Fire Burns Hot ((An FBI/ Romance Thriller~ (Book 5))) (20 page)

BOOK: Fire Burns Hot ((An FBI/ Romance Thriller~ (Book 5)))
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When the shadows moved, Sparkles jumped. Someone was out there with her.

“Who’s there?”

He stepped out of the shadows and waved. “Hi, Sparkles. I just wanted to tell you that you’re my favorite dancer in the place.”

She remembered him. He paid for quite a few lap dances and probably funded half her books. Sparkles forced a smile. “Hey, thanks! I’m glad you keep coming back in to see me.”

“Do you do private parties?” he asked. “My buddy is getting married
for the third time and we have a party planned.”

She thought about it. “I don’t usually
, sorry.”

“You’d be the icing on the wedding cake. Please?” he cajoled sweetly.

“I might be able to do it,” she said hesitantly.

“It pays eight hundred bucks for three hours,” he offered, knowing she’d go for the money. All whores eventually did.

That sounded great to her. Then she could take off a week of working to study for finals. “Okay, when and where?”

He pulled out a piece of paper and pen. “Let me write down the time, date, and address,” he said excitedly.

Sparkles relaxed. “Okay.”

When finished
, he moved closer to her, holding out the paper. When she went to reach for it, he struck lightning fast directly in the face, knocking her backwards and then lunging at her. Slamming her head into the wall, Sparkles slid to the ground. Quickly he dragged her through the darkness to the car waiting in the shadows.

The woman never saw it coming.

And now the real party would begin.



                                 *    *     *


Cleaning up after dinner was his chore. It was the least Callen could do, since he
was a culinary disaster. It wasn’t that he didn’t try to cook, but usually anything other than eggs was a tragedy and worthy of FEMA intervention.

Elizabeth was tucking CJ into bed, and his father had gone to sleep too. Now he and Elizabeth had the couch to themselves. Already he was
contemplating her climbing all over him. It honestly seemed like years since he touched her, when it had only been hours. Sending a text to Julian, he asked if the man was coming back to the house or staying with Agent Christensen. When he got his reply, he locked the front door and set the alarms.

Returning to the kitchen, he placed
the last plate in the dishwasher, set the timer, and headed out to the couch. The Christmas tree sparkled in the corner of the living room beside the mantle, and already there were a ridiculous amount of presents beneath and around the tree. This wasn’t his first Christmas with Elizabeth, but it was his first as her partner, boyfriend, or second husband. They didn’t give it a title. It simply was what it was.

Callen was having his first Christmas as a committed man, who was madly in love. He watched her come down the stairs, with
three more presents in her arms, placing them under the tree lovingly. He had to laugh. As kids, his mother and Ethan’s had died young. There weren’t tons of presents and exorbitant holiday celebrations. Growing up on the Rez was destitute and hard. Timothy raised them both, teaching them that it wasn’t about the gifts, but the love shared. He’d taught them the best gifts came from the heart.

He’d be appalled
at the present free-for-all. Between the three of them, they all went insane. This was CJ’s very first Christmas, and they packed the tree with presents, and there were still a couple days left. It only looked to be getting crazier.

Elizabeth slid the gifts she’d bough online
for the men under the tree. On them she’d written ‘Open me last’, because it was going to be the big surprise. Callen watched her from the couch, and her heart skipped in her chest. The man made her fall in love continually, over and over again. Callen lounged in the corner of the couch, feet up and he’d freed his very long hair. Yeah, he was trying to lure her in, and boy was it working.

Ethan and Callen were vastly opposite, sharing only a few features alike. Their lips and bodies were identical, but the rest was pulled from other genetics. One thing she loved most, other than the obvious sexy bodies were the tattoos all over them. Ethan had the most, twenty four at last count, and Callen less than ten, but the art still drew her in.

Then there was the hair. Holy God, the feel of it sliding through her fingers and across her body was… orgasmic.

