Read Fire In Her Eyes Online

Authors: Amanda Heath

Fire In Her Eyes (7 page)

BOOK: Fire In Her Eyes
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I turn around and she’s right back there with me. Her lips are on mine and I wait for her to open her mouth so I can shove my tongue in. Hers curls with mine and I find mysel
f trailing my hands down to her
perfect ass. I grab both cheeks and grip them tightly grinding my hardness into her softness.

Her soft warm hands end up under my shirt going over smooth skin and muscle. It feels so damn good. Then she is pulling my shirt over my head. Our lips meet again. I feel like I
could pull her soul into me; we
are that close.

My hands leave her ass to slide up underneath her skirt. Oh, fucki
shit. I pull out of the kiss to
ask, “Baby girl, why aren’t you
wearing panties with that short-ass skirt?”

She gives me a devilish look and replies, “We have been over this. I don’t like them, they get on my nerves. I don’t even own any.”

“That is so fucking hot.” I don’t give her time to say anything else as I devour her mouth yet again. My hands go back under her skirt to feel her wet sex. I can barely contain myself as I slip a digit into her slick passage, pumping it in and out as she moans into my mouth. I suck her tongue into my mouth and mimic the movements of my finger. She goes wild.

Her hands unbuckle my belt, unbutton my jeans, and unzip them. They then reach into my boxers to palm my dick. I use my thumb to rub her swollen nub and she bucks against me. It doesn’t take long for her to throw her head back and cling to my neck as her channel clutches my finger. “There you go, baby girl. Cum all over my hand,” I whisper against her exposed neck.

She pulls away from and me and asks, “Condom?” I point to the night stand next to my bed.

“Bring it here.” After she finds one of the foil packages, she walks seductively back to me. Ripping it open, she takes the condom out and gently rolls it down my dick. Damn, it feels great.

I don’t give her a chance to think as I spin her around and pull her legs up around my hips. Before she can say go, I thrust my hardness into her and we both groan. I gently p
ush in and out of her until I’m
seated to the hilt. I lay my sweaty forehead against her shoulder and say, “Damn, you are so tight.”

She lets out a breathy laugh. “It’s been awhile.” She puts her hands into my hair, scratching the scalp lightly.

“That’s really good to know.” I take her mouth again as I pick up the pace of my thrusting into her.

God, she is a moaner and it’s never been hotter on anyone else. Her legs grip my hips, holding on for dear life. I take one hand off of her hip and place it under the skirt to rub her swollen nub. In just a few minutes, she throws her head forward and bites my neck to muffle her scream of pleasure. I can feel her slick walls milking me and I can’t hold out any longer. I rub even harder hoping she will get off again with me. I’m not disappointed.

I kiss her as we both explode in ecstasy and we shallow each other’s shout. I place my forehead on hers and her legs slowly fall to the floor. I stare into her eyes as we both catch our breaths.

When my breathing becomes steady, I kiss her forehead and tug her over to the bed. She can barely keep her eyes open so I help her out of her top and get the first look at her rose red nipples. I’ve always been an ass man, boobs just don’t do it for me, but, damn, hers are perfect; just the right size to fit into my hands.

I unzip the skirt and it falls to the floor as I gently lay her down on my bed. I barely get my pants off before I hear her breathing softly, asleep. I shake my head and climb into the bed next to her. Throwing the covers over both of us, I snuggle into her backside and wonder how i
n the hell I ended up fucking
Harley: Up against my bedroom door, for that matter.


Chapter 9




I wake up lying on Spencer’s chest, completely naked. He is on his back with one arm curled around me and the other above his head. His sharp features are softened in sleep, and his dark hair is messy but very sexy. I don’t want to feel like this is right now, but I can’t help it.

“Quit staring at me. I’m getting a boner,” he says, s
hocking me out of my thoughts.

“Well, I can help with that if you want,” I say, biting my lip and meeting his now-open, pale blue eyes.

