Read finding Reese.: a SAFELIGHT novel vol.2 (SAFELIGHT Series) Online

Authors: Imy Santiago

Tags: #The Safelight Series, #Volume 2

finding Reese.: a SAFELIGHT novel vol.2 (SAFELIGHT Series) (5 page)

BOOK: finding Reese.: a SAFELIGHT novel vol.2 (SAFELIGHT Series)
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She quirks her head and an amused smile curls her lips. With a raised eyebrow she asks, “And that would be?”

My eyes close in relief when she grins wide. Right now I want to do back-flips because, my sassy girl is back. Thank God. The grin she’s put on my face mirrors hers. Winking, I reply, “Keeping my dick in my pants. But like I’ve told you once before, I can control myself but I can’t control him.” My dick twitches in response against her hip, and her shocked face tells me she felt it all right. Shrugging my shoulders, I concede, “It’s inevitable when I’m around you.”

Catalina doesn’t break my gaze. Her eyes look into mine intently almost apologetically. “Stryder, I know I haven’t been quite myself since Jackson’s disappearance. I’m sorry. I’m so used to losing people my go-to defense mechanism is to shut down. I’m sorry if I shut you out, but thank you for not giving up on me. I love you, Stud.”

Letting go of Catalina’s hand, I wrap my arms around her and engulf her in a fierce hug. “Shh . . . You don’t need to explain yourself. I get it. I’m just happy you’re back. I missed you.”

Her heart-shaped lips collide with mine. Her kiss is urgent and my hunger for her mouth knows no limits. I’m instantly consumed by the addictive taste of her tongue, and with my hands holding her face I reciprocate her affections and then some. It doesn’t take long to feel her delicate hands roam freely underneath my layers of clothing an unmistakable sign that she wants me.

I know it’s my job as a man to keep it together when she’s feeling low, but right now Catalina is showing me how much she wants me, and damn me when I say I want her just as much. My hands abandon her face in search for her breasts, her hardened nipples pressing sexily against my chest. Her hurried palms sneak underneath the hem of my shirt as she gently clutches my hips.

Taking hold of her waist, I roll us over so I’m laying flush against the softness of her curves and reluctantly break our kiss. With more than eager hands, I remove my shirt, and her warm hands waste no time grasping my chest staking her claim.

“Mmm, I missed this so much,” I whisper as my lips nip at the curve of her neck.

My tongue trails the length of her neck, bringing her skin to a flush, and in no time she’s covered in goose bumps. Her skin is so soft and her sweet scent invades my nostrils, urging me further as I lose all of my self-control. Her sighs and gentle moans fuel my need to taste the flavor of her body.

I trail kisses on her; starting at the base of her neck where her pulse beats lively. Catalina unmans me with her affections, and that doesn’t bother me one bit. My mouth finds the roundness of her breasts and while my hand gently squeezes one, my mouth worships the other. Her nipple elongates under my tongue and I latch on like the greedy son of a bitch that I am, suckling, tasting, and teasing.

Catalina moans and writhes beneath me as her hands squeeze my ass cheeks and tuck underneath the waistband of my jeans and boxers, her fingernails scratching my skin.

“Fuck,” I mumble, as lust gets the better of me. “I need to taste you. Right now.”

My words are Catalina’s undoing as her hands abandon my ass cheeks in favor of my head. Her palms gently tug at my hair and push me down lower to where her pussy is. Smiling against the skin of her navel, I take her lead and trail my tongue down, painstakingly slow until I reach her slit.

I blow softly against it, and Catalina tilts her hips up; her body begging for me to taste her wetness. I chuckle softly and look up to her. Our gazes meet. Watching her lust-filled eyes and unabashed need for me never ceases to amaze.

“Feeling needy, are we?” I ask softly, taking hold of her leg, and raising it so my lips can kiss the inside of her thigh. When I do, Catalina trembles and throws her head back, laughing softly.

“Yes,” she says amid giggles. “Just shut up and get busy, Stud.”