Crossing to him, she was pulled down to fall into his lap and across his body. “I believe you promised me
a night of making out, Lyzee,” he whispered, his lips a breath away from hers.

Immediately, her hands slipped around his shoulders and into his hair. It pulled a moan from
deep in his chest. The purely masculine guttural sound turned her on. “If we start making out here, Cal, we’re going to get naked. You want to risk dad catching us?” she whispered back, running her hands through the silkiness and then wrapping it around her hands, trapping him.

“I’m willing to risk it, are you?” he asked, feeling his entire body going hard with the
simple action of her playing with his hair. It never turned him on to have his hair pulled or used during sex, but with Elizabeth, it made him crazy. Possibly, because he had the same hair fetish, and got off feeling hers wrapped around his hands too.

“Callen, you’re worth any risk,” she answered, staring up into his eyes.

His heart overflowed with love, and he brought his lips to hers to commence the make out. Kissing Elizabeth was like falling into a deep warm pool of water. It surrounded you, covered you and pulled you under. It also stirred the body immediately. It wasn’t just lips and tongue, but she threw in a little teeth and it was maddening.

Elizabeth dove into the kiss, e
njoying the way she felt in his arms. At first she thought the brothers were similar when it came to sex, but she was very wrong.

Very wrong!

Callen’s hands went to her shirt and slowly he began unbuttoning it, setting her body free. Oh, there was nothing he loved more than a naked Elizabeth. When he ran his hands over silky flesh to the lacy concoction she wore beneath, he
swore there was a possibility of complete meltdown. Right then, seeing the girly frilliness beneath the simple clothing, it made him wild.

Elizabeth mimicked his actions with her one free hand, unbuttoning his shirt
, running her hands over his chest and down to his abs to the Fox tattooed there. It stirred him up, and he forcefully held her mouth to his, as there was a sound of a low moan emanating from one of them.

When they finally broke away, they were both breathless, as they gazed into each other’s eyes.

“I love you,” he whispered.

Elizabeth was overwhelmed. “I love you too, Callen.”

“I really need you to get out of your jeans, Lyzee. I’m dying to see what matches that bra.”

She giggled and stood from his lap. “Who am I to keep you in suspense, Callen?” Slowly, she teased him with slipping out of her shirt, dropping it onto the floor. Then came the belt buckle and belt, slowly sliding off her jeans.

“You're killing me,
angel,” he said, watching her getting naked as she purposely teased him. It was slow and deliberate, and already he was close to pouncing.

Elizabeth ignored his words and slowly
continued her actions. As she slid the zipper down achingly slow, Callen was her captive audience. Her thumbs went into the jeans at the side, pushing them down her hips and giving him a sneak preview.

“Oh holy shit
!” he muttered, licking his lips. “Why wear anything at all,” he said, taking in the miniscule size and completely transparent black lace.

“I wear them to see that look on your face,” she said truthfully, and she did.
Elizabeth loved to see this reaction. Stepping out of the jeans, she knew how else to drive him completely insane. Elizabeth freed her hair from the ponytail and shook it out. It cascaded down her back in riotous curls. Turning, she gave him the back view, and when he nearly choked, she knew she’d achieved her goal.

Callen would have swallowed his tongue if possibl
e at that moment. The woman he was madly in love with drew him in and made his feel lost in her.

“You’re over dressed, Cal, unless you want me to ride you,” she whispered, seductively.

Just the words turned him on, not to mention the visual in his mind of her riding him, as he remained in his clothes. It seemed so primitive and desperate. He knew he was the last part of that, at least. No, Callen was well beyond desperation.

“I have a better idea,” she said, dropping to her knees before him and quickly flicking open the buckle and button on his jeans. The slow hiss of zipper sliding down w
as the only sound in the room. Once she freed him, he arched into her hand, as she stroked him silkily.

“Oh God
!” He knew what was coming was both heaven and hell. Elizabeth had a wicked mouth, in more ways than one.

“Tell me what you want, Callen,” she said in the most innocent of voices.

