Fire & Desire (Hero Series) (21 page)

Read Fire & Desire (Hero Series) Online

Authors: Monique Lamont,Yvette Hines

BOOK: Fire & Desire (Hero Series)
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“I need you too, baby,” he whispered.

Tiffany, too caught up to speak, her laughter of relief bubbled
inside of her when one of Trevor’s hands joined hers at his fastenings, freeing
him from the restraint of his jeans.

A button unsnapped and metal teeth released as his other hand
became busy dragging her gown up her legs to reveal her hips.

“Just like I like it, all natural…” Approval laced Trevor’s voice
as the cool air caressed her bare bottom.

They were the last coherent words Tiffany heard, for a red haze
filled her mind as Trevor’s fingers stroked her, discovering the wetness.

“Sweet, mercy—” He gripped her thighs, lifted her leg and slid her
knee on the edge of the counter and plunged forward.

She was open, splayed wide for easy access. It was a sexy feeling,
and the position aroused her on a higher level. The seat of her desire throbbed
with excitement and expectation while his first thrust lifted her onto her
toes. She held onto him for balance.

Each gyration caused her hips to arch deeper into his. In and out,
her core was on fire and alive. She began to cry out with each breath as he
continued to propel himself to the hilt, grinding against her. Her sex squeezed
him, attempting to hold him buried inside her. She was on edge, and her only
thought was on satisfaction. Tiffany didn’t care which one of Trevor’s hands held
her, or which one now twirled around her clitoris. It was all magnificent.

The thick rod of his sex didn’t stop sliding in and out of her
slick center as his fingers continued to strum her, both sensations pushed her
closer to the brink. She was losing control.

Her cries became louder, her head fell forward, and she leaned her
forehead on the front panel of the cabinet as one of her hands slapped the
polished wood above her head.

Lowering himself, Trevor heightened the level of his penetration
until her body quaked between him and the counter, and she shattered in
glorious ecstasy, screaming her release.

The vigorous pounding of his hips confirmed he was seconds behind
her. Then his body stiffened and he roared, joining her in sweet completion.

They were still, hearts pounding, breaths ragged, waiting for the
return of sanity. With a feather kiss on her shoulder, Trevor withdrew.
Shaking, he brought her leg back down. He staggered away and collapsed on the
side of the island.

On shaky legs, she turned toward him, as the skirt of her peignoir
drifted down her legs and pooled around her feet.

He lounged on the middle counter, jeans halfway down his hips and
his member was still thick, and pulsing. She caught the cocky smile and wicked
wink Trevor gave her. Grabbing the kitchen towel beside her, she hurled it at

He began to advance toward her.

“Tiffany…Trevor…?” Her father’s voice coming from somewhere on the
other side of the kitchen door paralyzed them.

Trevor was quick to action. Grabbing a paper towel, he cleaned,
readjusted himself and pitched it in the trash. He stepped to the sink and
washed his hands. “No sweat. Everything looks normal. Answer him.”

“Normal?” Tiffany questioned in a stage whisper, and then swung
around reminding Trevor how low the gown dipped in the back. “How long do you
think he’s been here?”

“Have no fear. We’re married.” He kissed her on the lips when she
turned toward him.

“Besides, your dad used to change your diaper. He’s seen your
cute, little tushy before,” Trevor spoke in childlike voice.

Squinting her eyes, Tiffany gave him a cross look. “You know

“Governor, we’re in the kitchen,” Trevor yelled over her retort.
“Go get cleaned up, I’ll entertain your father.”

“I still have to walk past—”

“Good evening, you two.” Governor Selina walked into the kitchen
at that moment, smiling.

“Hi, Dad, we’re just getting ready to have dinner, want some?”
Tiffany advanced toward her father to greet him. She was grateful that the
skirt was so long it required her to pick it up to walk. Grabbing the skirt of
her peignoir and pulling it up high, helped the material gather at the small of
her back.
Still revealing, but I get to keep my dignity.

Her father received the kiss on his cheek. “No thank you, I
already ate. Besides, at my age all that exotic food doesn’t agree with me.”

“Well, Dad, I’m going upstairs for a moment. I’ll be right down in
a minute.”

“Not a problem. Trevor and I will be fine until you return.”

Maybe he didn’t hear us,
Tiffany thought until she caught a flicker of humor in her father’s
Dignity has left the building.
Holding her nose in the air, she
exited the kitchen.

Hearty male laughter trailed behind her.



