Read Fitzwilliam Darcy, Rock Star Online

Authors: Heather Lynn Rigaud

Tags: #Romance, #Music, #Contemporary

Fitzwilliam Darcy, Rock Star (53 page)

BOOK: Fitzwilliam Darcy, Rock Star
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Sometimes the feelings are just too strong.

They overwhelm our hearts, and make us weak.

Sometimes, you need some distance to think.

And then, you can speak.

Let’s talk about it.

When you touched me, you gave me a reason to hope.

You gave me more to think about than my fears.

When you left me, you took away the key

To the answers and left me with just my tears.

So now, I need to find my own truth,

To trust in what I believe,

To give you the courage of my faith,

And see where the future leads.

I believe you.

In your heart you know it’s right.

I hear what you’ve been trying to say.

I’ve pushed out my pride and opened my eyes,

And I see us in a new way.

Slowly, he sat beside her, his eyes bright with wonder. He trembled with her song. “This is for me?” he whispered.

Elizabeth nodded, her arms reaching out to caress him. “You were right, Fitzwilliam, I couldn’t make love like that without being in love.”

The sound of his name on her voice tore through him and he grasped her close, covering her in kisses as he rubbed his face in her hair, letting her sweet fragrance wash over him.

Her lips quivered, her heart swelling with the love she needed to express to him. “You are so bright, so powerful, so sexy, and you terrified me because you were so sure of your feelings. But I know now, I knew within ten minutes of walking out of that loft, that I needed to go back to you. And that scared me too.” Her voice shook with the deep emotion running through her.

Darcy was kissing her, his lips pressing against her neck and moving up to her jaw. “I love you,” she cried before his lips found hers once more. They kissed hungrily, as all their yearnings were released.

“Lizzy,” he moaned between kisses, “I love you, my dearest.”

Elizabeth let out a sharp cry of relief. “I worried I would never hear you say that again,” she whispered happily through her tears.

Darcy merely pressed her close, so their two hearts were beating against each other, and held her until Elizabeth recovered and started placing featherlight kisses along his neck. Then he released her and sat back on his heels, his eyes dark. “You’re feeling better?”

Elizabeth nodded uncertainly.

Darcy’s mouth curled into a wicked smile. “Good, because we have some unfinished business, my love.” He returned to kissing her while slowly working her sundress up. When he stopped kissing her to pull it over her head, Elizabeth cooperated by extending her arms. She didn’t know what he was up to, but she recognized that expression on his face and knew whatever it was, she would enjoy it.

Darcy tossed the dress aside and returned his gaze to Elizabeth. Slowly his eyes traveled up her form, observing every inch of her body. Elizabeth assisted by sitting up in the chair, pushing her breasts forward and spreading her legs. She felt very sexy as she watched him examine her with his eyes, still fully dressed.

She hoped he was excited by what he found: Elizabeth was wearing under the dress a strapless hot pink bra and matching satin panties. He reached out to touch the soft satin and compare it to the smoothness of her skin. “You’re beautiful, Elizabeth,” he murmured as he returned to her lips.

Elizabeth closed her eyes and let his mouth devour hers, delighting in the feel of his suit fabric against her bare skin. She sighed softly as Darcy’s hands cupped her breasts, squeezing and massaging them until she whimpered with need, then she gasped in relief as his hand slipped into her bra to touch her skin. “Better?” he whispered, his warm breath in her ear.

Elizabeth nodded and reached behind her and quickly unfastened the bra, eager to be free of it. Darcy wasted no time in grasping both breasts in his hands, as he kissed her deeply.

“Lizzy, I’ve been wanting to touch you like this all day. Your breasts are so soft and full. You’re so beautiful.”

Elizabeth whimpered slightly.

“Stand up, Lizzy.”

Elizabeth didn’t want the pleasure to stop, but he repeated his request, so she stood, leaning a hand on his shoulder for support. As she stood, Darcy’s hands slid down her sides to the full curve of her hips and he hooked the panties with his thumbs. Smoothly he drew them down until she was completely naked before him. He worshiped her with his eyes, overflowing with admiration and desire. Gently he eased her back into the chair and moved forward, placing himself between her legs.

“Dearest?” he asked. Elizabeth watched him, her eyes locked on his, like she was mesmerized. “Do you remember what I told you before?” Gently he placed his hands on her thighs and pushed her legs apart.

Elizabeth felt her breath coming in short gasps. She watched his eyes as he lowered his face to her core. When she felt his lips brush her, her eyes shut and her head slowly tipped back. Darcy’s hand continued to push her legs apart and she was more than willing to cooperate, opening herself wide to him. She shuddered as his tongue lapped at her, tasting her sweetness.

“Lizzy,” his deep voice called to her. Raggedly Elizabeth opened her eyes and looked up at him. “My love, you taste delicious.” Her gut tightened at his words. “I want to watch you. Look at me.”

Elizabeth watched him as he returned to her. She saw him watching her reaction to his every touch. She felt particularly excited by the experience and experimented by letting more of her enjoyment show in her actions and expressions. She was pleased to see him respond with greater excitement. On and on it went, with her giving and receiving more of his pleasure. She could feel the tension building and knew she was getting close. Her hand slipped down and her fingers tangled in his hair as she held him tightly against her and let her pleasure show in her eyes. Then she was in the white place, as her excitement crested and it happened, waves of pleasure rocked her body as her hips bucked against him.

Her nails bit into her palms as she struggled against her screams. Then the waves faded away and she slumped in the chair.

“Are you okay?” he asked, his voice rough, as he rose to his feet.

Elizabeth nodded, not having breath enough to speak.

He smiled hungrily, bent down, and scooped her up into his arms. Her head lolled like a rag doll as he carried her the few steps to his bed. “Rest now,” he told her as he laid her down on her bed.

