Finn (16 page)

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Authors: Madison Stevens

BOOK: Finn
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“What are we going to do?” Liam asked.

“Tonight, we’re going to go home,” Finn said. “Noel is stable. The Russians have been quiet and sent a message, and Ennis is neutralized for now.”

“And the men?” Liam looked at him.

Finn shrugged. “If they are going to leave, there’s not much I can do about it.”

They walked back to the car. She imagined the Finn and Liam were thinking of their shared father, but she thought of Ennis, the Ennis that was Dylan to her.

He had seemed so sincere, and in truth, she thought he likely was. It was a little embarrassing to think he had been talking about being in love with her though. He had barely met her a few times, and yet he thought so much of her. She doubted she could ever live up to that sort of expectation.

She thought it over a minute. Given how he had grown up, it wasn’t really all that surprising he had such difficulties.

Liam stopped by Finn’s car outside the club. They climbed out, and Finn turned back to talk to him.

“You still coming over tomorrow?” he asked.

Liam rolled his eyes. “Yes, but don’t expect me to start calling you bro or some shit like that.”

Alyssa choked on a laugh.

“Got it,” Finn chuckled.

Liam gave a small nod before heading off.

Finn ushered her into his car and hurried to his side. When he climbed in, she opened her mouth to explain. He held up a hand.

“Let’s talk about it all when we get home,” he said

She nodded and leaned back in the seat. She could use a little time to think.

Chapter Eighteen



Alyssa had worried the whole ride to his house what he planned on saying to her. It hadn’t been her intent for any of this to happen. They stopped outside and climbed out of the car. She followed him into the house. He moved in silence up the stairs to his bedroom. She followed him and then yelped when he picked her up and slung her over his shoulder right in front of his bedroom door.

“Finn,” she shrieked. “Remember your side.”

“My side’s fine.”

A hand landed hard against her ass. He rubbed it across the spot, pushing her dress up a little each time.

“What are you doing?” her breathy question was met with another smack.

This time he wasted no time and flipped her dress over her hips. His hand rubbed the sore area, making sure to slide a finger along the line of her thong.

She moaned as his finger slipped under the thin scrap of lace and worked its way along her folds.

“Finn,” she moaned again.

This time the smack wasn’t near as hard, and there was less time spent on soothing the sting and more on the ache between her legs.

He pulled his hand away and tossed open the door.

Finn slammed the door shut behind them. She grunted when he tossed her onto the bed.

“How’s your shoulder?” he whispered to her.

“Feeling much better,” she said, slightly confused.


Finn grabbed her hips and flipped her over. She gasped when she heard her panties rip away.

“I can’t wait,” he whispered from behind her. His fingers probed her gently, and he groaned. “But you’re already so wet for me.”

Her face flamed at his comments.

She opened her mouth to tell him off when he entered her with one swift push. Her mouth fell open, and she groaned loudly.

“I can’t go slow,” he said in her ear. “Knowing you were gone and what might have happened nearly drove me insane.”

“Just shut up and fuck me, Finn,” she groaned.

He pulled out and slammed back into her. Her hips bounced off the bed and sent him even further inside her.

His hands gripped her hips tightly. The sound of their skin slapping together made her even more excited. She reached a hand down below and rubbed furiously at her clit.

When her climax happened, it shook her to the core. When she came hard around him, he grunted at the sudden tightening of her walls. She shuddered as the last of the tremors left her body.

Still deep inside, Finn flipped her over, so her legs rested on top his shoulders. She groaned at the new angle. He was able to go much deeper than before.

He watched her face as he moved in and out of her. When she moaned, he went in deeper. He steadily he slipped in and out of her. She could already feel her next orgasm starting to rise.

“Faster,” she whispered and looked up to him. “Harder.”

Finn stood up and lifted her hips. With force, he rocked her hard onto his throbbing cock. Alyssa arched her back and helped push against him.

“Fuck,” he whispered. He slammed harder into her.

She looked up and watched him as he moved into her. Just watching was making her excited. She moaned when she felt him swell even more inside her.

