Fire in the Smokies (Durham Wolves) (10 page)

BOOK: Fire in the Smokies (Durham Wolves)
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Brianna White hung the moon and the stars. She was his world now.

Jaxon wiped the smile off his face and sobered up. He slipped from between the sheets, leaving the warm, sexy body behind. He needed to deal with the fact that McKinney was back in town.

Jaxon padded into the main living area and found his brothers and Juliana gathered in the kitchen. “Does anyone else feel a strange sense of déjà vu?” Hadn’t they stood around this same kitchen island just months ago in much the same predicament, with McKinney stalking them in an effort to get his hands on Juliana?

“Unfortunately.” Sergius pulled the refrigerator door open and grabbed a bottle of water. As he twisted off the top, he shook his head. “I think we may need to get proactive. Too much defense and not enough offense here.”

“This isn’t a football game, Serg.” Juliana wrapped her arms around him. “What the hell is the sports euphemism supposed to refer to?”

Serg squeezed her tight. “I’m thinking we spend too much time waiting for McKinney to come to us. Maybe we need to advance onto his turf instead of waiting for him to attack.”

Jaxon sat on a stool but then immediately jumped back up. Brianna was awake. He could sense her energy. “Be right back.”

Jaxon headed down the hall. When he came back into his bedroom, he found his mate stretching languidly on his bed. Like a cat. She smiled at him and sat up, dragging the sheet with her.

“You’re awake.” Jaxon climbed up onto the bed and sat next to her.

“Yes. I can’t believe I slept like that. I never take naps.” She cocked her head to one side. “Somebody wore me out in the middle of the day.”

“Who?” Jaxon glanced around the room all innocent.

“I could hear you thinking awfully hard out there with your family. Is everything okay?”

“If you discount the rabid vampire on the loose stalking what’s mine, then yes.”

“Oh God. I’d almost forgotten about the vampire situation. Or maybe I blocked it out because it’s impossible for me to wrap my mind around the idea.” Brianna held the sheet tighter, gripping it in front of her chest.

Jaxon walked his fingers up Brianna’s thigh. When he reached her center, he grabbed the sheet and yanked hard. She wasn’t prepared and lost her grip, exposing her fantastic body to his gaze.

All thoughts of vampire threats flew out the window. His woman was fucking fantastic and made his cock hard in an instant.

“Don’t look at me like that. I’m worn out. You can’t touch. You’re insatiable.” Brianna made a lunge for the sheet, but Jaxon was quicker and held the corner out of her reach.

“And you’re better? I seem to remember one very wet, sexy woman begging me to take her from behind in the tub a short while ago. Wasn’t that you?”

“Ha ha.” Brianna slithered from the bed on the opposite side and grabbed one of Jaxon’s T-shirts from the back of a chair. She slipped it over her head in warp speed.

“Now why’d you have to go and do that for?” Jaxon crawled across the bed in her direction, hoping to tease her with his meandering approach. “You do look fantastic in my shirt, but you looked much better without it.”

“Back up, buster.” Brianna stepped back until she bumped into the sitting-area couch. “Every time you touch me, I lose my senses. Tell me more about this vampire.”

“Fine.” Jaxon climbed off the side of the bed. “Get dressed—if you must. Juliana left a pile of clothes for you. I set them in the bathroom.” He winked at her. He’d only been teasing. They really did have to face reality this afternoon, but he loved when Brianna got all flustered. Her cheeks reddened and her gaze flickered around the room in an attempt to keep from looking at him. It was cute.


Brianna stepped gingerly around the god of a man who claimed to own her now. A battle of maximum proportions was going on in her head. On the one hand, she should consider Jaxon and everyone else in the house to be certifiable. On the other hand, she’d seen firsthand what he could do, so there wasn’t any way to refute that kind of evidence.

Even if she could convince herself the man hadn’t shifted into a wolf form several times right before her eyes, she still couldn’t avoid the telepathy she now shared with him. It was unnatural.

