Fire Burns Hot ((An FBI/ Romance Thriller~ (Book 5))) (33 page)

BOOK: Fire Burns Hot ((An FBI/ Romance Thriller~ (Book 5)))
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He laughed, because technically she was still talking. Julian handed the coat check girl their tickets, taking their coats and dropping them over his arm.

“Where are we going?” she inquired, and then shut up again when he lunged for her mouth. Fortunately, for her, Tori evaded, but got the hint.

“Just follow me,” he answered, leading her to the elevators. “Hit number eight.”

“We’re going upstairs?” she asked, and found his mouth and tongue tangling with hers in a really steamy lip lock in the elevator. When the door opened, another couple stepped in, Tori was mortified, but couldn’t escape him.

At the next ding of the elevator bell, Julian finally let her free
, dragging her out into the hall. Taking the key from his pocket, Julian led her down the hallway and towards a door. Once the electronic key was accepted, he pushed the door open and pulled her inside with him.

“Can I talk now?” she asked, taking her chance.

Julian wasn’t giving her an opportunity to turn him down. He had fully intended to spend the night with the woman, and this was the last option other than kidnapping her and taking Tori three hours away to his home.

“No,” he muttered, dropping all their things on the floor and grabbing her roughly. His mouth crashed down on hers
, and he tried desperately to convince her to stay with him tonight. When Tori conceded and kissed him back, only then did he slowly pull away, giving her the choice.

“Julian,” she whispered.

“Stay with me tonight.” It was all he could say, as he prayed she’d not turn him down and run away for another three months.

War was raging inside her brain. God, she wanted to crawl all over the man and have crazy
, mad sex. He took her to the Christmas party, bought a suit, and now rented a really great room. How did a woman say no to that? Clarification- how did a sane woman say no to that?”

Victoria, I need you, but this has to be your choice.” All the while he was praying she’d make the right one, or it was going to be a really long lonely night not touching her.

Throwing caution to the wind, she went for it. Tori attacked, moving quickly at him, knocking him backwards onto the bed,
as she controlled the situation for a change. The kiss was all Tori, and it was spectacular. Hands roamed, and buttons were undone from his dress shirt.

Someone moaned
and Julian was pretty sure it was him. The woman was wild, reckless, and free. It was amazing to feel and be victim to this wild, heated, out of control spiral. He held on while she drove the urgency, just praying that he’d survive it in the end. Her hands were everywhere, and she was taking what she wanted from his body.

It was making him completely crazy and out of his mind with total and complete lust. When she bit his bottom lip, he
groaned and was close to just rolling over and taking her.

Tori wanted him. It wasn’t the same in Cypress Grove. Before it was friendly, happy mating, but now it was frenetic and she needed relief from the three months of not having this man in her bed. Granted, this was probably going to blow up at the end, but she didn’t care
. Right now she wanted to feel and it had to be with him.

en if it broke her heart again in the end, Tori wanted Julian just for the little time she had left.

Victoria,” he muttered, pulling the dress off her body, and taking in the sight of her just sitting on top of him in heels, panties and a bra. “Jesus,” he muttered.

She began kissing her way across his body, first his neck and throat, taking in the delicious scent of male beneath her. Never in her life had she ever wanted anyone so bad. Julian
simply called to the woman buried deep inside the soldier, the FBI agent, and the broken soul.

Gliding further
down his body, Tori found the buckle of his belt and unhooked it. Her focus was on unbuttoning his pants and sliding down the zipper. Once she achieved that goal, she planned on tasting him and enjoying the way he would beg and whispered her name.

“God, I missed you, Tori,” he muttered
as he buried his hands in her red hair. Then she found her target, and the moan was ripped from his lips. She was now driving him wildly insane.

“Sweetheart,” he begged,
as his back bowed and Julian was answered with her swallowing him with her very enthusiastic mouth. The punishing rhythm continued, as she slid him in and out of the delicious warmth of her mouth.

Tori was working him
wildly, trying to push him over the edge. She just couldn’t get enough of him, and wanted to find peace, by getting lost in his body.

Victoria baby, cut me a break,” he hissed, as she was driving him closer to the edge.

She eased back a little and then decided she wanted more. Sliding off his body, she stood, slipping out of her lacy panties and then climbing back onto

If this is a really good dream, I hope I never wake up,” he said, taking in the visual of her preparing to take him. The look in her eyes was of sheer determination, and she slid him deep into her warm body, in one smooth stroke.

“Oh fuck
me!” he muttered, as she began moving roughly, taking what she wanted from him. Julian didn’t mind in the least. His hands went to her hips, and he slowed the pace, trying to find his body some relief as she rode him wildly.

I am,” she whispered, knowing that wasn’t what he meant, but it was still entertaining. Tori began to shake as the inevitable was about to happen.

so close, sweetheart,” he answered, feeling his control fray, and he was blaming the excessive beer and the incredibly wild and sexy woman bouncing on top of him, still in her heels.

At each downward stroke she ground down against him, sending wave after wave of pleasure through her and him. When his fingers found the most sensitive part of her body, she shattered apart in a cataclysmic eruption. One she’d never felt before with any other man.

“Tori,” Julian shouted, as he thrust upward, exploding deep inside her. Colors fragmented around them, as he carefully pulled her down to lay beside him.

It took a few minutes, but finally Tori spoke. “You okay?” she asked, and then began laughing.

“I think so, but what the hell was that?” he asked, grinning at her. That was the wildest bout of sex he’d had the pleasure of participating in ever.

“Uh, that was sex in Tori
-land,” she muttered, curling against Julian and enjoying the dissipating heat from him. It was nice to have that intimacy back.