The flutters of her second orgasm took her away. She felt him push into her a few more times before letting go deep inside. The force of his orgasm was so fierce, she could feel it filling her up inside.

He collapsed on top of her and kissed her hard on the mouth.

“Don’t ever do that to me again,” he said, still breathless.

Alyssa nodded.

He placed his forehead to hers.

“I need you,” he said. “You are the only thing in my life that makes any sense.”

She sighed. Her lips found his, and she worked her tongue with his. When she pulled back, she looked into his beautiful green eyes.

“I love you too,” she said.

He grinned down at her.

“Is that what I was trying to say?”

She smiled a little uncertain. “I hope it is.”

Finn leaned down and kissed her again. “I love you.”


* * *


The club had been busy as hell all night. Whatever fear or rumors concerning the club and the Russians seemed to be gone. She still couldn’t come down off cloud nine. They had made love all night, and she just couldn’t get his words out of her head. He loved her, and that’s all she really needed.

She frowned when Liam came running through the place and into the office. Within seconds, Finn burst through the door. He came over to her.

“There’s trouble,” he said.

Her heart leapt into her throat. “Russians?”

Finn shook his head. “Some of the men are walking out. I’ve got to be there to keep the ones that we can.”

She nodded and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips. “Be careful,” she said.

He nodded and rushed through front door.


* * *


The men could leave if they wanted to, but knowing his brother, this was not going to be a pleasant battle. If he wanted any chance of winning, he was going to need at least some of these men around.

They stopped outside his home and rushed inside. The men were milling around in the living room.

“What the hell is going on here?” he shouted.

Several turned to him.

“We hear Conor defected to Ennis,” one said from the back.

Finn sighed. “He did.”

The room was filled with various rambling at once.

“Well, what’s to stop us from going?” another man asked.

Finn shook his head. “Nothing. You want to go,” he pointed to the door, “there’s the exit, but things are moving in our direction. The club is making good money now even with all that Russian slow down. If we can get several of them up and started, we can make plenty of money without half the fucking trouble.”

“Yeah, but how long is that going to take?” Conor’s cousin, Braden, asked.

“It’s a month to set up a club and a month before profits start coming in,” he said.

Several men shook their heads.

“I can’t wait hoping that this shit works out. Ennis is promising us regular work,” a man in the front said. “Besides, he acts more like the old boss. You’ve gone soft.”

“Oh, you liked the old boss? Liked that you had to hide your women from my father because he might just get it in his head to make them his by force?” Silence met him. “Or how about when you spoke out that you might just end up with a bullet in you?”

“I’m willing to take that risk with Ennis,” someone shouted.

Several mumbled their agreement.

Braden stepped forward. “Truth is, you’re weak. And the next time the Russians come knocking, they might not miss.” He stared pointedly at Finn’s side.

“I was knocking on their door when this happened,” Finn snarled.

He pulled out his gun and aimed it at Braden.

“I’m not so weak that I can’t pull this trigger right now,” he said. “Now get out of my house,” he barked. “And take anyone else who doesn’t want to be here with you.”

The room went deadly quite.

Braden and several men moved, keeping an eye on Finn’s gun, out of the house. They slammed the door behind them.

“Now, the rest of you, there are jobs to be done. There is going to be a lot more delegation around here, but that also means there’s going to be more money in the future.” He walked around the room and looked at the men. “If you’re willing to work hard, it will be well worth your while. A lot more reward with a lot less risk.”

“What about Ennis and the Russians?” someone asked.

Finn frowned. “You let me worry about them. Now everyone out of my house and back to work.”

The crowd dispersed, and he turned to Liam, who was on the phone.

“Alyssa left a message and said to pick her up at the apartment. She’s taking a cab there,” Liam said. “And Haley keeps calling,” he said. “She says it’s about Alyssa’s ex.”

Finn took the phone. “What about her ex?” he asked.

“The letter came here,” Haley hurried out. “It was addressed to her old home and was forwarded to here. Finn, Mike has been out for about a month now. I tried to call her, but she didn’t answer.”