Their eyes met and the words rushed from his throat in a desperate voice that sounded unfamiliar to him. “Use your lips on me, Lyzee,” he pleaded as she teased him with her hands. “Make love to me with your mouth, angel.” Callen watched her in front of him, knowing that the visual would be his undoing, yet he was paralyzed to look away.

Elizabeth obeyed and began the torture. Slowly she licked him from base to tip and then took him
deep to begin the true punishment of sucking and stroking. Before long, his body shook just from the erotic visuals unfolding before him.

“Oh Christ, Lyzee
!” He closed his eyes and leaned his head back as she wickedly tormented him. Nothing felt as good as Elizabeth on her knees working her magic. Callen was pretty sure she was put on the Earth to torture him unmercifully.

Elizabeth pushed him closer to the edge by using her teeth as she slid her lips up his erection. Just the slight feel of pain made both men crazy, and it made her wild listening to their reaction.

Whitefox was close to the edge of control, but he never wanted it to stop. It felt too damn good. His hands found her hair and buried deep in the riotous curls, as Callen took control. Part of him knew he shouldn’t look at his woman taking him deep in her mouth, and him controlling the motion, but Whitefox just had to do it. Opening his eyes, he watched as she swallowed him, and Callen nearly exploded. He pulled her away from his erection and roughly up his body, in a wild frenzy. Now he wanted to take her. It was always frenetic like this. Need overcame thinking and mating became the ultimate goal. Callen was planning on pounding himself into her body, for as long as he could hold out. Everything in him demanded that he find peace, lost once again in the love of his life.

Elizabeth gasped, as she was yanked up his body and he rolled her beneath him on the couch. “Lose the clothes, Callen,” she requested, running her hand down his chest, as he breathed heavily over her, and gazed into her eyes.

Once the words registered, Callen complied, shrugging out of his shirt and quickly standing and stripping from his jeans. “I need you, Lyzee,” he confessed, lying back over her body. “I need to just take you,” and he pulled the tiny G-string aside, not even having the patience to remove it as he slid into the warmth of her welcoming heat.

Elizabeth arched as Callen
found his place buried deep in her.

found his rhythm, as he controlled their mating and their coming together. It was so damn hard to concentrate as the most beautiful woman lay trapped beneath him. Her nails were leaving scratches down his back, and the pain was making him incredibly wild.

“Cal,” she whispered, as his hair fell
from his shoulders, and tickled her body, covering them like a veil.

“You feel amazing,” he
hissed, using full, long strokes to make her crazy. When she met him stroke for stroke, he wanted so much more.

He reached down, pulling the bra free of her body, and exposing her to him. Leaning down,
Whitefox began exploration with his lips the teeth, until she shuddered beneath him and shattered with his name on her lips. Pulling out until her icy blue eyes refocused and became clear. “I want more, Lyzee,” he stated, waiting for her nod. Yanking her up, Callen turned her around roughly, as she braced herself on the arm of the couch. Without warning, he slid back into the moist heat.

Elizabeth gasped the invasion
. “Callen,” she moaned, as he began working her back into a frenzy.

Pulling her hair aside, he ran his fingertips over the
tattoo of his name on her shoulder. It was more permanent than any marriage license and spoke to his heart. That tattoo alone bound him to her for the rest of his life. It gave him a place to belong and the permanency that he’d always craved.

When his hands found her hips
, and he used them to pull her back against him, her breath caught in her throat. He was gliding into her and finding just the right spot every time.

“Oh Christ, Lyzee this feels so damn good
!” he exclaimed, continuing the pace. When he stared down at his body entering hers, the lacy G-string, and contrast of her pale flesh and his tan skin, he faltered. “Not going to last much longer,” he stated, reaching around to stroke her.

It didn’t take long for
Elizabeth to shatter into a million pieces. Callen’s pace wavered, as the truth was evident. He was very close.

BOOK: Fire Burns Hot ((An FBI/ Romance Thriller~ (Book 5)))
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