Five Exotic Fantasies: Love in Reverse, Book 3 (39 page)

BOOK: Five Exotic Fantasies: Love in Reverse, Book 3
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“I think you are.” He moved closer to her, and then his lips brushed hers. “I think the thought of being fucked in front of all these men—by these men—is turning you on.”

“Oh God…” She shook a little, although whether from desire or nervousness she wasn’t sure. “Felix…”

He kissed her, sliding his hand to cup the back of her head like he usually did, plunging his tongue into her mouth and taking possession of it until she was gasping for breath, a dull throbbing beginning between her thighs.

He lifted his head, and his lips hovered over hers. “They have a list of requests,” he murmured. “First of all… They want to see you perform oral sex.”

She licked her lips. “Oh.”

“Every man’s dream. Are you up for that?”

She was pretty sure moisture was now dampening her inner thighs. “Oh God, yes.”

He laughed at that. “You’re sure? You’re happy to go down on me in front of all these men?”

Michael had enjoyed oral sex, and because of that he had refused to let her do it very often, seeing something wrong in the pleasure it gave them both. How twisted his mind had been, she thought now. Why was sexual pleasure such a bad thing? Felix had proved to her that the human body was something beautiful to be enjoyed, and for that if nothing else she was glad she’d met him.

She nodded, the thought of taking him in her mouth making her knees go wobbly. “Yes,” she whispered. “Yes, please.”

“Okay.” His voice had gone husky again. She was turning him on.

He moved her a few steps to one side, and she felt the softness of a duvet on the floor. He’d placed it there so she had something soft to kneel on. That made her soften inside. He was so sweet.

“Kneel down,” he instructed. He helped her to do so, as she still had her hands tied behind her back. The whistles in the room grew louder, the cheers echoing, and her heart thumped. What if there really were men in the room, about to watch her go down on Felix? She licked her lips, hot desire and excitement coursing through her veins. Well, she was going to give them a bloody good show, that’s what.

Felix stood in front of her, planting his feet either side of her kneeling form.

“Ready?” he said.

She nodded, breathless with excitement.

She could just hear the sound of his zipper sliding down above the cheers in the room.

Chapter Forty-Seven

Coco waited obediently, moistening her lips in anticipation of what was to come. She smelled him first—the warm, musky, sexy scent of hot male, and then the tip of his erection brushed across her lips. She inhaled, opening her mouth to take him inside, conscious of her audience watching eagerly.

He’d showered—she could smell the fresh scent of manly bodywash, and he tasted clean. She ran her tongue around the head, then underneath, exploring him, tracing the ridges and dips, the veins and sensitive skin. Felix shivered, hardening even further, if that were possible, and she knew he was enjoying observing her carrying out this act. She wished she could see him, but there was also something intensely erotic about touching and being touched in the dark. Her other senses came sharply into focus until he seemed everywhere, and all she could think about was him.

She ran her tongue back over the head of his erection and tasted the moisture on the tip, listening to his answering groan with satisfaction. A burning desire to pleasure him rose inside her—she wanted to feel his body’s urges take over his gentleness, to feel him thrust in her mouth, to taste his warm, silky fluid. She wanted to be the cause of his undoing.

Covering the tip with her mouth, she took him inside and sucked.

He inhaled, his breath whistling through his teeth, and she murmured her approval and ran her tongue over the head. For a while she experimented with her tongue and lips, finding out what he liked, what made him exclaim and swell in her mouth. Pretty much everything, was the answer, although when she moved her head forward and took him deeper inside, his answering curse and the way he threaded his hand through her hair told her she’d found his weak spot.

He held her head and pushed forward gently, then pulled back and removed himself from her mouth. “Okay?” he said softly.

Coco tipped her head up, ran her tongue around her lips and said, “More.” The crowd cheered.

He swore again, but did as she bid, accompanying the dips of her head with subtle thrusts of his hips, careful not to push too far. But it wasn’t enough. She wanted him deeper, needed to drive him wild.