Finn felt his stomach drop to the floor. That explained the notes.

“Got it,” he said. “I’m on my way to her house.”

He hung up the phone and turned to Liam.

“This could be more than you’re willing to do,” he said. “If I get ahold of that son of a bitch, he’s going to wish I’d called the cops. This is something I don’t think the Allens can know about.”

Liam nodded. “We’re good.”

Finn pulled out his phone and dialed her number.

“Pick up, Alyssa,” he whispered into the phone.


Chapter Nineteen



Alyssa groaned as she struggled to open her door, bring in the groceries and answer her phone. She wondered if it was Haley again. She’d just been too easy to answer the phone earlier.

“Hello,” she said as she opened the door and scooted her groceries in with her foot.

“Don’t go home,” Finn shouted in her ear.

“I just need to pick up a few things, and I thought I might make us dinner,” she said.

“No, it’s Mike,” he said. “He’s the one.”

She froze for just a second. Fear lanced through her.

Alyssa bolted for her door but was stopped when two meaty arms came out and slammed her to the ground. His full weight pressed down on her. The phone skidded out of her reach.

“Finn,” she screamed. “He’s here.”

Mike stood and crushed the phone with his foot.

“There,” he said. “Now we won’t be bothered.”

Alyssa shook as she looked at him.

“What’s the matter?” he laughed. “Aren’t you going to tell your man hello?”

She scooted away from him. “You aren’t my man anymore, Mike.”

“I sure as hell am.” He loomed over her. “I got a real and permanent job with the Russians now. Good money.”

She scrambled to stand but tripped over her own feet.

“What? You with that pussy Irishman?” He smiled at her, and she felt all the courage drain away, bad memories and fear rushing back into her mind. “Bet it’s not the same.” He gripped himself, and she felt bile rise up into her throat.

She moved back further and further, as he moved forward.

“I see you moving to that bedroom,” he said and stood right in front of her. “And I know you’ve been missing me.”

He yanked her off the floor, fortunately, by her good arm. When he put his face next to her ear, she shook.

“But you ain’t getting nothing until you wash the filth of that man off of you.”

He pushed her through the bedroom and into the bathroom.

“You’ve got ten minutes to get yourself clean for me,” he said and pointed a finger at her. “Don’t make me come in after you. I got no problem fucking you with a bloody mouth. You know I don’t.”

He smiled and closed the door. She turned on the shower and looked for something to use. Everything she could use in the kitchen.

She jumped in the shower to wet herself, just in case he decided to check on her. Her eyes landed on her razor. Alyssa stepped out and grabbed her tweezers. With brute forces, she broke the plastic around her razor. It wasn’t ideal, but it would work if she needed to.

There was no fucking way she was letting that bastard touch her again.

She shut off the shower and dried off. Palming the razor, she peeked into the bedroom.

Her hunter green special occasion dress was laid out on the bed. She slipped on her panties, bra and the dress. Although it made her a little upset, she would rather sacrifice the dress if need be.

“Good.” Mike smiled at her from the door. “You knew green was my favorite color. That’s why you bought it.”

He stepped forward and kissed her on the neck from behind.

“Now it’s time for you to make me dinner,” he said.

He pushed her into the kitchen.

“After all, that’s why you bought all these groceries, right? To make your old man dinner?”

She gagged, and he frowned.

“You fucking puke on me, and we’ll just skip dinner,” he said, smiling. “Actually, I think we should skip dinner and go right to the fun stuff.”

She backed up against the wall. His thick hands pawed roughly at her breasts through the fabric of her dress.

Bile rose up in her throat, and she gagged on the feeling it created.

“Hold still,” he roared.

She twisted in his arms and struggled just to her good arm free. If she could get him once with the razor, she might be able to get away, but he held firm to both her arms, pinning them against her side.

He went to pull down the delicate straps to the dress. They ripped slightly. Panic spread through her. It was going to be just like every other time. He was going to tear her dress from her and proceed to do whatever horrible thing he could think of with her.

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