Fix You: Bash and Olivia (8 page)

Read Fix You: Bash and Olivia Online

Authors: Christine Bell

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Coming of Age, #General, #Collections & Anthologies, #Sports, #Short Stories (Single Author)

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I shook his hand, noting the resemblance now. He was a little smaller than Bash, and not as dark. His eyes were a moss green instead of that bright blue, but he was almost as good-looking as his younger brother.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Olivia.”

His lips kicked up in a wry smile. “You don’t say?”

Had Bash mentioned me? I opened my mouth to reply when Bash came jogging down the stairs, a frown crinkling his brow.

“What are you doing back here, bro?”

They faced off like opponents in the ring, and Matthias crossed his arms over his chest. “I got halfway there and realized I forgot my overnight bag. But the bigger question is, what are

I glanced from one brother and back again, realizing I’d stepped into something but having no clue what it was.

“Last time I checked, I didn’t have to answer to you.” Bash’s tone was low and menacing, and his eyes glittered with an icy challenge.

This was our third and final training session and we’d spent most of it and the previous one mock-beating the crap out of each other. He was great at playing the attacker, and sometimes even scared the crap out of me with his expressions, but I hadn’t seen him look this fierce since the day he’d clocked Andy in the mouth.

Matthias must have seen it too, because he looked at his brother hard and long before popping off a curt nod. “You’re right on that score. So I guess I’ll just move along, then.”

The tension abated some, and I took a deep breath.

“Olivia, it was nice to meet you,” Matthias said, tipping his head in my direction and offering me a thin smile before looking back at Bash. “Bro, hold down the fort. I’ll be back early a.m.”

He went to the front of the room and snagged a black bag that had been sitting on the counter. “I think Reid’s back tomorrow too, so we’ll grab some eats out for dinner?”

Bash nodded, “Sounds good.”

Matthias left without another word and I faced Bash. “So what gives?”

The cord in his neck flexed and he took his time answering. “I told him about you and what happened with Andy. He’s worried that I’m getting too involved and wants to make sure I keep my nose clean. That’s all.”

I wasn’t sure that was
, but I did get the feeling that what he’d told me was true. The rest of the blanks filled themselves in. “Which is why we trained at my gym the first two times…” I said quietly, as much to myself as to him. Their gym was much more equipped for what we were doing, but he hadn’t wanted his brothers to meet me. I couldn’t blame him for that, after all the trouble I’d caused, but my throat went a little tight anyway. 

Bash stepped closer and took my chin in his hand. His voice was gentle. “Look, it’s not because I care what they think. It’s because I didn’t want to hear their shit. Don’t sweat it. It’s not your problem.”

I nodded and tried to shake off the feeling. Only now, with his hand on me, all kinds of other feelings were flooding in.

He might feel the same pull you do, but he doesn’t want to want this,
I reminded myself.
He’s just trying to be nice

Then his gaze dropped from my eyes to my mouth and he looked anything but nice.

 We’d tiptoed around each other in our last session, making every effort not to touch…making stupid jokes whenever a moment got tense, or when one of us caught the other staring too long. It was torture. But the alternative was to call it quits. To tell him that I was going to skip our last session. Not happening.

Andy would be back tomorrow. School would start again the following day. This was our last chance to…what? Even once I made it clear to Andy that we’re never ever ever getting back together, nothing could come of it with Bash. The odds of my being able to afford Crestville next semester were slim, and on the off chance I could, Bash wouldn’t be here anyway. He was leaving Boston as soon as he could manage it.

I felt torn in half. I could seize the day. Take what was in front of me and savor every second knowing that, when it was over, walking away would be even harder.

Or I could cut and run. Spend the rest of my life wondering what I’d missed out on but maybe spare myself the ultimate pain. I might not believe in love at first sight, even now, but I believed that you could see a person and your souls could recognize each other’s and connect in a way that was special. As crazy at it seemed, that was what had happened with Bash. I’d never felt that way about a boy before. Not even early on when things were good with Andy.

What if I never felt it again?

