Finding You (15 page)

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Authors: S. K. Hartley

Tags: #College, #Transferred and Read

BOOK: Finding You
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“Angel, this is my brother, Tate.” I said, pulling out of Angel’s arms. “Tate, this is Angel.”

I watched as they eyed each other suspiciously, waiting for one of them to react.

“I will only warn you once, watch out for her or I will make sure the football team use you as a replacement for the punch bags.” Tate said, tight lipped.

Holy shit! Did he really just say that?

“Tate!” I spat, glaring at my brother for being so damn rude.

“No, it’s okay Neva.” Angel said, setting towards Tate. “I will make sure your sister is safe, you have my word.”

Tate nodded once, seemingly happy with Angel’s response. Turning to me he placed a kiss on my cheek.

“Call me if you need me, baby girl.” He said, before getting in his truck and speeding off.

“You ready, baby?” Angel asked, his eyes raking my body as his gaze scorched my skin.

I nodded, my hand tingling as his fingers entwined with mine. Pulling my hand to his lips before slowly running his tongue across my knuckles, shit that was … Wow!

Angel led me through to the darkened entrance of the bar, rock music poured through the door that stood in front of us. My heartbeat synchronized with the thundering base. Through the shadows I saw Angel’s eyes brighten, his smile visible as we finally came out from the blanket of darkness and into a dimly lit bar.

“You want a drink?” Angel asked as we made our way over to the bar, my eyes adjusting to the scene before me.

“Sure.” I said nervously, shifting from one foot to the other.

“Dex!” Angel shouted. A tall man with dark hair and green eyes turned from behind the bar, smiling as he spotted Angel.

“It’s been a long time, man, where the fuck have you been hiding?” Dex said as he made his way over to us. His voice was husky and warm, like melted sex.

“I know, man. I brought my girl for the open mic night.” Angel said, flicking his eyes to me.

“So, this is where you have been hiding?” Dex said, a smile creeping across his face, instantly making me feel at ease. “I’m Dex, your gorgeous bartender for the night.” He said with a wink, Angel laughed at his friend’s forwardness.

“I’m Neva.” I said, checking out the mass of tattoos that adorned Dex’s arms as he leaned on to the bar.

“Nice to meet you, Neva.” He said before turning to Angel. “Usual?”

Angel nodded while Dex pushed two bottles of beer down the bar towards us. Picking up his beer, Angel slapped a twenty on the bar before thanking Dex.

“You going up there tonight, dude?” Dex asked with an eyebrow raised.

“Yeah, I have a little something up my sleeve for tonight though. Save me a spot will ya?” Angel said over his shoulder as we walked towards a table near the small stage.

As we took our seats, my eyes darted around the room, taking in the mass of people crammed into one space. The walls were dated, a mixture of black and white matching the tiled floor. Electric guitars lined the wall near the stage, and pictures of motorcycles were dotted around the room.

“Dude, you got the first spot, man. You’re up in ten.” Dex said, leaning in between Angel and I. “Betty is round the back,” Dex said with a smirk before wandering off into the sea of people. “Make way! Sexy ass motherfucker coming through!” I heard him shout before disappearing from sight.

“He is a unique one.” Angel growled into my ear, the heat of his breath sending chills down my spine. “Are you ready, baby?” He asked, his lips grazing my ear.

“Ready for what?” I whispered hoarsely, damn he could make me melt instantly!

“Come with me,” He said, placing his hand around my wrist, leading me through a door, which I presumed lead into the back of the bar.

We walked into a small room filled with bottles and mixers. I didn’t even realize there were that many different types of alcohol. In a darkened corner, I noticed an acoustic with the name ‘Betty Black’ inscribed into the body, turning to Angel, I giggled.

“Betty Black? I thought you said it was just called Betty.” I said raising my brow. Angel chuckled as he ran his hand through his hair.

“She was … I decided if I was going to look like a complete utter cock then I had better do it in style.” He said with a shrug, but that was when I noticed it. Another acoustic sitting next to it … my acoustic.

My father’s acoustic.

I quickly turned to look at Angel, what the fuck? Why was my acoustic here? I was just about ready to rip him a new one when his lips suddenly crashed against mine. His tongue quickly sought mine as his arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer. His kiss was making my head spin, he tasted of beer and that unique taste that was Angel Walker.

“Don’t freak out.” He murmured against my lips. “I thought it was time that you shared your pain. You won’t see these people again. It is a room full of strangers that are going to get really drunk and probably not even remember you singing.” His lips lightly grazed against mine before he continued. “I want you to try and release some of your pain, let them take some of the weight from your shoulders Neva. You don’t have to carry all of it on your own.” Angel’s forehead rested against mine as he sighed a heavy breath, clearly nervous of my reaction. Did I want to do this? I mean, Angel had a point, I wasn’t going to see them again and what would it hurt? They won’t remember it.

“Okay.” I agreed, shocking Angel and myself.

“Okay.” He repeated back, feeling him smile against my lips as he tenderly kissed me.

My hands shook as I felt my spine become slick with sweat, my eyes darting out across the room to the unsuspecting bikers drinking and laughing. They had no idea about the mental breakdown I was having right there on the stage, why did I think this was a good idea again? Oh yeah, that’s right. Angel kissed me until I was dizzy enough to yes to anything. I am going to kill him after this.

“Don’t worry baby, I am with you every step of the way.” Angel said into my ear, standing at my side as he placed my acoustic over my head, the strap resting on my shoulder.