His answer is to flip me over onto my back and take my lips in a searing kiss. He opens my lips with his tongue. I curl mine around his as he moves his hand down my bod
y. I arch my back as he slips a
finger inside of me. I moan and begin
meeting his hand with my hips.

“Feels good doesn’t it, baby girl?” He whispers into my ear after leaving my lips. “You’re all ready for my dick, too.” He licks the
shell of my ear and I shiver.

He pulls away from me to dig around in his night stand. When he comes back, he is ripping open a condom wrapper and slipping it on his hardness. He starts kissing me again as he slowly enters me. I moan and relish in how good it fe
els to have him filling me up.

He lets out a groan and starts thrusting faster and faster. He moves his thumb down to my sex, rubbing my exposed nub and making me go crazy. He thrusts his tongue into my mouth, mimicking the motions of wh
at’s going on between my legs.

We cum at the same time, muffling shouts of ecstas
y into
other’s mouth. I’m about to happily bask in the afterglow, but someone knocks on the door. We share shocked looks before my dad says, “Can you two get dressed and meet us in the kitchen?” He doesn’t sound angry, but that doesn’t lessen my shock

I quickly get out of Spencer’s bed and look for my clothes. He throws one of his shirts at me and then a pair of basketball shorts. “Th
anks,” I say, putting them on.

“Yeah, I would rather you wear the outfit from last night, seeing as I’m about to die, but these are more sensible.” He throws his own shirt over his sexy body and all I want to
do is get him back in that bed. Of course, that’s not going to happen.

Spencer grabs my hand and pulls me out to the kitchen after he pulls on some jeans. I feel like the whole way there we are going to face the firing squad. The second we walk in, I p
ut my body in front of his just
in case my dad
has his favorite shotgun out.

I don’t expect to see Dad and Polly sitting there drinking coffee, like they didn’t just catch us fucking. “Harley, there is no need to defend Spencer
. I’m not going to shoot him.”

I don’t believe him and stay right where I am. The man was in the Marines. He can bluff his way into or out of anything, or at the least; shoot his way out of anything. “Yeah, I don’t believe you, Dad, so I’m going to stand here for a little whi
le longer, if you don’t mind.”

“Well, if you’re not going to shoot me, then what are we doing?” Spencer asks from behind me. “And what are y’all doing home? You weren’t suppos
ed to be back until tomorrow.”

“The four of us are going to sit down and talk. That is what we are going to do. We came back early because I got a very bad phone call.
” Polly gives us pointed looks.

Spencer and I slowly move to the table and sit down in the empty seats. “Now that y’all have kindly joined us, I would just like to say it’s about time,” my dad says, causing
me to whip my head so fast in his
direction th
at I’m sure I pulled a muscle.

“I’m so confused right now. Dad, what is going on?” I ask him, bouncing my
feet up and down on the floor.

“Polly and I knew that this would happen one day. I honestly thought that I would have to chase Spencer out of your room in the middle of the night while you were both still in high school. You two are the most stubborn people I have ever met.” He shakes
his head and sips his coffee.

“You have been waiting for us to have sex? Okay, now I’m
confused,” Spencer says, looking his mother up and down like she had s
uddenly sprouted another head.

“Yes! It’s like fireworks are going off whenever you two are in the same room,” Polly says. “Don’t look at me like that, Spencer. Your both grown, you can do what you want with who you want. Just,
, use prot
ection.” I feel my face flush.

Spencer goes from tan to bright red as he exclaims, “Mom!” I didn’t even know he

“What? It’s a reasonable request. Anyway, Richard and I are happy as long as you two are happy.” She smiles brightly, but only briefly before the spark goes out. “Spencer, I’m sorry to say that they can’t find your dad; Seems that Richard and I can’
t get married like we wanted.”

I feel my face scrunch up in confusion. “I thought your dad was dead?” I lo
ok at Spencer with my inquiry.

