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Authors: Ahren Sanders

Finn (8 page)

BOOK: Finn
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I follow her and adjust myself painfully in my shorts. Robbie may have been onto something when he mentioned blue balls.

When we get to her kitchen, I can now see the elements of Presley I’ve come to know. The refrigerator is covered in artwork and pictures of family. There’s a large stained glass hanging in front of the window, sending a spray of colors on the walls and counters. The room is a reflection of her personality. The flowers I had delivered this morning are sitting on the counter.

She takes the bag from me and unloads the food, making both of us a plate. With her back to me, I can openly appreciate the clothes as I make out her body.

“I’ve gotta say, I have a whole new appreciation for the work-at-home wardrobe.”

She turns to me then looks down at herself. “Eeek! I just got home from kickboxing and wasn’t expecting guests. Be right back.”

She runs from the room then returns in an oversized t-shirt that hangs to her mid-thigh. I curse myself for opening my fat mouth.

“Water or milk?”

“Water,” I answer and wait for her to sit.

She gives a low moan on her first bite, and I still midway to my mouth. The throaty sound vibrates through me.

“This is so good.”

“The best pesto chicken salad in the city,” I confirm.

“I believe it. So much better than the peanut butter and jelly I was planning.”

“You like it that much, I’ll bring it to you whenever you want.”

She gives me a small grin, and her face scrunches as her eyes narrow. “About that, how’d you know where I live? First the flower delivery, now the surprise visit.”

“I followed you home last night.”

“What?” She starts to choke on the bite of food she just took.

“I wanted to make sure you were okay. You looked upset when you got in your car. After Russell left the table, your whole attitude changed. It was my way of making sure you got home safely.”

“Wow,” she mutters softly. “That’s oddly sweet. A bit stalkerish, but sweet.”

I shrug unapologetically. “Didn’t like the way you looked when you drove away.”

She’s quiet for a few minutes, then she puts down her fork and takes a deep breath. “Russell’s my ex-boyfriend.”

“Figured as much.” I try to sound indifferent, but inside, I’m hoping she gives me more information.

“Things ended amicably but seeing him was a shock.”

“If it makes you feel any better, he was just as shocked to see you with me.”

“That was the best part.” She giggles. “There’s a reason he’s an ex, and last night was proof. He’s a nice guy but not for me.”

“Why is that?”

She looks at me closely, then takes a sip of water and clears her throat. “I’m known as a safety girl. He was safe, but I couldn’t get over the fact there was no chemistry or passion.”

“Want to tell me about this ‘safety girl’ title?”

“It’s kinda my thing. I’ve always been a safety girl. Safe decisions, safe cars, safe career… it’s me. Stability is important to me.”

Fucking shit!
I think to myself, knowing this is going to be a process. I’m not in danger a lot, but I bet being in the line of fire during a lame bank robbery would upend her thoughts on safety. So, instead of delving deeper, I go back to Russell.

“His loss, my gain.”

Her cheeks start to flush again, and she tries to hide her face. Once again, one word pops into my head: adorable.

“Do you have plans Sunday night?”

“Not yet, I’ll probably go over to Dad’s during the day to help with laundry and make some food for them for the week.”

“Would you have dinner with me?”

“I’d love to.”

“Friday, I’m wrapped up in security for a concert, and Saturday, I’m working a charity event downtown.”

“The symphony event?” she practically chirps.

“Yeah, how’d you know?”

“I’ll be there. My mom was a classical musician. Before she died, a few times a year, she’d join the Nashville Symphony for certain events. We try to support the organization.”

“The night suddenly seems a lot more bearable.”

“Mine too,” she says shyly, locking her eyes with mine.

My hand shoots out, curling around her neck and cradling her face gently. My thumb brushes across her lips, and I feel her warm breath hitch.

“Promise you’ll save me a dance?”

She nods slightly, and the air between us buzzes with energy. The impulse to kiss her is pumping through my veins. But I know if I do, I’ll never want to stop.

And that scares the shit out of me.

Chapter 7


his is a tragedy!” I throw myself down on my bed, whining. “The little black dress has always been my go-to.”

My best friend, Reese, looks through my closet, thumbing through my dresses. “We’ll figure it out. LBD is still an option with the right jewelry.”

“No! I need something stunning. Do you know how many single socialites are going to be at this event—young, beautiful, and looking for a husband? Finn is going to have a room full of willing women prowling. I need something more than my boring choices.”

“He’s got you tied up, huh?”

“Yes! And if you meet him, he’ll have you entranced, too. He’s beyond gorgeous. It’s a wonder he’s single. From what I can tell, he’s perfect.”

“Really, Presley, I think you may be going overboard. You’ve been around him what, four times? And one of those was when you buried Simon. Maybe you’re building him up in your head too much. But even if he’s as perfect as you think, he’s the one who should worry. You’re the ultimate catch.”

“You only say that because you’re supposed to. It’s in the best friend handbook.”

“Even if it wasn’t, I’d still say it. You’re an amazing woman, Presley. It’s time someone shows you that. You’re unaware of your own self-worth, but I can tell you, if he’s lucky enough to be in your life, he’s going to see it, too.”

She comes to sit next to me and grabs my hand. “Does he fit your ridiculous safety profile?”

“Yes and no. I mean, he’s been in wartime situations, and I assume he probably carries a gun when working, but he’s so kind and seemingly gentle. I feel safe around him.”

