Finding Solace (46 page)

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Authors: Barbara Speak

BOOK: Finding Solace
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funny there?"

baby, that smile is because I have never been this happy before in my

"Ash, I
have been waiting for this moment since the first night I saw you at my house.
Right now I need you like I need my next breath."

Nothing more
needed to be said. He moved between my legs and I brought my knees up. We
looked in each other's eyes and then Ash said, "I need to go


box of condoms I bought is still downstairs."

didn't think of that ahead of time?"


"Are we
seriously arguing about whose fault it is instead of just getting the damn

"I will
be right back."

not waiting here while you’re gone for an hour just to get downstairs. I’ll
come with you."

"Can we
stop talking and start walking?"

you just rhyme on purpose?"

Sadie, I thought a rap would be a good idea right now."

get snappy with me or I won't let you cum."

Wouldn’t most people pull the sex option completely?"

"I am
not most people and I’m getting mine regardless. Now move your fine ass so we
can get this started."

Ash started
to laugh and said, “You really are the perfect girl for me."

He grabbed
me and threw me over his shoulder. Have you noticed everyone is always picking
me up? I know I’m small, but this is ridiculous.

you can put me down you know?"

"I will
do whatever it takes to make sure you are there when I put that sleeve on. Now
quit complaining."

Because I
was hanging over his shoulder I had the best view of his toned ass. I wondered
how it would look after I smacked the shit out of it.


Why would you do that?"

deserved it. Are we almost there yet?"

I couldn’t
make anything out with his ass in my face. He put me down and lifted up his
hand. In it was a box of pure gold, if you ask me.

We were
standing in his kitchen and we both looked at the table and then back to each

for you?" I couldn’t help myself. I wanted him so bad.


I was up and
lying across that table in no time. Ash had
wrapped and was between my legs before I could blink. Just as he was about to
place himself in me, he stopped.

I promise I will make up for this next time."

He leaned
forward and started to kiss me again. At first the whole thing was awkward but
after a few minutes, I forgot anything had even happened. I forgot my name. He
was right there against me one second and pressed in deep the next. I screamed
out his name without even thinking. He was huge and perfect. I moved forward
every time he pulled back. It didn’t take long before the rhythm was set and we
both were moaning and gripping on to any body part within reach. Ash leaned
forward and grabbed me, lifting me up so I was straddling his waist. He held me
under my ass and I rocked back and forth until I was about to explode. I was
getting closer and I knew he was growing closer too. The orgasm ripped through
me in waves, pulsing around Ash. It brought him to his knees almost literally.
His knees buckled and then he was jerking inside me. We both collapsed on the
kitchen floor panting, trying to catch a breath. I scooted over to him until
his lips were reachable. I couldn’t help but kiss the man that managed to wipe
the slate clean. Sex has never been that raw for me. I pulled back and kissed
the tip of his nose.

have nothing to make up for. That was amazing."

you sure, because, I only" he pulled me on top of him, "heard you
call my name once."

I smacked
him in the chest and said, "That was just so you wouldn't feel bad."

We both

"In all
seriousness, I am going to make this up to you."

making our first time less than it was. I loved it. I don't need flowers and
candles, although I do like them. What I needed was exactly what

you ready for round two then?"


it feel like I'm kidding you?" He said as he wiggled around under me.

I turned
into a child waiting to open their birthday present. "I'm so


Three hours
later, we walked into Dave's party. The place was crazy. There were people wall
to wall. I held on to Ash as we walked through the house. We reached the deck
and found the group. Everyone looked up as he and I walked through the door to
get out there.

in hell took you so long?" Dave said as he walked over to give me a hug
and Ash a hand shake.

were busy. His sister was at his house when I got there."

Ash stood by
my side and I could see the smile start on his face out of the corner of my
eye. Then it got bigger and bigger. I couldn’t help but match his expression.
The memories were like a highlight video playing back in my head. That was when
everyone must have caught on. The whistling was enough to have me running back
into the house. Tony caught on to my misery and stepped in to save the day.

them alone. Like none of you would have been doing the same thing if you
could." He got up from his chair and came to stand in front of us.

I wrapped my
arms around him and said, "Thank you, Tony. We kind of needed a little
help. Tony I would like you to meet Ash." He stuck his hand out. Ash did
the same.
"Nice to meet you, man."

