Fixated On You (Torn Series #5) (3 page)

BOOK: Fixated On You (Torn Series #5)
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“Strip for me,
moro mou

Emma released my engorged dick in slow motion, twirling her tongue around it before she reached the top of the head. Her smile was pure sin. Those swollen lips were raw, red and hot. My mind barely took in the fact that her tongue snaked out and wiped the wet sides of her lips because she started to walk backwards, pushing her fitted dress top below her gorgeous tits as she kicked her shoes to the side.

“Come and get me, Bass,” she whispered before disappearing into the shadows.

My fascinated gaze never left the temptress. Eagerly, I took off my shirt and then the rest of my clothes, leaving them all on the balcony before I went indoors to seek her out. Naked.

Once I reached inside, her voice caressed me, leaving goose bumps all over my skin. “Seek me with your eyes closed, Mr. Cole.”

Fuck, yes. Game on. I grinned as I closed my eyes, ears prying for any sound from her. My ears picked up the faint sound of the city below from the opened balcony doors, however nothing from her. Licking my lips, I started to walk slowly, trying to remember the layout of the suite. Emma could be anywhere… naked hide and seek surely was a game for teasers. My cock seemed to be more than eager to be a willing
participant as it grew harder; to the point where it was starting to hurt badly while trying to walk about.

“Emma?” I yelled, hoping she’d give me a sign.

She laughed…somewhere. “I’m here.”

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, where the fuck was she? My senses were a little spiked from the amount of alcohol I’d consumed during dinner. So instead of sharpening them, they became all the
more dull.


“You’re almost there.”

Okay, I could do this.

Just when I thought I was about to lose it completely, I heard her softly panting a few feet away. If my memory served me right, it would put her somewhere in the dining room…

I swallowed as my heartbeat sped up some more.
If she placed herself on top of that dining table…
OH. Fuck. YES.

“Open your eyes,” she finally spoke, breaking through my excited thoughts.

Emma smiled at me, legs crossed on the table, stark naked. “Waiting got you more…
, I see.” Playful, I did pretty well. Raising my brow, it was my turn to play. “Didn’t anyone tell you to never toy with a starved man’s cock?”

She pouted, slowly uncrossing her legs before opening them for me to see and inspect with hungry eyes. “Why, Bass? Are you…hungry?”

My pussy
, both brains, north and south, acknowledged.

The composed man in me vanished, replaced by a man in tune with his baser instincts. It was out to do one thing—to mate with primal voracity.

Game over. The words flitted through my mind as I moved close enough to reach her parted legs. Bending over, I closed my eyes and inhaled that scent that drove men to become crazy dogs. It made men do things they’d never thought possible, all because of this sweet ambrosia. A beautiful woman was one thing, but it was a different thing when the woman’s pussy called upon you; to taste it, touch it, own it. “Christ you smell so damn good.”

“Which is it to be?” My hot breath blew across her clit. “My tongue?” I asked, before letting my tongue taste her little button, making her spread her legs wider than before. “My fingers?” Said fingers made their way to massage her breast, making Emma slowly rock back and forth. “Or my cock?” I took my time, letting my words sink in before finally moving away from her exposed cunt, meeting her powerful enigmatic gaze that made me a better man.

“I need your cock, babe.” She licked her lips, begging, “Please.” She knew me so well.

In the blink of an eye, I pulled her down and flipped her over with her feet barely reaching the marbled floor. Emma’s legs were stretched to their limit, ready for my assault.

“I know you might want to make love…and we will,” My hands gathered her hair with a tight grip as I hissed into her ear, making her pant wildly, “but for now, I want you spread open, easy and ready to be fucked out of your mind.” My cock twitched against the crack of her spread ass cheeks. “Is that feasible for you, Emma?”

“Bass!” she angrily hissed, pushing out her ass more, obliging. “Just…please. Stop. Talking.”

Her request was granted. Twice. Our lovemaking was hard, demanding and unparalleled. When our bodies were joined, it was our way of celebrating our love—a way to heal the hurt and embrace our scars. It was the perfect form of experiencing what we were truly about as mortals—to feel connected to our instincts. It was a way to feel in tune with nature—to our very souls—but most of all, to feel the greatest gift to all mankind; our hearts.

We were now in bed, sweaty and naked, and beyond exhaustion. Yet one thing was sure, we both had a dream-like smile.

“I love you.”

“Love you,” Emma mumbled, already half asleep.

As always, she was exhausted after sex. I remembered watching her a lot while we filmed in Greece. It was one of my cherished memories of Emma. Even though time had moved forward while problems kept trying to shoot us down, I’m glad that some things remained the same.

She still whispers my name in her sleep
. Knowing that fact alone made my life. The rest of the world could crumble tomorrow, however I would die happy knowing that I was loved.

My weekend with Emma was what I needed to regain perspective. Other problems in my life were seriously taking a big toll on me, mentally and emotionally, but I knew I couldn’t give up because I had the most important thing to cherish and live for. Emma was my purpose. My life.

Our future was my goal, so I couldn’t sacrifice that because my life was in the shitters at the moment. No. As long as I had Emma by my side, everything was going to be okay.

Chapter 3



Waking up without Bass after spending the weekend with him was a total mood killer. Then, living in a house with two people hating on each other was another downer.

Lindsey and Amber still weren’t talking after their major showdown. Was I shocked? Shit, my mouth had hung open. I mean
, Amber giving her v-card to one of her best friend’s love interests was a massive deal. Both girls I heart hardcore, but I wasn’t going to take sides. Who was I to judge when it came to irrational decision-making where love was concerned? I would be a poor judge of it. Lindsey’s case—I understood her anger because she broadcasted to the world at a young age that she was in love with Brody. For her to learn about Amber’s indiscretion possibly brought out all the ugly memories that she had to deal with before.