She studies my face then pats my cheek gently. “We’ll get you sorted, and I’ll be right by your side all night for moral support.”

“Thank you.” I lay my head on her shoulder. “You’ve been my rock for so long.”

“And I’ll always be. I’m furious with myself that I missed the last few weeks.”

“It’s okay. I understand you had to work.”

“Work, my ass! If I wasn’t in another country, I’d have quit when my fucking loser boss wouldn’t let me come home for the funeral.” She’s still angry her boss insisted she remain in Sweden when I called to tell her Simon was killed. Her job as a fashion buyer takes her all over the world.

I’m about to respond when my phone rings with an unknown number.


“Presley! It’s Ember Hayes.”

“Hey, Ember, how are you?” I try to sound as cheery and bubbly as her.

“I’m fantastic! We picked up Blade today, and he seems to love the house. So far, I’ve taken him on two walks, given him a bath, and made him a homemade dinner from a pet friendly recipe I found online. He acts happy and is now passed out on the new bed my cousin bought him.”

“Oh my God, he’s in doggie heaven. How’s Robbie with him?”

“He’s pretending to scowl, but I can tell he’s as thrilled as I am. He threw a ball for Blade for an hour after walk number two.”

My heart hurts a little, but it’s pushed aside knowing Blade is with such a loving couple. I read through their file when I went back to the center a few weeks ago and know Robbie is a veteran recovering from a severe leg injury and PTSD. Blade will be the perfect dog for them.

“Anyway, I hope you don’t mind, but I badgered Finn for your number. He was here last night and told Robbie you’re going to the symphony event tomorrow night. I was going to skip it, but knowing you’ll be there made me change my mind. I was wondering if you’d like to go together?”

“That would be great, but my friend Reese will be with me. She’s agreed to be my plus one. We’re meeting my dad and brother there.”

“Robbie’s sending a car to get me. We can swing by and pick y’all up.”

“That’s awesome. Hold on a sec.” I put my hand to cover the receiver and look at Reese. “You care if we ride with Ember Hayes tomorrow night? She’ll have a car pick us up.”

“Sounds good to me. I’d like to meet her, too.”

“Ember, we’d love it.”

“Wonderful, we’ll pick you up at six-thirty. My dog sitter will be here at six.”

“Dog sitter?”

“My dad is ecstatic to meet Blade, and we spoke to the Director at K9 for Warriors. She told us it was okay for a few hours.”

“Of course it is. He’s going to love it.”

“Jesus, I hope so. I’m a wreck, but my family is excited to meet him. He’s so sweet, Presley. I’m in love with him already.”

“He’s an easy dog to love. I’ll miss him.”

“Well, in a few weeks, we are having a welcome home party for him. The fence will be done by then. You are invited. I’ll keep you updated.”

“I’ll be there,” I assure her.

“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow, and look forward to meeting your friend.”

“See you then.”

We hang up, and Reese grabs my hand, pulling me through the apartment. “Girl! This is more serious than I thought. You have the best friend’s wife calling now? This calls for some serious shopping.”

I agree and grab my purse as she hustles me out the door.

“We’re going to find something that knocks the shit out of Finn the moment he sees you.”

“I like the way you’re thinking. And for once, I promise not to argue about your choices. It’s time to pull out the big guns.”

I may regret this, but Reese is in charge.

There’s a knock at the door, and I know it’s finally time. Reese goes to answer while I put the essentials into my small clutch. I step in front of the mirror one last time and add some nude lip gloss. The copper-colored, knee-length dress Reese chose hugs my body, and the golden strappy heels add three inches to my height. In the bright bedroom light, my eyes look a translucent shade of caramel with green undertones. The makeup Reese expertly applied sparkles brightly, complementing the dress.

For the hundredth time today, I thank God for her sense of style.

“Did you think to tell me we’re going to the event with A-listers?” she hisses from my bedroom doorway.

“What do you mean?”

“There’s a fucking stretch limo in your parking lot, a chauffeur, and a bodyguard. Then a fucking supermodel rolled down the window and waved at me!”

“Oh my, you’re kidding?”

“Nope, we’re showing up in style. Something you forgot to tell me?”

“NO! I thought she said she had a car service.”

“Well, I guess we need to get out there. Bodyguard man rang the bell. He’s waiting.”

My nerves go on edge as I follow her. The man at the door gives me a smile in greeting and offers his arm to help me down the one step on my stoop. He whistles under his breath, but I don’t miss him saying, “Finn’s a lucky bastard.”

When we get to the limo, Ember pushes the door open and squeals, raising her arms to me. I lean into her embrace and slide in. Reese follows, and the bodyguard shuts us in then joins the driver up front.

I introduce Ember to Reese, and she jumps across me to hug her.

“It’s so nice to meet you.”

“You too,” Reese replies.

“Okay, so I know this is over the top. Robbie can be overbearing!” She yells the last statement at the men in the front. They chuckle loud enough for us to hear. “But seriously, my husband is crazy, and he wanted us to have a nice experience.”

She pours us champagne, which I readily accept. “Did your husband really send a bodyguard?” I jerk my head to the guy in the passenger seat.

“He’s not our bodyguard. He works with the guys in security. Tonight, he’s helping out and decided to catch a ride with us. I seriously thought we’d have a normal car service, but I have a feeling Hero had something to do with this.”

“Hero?” Reese and I repeat at the same time.

“I call him Hero, but he’s Finn. Once he knew we were coming together, he and Robbie made these arrangements.”

BOOK: Finn
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