Fire and Ice: Book One: Burned (The Fire and Ice Series 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Fire and Ice: Book One: Burned (The Fire and Ice Series 1)
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Chapter Twenty-One




love..." Jesus, I can't force myself to say it. I've never said those
three small words and they scare the living fuck out of me. She's rejected me
before, and I'm so goddamn scared of it happening again that I can't allow
myself to break down and lower my defenses to admit my true feelings for her.
Do I love her? Goddamn right I do. Can I tell her? The thought of not being
able to tears me up inside...she deserves to know. But I'm a selfish prick.
"...I love being inside you so fucking much, baby," I recover.


Christ, that
was a close one. Her eyes immediately show her disheartened pain. I've let her
down once again. She nods tentatively and tips a sad, small smile. I've most
likely crushed her dreams. I need to take this feeling away from her.
"Come on, Princess. Let's get you dried off," I say. I grab the towel
from the sink and begin to dry her soaked hair and body, not bothering to towel
myself off. When she's dried off, I scoop her into my arms and begin to carry
her into my bedroom as she lays her head against my chest. She needs rest. Once
she's slept, I'll make her a proper meal. In the meantime, I can begin making
calls for her.


I toe the
bedroom door open and make my way towards the bed, gently laying her on the
soft mattress. As I try to pull away, she grabs me into her, bringing my lips
to hers, and I can't help but to comply by opening my own, delving my tongue
deep into her mouth, exploring every delicious inch of her sweet mouth as she
angles her head to allow me further access. The kiss is urgent, deep and


We are both on
fire with wanton need for each other, my cock instantly hard for her. I begin a
fervent exploration of her creamy skin, my hands seemingly roaming her body of
their own accord. My hand slips between her soft thighs, finding her soaked
lips as I part them, sliding my coated fingers along her pussy lips and clit as
she writhes against them. More. She wants more. And I am happy to oblige,
dipping two fingers into her, pumping hard as I watch myself intently before
diving into her with my tongue. As I lick and suck at her creamy juices, she
moans in pleasure, bucking into my face, as I lift her ass, bringing her pussy
that much closer to my mouth...I can't get close enough, deep enough. She
explodes in glorious fashion all over my tongue and she tastes incredible. Fuck
this is hot...the hottest moment of my life, no holds barred, amazing sex. No,
fuck that...I just made love to her sweet pussy with my mouth. I'll never have
sex with Hailey Dawson again.






My phone chirps
beside me and I am awakened from my slumbering sleep. I reach for it in my
groggy state, picking it up and reading the text from Georgia.


I'm coming to get you!


What is she talking about? Where is this
coming from? She doesn't even know I'm at Kellan's house.


I am suddenly
aware that I am in the guest bedroom, in my t-shirt and panties, the pillow
underneath of me stained with last night's mascara. I check the time on my
phone. Eleven thirty a.m. I realize my beautiful night of lovemaking with
Kellan was all a fantastic dream, now only to become a memory that will have to
last me a lifetime, as I pray the sweet remains never fade in time.


Though I know
it's all in my mind, I can still feel his delicious touch between my thighs,
and smell him all over me, as if he left his imprint on my soul just moments


I throw my head
back onto the pillow and huff out a huge sigh as a lump forms in my throat,
tears beginning to gather in my eyes. If I don't text Georgia back, she'll be
on a rampage, showing up at my door, no doubt beating it in if I don't answer.


I sit up, swing
my legs over the side of the bed, and reply to her.


I'm...not home.


I know where you are...I'm on my way.


Before I can
reply again, I get another text from text from her.


Jordan told me...everything. I'm sorry, Hailey :( Be there
in five.


Five! Five
minutes! Kellan is going to throw a fit.


Georgia, wait...don't come up. Kellan will only get angry.
I'll explain everything later.


No response.
Shit. I throw the covers off of myself, setting my melancholy feelings aside
for the time being, and immediately spring out of the bed, my feet hitting the
cold wooden floor. I shuffle around the bedroom, my mind in a frazzled state,
trying to recall where I'd put my bottoms, finally noticing them balled up at
the bottom of the bed on the floor. Hurriedly, I clamber into my bottoms, slip
on my flip flops, and scamper out of the bedroom.


