Read FireDrake Online

Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Tags: #Red Hots!, #Fantasy, #Fiction, #General, #Romance, #Science Fiction And Fantasy, #Romance - Adult, #Adult, #Adult & contemporary romance, #Fiction - Romance, #American Light Romantic Fiction, #Paranormal, #Romance - Fantasy, #Romance: Gothic, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Dragons, #Knights and knighthood, #Computers - Languages, #Programming, #Fantasy Romance

FireDrake (31 page)

BOOK: FireDrake
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“I spent five years there, training with the fair folk⎯” Wil took over the narrative,

“⎯and learning the legacy of our line. Rol, there’s a lot we didn’t know—a lot the dragons were charged to remember for us—and Gryffid thinks the time is coming when we’ll have to settle the ancient feuds once and for all. That’s why he took me.”

Roland’s eyes narrowed. “He could have asked. He didn’t have to kidnap you and grievously injure two of our best fighting pairs in the process.”

“He did apologize for that,” Drake said with a raised eyebrow. “Apparently the mercs he hired to do the job got a little overzealous. Still, I agree, he should have just asked. Then again, would any of us really have believed one of the wizards still lived?”

“Good point.” Roland nodded in his direction. “So what’s the dire news from your wizard friend?”

“There’s a place in the far North. It’s called the Citadel.” The dragons perked up as Wil spoke. 217

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“I’ve heard of it. Recently, in fact. Salomar was giving King Lucan of Skithdron safe passage through the Northern wasteland for his search parties in exchange for diamond blades to take down our dragons. They were looking for the Citadel.”

Wil’s expression grew dark. “So Gryffid feared.” Wil took a moment to gather his thoughts. “When the wizards left this realm, some stayed behind. A few, like Gryffid, voluntarily exiled themselves. Some were exiled by force—imprisoned in the ice at the top of the world—in the Citadel. It’s likely that our neighbor, King Lucan, is looking to free the worst of the worst of our enemies from the ice. Probably hoping they’ll reward him for his efforts. Roland—” his voice dropped low with deadly seriousness, “—the wizard Skir was imprisoned up there after he created the skiths.”

Silence reigned for a long moment while everyone digested this awful news.

“And the dragons knew this?” Roland looked to the dragons gathered behind the human party. Four large heads nodded.

“So we were taught,”
Jenet responded.
“It is our place to remember where our
human friends do not. It is our task to be ever vigilant and ready to defend the lands
should any of the entombed wizards seek to escape their punishment. Ours, and the

“What Guardian?” Roland demanded.

“We know not,”
Jenet said sadly.
“We only know there is a Guardian in the North. A
being of great power, born to watch over the Citadel.”

“A hereditary Guardian, then. A human?”

“Perhaps a human born of wizard blood

Nellin mused,
“like you. It would make

“That’s only a theory,”
Jenet groused.

“But a good one, I’ve always thought,”
Nellin countered.

“You two bicker like a married couple.” Nico’s voice was laced with suspicion.

“That’s because we are

Jenet answered, sticking her tongue out at the Prince of Spies, much like a human child would.



“My congratulations to you!” Nico walked over to Jenet and touched her neck, now entwined with Nellin’s. “I’m very happy for you both.” He turned to the human part of the new family. “And you three as well.” Nico winked and slapped both men on the back.

“It’s about time you claimed your birthright, Drake.” He hugged Drake and gave Krysta a kiss as the others added their congratulations.

It was a joyous moment, but it was overshadowed by the serious issues they had yet to discuss. Nico moved back, taking his wife in his arms and pulling her back against him so they faced the rest of the discussion together.

“So you found Wil on Gryphon Isle…” Nico prompted so they could resume the story.

“We met Gryffid and his army of fair folk.” Drake shifted uncomfortably.

“And Gryffid advised Drake of his heritage,” Mace said. “Seems he is descended of the wizard Draco, through Sir Declan’s line and possibly the fair folk, through his mother’s.”

“You’re joking.” Riki’s eyes widened.

“I’m afraid not, milady.” Mace was serious, as always. “More than that, the wizard Draco gifted his descendants with fire magic, and through our new bond, I seem to have gotten some of it too.” Mace opened his fingers to display a plume of flame, conjured in his palm.