Unfortunately, she wasn’t getting any privacy from him right now either. He had the audacity to slink behind her and follow her into the bathroom. She shivered as she heard his thoughts.

Jaxon had claimed he could block his thoughts from her and she would learn to do the same in time, but if that was the case, the man was sending her visions and ideas on purpose.

She whipped around inside the enormous bathroom and glared at him. “Stop it.”

“What?” he asked.

“Stop thinking about fucking me. And stop following me.”

“Why? Do the images I send distract you?” He stalked even closer, forcing her to back up to avoid his touch.

“You know they do.” Her pussy grew wet again. How many orgasms had she had since this morning? She’d lost count. It was absurd what he did to her.

Jaxon denied nothing. “The best part is I can keep a running tally of all the things that make you the squirmiest and be sure to incorporate them into future sessions. Do you realize that every time I think about bondage, you nearly come on the spot?” His words grew softer as he got closer. “I can smell your arousal, baby. It spikes considerably when I send an image of tying you up, blindfolding you, gagging you, taking away your control and fucking you so hard you can’t remember where you end and I begin.”

His words trickled over her, making her shake. She swallowed, but her mouth was so dry there wasn’t anything in her throat. He’d nailed her and it scared the shit out of her. How many times in her life had she dreamed, awake or asleep, about being taken while bound up?

Jaxon stood so close now, she could feel his breath as he whispered his next words. “Oh, I fully intend to fulfill your every fantasy. And baby, it makes me so hard I’m going to have to jack off just to carry on a civil conversation with the family now.”

Brianna shook her head. She didn’t know why. She couldn’t get her brain to cooperate with her.

Jaxon flicked his hand out so fast she didn’t even see it coming. One second they were standing there inches apart like statues with him seemingly providing the space she needed. The next second, he flicked one finger expertly between her legs, dragging the digit up her thigh and across her sex, collecting copious amounts of moisture.

With a grin, he held his pointer up to her face. “Care to deny anything?”

How could she? The evidence of her arousal was on the tip of his finger. She’d been so fucking horny for him, precome had leaked down her thigh. There was no denying it.

In slow motion with his eyes at half-mast, Jaxon sucked his pointer into his mouth and pulled it out with a pop. “Mmm. You’re delicious. Next time, I’ll make
lick it.”

Brianna licked her lips. Damn him for getting all in her head. And damn him for the knowing smile he now sported. Of course the bastard knew that comment didn’t exactly dry her up.

“I’m not going to take you again right now. I know you have to be sore.” His words seemed in contradiction to his actions because as he spoke, he grabbed the bottom of the T-shirt she wore with both hands and pulled it over her head.

Brianna moaned.
. All the man did was look at her and she couldn’t control herself.

“Fuck, you’re hot.” Jaxon turned his head away, grabbed a stack of clothes and set them next to her. When he reached for a tank top, Brianna found her voice.

“Um, Jax? I can dress myself.” Did he really think he was going to put her clothes on her like she was some kind of child?

“I know you can.” He gazed into her eyes. “But, right now, I feel like doing it.” It wasn’t a question.

Brianna flushed. She glanced around the room. What she really needed to do was pee. “Um, could I have some privacy, please?” She nodded at the toilet.

“Oh, right. Sorry. Go ahead. I’m not a modest person, Bri. I’m sure I’ll be peeing in front of you sometimes, and vice versa.”

Was he kidding? She knew her skin had to be beet red without even looking down. Now she was shaking. His dominance was…still turning her on. Damn damn damn. She had no idea she had such a submissive streak.

He wasn’t going to budge.

Brianna took a deep breath and glanced down at his cock. He wore a sagging pair of jeans again that hung low on his hips. The bulge in front spoke volumes.

“Fine. But you have to do something for me in return.”
She spoke directly into his mind. Maybe she could get the hang of this telepathy yet.

“Anything your heart desires.”

Brianna marched over to the commode, sat down with her legs as close together as possible and peed. It wasn’t quite as embarrassing as she’d expected. After all the things they’d done together today, what was a little bodily function?

