Finding You (By You #3) (25 page)

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Authors: Kelly Harper

BOOK: Finding You (By You #3)
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When they'd finally broken free of the corridor, the warehouse opened up into a single massive room. A stage sat at the far end and lights were flashing everywhere. A gigantic dance floor took up the entire center of the building, and it was already tightly packed. Sarah must have missed where they were handing out glow sticks, because it looked like everyone had at least three or four in their hands. Then her mouth fell open as she saw some of the other creative places some of the girls put their glow sticks.

Did they have

Tables were few and far between along the outer walls of the room, and on the wall to their far right there looked to be a bar with a couple bartenders flipping drinks.

"We should try and get a table," Sarah shouted.

Tate gave her a confused look, saying, "We don't need a table."

Thankfully, Reagan bobbed her head in agreement. "That might be a good idea. I don't think we'll get another chance if we don't grab one right away."

She had a point. With the way the place was filling up, it was now or never. As Sarah looked around it was already getting hard to find any tables that didn't have people spread out on them. Another few minutes and there wouldn't be a free one in the whole place.

"Screw the tables, we're doing shots," Tate yelled, throwing his hands in the air.

Sarah winced and glanced over at Jeremy, but he looked as collected as he had before. He leaned in close so he wouldn't have to shout over the music.

"You guys can go to the bar, I'll go find us a table."

"No, you're coming with us!" Tate said. Both Reagan and Sarah spun on him, doing their best
what the hell do you think you're doing
looks. His face twisted in a scowl at first, but then realization dawned on him and his lips curled in a wince. "Sorry...I forgot..."

Jeremy shook his head. "Don't worry, I'm used to it."

As the three of them started to make their way toward the bar, Jeremy grabbed her by the arm and held her back a few paces.

"Please...just be careful about what you drink."

She gave him an easy smile. "You don't have to worry about me. I can handle myself."

He shook his head, his face getting even more serious.

"You've never been in a place like this, before. People get their drinks spiked all the time." Sarah's brow knitted together as she gave him a confused look, but he just rubbed her on the shoulder. " careful."

"I will," she said, nodding.

She gave him one more look before he turned to go look for a table. She shuffled after the other two, curious what he meant by that final warning. Jeremy hadn't mentioned that he'd been to a rave before. Perhaps there was still a lot more to learn about him than she'd thought?

Sarah caught up with Reagan and Tate at the bar. Tate was yelling over everyone else, trying to get the bartender's attention, and Reagan was busying herself by trying to look like she wasn't with him. Her face lit up when Sarah appeared next to her.

"Thanks again for coming out tonight. This place is insane."

"Tell me about it," Sarah said.

Reagan studied her for a second, then fixed her with a knowing grin.

"It looks like you and Jeremy are really getting along."

"Yeah, things have been...different."

Reagan frowned. "Different how?"

"Oh, not in a bad way," Sarah said, quickly. "I just mean that everything with him is so much more...mature. We're able to sit and talk about anything, or just sit and not talk at all. And when I think I do something stupid, he doesn't give me a hard time about it." She shrugged. "He makes me feel like I can do anything."

The smile on Reagan's face spread wide.

"I'm so happy for you. I'm so glad you were able to find such a great guy."

"And boy is he
, honey," Tate said, turning to face them. They both laughed as he fanned himself with his fingertips. "Seriously, you just let me know if you need any help with that one. I can definitely find some ways to take him off your hands."

Sarah let out another laugh. "Thanks, but I think I'll be able to handle him, myself."

Tate wagged a finger at her. "Mm, mmm. I've seen boys like him. You don't
them, you just hang on for the ride."

"No, he's not like that. He's really a nice guy."

Tate rolled his eyes. "
Nice guy
is code for
... Moving on!" He swiped two shot glasses from the bar, handing them both to Sarah and Reagan, before grabbing a third for himself. The glasses were larger than the regular shot glasses Sarah was used to, and the drink inside was a swirl of white and brown.