Elizabeth watched through her lashes as he quickly stripped off his clothes. She was fascinated as the refined philanthropist was ripped away and the earthy rock god emerged. Standing before her, she gasped at his pure beauty, his pale skin glowing in the soft moonlight.

“Do you like what you see?” he asked, his voice a deep growl.

Elizabeth smiled guiltily. “Very much so,” she whispered lustfully.

“What would you like?”

“I want you on top of me, inside of me. I want to feel you.”

Moving with catlike grace, he crawled onto the bed until he was directly over her. Elizabeth reached out and touched his flesh, firm and warm beneath her fingertips.

“Lie on me, love. Let me feel you.”

His lips brushed hers as he lowered himself on top of her.

“Oh yes, yes,” she cried happily. “You feel so good.” Elizabeth relished the feeling of his weight pressing her down. She had longed for this feeling for so long. She opened herself to him, and with agonizing slowness he entered her.

“Lizzy, I don’t know how long—”

“Yes, yes, don’t stop.”

He kissed her, his mouth sealing hers as he thrust deeper into her. She crooned low in her throat as every thrust brought him deeper inside, increasing her pleasure. Once fully inside, he reached down, cupping her ass in his hands. Elizabeth’s eyes popped open with the astonishing feelings, and her cries increased in pitch and volume. Over and over he pulled her to him as he buried himself as deep as he could go.

Elizabeth was helpless, going along with the ride as he drove himself to his release, and it was the wildest ride she could imagine. She reveled in the sensations of him, surrounding, filling, dominating her. She was his, body and soul. Soon cries she couldn’t control were pouring from her lips and her body was wracked by the pleasure that engulfed her.

Somewhere in her awareness, she felt him growing larger inside of her and she knew his climax was near. She squeezed him as tightly as she could and with the next thrust the orgasm that had been building inside of her exploded. Darcy’s own climax added to her pleasure and their frantic movements gradually slowed and stopped. Darcy wrapped his long arm around her shoulders and gently rolled them to their sides as Elizabeth snuggled her head against him and caught her breath.

Once again, their hearts were beating against each other, and Elizabeth felt whole for the first time since she could remember. His bare skin touched hers all over, and she felt loved and happy.

Eventually, Darcy heaved a huge sigh and kissed her sweaty forehead. “Why is sex with you so amazing?” he asked, his voice warm, loving, and exhausted.

Elizabeth lifted her head and chuckled at him. “I thought it was you that was making it amazing.”

Darcy grinned back at her and they pressed their foreheads together. “Are you okay?” he asked.

Elizabeth nodded and then answered, “Tired.” She relaxed in the warm circle of his arms, resting her head on his shoulder, and found herself crying.

“Love?” Darcy gasped.

“I’m sorry.” She smiled brokenly through her tears. “I’ve just been longing for this and trying to duplicate the feeling of sleeping in your arms for the last two weeks, and now I’m here—” She broke off as the sobs overwhelmed her.

Darcy pulled her close and let her cry out her pain as he gently stroked her back, kissing her hair and murmuring soft words of love in her ear. “It’s okay, Lizzy, it’s okay,” he soothed her. His words were slow, as if unwilling to admit them. “I understand. The pain you suffered is too strong to face alone. But you can face it now, because we’re together. We can both face it now.”

Elizabeth looked up at him and touched his cheek tenderly, sharing the pain they both felt, even as it ebbed away. When she stopped crying, he gently kissed her flushed hot cheeks, then her full, sweet lips, and told her, “This is our space, right here. It’s where we both belong, and we’re not going anywhere. Either of us, all right?” his eyes gently questioned hers, while promising himself.

“I’m staying. This is where I want to be more than anyplace else in the world.” Elizabeth smiled sleepily. “You do give me the most gorgeous sleep, Fitzwilliam.”

“And you me, Elizabeth,” he whispered in her ear. By the time her head reached the pillow, she was asleep and he immediately followed her.

Chapter 17

Elizabeth awoke feeling warm and happy. The bright morning sunlight streamed in through large windows, filtered by the white linen curtains, diffusing the light as it illuminated the room. She traced a soft sound to a fountain bubbling against one wall.

She could tell by his soft breathing that Darcy was still asleep, and she kept still to make the moment last. She inventoried all the places their flesh touched: his chest against her back, his arm draped over her middle, his hand cupping her breast, his cock firm against her ass, his legs intertwined with hers, and even her one foot resting on his. She couldn’t see him from her position, but she could visualize each part in her mind, and she was moved by his great strength and beauty.

As she observed the part of the room she could see, she carefully recalled each part of the previous day, reliving every memory and carefully storing it away, like a beloved keepsake.

It had been some kind of miracle that they had found each other again. But that they had forgiven each other and professed their love, that was no miracle, that was destiny; it was fate.

She had concluded before they were perfect for each other, and now, in his arms, she found her conclusion was correct. A wave of tender emotion washed over her, and she couldn’t keep from rolling over in his arms to see his dear face again.

His face was relaxed, even as he stirred slightly. Elizabeth pressed light kisses over his forehead and nose, feeling giddy with love for him. His hand moved up and captured her head, holding her still as his lips met hers.

“Good morning,” he intoned when he released her.

Elizabeth smiled joyfully. “Good morning.” She kissed his lips then snuggled close, nuzzling her lips on the soft skin near his ear and telling him, “I adore you.”

Darcy stretched his long frame out then caught her up in his arms and kissed her soundly. Elizabeth could feel his erection growing against her belly, and with a happy wantonness, she craved it. Her hands slipped down to touch and play with him.

BOOK: Fitzwilliam Darcy, Rock Star
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