“Sweet Mother!” Lana breathed.

Kelvan said with awe.

“What in blazes is a Firedrake?” Roland wanted to know.

“Apparently, I am, my liege.” Drake smiled ruefully. “As is Mace now, and perhaps my blood-father too, if we can show him how to tap into the flame.”

Mace closed his fingers, making the fire wink out. “Drake has already used this magic in battle against skiths in the village of Bayberry Heath on our way back from Gryphon Isle. As a weapon, it is formidable.”

“And a little uncontrollable at the moment,” Drake admitted. “I need a lot more practice, I’m afraid.” 219

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“Astounding,” Roland said. “And it’s effective against skiths?”

“Burns them to ash quicker than dragon fire. And Drake can selectively target what he likes. He can flame the skith and leave everything else unharmed.”

“Now that sounds familiar.” Nico turned his gaze to his lady wife. “Riki can do that too.”

“Only against evil,” she reminded her husband, then turned back to the group. “I did it once, when I was cornered by a skith. I can’t call flame in my fingers like Mace just did.”

“Drake becomes a pillar of flame,” Krysta added with some pride in her voice. “It’s very effective.”

“I bet.” Roland looked over the newly made knight with interest. “So you’re more than a pretty voice and glib tongue, eh?”

“I pray I prove to be, my liege. I know…” Drake hesitated briefly. “I know I’m not exactly knight material, but now that the deed is done, I vow to do everything in my power to live up to the expectations of knighthood.”

Roland chuckled and shook his head. “You already have, my friend. You were ever blind when it came to your own stature. You are the best—the only—partner for Jenet.

We’ve all known it for as long as we’ve known you both. As for being worthy of being a knight…” Roland grasped Drake by the shoulder. “You’ve always been worthy, Drake.

Your love for Jenet, your loyalty to the land and people of Draconia⎯even as you traveled far and wide⎯your honor, your courage. All of those things make you one of the champions of this land. You found Wil, as you promised. You’re more than worthy.

You’re one of our elite, just like Mace. A better matched pair, I’ve never seen.”

The men shared a moment of respectful camaraderie before Roland turned to Krysta.

“Welcome to the family, Krysta. Your brother and I had a long talk while you were away.

We’ll be glad of your skills in the coming days.”

“Thank you, my liege.” Krysta bowed, keeping her gaze on Roland’s in a show of respect.



Hours later, Drake, Mace and Krysta had a hastily prepared wedding celebration and their dragons flew in a mating flight, long anticipated since that first time they’d been together. The party was a mix of Jinn and Lair traditions, with Prince Nico and his wife Riki standing for them as witnesses, though all agreed neither Drake nor Mace needed any guidance in making love to their wife as was custom for newlyweds in many of the Jinn clans.

They were given a small enclosure on the battlements traditionally used for such celebrations so the dragons could stay near their human counterparts until the very last moments before they took to the sky. Only this time, the enclosure was festooned with Jinn tapestries in bright colors, donated for the cause by Krysta’s clan. There would be a party the following night with the entire Wayfarer Clan as well as those of the Black Dragon Clan who were already living in Castleton to celebrate the joining of Krysta and Drake. Mace would be adopted into both clans and made Jinn by marriage as well. Krysta figured that party would last for days.

As the dragons trumpeted their joy to the heavens, coiled together in bliss, so too were the human partners in the family. Krysta and her men were swept up in the driving pleasure spurred on by their bond with the dragons. Golden sparks of fire enveloped the three, heating their blood but harming none—a magical display of Drake’s power brought on by intense emotion.

The first joining was hard and fast, with few words but a wealth of emotion passing between the three humans and the dragons whose lust pushed them. Now that Wil was home safe, Jenet and Nellin had warned Krysta that she would get little sleep that night.

She’d thought it a joke at the time, but after the second, intense round of dragon-inspired lovemaking, she began to wonder.

Drake lay panting on one side of the soft bed, Mace on the other. Krysta crawled over to a low table near the entrance to the small enclosure and began to nibble on the delicacies that had been prepared for them. If they were going to keep up this pace, she’d 221

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need some nourishment. A grin passed over her face as she ate, watching her two gorgeous husbands watching her.

“What puts such a devilish smile on your face, lovely Krys?” Drake beckoned to her with one finger. She took a small plate of pastries back with her as she rejoined him on the mattress.