She pulled back and said, “Stand still and watch.” He stopped moving, and she took him into her mouth again. But this time she moved forward, sliding her lips down his shaft, showing him what was comfortable, where she wanted him, deep inside, touching the back of her throat. Then she pulled back. “You do it,” she said, her voice husky even to her own ears.

He hesitated, then tightened his fingers in her hair and pushed forward, burying himself in her mouth. She gave a low moan and tipped back her head, welcoming him in, and he grunted and did it again, thrusting forward, still gentle, but deeper than before.

Coco’s head spun with dizzy pleasure, his rising lack of control making the blood race around her body. Her body felt damp with her own wetness, and where she knelt, legs together, she could squeeze her thighs and feel an answering tremor between her legs.
I could come like this,
she thought hazily, the whole erotic situation arousing her in a way she’d never have imagined. The crowd seemed to have got louder—was that Felix? How had he done that, the remote again? And the chants of the men and their encouraging cheers were driving her crazy. She couldn’t believe she was doing this, kneeling there practically naked with Felix thrusting in her mouth for all to see. But she was past embarrassment, past everything except the dark desire clawing its way up inside her.

Felix’s thrusts were becoming jerkier, harder, and she sensed he wasn’t far from coming. His hand tightened in her hair and his other dropped to caress her breast, squeezing her nipple. She moaned again and he cursed, holding her head and pushing deeper into her throat. Saliva coated her lips and ran down her chin, but she didn’t care—all she could think about was making him come.

“Fuck,” he said vehemently. “Move away now if you don’t want me to come in your mouth, honey.”

But instead she leaned forward and took him deep as she could, and with a triumphant, hoarse roar he gave into his climax, filling her mouth with hot, salty fluid as the room echoed with the cheers and hoots of the watching men.

At the same time he squeezed her nipple, and Coco clenched her thighs as her own orgasm swept over her. It was a tremendous feeling, everything pulsing between her legs as she swallowed him down, and part of her wanted it to go on forever, this moment of bringing him fulfilment, of joining with him in sensual bliss.

But gradually the pleasurable ripples died away, and he withdrew gently from her mouth. She heard the sound of him rearranging his clothing and doing up the zipper, and then he was helping her to her feet.

He brushed her lips and cheeks, wiping away any moisture. And then he kissed her, soft, tender kisses as he wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly. Did he not mind tasting himself? Clearly not, she thought as his tongue played with hers. Typical Felix. She had a feeling the word disgusting wasn’t in his vocabulary.

“Thank you,” he murmured when he eventually raised his head.

“Oh, you are more than welcome.” Her knees felt a little wobbly. “I may have to sit down.”

He chuckled. “I hope you don’t think the evening’s over.”


“The guys have had enough of watching. They want to take their turn now.” More cheers.

What did he mean by that? She puzzled over his words as he led her a few steps forward. Surely he didn’t mean…

“Stop there,” he said. She did so, still shaking a little from the intensity of her orgasm. Next she felt his hands on her hips, tugging down her panties. He peeled them down her legs, and held her steady while she stepped out of them, and then he stood facing her again. He reached behind her and untied her hands. “There’s a mattress behind you. Climb onto it.”

She knelt and moved forward onto the mattress.

“Turn on your back.”

She lay down on her back, feeling exposed in her nakedness. Felix took her hands and raised them, tying them somewhere above her head. Then he looped silky material around her left ankle. He tied that off to her left, and then he did the same to her right.

Coco lay there, legs open for all to see. She could draw up her knees a little so her feet were flat on the bed, but she couldn’t get her legs together. She was defenceless and vulnerable, completely at the mercy of whoever was in the room.

She nearly came again at the thought.

Her heart pounded at the yells and whistles. By now she was pretty certain she and Felix were alone, but with her eyes still covered it was easy to pretend she was surrounded by hungry, testosterone-filled males who were all determined to have a piece of her before the night was out.

