Finest Years (87 page)

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Authors: Max Hastings

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593 ‘
He would no more think
' A.G. Gardiner
Prophets, Priests and Kings
London 1914 p.234

593 ‘
dull cabinet without PM
' Brooke op. cit. p.388 8.3.43

594 ‘
His countrymen have come
' Moran op. cit. p.13 23.12.41

596 ‘
I should have liked
' Mary Soames to the author 23.5.2004


The published literature on Winston Churchill is enormous. My own library includes more than a hundred titles by or about him, and over a thousand books on World War II, many of which have been marginally useful in writing this book. It seems meaningless, however, to catalogue them all. The list below details only works extensively consulted, or explicitly quoted in my own text.

Addison, Paul,
Churchill on the Home Front 1900-1955
Jonathan Cape 1992

Aglan, André,
La Résistance sacrifice: Le Mouvement Libération-Sud 1940-1944
Paris 1999

Alanbrooke, Field Marshal Lord
War Diaries 1939-1945
ed. Alex Danchev and Daniel Todman Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2001

Ambrose, Stephen,
Eisenhower the Soldier
Allen & Unwin 1984

Amery, Leo,
The Empire at Bay: The Leo Amery Diaries 1929-1945
ed. John Barnes and David Nicholson Hutchinson 1988

Andrew, Christopher and Gordievsky, Oleg,
Hodder & Stoughton 1990

Annan, Noel,
Changing Enemies
HarperCollins 1995

Astley, Joan Bright,
The Inner Circle: A View of War at the Top
Hutchinson 1971

—and Wilkinson, Peter,
Gubbins and SOE
Leo Cooper 1993

Atkinson, Rick,
An Army at Dawn
Henry Holt 2004

The Day of Battle
Henry Holt 2007

Attlee, Clement,
As it Happened
Heinemann 1954

Bailey, Roderick,
The Wildest Province
Jonathan Cape 2008

Forgotten Voices of the Secret War
Ebury Press 208

Barclay, George,
Fighter Pilot
William Kimber 1976

Barker, Elisabeth,
Churchill and Eden at War
Macmillan 1978

Barnett, Correlli,
The Desert Generals
Allen & Unwin 1983

The Audit of War
Macmillan 1986

Bayly, Christopher and Harper, Tim,
Forgotten Armies: The Fall of British Asia 1940-45
Penguin 2004

Beaumont, Joan,
Comrades in Arms
Davis-Poynter 1980

Bellamy, Chris,
Absolute War
Macmillan 2007

Bennett, Ralph,
Ultra and Mediterranean Strategy
Hamish Hamilton 1989

Beria, Sergo,
My Father Beria: In the Corridors of Stalin's
Regime (Moi oets Beriya: V koridorakh stalinskoi vlasti) Moscow 2002

Berlin, Isaiah,
Personal Impressions
Hogarth Press 1980

Best, Geoffrey,
Churchill: A Study in Greatness
Hambledon & London 2001

—Churchill and War
Hambledon & London 2005

Billotte, Pierre,
Le Temps des armes
Plon 1972

Birkenhead, The Earl of,
Halifax: The Life of Lord Halifax
Hamish Hamilton 1965

Blum, John Morton,
Years of War 1941–1945: From the Morgenthau Diaries
Houghton Mifflin 1977

Bohlen, Charles E.,
Witness to History 1929–1969
Norton 1973

Bond, Brian,
Liddell Hart: A Study of His Military Thought
Cassell 1977

Bonham-Carter, Violet,
Champion Redoubtable: The Diaries of Violet Bonham-Carter
ed. Mark Pottle Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1998

Boswell, James,
The Life of Samuel Johnson
Everyman 2004

Brendon, Piers,
Winston Churchill: An Authentic Hero
Methuen 1984

Broad, Richard and Fleming, Suzie eds,
Nella Last's War
Sphere 1983

Browne, Anthony Montague,
Long Sunset: Memoirs of Winston Churchill's Last Private Secretary
Cassell 1995

Bryant, Arthur,
The Turn of the Tide
Collins 1957

Butcher, Harry C.,
My Three Years with Eisenhower
Simon & Schuster 1946

Butler, J.R.M.,
Grand Strategy
vol. ii HMSO 1957

—Grand Strategy
vol. iii Parts I and II HMSO 1964

Cadogan, Alexander,
The Diaries
Jonathan Cape 1986

Carlton, David,
Churchill and the Soviet Union
Manchester 2000

Chandos, Lord (Oliver Lyttelton),
Memoirs of Lord Chandos
Bodley Head 1962

Channon, Henry,
Chips: The Diaries of Sir Henry Channon
ed. Robert Rhodes-James Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1967

