped a hand around one firm mound and gently squeezed. Tilly’s moan turned to a gasp when he drew the pad of his thumb over the puckered tip. She was so responsive to his touch.

Unlike most of his brethren, he hadn’t been drawn to the woman who’d released him from the curse. And since he’d managed to rejuvenate his body, he’d spent all his time searching for the Lady and his fellow warriors. He’d taken no time to indulge in carnal pursuits. Hadn’t even been tempted.

Not until he’d met Tilly.

She was so self-contained and self-assured. He knew she was independent and determined to be so. She didn’t need a man. He respected and admired that. But he wanted to be her man. Wanted her to want him enough to let him into her life and her bed.

If he could bind her to him physically, it would be the first step to inserting himself permanently into her life. With that goal in mind, he leaned down and drew his tongue across her taut nipple. She whispered his name, and he worried he might disgrace himself by coming right there and then. He wanted her to whisper his name for a million nights to come. To hear her scream it as she came.

Phoenix drew the tip between his lips and sucked. Tilly dug her fingernails into his scalp as she pulled him closer. He wanted to tell her she didn’t have to worry. He would never leave her. Instead, he sucked her nipple and flicked the tip with his tongue, wanting to give her so much pleasure she would never want him to go.

The rough heat of Phoenix dragging his tongue over her breast made every muscle in her body clench. Had she ever been this hot before? Wanted a man so much she’d throw caution to the wind?

His hair was warm and silky between her fingers as she drew him closer. He made a low sound of pleasure that vibrated against her skin. She knew this wasn’t smart but she didn’t want to stop. Ever since she’d first laid eyes on Phoenix, she’d wondered what it would feel like to have his mouth and his hands on her.

Reality was far better than anything her fertile mind had conjured.

She shoved her hands under his T-shirt, needing to touch him. He reared back long enough to rip the shirt off and toss it aside. Tilly licked her lips and gently scraped her fingernails over his broad chest, flicking his flat nipples in the process. He hissed out a breath. His eyes narrowed and his jaw tightened.

Oh, he was a sight to behold. His hair hung around his shoulders like a living flame. His biceps bulged and his abdominal muscles tensed. She’d never seen a man this physically fit outside the covers of a magazine. He was perfect.

He traced the contours of her waist and hips before moving his hands back to the waistband of her skirt. “I need to see you naked.” His voice was rough but his hands were gentle as he tugged the elastic waistband down. “Lift your hips,” he instructed.

They really should leave. It probably wasn’t safe to stay here.

Tilly lifted her hips.

Phoenix moved lower on the bed and pulled her skirt away. While he was doing that, she yanked her tank top and bra off. She was left wearing nothing more than a pair of lacy beige panties.

He wrapped his large hands around her ankles and stared down at her. He was so big, so powerful, yet she felt utterly safe with him. Tilly knew he was a protector by nature. All the warriors were. She liked all of them, but Phoenix made her feel all kinds of emotions she hadn’t felt in a very long time, if ever.

It was crazy really. He was an immortal warrior and she ran a coffee shop. An unlikely pair, but the chemistry between them couldn’t be denied. Not any longer. Maybe it was the threat of death hanging over her that allowed her to reach out and take what she wanted.

She hadn’t believed in true love. Not until she’d seen Sabrina with her warrior. Arand loved Tilly’s friend and had been willing to die for her. Tilly’s father had claimed to love her mother, but it had been a possessive love, the kind that hurt. As a child, she’d watched her father physically abuse her mother and seen her mother fade from a vibrant young woman to a shell of herself as the years passed. When she’d finally found the courage to take her young daughter and run, Tilly’s father had come after them.

Tilly silently gave thanks to her granny for saving them. Granny Ledet was a force to be reckoned with and a respected practitioner of voodoo. She’d put a curse on Antoine Robert. If he wanted to avoid the curse, he had to leave Tilly and her mama alone. He was a superstitious man who feared her granny. He’d run, leaving both wife and daughter behind. Tilly’s mom had quickly divorced him and taken back her maiden name for herself and her child, but she’d never regained the vitality he’d bled from her.

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