The mattress dipped and Felix stretched out beside her. He kissed her stomach, then up her ribcage to her breasts. His tongue circled her nipples lazily before he finally kissed up to her mouth. “Okay, honey?” he asked, sounding amused again. His chest brushed against hers—he’d undressed.

“Um, yes.” Her heart rate sped up again at the anticipation of what he had planned.

“Are you comfortable?”

“As comfortable as you can be with your private parts on show for all and sundry.”

He kissed her ear. “You look fucking amazing.” He kissed her mouth leisurely, dipping his tongue inside, nibbling her lips. “You realise I could do absolutely anything to you like this and you’d be powerless to stop me?”

She nearly fainted with pleasure. “Felix…”

He chuckled and ran his tongue around her ear. “Are you ready to service these fine young men who are waiting to enjoy you?” A chorus of cheers greeted his words. The intoxicating music threaded through her veins, along with the alcohol, sending her into a spiral of pleasure.

She felt breathless with nerves and excitement. “Oh God…”

“If you want us to stop, we’ll stop.” He kissed her. “But I promise you won’t want us to.”

She moistened her lips. “Okay.”

“I’ll be here,” he said. “I won’t leave your side.” He shifted slightly. “Here’s the guy who begged me to be first in the queue. His name’s Tom.”

Coco said nothing, breathing heavily, uncertain what to expect.

“His cock’s not too big,” Felix said, sounding amused. “But it ain’t what you do, it’s the way that you do it, right?”

“I guess,” she said faintly.

“Get ready. Here he comes, pardon the pun.”

She tensed, flinched as something brushed her thighs, then almost sagged with relief as he ran an object lightly between her legs. A vibrator. Of
he wouldn’t want her to have sex with other men. This was all about her imagination. He’d done it all for her, and all he wanted was for her to enjoy it and throw herself into the fantasy.

“He’s lubed himself up,” Felix said, “but I’m not sure he needs it, judging by how turned on you are.” Tom pressed his tip into her folds.

“How rude,” she said breathlessly. “Can you blame me after what we’ve been doing?”

“Hey, it wasn’t a complaint. I’m flattered. We all are.” His lips touched her nipple at the same moment that Tom moved forward.

Coco moaned and arched against him, welcoming the stranger’s erection deep inside her. He felt different from Felix, not as big, but firm and cool. She caught her bottom lip between her teeth as he thrust slowly while Felix teased her nipple, nibbling and sucking alternatively.

“Oh…” She shivered at the thought of the two men having her, a complete stranger fucking her while Felix watched. “Oh, that’s good…”

Felix murmured his approval and kissed her while Tom increased his thrusts, sliding easily in and out of her moistened skin. “I don’t think he’s going to last long,” Felix murmured with a chuckle, “and I can’t say I blame him. You’re sexy enough to make a man come without being touched.”

Tom jerked once, twice, and pushed deep within her as he came, then withdrew, making her give a long moan of longing as the orgasm she’d hoped for slipped away from her.

“Patience,” Felix scolded. “There are plenty more guys here waiting to take their turn with you. Are you ready for the next one?”

Chapter Forty-Eight

Coco nodded, long since having lost any sense of dignity or reservation. She wanted Felix inside her, wanted to pleasure him again, but knew he was enjoying himself, and she was happy enough to go along with it for the time being.

“This is Liam,” Felix said. “He’s a bit taller than Tom, with a slightly bigger cock.”

Coco bit her lip as Liam moved between her legs and, without any further ado, pushed straight into her. She gasped and jerked instinctively, but the ties around her hands forced her back down and she could only lie there, clenching around him as he waited for her to adjust.

“Liam’s great,” Felix said huskily in her ear. “Not only is he bigger, but he has this fascinating special ability…”

She jumped as the hard erection inside her started buzzing. “Jeez!”

BOOK: Five Exotic Fantasies: Love in Reverse, Book 3
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