Charmley, John,
Churchill: The End of Glory
Hodder & Stoughton 1993

—Churchill's Grand Alliance: The Anglo–American Special Relationship 1940–1957
Hodder & Stoughton 1995

Chuev, F.,
Conversations with Molotov
(Sto sorok besed s Molotovym) Moscow 1991

Churchill, Sarah,
Keep on Dancing
Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1981

Churchill, Winston S.,
The World Crisis
two vols Odhams 1927

—My Early Life
Thornton Butterworth 1930

—The Second World War
six vols Cassell 1948–54

—Great Contemporaries
Leo Cooper 1990

—Speeches 1938–45
five vols vol. i ed. Randolph Churchill; vols ii–v ed. Charles Eade Cassell 1941–45

—The Secret Session Speeches
ed. Charles Eade Cassell 1946

Clarke, Peter,
The Cripps Version
Allen Lane 2002

Clausewitz, Carl von,
On War
ed. Michael Howard and Peter Paret Princeton 1976

Colville, John,
Fringes of Power: Downing Street Diaries 1939–1955
Hodder & Stoughton 1985

Court, W.H.B.,
Longman 1951

Craig, Norman,
The Broken Plume
IWM 1982

Cunningham, Andrew Browne,
A Sailor's Odyssey
Hutchinson 1951

Dalton, Hugh,
The War Diaries of Hugh Dalton
ed. Ben Pimlott Jonathan Cape 1986

Danchev, Alex,
Very Special Relationship: Field Marshal Sir John Dill and the Anglo–American Alliance
, Brassey's 1986

Davie, Michael and Chisholm, Anne,
Hutchinson 1992

Davis, Kenneth S.,
FDR: The War President
Random House 2000

De Gaulle, Charles,
War Memoirs
vol. i
Call to Honour 1940–42
Collins 1955; vol. ii
Unity 1942–44
Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1959

D'Este, Carlo,
Warlord: Winston Churchill at War 1878–1945
Harper 2008

Eisenhower: A Soldier's Life
Henry Holt 2002

—Fatal Decision: Anzio and the Battle for Rome
HarperCollins 1991

Djilas, Milovan,
Secker & Warburg 1980

Dokumenty Vneshnei Politiki 1940 – 22.12.41
Moscow 1999

Dykes, Vivian,
Establishing the Anglo–American Alliance: The Second World War Diaries of Brigadier Vivian Dykes
ed. Alex Danchev Brassey's 1990

Eden, Anthony,
The Eden Memoirs: The Reckoning
Cassell 1965

Ehrman, John,
Grand Strategy
vols v and vi HMSO 1956

Eisenhower War Papers
vol. i Johns Hopkins 1970

Ellis, L.F.,
The War in France and Flanders
HMSO 1953

Elmhirst, Sir Thomas,
privately published 1991

Fisk, Robert,
In Time of War
André Deutsch 1983

Fleming, Peter,
Invasion 1940
Hart-Davis 1957

Foot, Michael,
McGibbon & Kee 1962

Foreign Relations of the United States,
The Conferences at Washington

and Casablanca, 1943
Washington DC 1968

—The Conferences at Washington, 1942
vol. iii Washington DC 1961

—The Conferences at Washington and Quebec, 1943
Washington DC 1970

—The Conferences at Cairo and Tehran, 1943
Washington DC 1961

—The Conference at Quebec, 1944
Washington DC 1972

—The Conferences at Malta and Yalta, 1945
Washington DC 1955

Fraser, David,
HarperCollins 1997

French, David,
Raising Churchill's Army
Oxford 2000

Gardiner, A.G.,
The Pillars of Society
Dent popular edn 1916

Prophets, Priests and Kings
Dent 1914

Garfield, Simon,
Private Battles: How the War Almost Defeated Us
Ebury 2006

Gibb, Andrew,
With Winston Churchill at the Front
Gowans & Gray 1924

Gilbert, Martin,
Churchill: A Life
Macmillan 1991

—The Churchill War Papers
three vols Heinemann 1993–2000

—In Search of Churchill
HarperCollins 1994

—Finest Hour: Winston S. Churchill 1940–41
Heinemann 1983

—Road to Victory: Winston S. Churchill 1942–45
Heinemann 1986

—Never Despair: Winston S. Churchill 1945–1965
Heinemann 1988

Gildea, Robert,
Resistance, Reprisals and Community in Occupied France
Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 6th series 2003 pp.163–85

Golovanov, Alexander,
The Long-Range Bomber Force: Memoirs of the Chief Marshal of Aviation
Moscow 2007

Gunther, John,
Hamish Hamilton 1944

Haffner, Sebastian,
Haus 2003

Hammond, Nicholas,
Venture into Greece
William Kimber 1983

Harriman, W. Averell and Abel, Elie,
Special Envoy to Churchill and Stalin 1941–46
Random House NY 1975

