Fire & Brimstone: A Neighbor from Hell (29 page)

BOOK: Fire & Brimstone: A Neighbor from Hell
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Chapter 55

              “Christopher,” the little tease moaned as he traced her slit with the tip of his tongue.

              Groaning, he palmed her thigh and pushed it higher, needing better access to the sweetest pussy that he’d ever had the pleasure of worshipping. He just couldn’t get enough of her. He wanted to do this morning, noon and night and sometimes he found himself thinking about doing this when he should be focusing on something else, growing so hard that he had no choice but hunt her down so that he could do this very thing.

              If she took that job he wouldn’t be able to do that and that pissed him off. He was keeping her with him and that was final. If she didn’t like that then that was too goddamn bad, because she was stuck with him. She’d forced her way into his life, tormenting and teasing him along the way, making damn sure that he wouldn’t be able to function without her until he didn’t want to function without her.

              He wanted her in his life, in his bed, hogging his shower, pretending to fall asleep when he asked her to try a new recipe, he wanted to watch as she got that little devious look on her face when she screwed with someone’s head, he wanted to be there when she got into one of those sad slap fights with Melanie, wanted to run the Fire & Brimstone with her, and everything in between.

              He just wanted to be with her.

              “Mmm,” she moaned as he traced the tip of his tongue down her slit while he slid his palms up her thighs, pushing them even further apart so that he could use his thumbs to spread the soft pink lips that hid a world of pleasure.

              “Christopher,” she said, moaning his name and making his cock bounce in anticipation.

              He wanted to slide inside this pretty little pussy of hers and lose himself, but he didn’t want to rush this. He wanted to savor every moan, every taste, every gasp until neither one of them could take it anymore. With that in mind, he ran the tip of his tongue over that swollen little clit, down to her core where his tongue traced the sensitive skin. When she shifted her hips, inviting his tongue to slide deep inside her, he pulled back.

              “Christopher,” she groaned, running her fingers through his hair as he leaned back in, wrapped his lips around her swollen clit and gently suckled.

              He heard her breath catch as he rubbed his tongue over her clit. He took his time, rubbing his tongue gently over her clit, as she gasped and moaned, continuing to run her fingers through his hair. He’d never done this with a woman before, taking his time and simply savoring her. Normally he did this to get a woman wet and screaming for him to fuck her, but he didn’t want that with Rebecca.

              Well, he did, but he also wanted to enjoy himself and god, how he was fucking enjoying this. He loved the sounds that she made as his tongue and lips worked together to make her clit swell, the way she moved against him, the way her breath caught when his tongue brushed against the tip of her clit.

              God, she tasted so fucking good, he thought as he was forced to grind his cock against the bed to relieve the ache. He wanted her so fucking badly, but he had a plan. He was going to lick her pussy, slide his tongue deep inside her before he moved back up to her breasts, licking them and suckling on her large pink nipples as he slid a finger deep inside her and fucked her with it.

              He’d use his thumb to tease her clit, making her come before he replaced his finger with his cock and slowly fucked her while he kissed her. He’d kiss her, running his hands over her body, savoring her baby soft skin, her large breasts, her hips, and her legs before he wrapped his arms around her and-

              Growled when she pulled away and sat up, completely ruining his plans!

              “I was working, woman!” he said, reaching for her so that he could pull her back and start all over again.

              “Uh huh,” she said, shoving him onto his back so that she could crawl over his body, wrap her hand around his cock and-

              Completely destroyed him.

              Groaning, he placed his hands on her beautiful ass and gave her generous cheeks a squeeze while he enjoyed the way that she wrapped her lips around the very tip of his cock and sucked.

              “God damn,” he said, licking his lips as he used his hold on her ass and raised her off the bed so that her knees were straddling his head and her wet slit was above his mouth.

“I had plans, woman,”
he growled as he raised his head and buried his tongue inside her wet sheathe.

              “You overthink everything,” she teased as she traced his cock with her tongue.

everything,” he said, pausing long enough to correct her.

              “Same difference,” she said, shrugging, which caused her large breasts to shift and drag her hard nipples against his stomach.

              “It’s really not,” he felt obligated to point out as he reached between them so that he could run his fingers over one of those beautiful nipples teasing his stomach.

              “You overthink everything,” she said, taking his cock in her mouth and making it really hard to respond.