"What kinds of shots are these?" she asked, remembering the warning Jeremy had given her.

"These are called
who gives a fuck, cuz I'm getting laid tonight, bitches!
Now, drink up!"

Tate didn't wait for them as he lifted the glass to his mouth and swallowed the entire drink in one huge gulp. Sarah and Reagan both scrambled to follow. As she drank it, the burning sensation in Sarah's throat was quickly followed by a soothing, sweet taste. She wasn't sure what ingredient had caused either one, but she decided that the shot was delicious, all the same.

"Okay, next round!" Tate announced, nearly before they'd even finished swallowing the last bits of their first drinks.

"Another one, already?" Sarah said, surprised.

"Honey it's barely after ten. You gotta drink up now so you can sober up later."

She gave Reagan a nervous look, but finally they both agreed to one more. The next round didn't take him nearly as long to get from the bartender--they were more shots of the same.

This time, Sarah and Reagan were both ready when Tate slammed back the drink with barely any warning. All three took their shots at the same time, and a tiny, wheezing cough escaped Sarah's throat as the liquid burned its way down. That drink was definitely stronger than the first, but it still tasted great.

"Wow, that's good stuff," she said, admiringly.

Tate gave them both a wicked, knowing grin.

"And now for number three..." he said, his eyes narrowing deviously.

"Oh, no I don't think I should," Sarah said, and Reagan was quick to agree with her.

"Nonsense," he said. "This is our first real night out together, and this shot is for us and for all of the memories we'll be making tonight and over the next four years."

A nervous flutter went through Sarah's stomach. At least she told herself it was just nerves. Jeremy had freaked her out with what he'd told her about being careful with the drinks. She looked at Reagan, something unspoken passing between them, before she let out a sigh.

"Fine, one more." She fixed Tate with a level stare, before adding, "But that's it!"

That giddy look returned to his face as he once again elbowed his way back to the bar. The girls gave each other another awkward look, and then shrugged it off. It's not like three shots was going to get her hammered. She'd been able to drink a lot more than that back home. She'd just have to take it easy the rest of the night, and everything would be fine.

Reagan gave her a nice smile while they waited for Tate to get the next round.

"I'm glad things are going so well for you," she said, picking up where they'd left off. "It really looks like you two are getting along. I just wish I could say the same about myself and some hot guy."

Sarah rubbed her on the shoulder. She always told Reagan they were going to find her someone, but that was the first time she'd ever hinted at being lonely. Sarah had started to wonder if she was really interested in dating anyone, at all.

"Don't worry, we'll find you someone. There must be a million guys here tonight. I'm sure at least a few of them are single."

Reagan rolled her eyes. "Yeah, if you're looking for the party type, I guess one of these guys will do."

Sarah barked out a laugh with her. "We'll see. I'm sure there has to be at least
here that is halfway decent."

Reagan bobbed her head. "I hope so."

"My ears are burning, are you two sluts talking about me again?" Tate said, rounding on them, with more drinks in hand. He passed them out, and instead of throwing it straight back, he raised it between them. "For new friends, for fun times, and for getting fucking crazy tonight."

Sarah let out a small laugh as they clinked their glasses together, and then she tossed the drink back. It burned even more than the two before it, and she wondered if they were making them stronger or if the alcohol was just building on itself. Her stomach was already feeling warm and fuzzy, and she knew she needed to cut herself off. It was early still, and shouldn't be an issue.

"It's been a while since I've taken three shots that fast," Sarah said, giving them all a nervous smile.

"Three?" Tate said, looking at her like she was being ridiculous. "Those were doubles, honey. That's why the glasses were so big."

Her mouth dropped open, shocked.

"You mean we just took
shots?" Sarah said, while Reagan mumbled, "Oh, Lord," at the same time.

"I told you, tonight is going to be off the hook." He clapped his hands together, quickly, as he turned away from her to survey the scene. "Now, I think it's about time we get this party started."