“Boy, it’s good to know this kitchen will be holding stories from
a second generation.”

The governor walked up to the stool on the other side of the
island and sat down.

“Glad to add to the family memories.” Trevor felt good bonding
with Tiffany’s father.

Deciding to fix their plates, Trevor cleansed his hands, and then
used the dishcloth to wipe off the counter. Reaching behind him, he picked up
the two forgotten plates and began to dish out food from the restaurant
containers to fill them both. He covered one with a napkin and pushed it to the
center. “I know it’s your house, but can I get you something to drink, sir?”

“Yes, if there is any tea, I would love some.”

“That makes two of us. Your housekeeper makes the best I’ve ever
tasted.” Trevor walked to the refrigerator, retrieved the pitcher, moved around
the kitchen to get tall glasses and served three drinks.

“You look comfortable, Trevor. At home.” His father in-law drank
his tea, observing him over the glass.

“I feel comfortable.”

Trevor couldn’t read the older man’s thoughts. As always, the governor
was an expert at keeping his feelings guarded until he wanted someone to know
what he was thinking.

Prolonged silence filled the room. Trevor began to eat while the
governor nursed his tea.

Trevor became alert to everything in those moments, the ticking of
the clock on the wall, the hum of the refrigerator and even the night birds
calling lovers outside.

“Trevor, I wanted to speak to you and Tiffany together, but since
I have you here, I wondered what your plans were for living arrangements. I
know you guys are moving between your place and here until after this mess with
Weasel is resolved.”

Weasel. Christopher and the short mystery man.
Damn, he’d forgotten
about the evening’s events once he’d spotted Tiffany.

“We’ve looked around at a couple of houses but have yet to find
any that fit.”

Trevor watched the governor’s chest expand as he took a deep
breath, pausing before he spoke.

“Talk it over with Tiffany, but I would be grateful if you two
decided to live here.”

His mouth dropped and gaped open. Trevor was speechless for a
moment. “Are you sure, sir? One day you’ll be done with politics and want to
retire and have a little peace. By then Tiffany and I may have started having
children. Positive you want to be bothered with the noise?”

“Absolutely. One of Elaine and my only regrets is that we didn’t
have more children before the years of the cancer battles.” A momentary hint of
melancholy entered his voice. “If you’re worried about your privacy, it’s
understandable. You two being newlyweds and all.” He made a loud production of
clearing his throat.

Trevor chuckled, getting his point.

“My rooms are on the other side of the house, with a private
entrance I can use if necessary. Or I can have a small father in-law house
built in the backyard.”

“Neither of those options will even be necessary. I’ll talk it
over with Tiffany, but I don’t have a problem with it.” Trevor scraped the
scraps of food from his plate into the sink disposal, rinsed it and placed it
in the sink. “Actually sir, Tiffany has lived here all her life. I was worried she
might have problems leaving it. I think it’s a great idea. Since I will be
doing most of my time at Heritage now anyway, it’s very convenient.”

“I think she would’ve adjusted and overcome. But for my own
selfish reasons, I’d love it.”

“Then we’ll let you know.” Trevor slipped his phone out of his
pocket. “Sir, I’m glad you stopped by tonight. I have something I need to talk
to you about.”

“I’m listening.”

Trevor pushed the buttons on his cellular until he located the
photo album. “Look at this picture and tell me if you know this guy.” He slid
the phone across the marble top.

Capturing the phone, the governor held it up. His face scrunched
as he pondered the picture. “He looks familiar for some reason, but I can’t
place him.”

“Well, he works on your staff in some capacity because he has
access to what has been going on.”

“What?” he snapped. “As in what type of things?”

Tiffany chose that moment to enter the kitchen, wearing
flip-flops, jeans and a camisole top. “What’s going on?”

“Trevor says that this man works for me and has some information.”
He tilted the mini screen toward Tiffany. “I recognize him, but—”

“That’s Dan,” Tiffany interjected.

“Dan?” Both men’s gazes snapped toward her.

“He started during your annual barbeque. Todd said he had hired
him and a couple other men for the function. Maybe he kept him on after.”

“I need to call Wallace. What do you know about this man, Trevor?”

Trevor looked at Tiffany, then returned his gaze to the governor.
“I went to talk to Manning, man to man about leaving Tiffany alone. Even though
you all have been family friends for years, Tiffany was beginning to feel
uncomfortable around him.”

“Is this true, sweetheart? Has Christopher been harassing you?”

