Finding Sweetness (Sweet series) (12 page)

BOOK: Finding Sweetness (Sweet series)
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No… you were right. I wasn’t thinking straight. We’ll wait.
I was only thinking of myself and what I wanted. I didn’t think about the situation at hand as far as the brotherhood was concerned, and don’t forget about miss drama queen. She shook her head…no I wouldn’t want that for any child that you or I may have.

He noticed that she didn’t say “
their or our children” did she not think they were going to be together? Yaz, I’m never letting you go again, I will fight for us do you hear me. I won’t live without you again.

You know your dad… She didn’t get the words out of her mouth when he slammed his mouth down
on hers. His father would not separate them again! He kissed her as if they were back in the clubhouse that last night eight years ago. Never again… his brain was telling him. Before he knew what he was doing he had moved her underneath him and spread her legs, his hand trailed down to her clit and started to circle it with his thumb.

er nails raked against his back and he loved it. Her hips pushed upward searching for his cock until the tip was nudged inside her and he stilled.

They were both breathing hard when he said tell me
…tell me you want me. His dominate side was rearing its ugly head again. You know I do. I want to hear you say you want my cock.

Damn it;
I want your cock, fuck me now! She pushed up and his cock slipped further inside her.

Her walls were
so hot and tight he thought he’d pass out from the sheer pressure and pleasure of her pussy walls squeezing him. He gripped her hip stopping her from pushing him deeper inside her. Damn it Yaz stay still I don’t want to hurt you slow down sweetness.

I don’t want slow… she pushed up again and the tip of his head hit the
thin barrier between them. This is your last chance Yaz. Ugg…Please… do it Alton.

That was all the confirmation he needed.
He slid almost all the way out of her then slammed back inside of her breaking through her virginal barrier. He held her still as she yelled out, her body began to shake.

began speaking to her but she had no idea what he was saying to her all she knew was that it hurt! She shook her head back and forth until the pain eased a little. She felt him twitching inside of her then it hit her; he was finally inside her and would always be the only man that will ever be inside of her.

Are you okay?
He kissed her forehead.

She nodded her head

I’ll take it slow. He
slowly began to pump inside of her; soon she was moaning and pleading. He lifted her leg up so he could get deeper. She was tight and hot, his balls had drawn up tight and he wanted to cum so bad but he wouldn’t until she did first. He swore to himself that next time he would take it slower, but this…this was a claiming. Who do you belong to? He powered inside of her, when she didn’t answer he slowed his pace down…tell me sweetness who do you belong to?

lease…go faster I’m coming,

He stopped.

No don’t stop I’m almost there.

ell me!

she yelled I belong to you…she clamped her walls so tight around him that he almost shot his load inside of her right then.

He gritted his teeth together and tamped down his urge to cum. He
slammed into her pussy and double pumped one, twice three more times when he heard her screaming out his name as she came; it felt like heaven to feel her cumming on his cock. He was the first and definitely the last that would ever feel the warmth of her sweet pussy. The first spurt of his seed torpedoed up and out of his cock inside of her pulsing walls …Fuck! He yanked out of her spilling the rest of his seed on top of her waxed pussy. Mine, mine, mine was all his mind was shouting each time he ejaculated marking her. When their bodies stopped convulsing and their breathing slowed down did he manage to roll off of her and walk to the bathroom cleaned himself then went back to her, spread her legs and gently with a warm towel cleaned her off. He could see where she had bled onto the sheets, so he went back into the bathroom and brought back a thick towel. Raise up a little for me he said. As she did he slid the towel underneath her. She was no longer a virgin. She had saved that special part of herself just for him. She was finally his.

She smiled and reached for him.

He climbed back into bed with her and cuddled her to him kissing her forehead. He laid his head on the top of hers… then placed his hand on her stomach…baby some of my seed is inside of you. She caressed his back, shh just stay with me in this moment for us. Just let it be for now. She kissed his chin and snuggled closer to him. They soon fell asleep and for once Alton didn’t have any nightmares. He was finally holding his woman, his love, his life.

A few hours la
ter Yaz woke up to Alton’s hand still gently rubbing her back.

She turned to face him.

He looked like he had been in deep thought about something.

What’s wrong?

He shook his head, nothing go back to sleep you need more rest. He had been selfish to take her three more times during the night, He knew she must have been sore but she welcomed him inside of her each time.

I’m fine. What is it?

He looked down at her flat belly then rubbed it again…you may be pregnant already. He smiled…wanting his child to be nestled inside of her. What he be a good father? All the fucked up things he had done, he wouldn’t want his child growing up hating him. Yaz still didn’t know everything… and eventually they would have to talk about, but now was not the time.

She placed her hand over his…
If I am we will get through this together, but first we need to figure out how to get you out.

No… you are going to sit tight…I will figure this out. I don’t want you to get involved.

I am already involved in this Alton. Let me help. 

That’s what I have my boys for Yaz. He laid her back
; if you are pregnant I would go insane if anything happened to you or our child. He replaced his hand on her lower belly and rubbed.  I have always wanted a family. You are my family. I swear I will protect you both sweetness.

I know you will she said with a smile on her face. I know you will.
She smiled at the thought of them making love three more times during the night until her body was good and sore. Each time he had managed to pull out cursing as he did. He had wanted to cum inside her to bond her to him forever, but right now he needed to make sure she would be safe, and she understood that need because she wanted to make sure he would be safe as well, and she knew just the person to call to help them.

Once she drifted
back off to sleep again he slipped out of bed and called Channing and Gabe to see if anything had been going on and to let them know that it was now time to implement the plan. If Yaz was pregnant he would not fuck around nor hesitate to kill anyone and he meant anyone that would dare to try and come in between them; his father, the Brotherhood , Tia and her family and yes even his boys if they decided to turn on him…he would kill them all!


Thank you all for reading my first instalment of Finding Sweetness. This is the first part of this series so stay tuned for more of Yaz & Alton in the next book. Will Alton finally get out of the brotherhood and under the clutches of his father or will he walk away from Yaz again? 




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