“He’s dead to me, doesn’t mean he is physically.” On his face is a truly hateful look I hope to never have directed at me. I grab his tightly clutched hand. He starts to jerk away, but realizes that I was just trying
comfort him. He gives me small smile and I feel my heart flutter. Oh geez, when did I get so g




My dad isn’t something that I like to talk about, ever. I hope to keep it that way for the rest of my life. You might not think I’m damaged, but there’s a lot going on inside of me. I carry all this baggage. I know that it’s not healthy, but I can’t unload my pain on anyone else.

“Okay, so I’m just a little freaked out that you two are okay with us having sex. I swear, everyone in my life has been taken over by aliens,” Harley huffs.

“Harley, you are grown, so is Spencer. I’ve known the boy since he was six. He’s probably the only boy I would let you date, anyway,” Richard says. “If you were still in high school, I would have a
with it. Even now, if I did have an issue with it, it’s out of my hands.”

“This has to be the weirdest conversation that I have ever had with you, Dad. To be honest, it’s really embarrassing.” Harley scowls and looks over at me. I nod my head in agreement. I think the last two people
in the world
I would want to know about my sex life is my mother
my girlfriend’s father. Did I just say girlfriend?

“Beside all the weird shit, aren’t y’all supposed to be gone until tomorrow?” I ask.

“It was just a little romantic weekend getaway, but with everything we heard from the private investigator, we didn’t really feel like being romantic,” my mom says.

“Why don’t you two get out for a little while? Have some fun! It’s your summer vacation, after all,” Richard says. I look over at Harley who gives me a smirk as I squeeze her hand. “Let’s go.”

After getting up and walking out of the kitchen, I can hear my mom break down and cry. It’s almost more than I can bear. What that man did to us, what he
does to us, will always be with us. All I can hope is that maybe now she can live with those things more easily. Maybe Richard will help her get over the pain. I know I can’t deal with it, never
have been able to.




“So, what’s the deal with your dad?” Harley asks me from my b
ed, painting her toe nails. I’m
lying down next to her with my hands behind my head and my feet crossed at the ankles.

“Nothing. He is a total asshole and I hope I never see that motherfucker again. If I do, then he better run because I’ll kill him.” I can feel my face flush with anger. I don’t want to have this talk with her. I’m not good with the feelings I have for that man. They make me want to break things and scream at the top of my lungs: things I don’t want to do around Harley. My hot-as-sin Harley, who is starting to bring out a part in me that I didn’t even think existed.

I study her while she paints away and just looking at her takes my breath away. We got to take a shower together after leaving the parents in the kitchen, and the sex was amazing. Now she’s wearing some really tiny shorts with pink and red hearts all over them and a plain red tank top that is really, really tight. Her straight auburn hair is flowing down her back in a low ponytail. Her long, slender fingers moving the brush back and forth over her toe nails. I feel my dick twitch. Damn, even painting her toes turns me on. I feel like such a pervert.

“That’s really harsh for it to be nothing, Spencer.” She looks up at me and
away from her toes, pointedly. 

“I don’t want to talk about it, Harley. I have never wanted to talk about it and probably never will.” I sigh and get up from the bed. I start pacing around the room and can feel her watching me like a hawk. I need to change the subject before she sees through me with those dark blue eyes, before I spill all of my secrets.

“So, we haven’t really talked about it, but I want to know how you define us.” I look at her from under my hair, which has fallen into my eyes. She slowly gets off the bed and waddles over to me, being careful to not mess up the paint on her toes. When she gets to me, she pulls me flush to her and throws her hands around my neck, leaning her lower body into mine. “Spencer Grady, I may not be much of a catch, but you have me. I don’t know what you did to me, but you keep chipping away at the ice that had grown over my heart. I had no choice but to let you in. Just don’t ever let me down or I’ll cut off your balls.” She smiles sweetly and I can’t help but to lean in and push my lips into hers. It’s short, sweet and ch
aste: something neither of us are

BOOK: Fire In Her Eyes
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