Placing a hand on her father’s shoulder, Tiffany’s eyes seemed to
plead with him to stay calm. “Yes, Dad, but nothing has happened as of yet. It
was just the way he spoke to me after we’d gotten into a disagreement about our
future together.” Bewildered, Tiffany shook her head.

“I don’t know who he is now, or if we ever truly knew Christopher
in the first place. But I told Trevor I thought he may have something to do
with the pictures.” She sighed. “I must have been wearing blinders before not
to realize how obsessed he was over the public image of

Her father appeared to relax a little when he glanced across the
island top at Trevor. “So what did you find out?”

Leaning forward on his elbows with his hands clasped together in
front of him, Trevor repeated what had transpired from the events of the
parking garage to the meeting between Manning and Dan.

“So is Christopher behind all this?” the governor asked.

“I don’t think so. I got the impression that Dan’s job is to
follow Tiffany and snoop around the mansion for information that Manning can
use to get you to persuade her to marry him.”

Trevor eyed the flexing of the governor’s jaw. He didn’t know if
the governor was upset or disappointed. The Selina and Manning friendship was
ending after a lifetime of births, weddings, barbeques and funerals.

“Dan knew about the packet from The Weasel. He was somewhere
around when the courier dropped it off. The little bug even tried to peep in
your office window when we all met, but apparently Wallace’s broad shoulders
kept him from observing anything.”

“Good,” Tiffany chimed in.

She hadn’t said much, and Trevor wondered how she was taking the
information about Manning having her followed. He’d ask her later when they
were alone.

“At least Christopher wasn’t having her followed in Vegas and
isn’t involved in the photos.”

 “True, he wasn’t involved in the taking of them or sending them
to you. But he does know about them and has seen them,” Trevor relayed. “I
believe he’s being blackmailed with them as well. He made a comment about, The
Weasel ‘burning the candle at both ends.’

Apparently, this reporter is trying to double dip. Manning told
Dan to lay low for a while, and he would handle things.”

“The Maggot.” Slamming the side of his fist on the island top, Selina
stood. “I’m going to my study, I need to call Wallace.” He turned and held
Tiffany by the shoulders. “Don’t worry, honey, I’ll take care of this mess.” He
kissed Tiffany on the cheek then headed out the door, pausing, he turned. “The
press conference is set in two days. Wednesday morning meet at my office.”

“We’ll be there,” Tiffany and Trevor said in unison.

Rounding the counter, Trevor pulled Tiffany in his arms. “Are you
okay with all this?”

“No woman likes to find out she’s being followed.” Sliding her
arms around his neck, she leaned into his embrace fully. “But with you, my
father, and Wallace looking out for me, what could go wrong? I’m the safest
girl in the world.” Tiffany smiled.

Her full supple lips drew him. Leaning forward, he kissed her
deeply. Tiffany responded to him without hesitation, running her hands up the
back of his head. That touch was almost his undoing. Trevor pulled away. “The
power you have over me, girl.” Taking a breath, Trevor refocused. “Before I get
carried away again, how do you feel about living in this house and raising a
family here?”

Tiffany’s eyes opened wide and her mouth dropped open. “Honestly,
Trevor?” A wisp of air came out, light words spoken as Tiffany’s eyes searched

He chuckled. His wife looked like a little girl given the keys to
her favorite candy store.

“Yes, sweetheart.”

Tiffany encircled his neck with her arms and squeezed. “I’ll talk
to Dad after the press conference.”

Trevor stepped away, so he could have a clear view of her face.
“Your father and I have already spoken about it. He actually brought it up. He
even volunteered to build a small house in the backyard so we could have our

Tiffany blushed.

“Yeah,” Trevor said, “I’m sure he was here for part of our before
dinner activities.”

As Tiffany’s color deepened, Trevor kissed her on each warm cheek
and laughed.
My beautiful wife.
“Sweetheart, I’ve watched how you acted
when we’ve visited houses and how you walk in with so much hope and leave
dismayed. You love this place.”

“I do, Trevor. But understand this; any place I am with you will
be perfect. I love my father and our family house, but
husband. Without you, I have no home at all.”

Trevor was speechless. He’d given Tiffany himself, filled with
pain and revenge, and she replaced it with a real, untainted love.

“Now, Mr. Wayne. If you’ll follow me upstairs, I’ll show you what
I had planned for the rest of our evening.”

“I can do better than that.” He lifted her in his arms, exited the
kitchen and led to her bedroom.
Let the governor worry about the state of
the union tonight. I’m going to make love to my wife

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