“The heels on was a really nice touch,” he snickered and kissed her on the top of the head.

“Still on,” she mumbled.

“Funny, I feel used and abused,” he added. “Did you get what you wanted out of that
quickie?” inquired Julian.

hmmmm,” she answered, laughing. “I so used you to get off.” Now came more laughter at what she’d done.

“I’m glad you find it funny,” he said, rolling with her. “Because now it’s my turn,” he stated, pinning her beneath his body.

“Julian!” she gasped, as his hands began wandering.

You had your fun, Victoria, and now I plan on taking my damn time.” Julian grinned down at her, right before taking her mouth with his and this time doing it his way.




                                 *    *     *



Jimmy pulled up to their house and hopped out, offering Mrs. Blackhawk his hand, so she wouldn’t stumble. She accepted it
as she stepped from their vehicle.

“Merry Christmas, Jimmy,” she said, handing him an envelope with a gift from them.

“Aw, Mrs. Blackhawk you didn’t have to do that,” said the older man, blushing.

Both men stepped out behind her.

“We absolutely had to, Jimmy. You’re the best, and we love having you as our driver. You’re never late, always cheerful and a really sweet man,” she said, kissing him on his bald head.

Now he really blushed.

“See you next time,” she patted his cheek and walked towards the house.

“Merry Christmas, Directors,” he said waving and hopping into the car. Opening the envelope, he saw the money and he wanted to cry. It was more than enough to pay for his sick wife’s medication for the next year. He loved working for them.

This was his Christmas miracle, and he couldn’t wait to get home to tell his wife everything was going to now be okay.

They watched him pull away. “You filled that envelope,” stated Whitefox grinning. “You are such a softie.”

Elizabeth hung up her coat. “I heard the drivers talking in the cafeteria that his wife was sick, and they were struggling to pay for the meds to keep her alive.”

Ethan kissed his wife. “Santa Lyzee strikes again,” he said, falling more in love with her if that was possible.

“No one should struggle to have medicine to live, and Jimmy is a sweet old man. He deserves it, and we don’t need it.”

Both men took her hand, as they walked towards the stairs and their bedroom.

“Anyone want to help me out of this skirt and heels?” she asked grinning, before walking into their room.

Both men grinned, and then
they heard the telltale sound. CJ was up and needed to be fed and put back to sleep. This was the last thing either man wanted to hear as there was a very sexy woman waiting for their attention in the room.

Callen grinned. “Go, I have CJ. Come get me when you’re done mauling our girl.”

Ethan hugged his brother. “God bless you, Callen,” he was eternally grateful. He hadn’t touched his wife in days, and if he didn’t get in there and jump on her, he was going to be very cranky.

“Think of it as my present to you. Hurry up, before I change my mind,” he said, laughing. Callen went down the hall and
cuddled his nephew.

“I’m a saint, CJ. Remember that.” Grabbing the bottle out of the warmer, he settled into the recliner and
enjoyed the time with the little man. After a few minutes he couldn’t help but smile and treasure it. These moments were precious to him, and one day he hoped to have a baby of his own.



Elizabeth began unzipping
the skirt as Ethan ran into the room, looking for his wife. He looked frantic and she laughed. “Are you okay? Where’s Cal?” she inquired, looking over at the door.

“Dad must be exhausted
. CJ was crying and Callen is doing his feeding. I’ll get him after I maul you,” he said, laughing.

“Did he lose the rock, paper, scissors thing?” she inquired, stepping out of the very wicked heels.

“No, he volunteered and is giving me the best Christmas present ever. I get to jump all over my wife for the first time in five days.”

Elizabeth started unbuttoning the red shirt, and revealed what was underneath.

“Oh God,” muttered Blackhawk taking in the erotic lace and barely there coverage. “I’m glad I didn’t know that was under there,” he said, moving towards her like a starving man.

Elizabeth loved the feel of Ethan’s hands all over her body. It was warming, exciting and made her crazy. Next to his oral skills, he had amazing
fingers, and right now they were doing delicious things to her flesh.

“Baby, you feel so good,” he whispered, leaving a trail of kisses from her neck to her breasts. When he pulled the bra off she gasped, and it only enflamed him more. “I’ve
dreamed of this every night for a week,” he said, walking her backwards to the bed, and without hesitation, Ethan attacked like a starving, ravenous beast.

squirmed as he did incredibly wicked things with this mouth and teeth. “Ethan!” she gasped, as he ripped her panties down roughly.

Ethan found his favorite treasure, and began torturing her wickedly. There was no doubt that he knew the exact way to make her beg and cry his name, and that’s what he wanted to hear.

When his fingers began exploring and invading her body, Elizabeth was lost in absolute heaven. Apparently, he’d really missed her the last five days and was showing her all at once. When Ethan hit that one spot and pushed her directly over the edge, she nearly screamed his name.

Enjoying how she quivered
, Ethan knew the end was near, and he wanted it that much more. Once shattering, he slid back up her body, and stared down into her eyes. They were clearing, and he was desperate to feel his wife around him.

“Ethan,” she whispered, running her fingers down his face, and she gasped suddenly at the invasion, as
he slid quickly into her.

“Sorry baby, I need you so damn bad,” he muttered, finding his pace and enjoying the silky glide and the way she met every stroke.

Elizabeth reached up, freeing his hair, and using it to pull him down to her mouth. Kissing Ethan was amazing, and his hair cascaded through her fingers like silk and made her want him even more. “More Ethan,” she whispered against his mouth, as she wrapped her legs around his waist. “I want you so bad!”

BOOK: Fire Burns Hot ((An FBI/ Romance Thriller~ (Book 5)))
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