              She took advantage.

              She released his cock from her mouth, letting the underside of his cock ride her tongue as she ran her hand down to his balls, and gave them a gentle squeeze that had him groaning and praying that she would do it again.

And again…

              He could probably use this to his advantage as well. When she took his cock back into her mouth he decided that he was morally obligated to use this discussion to manipulate her into returning to the Fire & Brimstone and most importantly, to him.


              “Do I?” he softly asked as he licked and kissed his way along her slit, making her gasp around his cock.

              “Mmm,” was all she could manage when he slipped the tip of his tongue between her slit and ran it back up to her clit.

              “You think I overthink everything?” he somehow managed to ask while she laid on top of him, gently sucking on his cock as she gripped the comforter and struggled not to scream when the bastard found her clit.

              Her eyes flickered closed as she released another moan around the tip of his cock before she managed to take his cock back in her mouth. He had the most talented tongue, she thought with a sigh as she pulled her mouth back so that his cock slid out of her mouth as she gave his balls another squeeze that he really seemed to like.

              “You don’t like my plans, sweetheart?” he asked as he gave her breast and her ass a gentle squeeze, using his hold to pull her back so that he could bury his tongue inside her.

              “Oh, God!” she screamed as his cock slid free and bounced against his stomach. Her hands fisted the comforter, her back bowed and a loud moan tore from her lips.

              “What if I told you that I made plans for us?” he asked as he leisurely licked her out.

              She went to answer when he took her by surprise by wrapping his lips around her clit and flicked the tip of his tongue over it, making her scream until her voice went hoarse. Licking her lips, she let her head drop until her forehead was pressed against his hip only inches away from that large cock that had her mouth watering.

              “In the morning,” he went on like he wasn’t currently driving her out of her fucking mind, “we’re going to get out of this bed and into that really small shower where I’m going to push you up against the wall and fuck you,” he said, pausing so that he could kiss her clit as she released another moan just imagining how good it was going to feel when he pushed her up against the wall and slid inside her. “After you squeeze my cock dry we’re going to get back into my truck, drive the rest of the way to New Hampshire where I’m going to put that birth certificate that I took from your room to good use,” he said, giving her breast a squeeze, which almost distracted her from the next words out of his mouth, “and then we’re getting married.”

Chapter 56

              “Get off me,” the woman lying beneath him said with a glare that said it all.

              If he moved so much as an inch off Rebecca’s warm, incredibly comfortable body she was going to beat the shit out of him with whatever she could get her hands on. After a quick glance around the room he realized that there were at least five things that could send him to the hospital. Deciding that it was in his best interest to keep her from doing something that would probably put a smile on her face while she spent the night behind bars, he settled in more comfortably between her legs.

              “I’m going to kill you,” she swore even as she shifted her legs apart for him, which he appreciated since the move brought his cock against her wet slit.

              “Of course you are,” he agreed with a smile as he traced her lips with his fingertip.

              “I’m not kidding,” she said, trying to look mad, but her expression softened under his touch.

              “I know you’re not,” he murmured as he looked down at the beautiful woman that he planned on spending the rest of his life with.

              “If you know that, then you should be running for your life,” she said with a heavy sigh as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him down for a kiss.

              “I’m mentally preparing myself for a life on the run,” he said, chuckling when she playfully nipped at his bottom lip.

              “Jerk,” she said, softening the insult by kissing him.

              “I thought I was an asshole?” he asked, slowly returning that kiss.

              “Only to other people,” she reminded him, sounding pleased that she was probably the only person in the world safe from his temper.

              “Only to other people,” he reassured her with a smile as he kissed the corner of her lips, her chin, her neck and back up again, taking his time and enjoying the feel of her beneath him, her arms around her and the small sounds of pleasure that she was making.

              This was definitely the way to have this conversation, he decided, shifting slightly on top of her so that he could get better access to her neck. When his erection pressed against her wet slit, and since that felt fucking fantastic, he decided that perhaps they should get a little more comfortable for this conversation.

              Kissing the spot where her neck and shoulder met, he reached down between them and wrapped his hand around his cock. He slowly stroked himself as he placed the head against her slit. She gasped as he traced her slit with his cock so he did it again and licked his lips when the move coated the tip, making it as wet as she was.