Harris, Sir Arthur,
Bomber Offensive
Collins 1947

Harrison, Mark ed.,
The Economics of World War II
Cambridge 1998

Hartwell, Lord,
William Camrose: Giant of Fleet Street
Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1992

Harvey, Oliver,
The War Diaries of Oliver Harvey 1941–1945
ed. John Harvey Collins 1978

Hassett, William,
Off the Record with FDR
Allen & Unwin 1960

Hastings, Max,
Bomber Command
Michael Joseph 1979

—The Battle of Britain
(with Len Deighton) Rainbird 1980

—Das Reich: The 2nd SS Panzer Division's March to Normandy: June 1944
Michael Joseph 1981

—Overlord: D-Day and the Battle for Normandy
Michael Joseph 1984

—Armageddon: The Battle for Germany 1944–45
Macmillan 2004

—Nemesis: The Battle for Japan 1944–45
HarperCollins 2006

Headlam, Cuthbert,
Parliament and Politics in the Age of Churchill and Attlee: The Headlam Diaries 1935–51
ed. Stuart Ball Cambridge 1999

Hichens, Antony,
Gunboat Command
Pen & Sword 2007

Higgins, Trumbull,
Winston Churchill and the Second Front 1940–1943
Oxford 1957

Hinsley, F.H et al.,
British Intelligence in the Second World War
four vols HMSO 1979–90

Hodgson, Vere,
Few Eggs and No Oranges: The Diaries of Vere Hodgson
Persephone 1999

Holland, Jeffrey,
The Aegean Mission
Greenwood Press 1988

Holmes, Richard,
In the Footsteps of Churchill
BBC 2006

Horne, Alastair,
To Lose a Battle
Macmillan 1969

Horsfall, John,
Say Not the Struggle
Roundwood 1977

Howard, Michael,
Grand Strategy
vol. iv
HMSO 1972

—British Intelligence in the Second World War
Hambledon & London 2007

Hull, Cordell,
Memoirs of Cordell Hull
Hodder & Stoughton 1948

Inman, P.,
Labour in the Munitions Industries
HMSO and Longmans 1957

Ironside, Lord,
The Ironside Diaries
ed. R. Macleod and D. Kelly Constable 1962

Ismay, Lord,
The Memoirs of General the Lord Ismay
Heinemann 1960

Jackson, Julian,
France: The Dark Years
Oxford 2001

Jackson, Sir William and Bramall, Lord,
The Chiefs: The Story of the United Kingdom Chiefs of Staff
Brassey's 1992

Jeffreys, Kevin,
The Churchill Coalition and Wartime Politics
Palgrave Macmillan 1993

Jenkins, Roy,
Macmillan 2001

—Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Macmillan 2004

Jones, R.V.,
Most Secret War: British Scientific Intelligence 1939–1945
Hamish Hamilton 1978

Karslake, Basil,
The Last Act
Leo Cooper 1979

Keegan, John,
Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2002

Kennedy, David,
Freedom from Fear: The American People in Depression and War 1929–45
Oxford 1999

Kennedy, Sir John,
The Business of War
Hutchinson 1957

Kersaudy, François,
Churchill and De Gaulle
Collins 1981

—Norway 1940
Collins 1990

Kershaw, Ian,
Fateful Choices: Ten Decisions that Changed the World 1940–41
Allen Lane 2007

Making Friends with Hitler
Allen Lane 2004

—Hitler: Hubris 1889–1936
Allen Lane 1998

—Hitler: Nemesis 1936–45
Allen Lane 2000

Kimball, Warren ed.,
Churchill and Roosevelt: The Complete Correspondence
three vols Princeton 1984

Knight, Nigel,
Churchill Unmasked
David & Charles 2008

Kumanyov, G.A., ‘Close to Stalin' (
Ryadom so Stalinym
) Moscow 1999

Kynaston, David,
A History of the City of London
vol. iii Chatto & Windus 1999

Lacouture, Jean,
De Gaulle: The Rebel 1890–1944
Collins Harvill 1984

Langworth, Richard M. ed.,
Churchill by Himself
Ebury 2008

Lascelles, Sir Alan,
King's Counsellor: The Diaries of Sir Alan Lascelles
ed. Duff Hart-Davis Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2006

Lash, Joseph P.,
Roosevelt and Churchill 1939–1941: The Partnership that Saved the West
Norton 1976

Lavery, Brian,
Churchill Goes to War: Winston's Wartime Journeys
Conway 2007

Lawlor, Sheila,
Churchill and the Politics of War 1940–41
Cambridge 1994

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