And shut up I do. My lips kiss the bareness of her pussy, my tongue licking her hardened clit slowly, and when she tries to tilt her hips upwards again, my hands pin them back down against the bed. Her frustrated breaths and fingernails scraping my scalp have me on cloud-fucking-nine.

We’ve been together a handful of times and I’m learning with each encounter how to read her body and gauge her reactions so I can please her like no other man has before. My mouth clamps over Catalina’s hardened clit and her breath quickens. I free one of my hands and gently caress her plump pussy lips and inwardly smile at her dripping arousal.

My eager fingers touch Catalina’s sweet spot and she lets out a long, drawn-out moan of contentment. I lavish her with my fingers as my tongue focuses on her clit, and when her body begins to quiver, I quicken the pace. Pleasuring my Raven Girl puts me in a state of euphoria, and my thick dick presses painfully against my fly in response. I need some relief, and while I’m all about giving Catalina hers before I get mine, the truth is I want to be buried deep inside of her.

I withdraw my fingers, and Catalina’s whimper of disapproval is a clear sign she’s not thrilled with the loss of friction. My mouth unlatches from her clit, and I stand to take off my jeans and boxer shorts. Walking towards the closet, I search for my duffel bag to retrieve a box of condoms.

We have never used protection since we started having sex, and while I’ve been mindful of not coming inside her, I desperately want to. I loathe using condoms with the woman I love, but I’m not a selfish bastard either. Our relationship is fresh, and it would be inexcusable of me to not exercise reasonable precaution for her sake. Grabbing one, I bring it over to the bed, and lay over her.

Catalina’s eyes follow me with an amused expression. I’m curious to know what brought that on, but I’ll save it for later because right now I want to lose myself inside her. My lips meet hers; I kiss her hungrily, our tongues slow-dancing. Catalina’s warm, soft hands hold my face, and being held like that makes me feel like the luckiest man on the planet. When her hands abandon my face in favor of my dick, I’m not embarrassed to growl my appreciation, all while her deft palm strokes my shaft, my balls tingling in response as I enjoy every second of it.

“God, I’ve missed you so much,” I mumble, as her thumb rubs the bead of moisture on the tip of my dick. I close my eyes and surrender to her touch. I feel Catalina’s free hand rustling around, so I open my eyes. That’s when I notice she’s reaching for the condom. I quickly snatch it away, and with a devilish grin I dangle it over her face. “Allow me.”

Using my teeth, I rip the packet open and begrudgingly roll the condom down my shaft already hating its obstructive properties. Catalina observes my every move, enthralled with parted lips.

“I’m sorry for stopping when I did, but I desperately want to be inside you and can’t wait another second,” I confess sheepishly, loving that sharp breath she takes in with my words.

“Well, then get to it, Stud.” Catalina taunts.

And so I do. Aligning my dick to the entrance of her pussy, I slide in slowly and whisper, “I love you.”

She lets out soft mewls of pleasure as I settle deep into her, and as I pause to place a kiss on the warmth of her chest, her clenching pussy squeezes my dick nice and tight. “I love you too, Stryder,” she murmurs, her eyes connecting with mine.

Taking hold of her hands, I weave our fingers together and thrust myself in and out of her. At first my movements are gentle, but with each thrust I lose myself in her body, riding her like my life depends on it. Catalina meets me thrust for thrust, her dainty fingers gripping mine fiercely. I close my eyes for the briefest of seconds, and each moan and growl that leaves us rights my tilted existence. The walls of her pussy tighten, and her once-soft moans intensify. I’m right there with her as my own lust-fueled growls echo against the skin of her neck.

“Cat, you feel so fucking good. I can feel all of you. I love you,” I declare, not caring if I sound like a love-sick fool. I’ve never felt this way with anyone, including my ex. What I have with Catalina exceeds anything I’ve ever experienced in my entire life, and I’m never,
going to let go of her. I know she’s close to coming, so I swivel my hips, offering that perfect friction that makes her buck wildly.

“Stryder, baby, please don’t stop. Just like that,” she pants as she squeezes my hands. “Oh, yes, yes.”