              “We have, umm, we need to talk,” she said, clearly struggling to focus, which he took as proof that he was on the right track.

              “That’s what we’re doing,” he promised her, kissing her neck as he used his hold on his cock to tease her clit, making them both groan.

              “We’re talking?” she asked, moaning as she shifted beneath him, which caused her to rub against his cock.

              “Mmmhmm,” he groaned, trying to focus when the move caused the tip of his cock to trace her core.

              She wrapped her hand around the back of his neck and held on while he continued to tease them both. He kissed his way back to her mouth and kissed her, moaning when she continued to shift against him, rubbing herself against him. It felt so fucking good, but he wanted more.

              When the kiss went from sweet and slow, to desperate and hungry. He released his cock, reached between them and palmed her breast, squeezing it as he ground his cock against her. He kept kissing her and grinding against her, too fucking desperate for the contact to stop for anything.

              “I like this talk,” she said, pulling away when her back bowed and the move caused the head of his cock to land in just the right place.

              Watching as she licked her lips, he pushed forward, licking his lips as he leaned back in for a kiss while he slowly buried himself inside her. “I love this talk,” he said, flexing his hips to bury the last few inches inside her, knowing that she could take it.

              “It’s not bad,” the little tease said, gasping when he reached down and grabbed her thigh, pulled her leg up and-

              Finally slid home.

              “This is definitely the way that we should handle all our discussions,” he decided, suddenly looking forward to every argument and discussions that she wanted to have.

              “Might be a little time consuming,” she whispered on a shaky laugh.

              “Probably,” he agreed as he flexed his hips, “but I think it will make morning meetings go more smoothly, don’t you think?”

              “Um,” she muttered, visibly trying to focus as he pulled his hips back and then with a groan that he couldn’t stop even if he wanted to, he pushed back inside her welcoming pussy, deciding that this was definitely the way to go, “what?”

              Smiling, because after five years he’d finally found a way to get through the stubborn woman. “Morning meetings, sweetheart. I’m thinking that we should get rid of the couch in our office and look into getting a bed,” he suggested, really liking the idea of all those meetings that they were going to have. There were going to have to talk about venders, employees, schedules, menus, and so many other things and in so many ways.

              The possibilities were endless.

Oh, God!”
she screamed, letting him know just how easily she could be distracted.

              This could definitely work in his favor, he thought as he gave her one last kiss and sat up, deciding that it was time to set things right.


              “Wait,” she said, trying to catch her breath when the large bastard took her by surprise and sat up, taking her with him.

              At least, he took her lower half with him, she amended a few seconds later when he raised her legs, placed them against his chest, and wrapped his arms around her thighs to keep her exactly where she was. Gripping the sheets, she held on as she watched Lucifer, looking determined as he licked his lips, thrust back inside of her, making he back bow and ripped a scream of pleasure from her lips.

              She tried to focus, tried think about what he’d said to her, but he refused to slow down, refused to give her quarter and when he ripped that first orgasm from her, she decided right then and there that he could have anything that he wanted as long as he did that again.

              “That’s it, sweetheart. Keep squeezing my cock,” he growled, guaranteeing that it was going to happen.

              “Don’t stop, Christopher,” she heard herself murmuring over and over again as her eyes slid shut and her moans grew louder.

              The answering growl had her whimpering and squirming on his lap, desperate for more. She wanted more, needed more and she thanked God that he seemed to realize exactly what she needed, because it was in that moment that he seemed to lose it.

              One minute she was being held off the bed and fucked slowly and the next she was on her stomach with the man that she loved covering her and fucking her harder. He wrapped one arm around her and slapped his hand against the headboard in a desperate attempt to keep her from slamming into the wall with every hard thrust. 

              “Love you so fucking much,” he whispered hoarsely in her ear, making her toes curl and her breath catch as another orgasm took her by surprise and sent her screaming his name, which seemed to be exactly what he’d been waiting to hear.

              He buried his face against hers and growled,
sending her over the edge one last time and completely destroying her ability to tell him no ever again.

              Sneaky bastard, she thought with a smile as she shoved him away so that she could push him onto his back, crawl back on top of him, close her eyes and decided to deal with the sneaky bastard after she took a little nap.

BOOK: Fire & Brimstone: A Neighbor from Hell
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