“I’m going to kill you later.” I whisper-shouted back at him.

“You can do anything you like to me later, baby.” Angel winked.

Angel swiftly placed his guitar over his shoulder. Shit, I was nervous. The microphone inches away from my face, I was sure I could hear my staggered breathing over the speakers.

What the fuck am I doing? I turned, ready to walk off the stage when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

“You can do this.” Angel said from behind me, his voice penetrating my thoughts of running. “Come on baby, I will be right with you.” His hand squeezed my shoulder before turning me towards him.

“I don’t think I can, I don’t … I don’t know if I can do this, Angel.” My voice trailed off, this was my worst nightmare coming to life. These people were going to hear my voice, my pain and I didn’t know if I was ever going to be ready to bare my soul, my weaknesses.

“Baby, you can do this. You were born to sing, Neva. Your voice can bring life to the lifeless, love to the loveless and maybe even mend a broken heart. If you can’t do this for you, do it for me. Sing life back into me. Bring me back from my lifeless existence.” Angel pleaded, his eyes glazing over with unshed tears. That one confession had completely broken me. Angel thought he was leading a lifeless existence but he didn’t know that he was slowly mending my broken heart. I could do it for him. I could give him life as he had given me a reason to mend.

“For you.” I whispered, placing a gentle kiss onto his cheek, lingering as his leaned into my lips, closing his eyes.

“Thank you.”

“Do you know what you want to play?” He asked with a smile.

I stopped for a moment to think about what I could sing that would help Angel, help me. An idea came to mind but I wasn’t going to tell him what I was going to play, this was for him.

“Just follow my lead.” I said, mustering the little confidence that I had left.

My fingers strummed against the strings on my acoustic, pulling the familiar tune that I had played so many times before. As the lyrics of “Bound To You” by Christina Aguilera left my mouth, I heard a gasp from behind me, my voice carrying over the speakers making some of the audience turn to face me. I can do this I told myself, it was time to pass on some of my pain.

The song seemed so appropriate. I knew I was in a biker bar, but I needed to make my feelings clear, I am broken but I now had a reason to mend. I scanned the crowd as I sung, watching as more and more people turned towards me, seemingly interested in the timid girl playing a love song in a biker bar.

I had just moved into the second chorus when I noticed someone walking into the bar, my eyes widened when I realized it was Logan. He stood on the spot, seemingly frozen in place from the sound of my voice. I watched as he closed his eyes; I pushed myself through the rest of the song as tears stung my eyes. My mind became a foggy mess, reminding me that I was broken and I may never heal. My pain would hurt everyone around me my mom, my brother, Logan … Angel.

My voice suddenly became shaky as I tried to wrap my tongue around the lyrics, lyrics that held so much pain and meaning, twisting the knife deeper and penetrating every single piece of me. Closing my eyes, I concentrated on the last lines of the song, pushing all the pain to the tip of my tongue, ready to try and release it.

‘I am bound to you …’

A single tear rolled down my cheek as I glanced at Logan, still frozen on the spot. His eyes wide, glossed over with unshed tears as if feeling my pain, taking it and keeping it … protecting me from it. I didn’t notice the clapping or the cheers from the audience nor did I hear Angel call my name, but I noticed Logan’s brows furrowing and a frown pulling at his lips, seemingly confused by something.

A hand on my shoulder made me flinch slightly, as if pulling me out of a world where there was only Logan and me.

“Baby, that was … amazing.” Angel praised, his body pressed into my back. The evidence of what my voice must have done to him pressed into the back of my right thigh.

“Thank you.” I said softly, reluctantly turning around to face him. My body wanted to stay where it was as my eyes moved away from Logan, my breathing slowed from the peace I felt from singing, but a sense of unease washed over me … Who had I just sang that song for? For me? For Angel? Or for Logan?

“If you’re not careful, your tits will spill out of that.” I said, pointing at Low’s ridiculously revealing dress as we got ready for another one of Ace’s parties.

“It’s not my fault I have a great rack.” She said chuckling.

Rolling my eyes, I turned towards the mirror as I applied a coat of gloss to my lips, quickly glancing over at my chosen outfit. I had picked a gorgeous red dress that stopped just above the knee. It was tight in all the right places, showing off my curvy figure. My hair was loose against my back as it curled at the tips, but it was my legs that stood out the most. They looked even longer than before, thanks to my sky-high black heels.

It was now Friday night, four days since I bared my feelings and weaknesses to a biker bar. I was still unsure what came over me to sing that particular song, and just who I was singing it to. I hadn’t seen Logan since that night and I couldn’t tell anyone about what happened, not even Low, who had been acting really weird recently. Any time I mentioned my brother, she would give me a smile that said, ‘I’m forcing this’ or just avoid the subject completely.

“Are you and Tate okay?” I asked tentatively, not knowing how she was going to react. Maybe they haven’t made up over the argument yet.

“Uh yeah, fine.” She shrugged as she turned her back to me, placing her tiny feet into her heels. That was a sure sign she wasn’t going to elaborate further. Something wasn’t right, I didn’t know what it was but something was telling me it wasn’t good.

“Okay.” I said placing my phone into the cup of my bra. “Angel is meeting us at Ace’s.” I said as we made our way out of the dorm room and down the street to the party.

Ace’s house came in to view as we turned the corner just off campus, the music blaring so loud that I even people as far away as Canada could hear it. It wasn’t as packed as the last party, but there were enough people there to make it hard to get through the door without one body part touching another.

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