As for Amber, the poor woman probably fought off her feelings for Lindsey’s sake, but we all know that the more you fight it off, the worse it gets. She fell for a man she wasn’t supposed to love—yet it happened anyway. If at all, I felt bad for her. I mean she kept it hidden for so long…I bet seeing Lindsey and Brody get together before probably almost killed her inside. And yet she never said a word…until it all blew up.

From Carter and Trista’s updates, Brody was now trying to avoid seeing Lindsey or Amber by staying busy doing his own thing. Since all these folks grew up together and were used to being all in each other’s business, I wondered how long it would take for all three to really have a full-on confrontation. Seriously, they needed to clear the air, but only when they felt ready to do so. For now, though, my home had become a stale, awkward environment.

“What are your plans for your birthday, babe?” Trista asked the second I entered the kitchen.

Eat a cake and blow Bass’s candle? Ha! “Nothing comes to mind,” I lied, shrugging.

I just came back from
school, trying to figure out how to approach my teachers with the fact that I got a new gig that needed me to be in a different state. Chicago to be precise. Trying to go to school and still act, seriously, it was difficult. I now fully understood why a lot of people didn’t even bother getting degrees while they were busy making movies.

However, I had made a promise to my parents that, no matter what, I was going to get a degree. So I was going to keep that promise, even if I had to work extra hard doing both. I knew it was going to be well worth it in the end.

“Well, I’ll figure it out, so don’t you worry.”

“You going to Coop’s goodbye bonfire party tonight?”

The boys had graduated from college, and now Cooper was moving to LA. It’s an hour away. I don’t see the point of a
goodbye party
. Hell, I’d be seeing him all the freaking time, anyway.

“Sure, if you’re all going.”

“Well…since you’re here and all. It’s silly, but I just thought we should ask anyway, you know?”

I hated when Trista came out with lines like these…it usually held motives. “Okay…yeah. Sure.” But what could it be? I was piqued.

Clearing her throat, she used a serious tone. “Amber and I are booking dates for Carter.” Her face was all business.

Seriously. What the shit? “
Booking dates?
Can you elaborate?”

“Carter’s a hot piece of munchkin, and we’re getting sick and tired of being asked if he’s dating so and so…” She was smiling like she’d come out with the most brilliant idea to date. “We came up with an idea that we should get all their names down, interview them, then Amber and I discuss the pros and cons before we introduce the girl to him.”

Huh? I swallowed what little saliva I had before biting down my bottom lip.
? “
Carter is okay with this?” I asked with a frown.

“No, he doesn’t know.” She shrugged. “But since you and Bass are all gooey-gooey, I thought it’s time for our baby hot stud to start moving on, ‘cause that dude doesn’t look like he can stay away from your boobs.” She released a long sigh. “He needs to get laid. Stat.”

Sex. Carter.
With other women
…um…fucking hell—was I ready to see him get his groove back again? “Uh-huh…right.” I nodded, lying through my teeth. “Understandable.”

She flung her finger back and forth with her eyebrow
raised, questioning. “You two didn’t tango, right?”

Still acting stupid here… “

“Push and pull, produce people kinda thing?”

“No.” but…a lot of times…I almost begged him to. Thinking about it now made me feel all sorts of weird. It was bad to be reacting this way at the thought of Carter intimately, but I was with him, on and off, for eight months. Close calls had been a constant occurrence. 

“So we’re good, right? You won’t drop BC like a hot potato? Or cause some crazy jealous rampage when you see Carter getting cozy with another chick? I know you totes loved him, too, but you have to see him move on. I think he needs to see it, too.”

I knew this day would come, I just hoped that I was ready for it. “Go for it, Tris.” I nodded while giving her an encouraging smile. “Carter will be happy that you guys are setting him up with girls. He’ll jump for joy.”

She stuck her tongue at me before leaving me all alone in the kitchen.

One thing we knew was that Carter hated for anyone to get into his business. I’m not going to lie—a part of me hoped that he’d tell them to leave him alone.

I knew it was bad,
but shit…

I needed to let him go—yet Carter was making it difficult for me.


That evening…

I didn’t even have to look for him because I simply knew that he had already spotted me.

“Well, you look—” he paused before licking his lips, “good enough…to eat.”

Oh please, seriously.
“Still holding out, huh?” I raised my brow, challenging him. Mild banters were always shared each time we saw each other as of late.

“Always.” He inched closer, eyes locked on mine. “When it comes to you, it goes without saying, Emma.”

I could smell the beer from his breath mixed with his own personal scent. He was bold tonight. From the second I had arrived, his eyes never left me. Yeah, I noticed how hungry they looked. And to be honest, I was a little scared what that look completely entailed.

“I thought you said you were letting me go.” My eyes searched his dark depths nervously.

He smirked, making him look dangerously sexily sinful. “I did, didn’t I?” Carter licked his lips again. “After I found out about Mr. Hollywood getting his little Russian pregnant, that promise obviously went to shitters, Em. You know that’s a sign, right?”

Whoever brings up Nikki being pregnant, it never fails to always—and I mean always—fuck with my head. I. Hated. It. “I don’t believe in those things, Carter. Seriously, is that the best you could do?”

Carter held the side of my hip, whispering into my ear, “You and I are meant to be together, baby. You and Hollywood hooking up was my punishment and I have accepted that. But don’t you think it’s time to really see the bigger picture here, Em?”

This was so messed up, however why was my blood getting filled with excitement… and my body getting aroused? Damn it.

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