When I met Bash’s gaze again, the emotion there made my legs quiver. Every thought and feeling I’d been having was reflected in his beautiful blue eyes. His voice was pained when he finally spoke the words out loud.

“I want you, Liv, but this will only make things harder.” He slipped a hand into my hair and his eyes searched my face like he was trying to memorize every detail. “I can’t promise you tomorrow.”

I leaned in and pressed a kiss to his jaw, my decision made.

“Then give me tonight.”

Chapter Seven


I could barely hear her with the blood pounding in my ears, but I was so far-gone, I didn’t need the words. Quashing that last shred of guilt, I tipped my head and kissed her.

For the past week, I’d dreamed about her every night. About the first time I’d held her. About the first time we’d kissed. And every night I woke up in a sweat, wondering if there was any possible way it had really been like that, or ever could be again. Two virtual strangers, touching mouths. How good could it be?

So fucking good.

Better than good. And when we kissed, it was like our bodies had never
known each other. Like two halves of a magnet, drawn together, fit tight.

Her mouth tasted like candy and I touched my tongue to hers. A wave of need crashed over me, pooling low in my stomach. I groaned right as she moaned and shivered in my arms. Desperate for more, I squeezed her closer, until all my hard parts were lined up with her soft ones. The throbbing in my groin was like a heartbeat now, and when she ground her hips against me, it was like heaven and hell all at once.

I dropped the tape I had in my hand and gripped her hips in my fingers, anchoring her to me, lost in the rhythm as we strained against each other. She whimpered against my mouth and locked her arms around my neck. Slowly, I inched forward, inching her backward, kissing her all the while. She let out a gasp when her back hit the concrete wall, but I was exactly where I wanted to be. I hitched her up high, cupping her sweet ass in my hands, using the wall for leverage, until her legs were wrapped around my waist.

The low hum of satisfaction deep in her throat echoed my own as my cock met her soft center. With only the thin cotton of gym clothes between us, the contact was searing. Her hips flexed against mine, over and over as I rained kisses over her face and neck. The tension was coiling tighter; the need to be inside her, to feel that wet heat pulling at me, was enough to make my muscles quake.

“Upstairs,” she whispered. “Please, Bash. Now.”

Her words threaded their way through the haze of sex clouding my mind and I paused. She was right. We only had a dozen guys who trained here and none of them were scheduled for today, but I wasn’t willing to risk it. Not with Olivia.

Rather than set her down, I scooped her up high and tossed her over my shoulder in a fireman’s hold. She squealed in laughing protest, but there was a method to my madness and she stopped squealing the second I slid my hand between her thighs.

“Oh, that feels good,” she murmured.

Fuck yeah, it did. The heat was pouring off her and when I thought of that heat wrapped around my cock, my knees nearly buckled.

I resisted the urge to take the stairs two at a time. I had precious cargo, and the two of us taking a dive down the steps because I couldn’t get up them fast enough would definitely kill the mood. If we only had one night, it needed to be perfect.

My gut clenched at the reminder and I shoved it away, refusing to think about anything but here and now.

We reached the top of the stairs and I hung a left, heading straight for my room. The bed wasn’t made, and there were some clothes on the floor, but all in all, not too bad. I’d take it. I bent and set her on the ground and then straightened.

“If you want to change your mind, I won’t be mad.” It nearly killed me to say those words, but I wanted to give her one last chance to think it over before I made sure she couldn’t think at all.

She shook her head slowly and laid a hand over my heart. “Not a chance.”

Relief poured through me, chasing away all but that last stubborn chunk of foreboding in my gut.

Here and now.

I took her hand and led her to stand by the bed. She managed a shaky smile and gripped the edge of her T-shirt, then tugged it over her head in one fluid motion. I wanted to tell her how amazing she looked, but all I could manage was a muttered, “Jesus.”

She was wearing a sports bra underneath her shirt, but it was small, and sheer and white and covered just about nothing. Her tight, rosy nipples were clearly visible beneath the gauzy fabric.

In a trance of lust and want, without hesitation, I dropped my head low and took one gently in my teeth. She let out a hiss and cupped my head, urging me closer. I licked and sucked until she was chanting my name, fingers digging into my scalp.