I instantly
collide with Kellan's hard, smooth chest, his delectable scent wafting over me,
as he's standing in only a towel, fresh from a shower, rivulets of water
dripping from his hair onto his face and chest. The sight and scent of him
immediately draw my senses back to my heavenly dream from just a few moments
before. I am left bereft and defeated at the thought, and my mind swirls with
emotions as the events of last night come cascading around my shoulders, making
me weak at the knees.


Kellan clutches
me, steadying me as I nearly kneel to the floor in utter exhaustion and misery.
I cannot stand to face him...I am weary and worn thinking of the damage I have
caused to him and Jordan. I can feel his intent gaze staring at me, even though
I evade his eyes. His presence is all consuming.


He places his
thumb and forefinger on my chin and tilts it upward, forcing my gaze to meet
his own as he says, solemnly, "You need more rest. Try to get some more
sleep, I'll bring you some lunch in a while."


A knock sounds
at the door, and Kellan swings his gaze to it, then back to me, regarding me
with an unreadable look. My eyes widen, and he attempts to set me aside.
"Kellan, wait!" I blurt out, trying to head off the potential
disaster of him and Georgia butting heads. The last thing I need right now are
two more people I care about fighting over me. He halts a beat, and cocks a
brow, waiting for me to continue. "I'll get it," I whisper, placing
my hand on his chest.


He gives me a
hard stare and says, "Is it him?"


I shake my head, lowering it to peer at the ground before continuing, "He
told Georgia. She's come to get me." I tentatively peek up at him and he
has a cold expression on his face.


leaving?" he asks impassively. But I know he feels wounded.


I nod a
fraction before answering, "Just for a while, Kellan. If I don't go with
her, she'll only barge in and throw a fit," I try to reassure him.


"You think
I give two shits about Georgia? I'll tell her fuck off and leave you
alone!" he barks out as the knocks come again. "Fucking bitch,"
he adds, as he strides towards the door.


I pull hard on
his arm, stepping in front of him. "Don't do this, Kellan, please," I
implore him. His expression goes from ice cold to conflicted, as I gaze at him


"When will
you be back?" he questions.
Needy Kellan?
This is new.


"I don't
know," I whisper, barely audible, and he blows out a harsh breath, running
his hand through his still damp hair. "Kellan...I'll be back as soon as I
can, I promise." I place my hand against his cheek and add, "Hey,
it's just for a little while." The knocks turn into pounding, and he nods
once, as I caress my hand slowly down the stubble on his face, making my way
towards the door.

Chapter Twenty-Two




I crack the
door open a fraction, and see Georgia standing with her hip cocked, her hand on
it, and she's got fire in her eyes. I chance a glance behind me, and Kellan's
turned to walk down the hallway, opting for peace at the moment, thankfully.


Georgia huffs out.


what?" I quip.


coming or am I gonna have drag your boney ass out of there?"


I roll my eyes
and reply with exasperation, "Georgia, I'm not even dressed."


"You look
fine," she argues.


"I'm in my




"So, I'm
just taking you back to your house where we can talk," she explains.


I shake my head
back and forth. "No," I say on a whisper. "Kellan wants me to
stay with him for a few days, and I think it's a good idea."


She gives me a
contrite glare before saying, "
thinks it's a good idea, huh?"


I nod with
finality. Yes he suggested it, perhaps even demanded it in so many words; but I
want it. I want to be here with him, and nowhere else. "Yes...he thinks I
need some time away from home, since..." I cut myself off, not able to
form the words. Georgia's look of understanding tells me I needn't say more.


she huffs out. "I'll take you to lunch. Go get some clothes on and meet me
in the car," she orders.


I click the
door shut, turn on my heel, and comply with her command, walking down the
hallway towards the guest bedroom to locate my duffle bag.


I pull out one
of the two pairs of jeans I have brought, a light blue sweater, and lacy bra
and panties set of the same color. I now seemingly own every color and style of
the rainbow in the lingerie department since I've begun working at Jimbo's.
Perhaps, subconsciously, I brought them with me for a specific reason.