I unlace our hands and take hold of her beautiful face, my eyes locked on hers. I’m giving her what she asks for; I don’t stop moving. In fact, I quicken the pace. And just like that, my sexy Raven Girl comes gloriously, calling my name like a prayer. Two more thrusts and I follow, her greedy pussy milking me of all that I have.

Completely out of breath, I kiss her lips softly. Her gentle fingers run over my scalp, prickling my skin. Could our sex get any better than this? I’m having a tough time wrapping my mind around that. Despite having had her a second ago; I want her again and again.

Breaking our kiss, Catalina mumbles almost unintelligibly. “Feel better?”

Our eyes meet, and I nod. “I guess you could say that. And you?” I ask with a smile, my hands removing the hair covering one of her eyes.

Catalina nods. “I have no complaints. I needed that, thank you. Nothing lifts one’s spirits better than some bump and grinding,” she answers wickedly.

I laugh at her words, feeling the happiest I have in days. Getting up from the bed, I take the condom off and throw it in the trash bin by the nightstand. I walk to her side and, extending my arm, I beckon. “Shower with me.”

Catalina wraps her hand around mine and replies, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, “Why? So I can wash the scent of us off? Nah . . . I’d rather keep this on if you don’t mind.”

My jaw drops at her words, but I challenge her nevertheless. “Have it your way, minx.” Looking down at my hardening erection, I speak. “Okay, I guess it’s just you and me in the shower, buddy.”

Catalina’s scandalized reaction makes me chuckle. She flies off the bed, landing into my arms quicker than a snap of fingers. “You don’t play fair,” she laughs.

Holding back a snicker, I taunt, “Neither do you.”

Smiling and sneaking quick kisses, we walk into the bathroom to shower and continue our little rendezvous until we are both left breathless and satisfied. After a nice rejuvenating bath, we climb back in bed, falling asleep as soon as we pull the covers over our naked bodies.

My phone chirps in the distance, and I toss in bed, trying to ignore the constant sound coming from it. After the seventh chirp, I reach out for the damn thing. Rubbing my eyes and sighing loudly, I look to my side to ensure I haven’t woken Catalina up. With her raven hair fanned against the stark white pillow I see her breasts peeking out from under the covers, making me hard again. Covering her with the thick blanket and ignoring the swell below, I check my notifications.

The excitement buzzing within me has me flying off the bed, and rummaging through my duffle bag in search of clothes. Once dressed and freshened up, I approach the bed and kiss Catalina’s shoulder, happy with the fact the universe has righted itself once again.

“Go away, you fiend. Beauty sleep,” she murmurs in her sleep.

I chuckle at her grumpy ass, and drape my arm over her shoulder, squeezing it softly. Mumbling, Catalina reaches for my chest, and when her eyes open they meet mine.

“Why are you dressed? Going somewhere?” she asks amid yawns.

“Jax woke up. Look,” I whisper with a smile, and place my cell phone into her expectant hands. Catalina breathes in and out in relief, and without a moment’s hesitation she closes her eyes and prays in Spanish. I don’t know her exact words, but the gist I get is that she is thanking the angels above for their mercy. Opening her eyes she eagerly reads Jax’s text messages and flies off the bed in search of her phone. She reads her messages and falls to her knees laughing. I watch her completely amused.

“Um, what did he say?” I ask, intrigued, but she shakes her head and continues laughing.

“No, I don’t think you want to read that, babe. It might make your eyes burn,” she replies, unable to control her laughter. “Let me get dressed so we can visit him. I’m so excited!”

I walk towards Catalina and hug her fiercely. After placing the briefest of kisses on her lips, I leave her alone to get ready, and call the front desk to get us a taxi. As I hold the line, I walk towards the window and draw the curtains. The panoramic view of the Purcell Mountains surrounding the lodge appears peaceful as snowflakes gently fall from the sky, but when I look closely at the fierceness of the terrain it makes me shudder. It almost took the life of my best friend and baby brother.

Catalina’s hands wrap around my waist, and a contented sigh escapes from my mouth. “Ready?” I ask, my hands stroking hers.

BOOK: finding Reese.: a SAFELIGHT novel vol.2 (SAFELIGHT Series)
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