She tasted so good and her responses were so fucking hot and uninhibited, it took everything I had to stop. She murmured a protest, but went quiet when I stripped my own shirt over my head and tossed it on the floor next to hers.

“Your body is ridiculous,” she murmured, almost reverently. Her eyes ate me alive, sending the blood pounding in my ears straight south to join the rest of it, filling my cock to near bursting.

I might have survived unscathed if she’d stopped and let me do my thing. But she didn’t. Her want-glazed eyes locked onto my waistband, where the head of my cock was fighting the good fight for freedom. She dropped to her knees like a marionette with its strings cut and tugged my pants down.


I shook my dizzy head and let out a pained laugh. Of all the things you want a girl to say the first time she sees your dick, “wow” is pretty high on the list, but in the state I was in, that and a stiff breeze had the potential to end me.

When she closed her fingers around me and bent her face closer, I squeezed my eyes closed to block out the sight. That coupled with the sensation of her hands on me was system overload.

“Can I?”

The laugh never came out this time, which was good, because it was likely the kind that you only heard in the loony bin. Gorgeous, funny, wounded Olivia Beckett wanted to know if she could wrap those gorgeous lips—lips that haunted my dreams—around my dick.

She didn’t wait for an answer. Her mouth closed over me. Hot, wet silk winding its way around my cock, pulling and sucking, gripping and tasting. I was shaking and near cross-eyed with the effort of not coming when she pulled back and peered up at me, desire plain on her face, but coupled with nerves.

“Is that okay? Am I doing it okay?”

I wondered briefly if Andy had given her a complex, but then put that thought on lockdown. I refused to let him in here. Not tonight. I pulled her to her feet and stared into her eyes, making sure she could see the truth there. “More than okay. Too good. That’s why you have to stop. It’s killing me.”

She smiled, and my heart gave a kick. “Later, then.”

I tucked that promise away and pushed her backward onto the bed. She didn’t waste any time stripping off her pants. When she lay back in only her bra and matching underwear, I took a mental picture. Her long dark hair spread over my pillow, her flat stomach and curvy hips, her lean, sexy legs. She was a wet dream come to life and she was all mine.

For now.



Bash kicked off his pants almost violently. I’d seen the shadow cross his face. Was he thinking the same thing I’d been thinking? This was so good…all of it…and we might never have it again.

I pushed the sadness away and smiled. “I’m going to get rid of this.” I sat up, refusing to think about whether my stomach looked fat or my skin too pale, and focused on Bash’s expression instead. His hot gaze roamed my body hungrily as I stripped off my bra. Apparently, he liked what he saw, because he was on me a second later, body covering mine, his glorious weight pinning me to the bed as he kissed me.

He tore his mouth from mine and trailed kisses downward, pressing his lips to my jaw, then to my neck. One big, firm hand closed over my breast and I groaned as he closed his molten mouth over my nipple. I couldn’t get close enough, and my hips twitched restlessly, searching for something to relieve the mounting pressure between my thighs. He must have sensed the desperation because a second later, his mouth was on the move again. Down, down, until the heat of his breath washed over my center and my heart skittered.

His fingers curled around the thin fabric of my underwear and with one sharp tug, the thin straps snapped. I risked a glance down at him and he was staring, enthralled.

“God, you’re beautiful,” he groaned, and then he dipped his tongue between my folds and pressed it against the straining bundle of nerves hidden there.

I forgot to breathe as sensations like I’d never felt before crashed over me. His mouth was magic, taking me slow and soft one second and then wild and hard the next. Licking and sucking until I was chanting his name in broken cries.

“Bash, please,” I begged. For what, I didn’t know. I didn’t want him to stop, but I didn’t want to finish, either. It felt like the end and it was too soon to face that.

“Come for me, Liv. I want to feel it against my mouth,” he growled.

The words sent another blast of need tearing through me, but I resisted. “I don’t want it to be over.”

He pulled back far enough to send a look my way hot enough to sear my soul. “Over? This is just the first round, babe.”

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