Tony’s voice
dropped and he got close so no one could hear. "You’re damn lucky I
brought the keg or they would have had your head. Did you plan that?"

"Not at all.
But it sure worked out, huh?"

We started
laughing and then I pulled Ash over to the rest of the pack.

this is my best friend, Heather and her fiancé, Jason. He and Tony are
brothers. There is a third one of these crazies, his name is Mike. But I don't
see him anywhere.”

to meet you guys."

jumped out of her chair and gave Ash a huge hug. "It’s great to get to
meet you too." Then she shot me
a thumbs
up and
winked behind his back.

there is Shawn and Ashlee"

Came from, Ashlee. Shawn just waved.

you've got Bryan and Dave who you know, but Angie here is slowly becoming one
of Dave's best traits. And finally Geoff, he is one of their best

"It is
nice to meet all of you."

that's pretty much it. They are my closest friends anyway."

lie. We are all you’ve got and you know it." Mike walked out through the
door and must have heard me.

"Holy shit!"
Ash's face lit up. Oh no, another
fan. How am I falling for one of those? Mike grabbed me from Ash and picked me
up as usual. "So you are the dude my brother was telling me about? You
better be good to her."

put me down."

Ash was
still star struck I
that Mike was Mike. He
didn’t answer
he just stood frozen in place. Mike
finally put me down and I walked back over to Ash and grabbed his hand.

Williams, meet Mike Harrison."

Finally Ash
spoke and put his hand out, "It is very nice to meet you."

"Same here, bro."

Tony came
over and put his arm on Ash's shoulder. "Please don't give my little
brother a bigger head than he already has." Mike punched Tony in the arm
and said, "Watch it, dude. You’re almost to the point they will declare
you in remission. When that day comes, it’s going to be pay back for all the
smart ass comments that have been flying out of your mouth lately."

or not, I can still whoop your cocky little ass." They were kidding around
but Ash wasn’t processing that. He looked uncomfortable.

Both of you stop or
I will sick Jason on you." That got
the whole crowd to laugh, poor Jason. I thought it would be funny but Heather
apparently didn’t.

is a Golden Glove champion. He could kick all of your asses at one time."

thanks but shut up. I don't feel like fighting any
one of my brothers or friends."

You can’t say that's never happened
before." Geoff never did have a proper filter. Shawn looked at Geoff and
said, "I have no problem kicking your ass if you don’t shut up."

"What a
way to introduce you guys and show Ash how great you all are."

"We are
just keeping it real, Sadie. It’s all good, isn't it Ash?" Mike and his
charm, it was unreal how Ash just accepted their stupid behavior.

ready for a drink. You want one?"

Ash looked
down at me and said, “That would be great, thanks” and then turned his
attention right back to Mike. Wow! I thought he would want to come with me, but
it seems all Mike had to do was start talking about training, then all the guys
had something to contribute. I walked in the house and into the kitchen to grab
some cups when Heather popped up beside me.

how was it?"


play stupid with me. You had sex. It’s written all over both of your

really is that obvious?"

Now spill. I want details."

"No way.
That's private."

it is serious.
Since when are sex details private for

be mean. I like him okay."

I get it and I am happy for you."

"If you
would have asked me two weeks ago, I would’ve said I was still unsure. But that
isn’t the case anymore. Ash is so different from Colt. I’m looking forward to
seeing how this thing with him unfolds. I'm starting to care, a lot."

for you." She grabbed me in a hug. "Let’s get that drink."

She and I
took a bottle of chocolate vodka and cherry vodka out on the deck besides the
beer we grabbed. I handed Ash a beer and then went to find Shawn. He is one of my
oldest friends and I had been neglecting him lately.

there you two are." Shawn and Ashlee really do make the perfect couple.

Sadie girl. I see you found a new challenge. You might have out done yourself
this time. He seems normal and nice."

Ashlee slapped him on the chest. "Leave
her alone, Shawn. He did good getting her, not the other way around."

Ashlee. Shawn, you suck. So, when do you guys plan on leaving?"

"Saturday, right after the ceremony.
My place back home
is calling my name already. Being away for four years hasn't been easy."

"I bet.
I'm really going to miss you guys. You will come back to visit me right?"

"Not a
chance." Shawn was always a smart ass. I looked away to find Ash and
spotted him sitting in a circle of chairs filled with my friends. He was
laughing and the smile he was wearing made me grow one that matched it.

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