When she finished, Jaxon didn’t say a word. He simply smiled at her and then pulled the tank he held over her head. It was rather tight. She was the same size as Juliana more or less. Undoubtedly Sergius liked his woman half naked too.

A glance down proved Brianna’s nipples were pebbled beneath the cotton material.

“Perfect.” Jaxon smirked.

“Jax, I’m not going out into the living room dressed in this.”

“I didn’t ask you to. But I will know what you look like under this sweatshirt nevertheless.” He plucked a bulky sweatshirt off the pile next and held it up before dropping it once again. “I’m pretty dominant, I’ll admit. And I will ask a lot of you in the bedroom, but rest assured I will not share you. Not even your bare skin.” He kissed her. A quick peck on the lips that left her bereft when he pulled back almost as fast as he’d leaned into her.

Next, he handed her a pair of yoga pants. “Would you like to put these on, Miss Independent?” he teased.

Brianna peered around him. Panties?

Reading her mind, he wrapped her in his arms and pulled her close. His mouth landed on her ear. He whispered, his voice husky and full of promise, “I like the idea of knowing you’re naked under your clothes. Your wet pussy rubbing against the fabric of these tight pants. No one will know but me. Will you do that for me?”

Brianna stepped into the pants, never taking her gaze off his. They were tight. And she was wet. Those were both true facts. Next, she grabbed the oversized sweatshirt and tugged it on. It was his. It smelled of him. And it was huge. It reached lower than her ass, affording her at least that small modicum of privacy.

With a chuckle, Brianna flipped the toilet seat down and sat on it. She crossed her legs and prepared to get as comfortable as possible. “I believe you made me a promise.” She raised her eyebrows.

Jaxon’s face went lax.
“What are you up to, woman?”

Brianna pointed at Jaxon’s bulging jeans. “You mentioned needing to do something about that. And if I recall correctly…” she tapped her lips and glanced at the ceiling as though trying to remember the details, “…oh, that’s right. You didn’t want to fuck me just now out of concern for my poor overused pussy.”

“And?” Jaxon narrowed his gaze.
He shook his head.

“Yes.” She smiled demurely. Oh, if felt good to best him at one thing. “I
do want to watch.”

“Fine.” Jaxon tipped his head both directions as though stretching for the mile run. He popped the button on his jeans and lowered the zipper with a flourish. His cock sprang out, the tip dripping.

Brianna licked her lips. God how she wanted to suck his length into her mouth, but right now she wanted to watch him get himself off even more. Later…

Jaxon crept toward her and planted one hand on the wall behind her head. Leaning at an angle, his dick inches from her face, he took himself in his other hand and pumped.

She’d never seen anything so fucking sexy in her life. The man let his head fall back after about two strokes and sunk into his own world. She never took her gaze off his shaft, learning by example what would most pleasure her lover and storing the information away for future use.

Jaxon gripped himself gently at first, letting his hand graze tentatively up and down. Soon, he switched to a firmer grip and pumped himself with abandon. His abs tightened behind his cock, his entire stance rigid as he groaned toward the ceiling.

It took all Brianna’s restraint to keep from licking the come leaking from the head just a breath away from her mouth. She held firm, enjoying the show almost as much as she would later enjoy sucking him off. She imagined what he would taste like, how his cock would feel against her tongue and the roof of her mouth. The tight skin was so smooth. It would glide toward her throat with ease when she took him. She did nothing to block these images.

Before she could even finish the thought, he shot off, his come jetting out onto the floor beside her as he jerked to one side to avoid hitting her.

When he was spent, Jaxon leaned forward and claimed Brianna’s mouth. He grabbed her face with both hands and held her head still while he plundered her until she forgot the world around them.

When she no longer had any sense at all, he pulled back. “Don’t think for one minute that exchange was equal. Payback is a bitch and I can’t wait to watch you finger yourself to completion. I won’t be lenient.”

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