He grabbed Reagan by the hand and started leading her toward the dance floor. She gave Sarah a pleading look, but Sarah hung back, still shocked that they'd just taken six shots that quickly.

"I'll catch up to you guys, I'm going to grab Jeremy something to drink."

"Don't be long," Reagan shouted as she disappeared into the crowd.

Jeremy wasn't the only one she was going to grab a drink for, though. She pushed her way to the bar and had no trouble getting the bartender's attention. She ordered two waters, and hoped that Jeremy wouldn't smell the alcohol on her breath. Well he knew she taking shots, but he didn't need to know
how many
she had taken. Besides, they'd be there for a few hours, still. Plenty of time to sober up if she needed to.

As she waited for the waters, she thought about what Reagan had said. Jeremy really was a great guy, and she had definitely lucked out. It was getting hard to imagine what life at Franklin might be like without him around, thankfully she didn't have to worry about that ever happening. Now that he was hers, she wasn't planning on getting rid of him any time soon.

Chapter 41

It didn't take Sarah long to make her way through the crowd and find Jeremy seated at a table by himself. Sitting there by himself, he looked like the odd man out of the entire rave. But he still looked damn sexy in those slacks and that tie. She could already see herself back in his room, could already imagine the things she was going to be doing to him. She just hoped he didn't notice the smell of the alcohol, and she hoped it didn't turn him off.

His face lit up when she slid into the chair next to his and set two cups of iced water in front of them.

"This seat wasn't taken, was it?" she said, coolly.

"Well, I was waiting on my beautiful date, but I'm starting to wonder if she stood me up..." His lips curled at the corners into a cocky smirk as he leaned in closer to her.

Heat crept through her stomach and down to her legs, as he got so close she could smell that new cologne he was wearing.

"Well, maybe you'll just have to forget about her and hang out with me, instead?"

He raised his eyebrows, considering, and then made a clicking sound with his mouth as he shook his head.

"I don't know. This girl is one of a kind. I don't think anyone else could even come close to comparing."

Sarah bit her lip as heat flooded into her entire face. She grabbed him by the hand and let out a laugh, unable to keep up the flirty little game they were playing.

"You can't go saying things like that, it embarrasses me."

"It's just the truth," he said.

She fixed him with a smile. His eyes sparkled as the strobing lights washed over them. The crystal blue of his eyes looked darker in the dim lighting, and she wondered if there wasn't a tint of green behind them.

Sarah nudged the cup of water in front of her.

"Brought you something," she said.

He didn't look down at it. His eyes remained locked on hers.

"You've brought me more things than you probably even know of."

"Like what?"

He shook his head, giving her a wink. "There are some things that I
keep to myself."

"Oh sure. Pile on the compliments and then clam up when I ask about something. Such a tease..."

He gave her another wink that sent shivers through her fingertips. "Those things only embarrass you. But my secrets could embarrass me, and that's something else, entirely."

She grinned at him. "But now I'm dying to know--you have to tell me."

Jeremy's eyes narrowed as the two stared at each other from across the table. He rolled his fingers around the palm of her hand while he considered her request.

"Okay, fine. Let's make a game of it." Sarah cocked an eyebrow. "A little friendly wager. You win, and I'll tell you whatever you want to know."

"And if I lose?" she asked.

He leaned in even closer to whisper in her ear. He was so close she could feel the heat coming off his body, and she hoped the alcohol on her breath wasn't too obvious. But that concern was quickly forgotten when he started whispering something to her.

"If you lose, then when we get home tonight, you have to do something for me..."

His breath washed over her ear, and sent tingles down her neck. Her eyes went wide and she sucked in a deep breath as the tingling continued all the way down her spine. When she'd composed herself enough to respond, she said, "And what somethings did you have in mind?"

The grin he gave her was enough to send that tingling sensation down through her legs, between them, everywhere. But when he whispered his answer in her ear, her mouth gaped even wider, and her cheeks burned with a scorching heat. Afterward, he sat back in his chair and gave her a devious look while she licked her suddenly dry lips.

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