“I was just thinking we should eat while we can. One cannot live on love alone, after all.”

“Says who?” Mace sat up to nibble on her shoulder. “Personally, I find you delicious and very invigorating.”

Krysta felt the dragons stir in the back of her mind. Joined as she was to the men, she had felt echoes of the dragons’ passion in her own body even as her men drove her higher with their love. Judging by the passion just passed, the dragons were gearing up for a third round of aerial love.

Placing the plate on the small ledge behind Mace, she leaned over him, only to be caught in his strong arms and pulled down for a kiss. The kiss turned to a thorough exploration that made her senses swim. By the time Drake came up behind her, she was ready for anything these two might want from her.

Mace drew back and pushed her head downward. She knew what he wanted. She wanted the same.

As the dragon fire burned hotter, she took Mace’s thick cock between her lips, playing with him at first, before sucking him deep. At the same time, Drake lifted her hips off the mattress, settling behind her as she rested on her knees. He entered her slick channel, pushing her forward onto Mace’s cock. He drew out and pulled her back. He repeated the motion, increasing his pace, essentially fucking them both as his motion pushed her back and forth on Mace.

Gazing upward, she saw Mace’s head drop back on his shoulders, his eyes shut as pleasure swamped him. Drake increased his pace yet again as the dragons spiraled higher, trumpeting to the heavens along with their fellows. Many knights and dragons were celebrating in pleasure with them this night.



As the dragons reached their peak, so too did their human counterparts, Mace coming in her mouth while Drake’s seed flooded her womb. Krysta’s whole body clenched in bliss, riding the waves of ecstasy for long moments as the dragons rode the air currents toward the earth far below.

The Jinn party did indeed last for days. Krysta was excused from her duty as a Guard while the knights enjoyed the usual respite from their work as well. Newlyweds were given a week to enjoy their married state before having to go back to work.

For Drake, the end of their honeymoon signaled the beginning of a new life for him.

He’d never expected to be welcomed back to Draconia in such a fashion—being partnered with Jenet was a boyhood dream come true and being married to Krysta was every fantasy he’d ever had. She was inventive in the bedchamber and a true partner in the life he saw unfolding before his eyes. It was a life he’d never expected, but one that promised great joy.

The rest of the Lair kept their distance during that initial week, though both sets of parents had contributed to the basic decoration of the set of rooms assigned now to Mace, Drake, Krysta, Nellin and Jenet. Krysta had brought a load of gifts from her family as well. Her brother had attended both ceremonies—the public part of the Lair wedding and the full Jinn ceremony performed a day later. Unexpectedly, Drake discovered the new leader of the Wayfarer Clan, a lovely grey-eyed woman named Malin, was also Krysta’s sister, the eldest of the three siblings.

Rulu, the aged former leader of the Clan was her father, and he delighted in giving both Drake and Mace dire, half-hearted warnings about how to treat his baby girl. The Jinn weren’t used to three-partnered marriages, but were more open-minded than other peoples, having traveled in all lands and seen all kinds of customs and traditions.

During that week, the dragons had mated almost continuously every night, making up for lost time, they claimed when they paused long enough to speak. They all slept deep into the morning, only stumbling out for sustenance around noon each day to the teasing grins of the Lair folk. A few times, the human side of the family would have to go 223

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running for their chamber when the dragons unexpectedly took to the sky. They didn’t always make it, but the Lair folk weren’t easily shocked. Dragons were exhibitionists after all, and more than a few of the knights took after their brethren of the skies.

Nico and Riki came upon them in a darkened hall as Drake fucked Krysta’s mouth while Mace plowed into her from behind. Nico grinned and settled in to watch the show, fondling his mate through her blouse while he met Drake’s eye. It was only fair, he realized, since Drake had stood as witness to the royal’s Jinn wedding ceremony, even helping in the marital tent later that night, as was custom.

The dragons peaked, bringing all three mates to completion as the royal couple watched, though only Drake knew they were there—until Drake, Mace and Krysta broke apart, all three of them righting their clothing. When Mace and Krysta turned toward the arch to the stairs, they stopped short, seeing Nico and Riki standing there, smiling at them.

BOOK: FireDrake
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