Knowing Georgia
is waiting for me out in her car, yet needing a shower desperately, I sprint
for the bathroom, disrobe quickly, and shower in record time. I towel dry my
hair as best as I can, and opt for a messy bun to save time. I forgo makeup,
though I desperately need it to cover up the dark circles that have gathered
under my eyes, yet I'm fairly certain that by now, most of the town will have
heard of my mother's death. I don't give a damn at this point about my looks.


I wedge my
sneakers on, sprint down the hallway, and grab my purse from the hook hanging
next to the door. I swing the door open wide and slam it shut behind me with
more force than I'd intended, and gallop to Georgia's awaiting car, exhaust
fumes spilling from it in the cold late morning air. A shiver runs down my
spine as I look back towards Kellan's house, and I'm not so certain it's from
the cold, dreary day. I'm not certain of many things right now.






Seeing Hailey
this morning instantly sent me into overdrive. I knew she was too vulnerable to
do the things I had on my mind. This is a delicate situation, and if I don't
handle it with kid gloves, I could lose her forever.
But fuck if hearing her walk out that
door didn't have my heart rate spiking with fear. Yeah, I was being a selfish
sonofabitch, wanting her with me twenty four/seven, but I'd nearly lost her
once, and the thought of losing her again had my gut wrenching.


I busy myself,
tidying my place, not knowing what else to do while she's gone. It's Sunday,
and nothing is open until noon. A few more minutes and I can start making
arrangements for her mother's funeral.


Last night was
a clusterfuck of epic proportions. One thing I know for sure...Jordan and I are
through. He had no problem getting up on his soapbox and chastising me for my
self centered ways, then with the knowledge of my want for Hailey, he dives in
and sweeps her off her feet. Some fucking 'friend' he claimed to be.






"So, do
you want to tell me what's going on?" Georgia spouted while keeping her
eyes on the road.


I fiddled
nervously with my hands. "I'm sorry I didn't call you, all
happened so quickly. Jordan was the first person I thought of calling," I


Hailey, I'm so sorry for your loss, honey. And I couldn't care less that you
called Jordan; in fact I'm glad you did. He was there for you when you needed
him. But this?" she motioned behind herself, as if there were a pile of
garbage in her backseat. I remained quiet, waiting for her to continue her lecture,
as I knew she would. I could feel her eyes on me for a moment, and in my
peripheral vision, saw her return them to the road before she continued,
"Has your brain ceased to function properly?"


I took in a
small gasp at the insult. "What's that supposed to mean?"


"You know
what it means."


rather you just come out and say it, Georgia."


"How many
times are you gonna let him put you through hell before you open your goddamn
eyes, Hailey?" she bit out.


"You know
what? I don't need this shit, right now, Georgia," I spewed.


"This is
exactly what you need," she retorted. "You need someone to kick you
in the ass and tell you the damn truth to your face. Be honest with yourself,
for once."


"You have
no idea what you're talking about, Georgia. All you know is what Jordan has
told you. Maybe Kellan's changed. Have you thought about that?" I asked,
my words coming out harsh.


She let out a
chuckle laced with sarcasm. "Yeah, right. The only way Kellan Haines
changes is like the wind."


I rolled my
eyes. Clearly we were getting nowhere. I needed to put an end to this
conversation. I was getting riled up, and my nerves were already shot.
"Georgia, leave it alone, already. Kellan cares about me, and that's all I
want; that's all I've ever wanted."


"You think
about you?" Of course she
couldn't leave it alone. Why did I even expect her to? "The only thing he
cares about is getting his dick wet!"


enough!" I yelled.


A deafening
silence settles through the car. I can tell this is going to be one of the most
difficult days of my life. I've already lost Jordan, I'm scared to death of
losing Kellan, and Georgia is giving me the cold shoulder. My mother had died
only twelve hours ago, and I'm in the middle of a whirlwind, feeling as if my
whole world is about to go up in flames. If there is ever a time I need my mom,
it's now, but she's gone, and I feel so empty. The only person I feel like I
can trust is Kellan. And I want to run to him, into his strong, capable arms,
and never let go.

BOOK: Fire and Ice: Book One: Burned (The Fire and Ice Series 1)
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